Multiply your PoE network range
OUTREACH MAX and OUTREACH LITE let you instantly extend your
Ethernet network installation beyond its 100 metre (328 foot) limit.
Because they use Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology, OUTREACH MAX
and OUTREACH LITE can be easily fitted wherever network extension is
required, with no need for a local power source.
OUTREACH MAX extends Cat5e, Cat 6 or similar network connections to
devices that use PoE power, such as IP cameras and wireless access points:
LED indicators – both connectors
Network status PoE Status
On Link On PoE power enabled
Flashing Activity Off PoE not enabled
Off No link
Note that the LEDs on OUTREACH MAX will not light until the PoE source
and powered device are both connected
If the powered device is disconnected, then the OUTREACH MAX should
also be disconnected from the PoE power source. OUTREACH MAX should
not be connected to equipment that is not PoE compatible.
Maximum extension distance
By installing an OUTREACH MAX for every extra 100 metres of cable, PoE
and Ethernet can be extended for considerable distances, with no
bandwith restrictions or any requirement for electrical power installation.
The maximum distance from the PoE source to the IP camera or other
device depends on how much PoE power the device requires:
OUTREACH LITE extends network connections to devices that do not use
PoE, such as PCs and routers:
As OUTREACH MAX and OUTREACH LITE restore the Ethernet connection
every 100 metres (328 feet), full-capacity 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T is
maintained across the entire link, with no bandwidth restrictions.
Connections and mounting
10 /100
conne ction
PoE in from
mids pa n
injecto r
or PoE switch
7mm (0.2 8” ) mounting hol es
ce ntres 8 9mm (3.5”) apa rt
10 /100
conne ction
PoE out to
eg. IP ca me ra
(MAX only)
Maximum range, for PoE power (watts)
PoE Source 0W15W 10W 15W 20W 25W
PoE switch
PoE Plus switch
1. Non-PoE applications; using an OUTREACH LITE at the end of the chain
2. Not applicable; these power levels are for PoE Plus source and devices only
3. Extension is not possible at this power level with this power source
These figures are strict upper limits for installations using regular 24AWG
Cat 5e cable. Because actual power use and installed cable distances can
vary, using OUTSOURCE or OUTSOURCE PLUS is always recommended.
OUTSOURCE is an enhanced PoE injector and is fully compliant with the
IEEE 802.3af standard. OUTSOURCE PLUS is an enhanced PoE Plus injector
and is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3at standard.
The distance limits for extension at other peak power levels can be checked
using the graph below:
Technical specification
Device power 1.3 watts
PoE power
(MAX only)
PoE standard IEEE 802.3af / 802.3at / custom PoE compatible (MAX)
Ethernet Two independently auto-configuring ports:
Dimensions 105 x 40 x 22 mm ( 4.13 x 1.57 x 0.87” ) LxWxH
Environmental Operating temperature: -10 to 50OC ( 14 to 122OF )
PoE forwarding of up to 70 watts depending on standard
Maximum current 0.7 amps on data pairs
Maximum current 1.5 amps on spare pairs
IEEE 802.3af Class 2 powered device (LITE)
- 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX
- Half or full-duplex; maintains 200Mbit/s link bandwidth
- Patch or crossover cables
Weight 70g ( 2.5 oz )
Humidity: up to 85%, non-condensing
Non-standard PoE
OUTREACH MAX can be used with many implementations of PoE that are
not IEEE 802.3af or 802.3at compliant. This includes high-current PoE, or
PoE which is “always-on” or uses a proprietary signature.
Four-pair PoE, in which current is carried on both spare and data pairs to
double available power, is also supported. See application notes.

Example OUTREACH MAX / OUTREACH LITE applications
1. Delivering 20 watts to a PoE Plus device over 300 metres (984 feet)
More than one OUTR EACH Max ma y be conn e cted in series to exten d PoE and Eth erne t for severa l h undred metres. I n the example above,
Veracity's OUTSOURCE PLUS injecto r i s us ed to add e nha nced PoE Pl us ca pa bi li ty to a regular unpowered network p ort.
Two OUTREACH MAX u nits a re l o ca ted 100 me tres a nd 200 metres from the s witch, a ll owi ng a PoE Pl us wi reless a ccess poi nt to be ins tal l ed
up to 300 me tres from th e power sou rce.
2. Extending an unpowered network connection to 200 metres (656 feet)
The combina tion of Vera ci ty's OUTSOURCE e nha n ced PoE inje ctor a nd OUTREACH LITE Eth erne t ran ge exte nde r del ivers a s impl e a nd reliabl e
me a ns to extend LAN cabl ing beyond i ts 100 me tre l i mit.
By con necting a s ingl e OUTREACH LITE a fter 100 metres of ca bli ng, the con nection from ne two rk swi tch port to wall outl et may exte nd up to
200 me tres. OUTSOURCE delivers power to the OUTREACH LITE, a nd ma y be conve nientl y l oca ted ne a r the network s witch.
3. Combining OUTREACH LITE and OUTREACH MAX to deliver an unrestricted network connection beyond 200 metres
For exten ding data-onl y connecti ons , whe re no PoE is requ i red for the e nd de vice, a combina tion of OUTREACH MAX a n d OUTREACH LI TE ma y
be u s e d to i ncrea se ra nge b eyond 200 me tres. Th e OUTREACH MAXes forwa rd bo th da ta and PoE from th e PoE s wi tch to the powe red de vi ce,
which in thi s cas e i s the OUTREACH LITE. Th e total dis ta nce from s witch to outl et i n the example i s up to 400 me tre s (1316 feet).
Unres tricte d 100Ba s e -T full -dup l e x (to ta l ba ndwi dth 200Mbit/s ) con necti ons of up to 2200 me tres (7218 feet) betwe e n po we r s ource s a re
po s s i ble us ing th i s method.
4. Versatile network expansion with distributed PoE using OUTREACH QUAD
In th i s exa mpl e a n OUTREACH MAX i s u s e d to forwa rd enha nce d PoE Plus power to an OUTREACH QUAD PoE-fo rwa rding s witch, l ocated up to
200 me tres from the n etwork s witch a nd OUTSOURCE PLUS i njector.
The OUTREACH QUAD exten ds the PoE and network conn e cti on a further 200 me tre s to a n I P ca me ra using OUTREACH MAX, and provide s a
PoE ne two rk port for a VoI P phone, pl us a n a ddi tiona l two ne twork connecti ons for o the r devi ce s o r fo r connection to a loca l network.
EC Declaration of Conformity
In accordance with E N 45014:1998
We, Veracity UK Ltd. of 6 Barns Str eet, Ayr, KA7 1XA
declare that the equipment “OUTREACH” Ethernet repeaters
model number VOR-ORM / VOR-ORL
conform to the essential prot ect ion requirements of the EMC Dir ective 89/336/EEC as amended.
The following EMC sta ndards have been applied:
I hereby declare that the equipment named above has been been found to comply w ith the relev ant sections
of the above referenced specifications. The unit complies with all essential r equirements of the EMC Directiv e.
Responsible Person Mr Alastai r McLeod, Director
Issued 9t h October 2009 at Ayr
BS EN 55022:1998 Emissions (Class B Radiated)
BS EN 55024:1998 Immunity (BS EN 61000-4-2:1995 Immunity to ESD,
BS EN 61000-4-3:2000 Immunity to Radiat ed RF Fiel ds (3V/m))
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this devi ce may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including inter fer ence that may ca use undesired
NOTE: This equipment has been tested a nd found to comply w ith the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits ar e designed to provi de reasonable protection against
harmful inter fer ence when the equipment is operated in a commercial envir onment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiat e radio frequency energy and, if not instal led and used in accordance
with t he instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is lik ely to cause harmful inter ference in which case the user wi ll be
required to correct the i nterference at his own expense.