Velleman PEM10D2 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

PEM10D 2
V. 02 – 27/11/2013 2 ©Velleman nv
PEM10D 2
V. 02 – 27/11/2013 3 ©Velleman nv
PEM10D 2
Indoor use only. Keep this device away from rain,
Th ere are no u ser -servi ce a ble parts in si de the de v i ce . Have the device installed/repaired by a qualified person.


1. Introduction To all residents of the European Union

Important environmental information about this p roduct
Th is symb ol on the de vi ce o r the packag e i ndi ca tes tha t disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unso rted m unicipal waste; it should be taken to a
specialized com pany for recycl i ng. Thi s de vice sh oul d be ret urned to your dis tri bu to r or t o a local rec ycling service . Re sp ec t the local environ mental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for choosing Vell eman ! Pl eas e re a d the manu a l tho ro ug hl y before bringing this device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact yo u r dea ler.
It is re comm e nded t o use th is de vice i ndo ors. R ai n drops an d
condensation may influenc e its ope ra tion.

2. Safety Instr u c tions

Keep this device away from children and unauthorized use rs.
moisture, splashing and dripping liquids. Never put objects filled with liquids on top of or close to the device.
Be very careful during the installation: touching live wires can cause life-thr eatening electroshocks.
Re fe r to an a uthori ze d dea ler for service and/or spare pa rts.
V. 02 – 27/11/2013 4 ©Velleman nv
PEM10D 2
but con tact a n autho rise d dea ler.
Only use the device for its intended purpose. Using the device in
Do not us e the de vice whe n da m ag e to ho us i ng or ca bles is no ticed . Do not attemp t to service the device yoursel f

3. General Guideli n es

Refer to the Velleman® Se rvice a nd Qua lity Warra nty on the last page s of th is ma nual.
Pro tect this de vi ce f rom sh ock s and abuse . Avoi d brute force when operating the device.
Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually
using i t .
All modifications of the device are forbidden for s afety reasons.
Dam age caused by user mo d ifications to t he de vice i s no t co ve red by the warranty.
an unauthorised way will void the warranty.
Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual
is no t cove red by the warranty a nd the dealer will no t accept resp onsi bi l i t y for any e nsuing defec t s or probl ems.
The use r i s re s pons ibl e for the pro pe r con ne ct i o n and functi o n ing
of the de vi ce and the follow up of possible alarm out pu ts. Velleman nv can not be held responsible for any loss of goods or ot he r dam a ge ca used b y ne gle cting alarm c o ndi t ions or d ue to misuse or malfunctioning of the device.
Keep this manual for future reference.

4. Features

LED indicator for beam alignment
tampe r s witch
anti-fog/dew/rain cover
com e s with mo unting a ccess ories
app lication: e ntrance de tecti o n for s hop s, warehou se s, office s,
parking lots...
spa re fro nt co ver: P EMH

5. Overview

Refer to the illus trations on page 2 o f this manua l .
V. 02 – 27/11/2013 5 ©Velleman nv
PEM10D 2
mounting bracket
transmitter/receiver lens
a l ig n me n t L ED
mounting bolt
input voltage 12 ~ 250V AC or DC (no polarity)
Remove the mounting bracket [B] from the housing by releasing
E tampe r s witch K wal l c a b le h o le F vertical alignment bolt L s cre w ( 4x)
Term ina ls ( image pa ge 3 )
1 in p u t v olta ge 2 in p u t v olta ge 3 NC ou tput con tacts
TP1 tamper contact: open when tamper switch is
normally closed between 3 and 5 N ormall y op en b etween 4 and 5
pre ssed ( co ver is cl o sed)
te rm inals

6. Installation

Dete rmine a location for the system . Avoid direct sun ligh t on the
transm itter/rece iver lens [C] and no te tha t the max im um d istan ce to the reflecto r is 10m. Make su re to point toward s a flat su rface to which the reflector can easily be mounted. Also keep in mind tha t whe n moun ti ng the system too low, a n alarm m igh t accidentally be triggered by small animals e.g. pets.
the two mounting bolts [J].
Use the m o unt i ng bra ck e t [B] a s a te mpla te to de term ine the
position of the mounting holes and mount the bracket with 2 screws.
Whe n the cab le needs to go th rough a wall cu t away the wall cab le
hole [K ]; ha ng the housing ov er th e mou nt i ng brac k et and mark the l ocatio n of the c a b le hole. R emov e the housing and drill the hole and provide the necessary cabling. Mount the included rubber seal in the wall cable hole.
W he n the cable runs on top of the wa l l c ut away t h e ho le at the
bo ttom o f the ho us ing a nd mount the cable gland [I] in t he ope nin g (d o not tighten the nut that covers the conical part). Provide the necessary cabling.
V. 02 – 27/11/2013 6 ©Velleman nv
PEM10D 2
Gu i de the co n tro l cab les thr o ugh t he ba ck or ca ble g land of the
housing. Tighten the cable gland.
Make the proper connections to the terminals (see §5).
o to facilitate the con ne cti on s of t he wirin g , lif t t he sensor
as se m b l y from the ho us i ng .
o To do this, release the 4 screws [L ] (2 large ones on top , 2
sm a ll one s nea r t he bo t t om).
and put the 4 screws back.
Attach the housing to the moun ting b ra cket an d se cure it with the
two mounting bolts [J].
Apply power to the s ystem. The alignment LED [D] will turn red
since no reflector is detected.
Place the reflector in line with the transmitter/receiver lens [C]
until the alignment LED [D] turns green. Mark the position of the refle ctor and mount it in that location.
Not e : the le ns ca n be a lig ned ho rizon ta lly (±2 5°) by ro tating the
entire lens head (do not force) or vertically using the vertical alignment bolt [F].
Close the cove r [H] with the 4 screws and slide the hood [A] in
pla ce .
Note: by closing the cover, the tamper switch [E] is pressed and
the tampe r cont act [6]/[ 7] is clos ed .

7. Ope ration

When the beam between transmitter and receiver is broken, the
a l ig n me n t L ED [D] turns red and an alarm is triggered on the ou tput con tacts until the beam is resto red:
o [3] - [5]: open contact o [4] - [5] : closed con ta ct
When the a lignmen t LED [D] flashes red a nd g reen alterna tely an
alignment problem occurs. Open the cove r and slowl y a d ju st th e horizontal and/or vertical angle [F] of the lens [C].
releas ed and the tamp e r co n tact is closed: o [6] – [7]: closed conta ct
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