Vertex Standard eVerge EVX-Link Faqs

IP Connect System
How much bandwidth does the EVX Link require on a network?
1M bps
Is there a minimum network speed required or how does the EV X Link manage the la tency on a slowe r network (ex. s atellite)?
min 256k bps for 2 sites.
We do not use audio input/output on the DB15.
Can I walk into a customer’s office and just plug their Lan cord into the box and demo the EVX link or do I need to configure the box ever y time?
The box will need to be configured/reprogrammed to include the IP information of the new site.
What is the speed requirement for the IP address?
It is recommended to operate at 8M bps at least.
Can I demo this box with a wireless card, if so how?
It requires other hardware that can specify the connected IP address to the EVX-Link. The equipment setting is depending on that equipment.
Can EV X Link be used in a router configuration?
Yes, it can be used for the rou ter. When using a rout er, the net work address and port translation (NAPT) is necessary. The following UDP (user data gram protoc ol) port mus t be connec table (2100 0).
Is it possible to demo easily in the field - How to set up
The easiest way is that to use the HUB to connect each EVX-Link. The EVX-Link must setup to connect each other.
How does Link work in a LAN environment?
It transfers the DMR data to the other site using UDP protocol.
Will the EVX-Link work in a Analogue mode via the EVX-5400 Mobile as it is this device that is putting the signal into the EVX-Link as the Mobile supports DMR and Analogue modes.
No, the EVX-Link only work for Digital mode.
Will the E VX-Link support both Time Slots (T1 & T 2 ) at the same time via the EVX-5400 Mobile, if not the we will have to use 2 Radios and 2 EVX-Links to suppor t the 2 time slots, and to make it conne ct at both ends w e will need 4 x Mobile and 4 x E VX-Links. This will be expensive to do and possible of Interferences between the 2 mobiles on the same frequencies to use both time slots in DMR Mode.
The EVX-Link only suppor ts one time slot (T1 or T2) at same time. This is same as normal mobile channel setting.
Point 10 in the FAQ Doc is the UDP port locked to 21000, or w ill it have a selectable UDP Range. They understand that the same UDP must be used in the Network they want to build.
No, the EVX-Link cannot change the UDP port. /
Can the mobiles that are set up to interface with the EVX-Link communicate directly with each other through the EVX-Link connection?
No, they only receive and rebroadcast transmissions from subscribers active on each site. They cannot transmit directly through the EV X-Link.
Is the Microphone on the mobile functional?
No, the Microphone is inoperable when the mobile is in EVX-Link interface mode.
Does the display on the EVX-5400 mobile identify the PTT-ID of the transmitting radio?
No, the mobile operates differently from other EVX mobiles when interfacing with the EV X-Link. The display functionality is limited and will not show any Receive information.
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