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o can easily mirror the main display
o extend left, right, above, or below
o can be rotated left, right, or upside-down
o DVI, VGA and HDMI support
• audio modes:
o 2.1 Channel Audio Output
o microphone support
o mixed output RCAx2 (left and right track) interface
• USB 2.0 powered: ultra low power
• lossless compression
• for CRT, LCD, projector displays
• supports: Windows Vista Aero, XP and Vista 32bit
• standard and widescreen ratio aspects
• high performance DDR memory
• uses a virtual driver
• completely silent operation
• onboard power and status indicator LED
• portable, making it easy for travel.
5. System Requirements
DisplayLink software is available for PCs running one of the following Windows® operating systems:
• Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 or 2 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Windows XP Home or Professional (including Tablet edition) with Service Pack 2 or 3
• Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4.
• 64-bit editions of XP are not supported. No Windows Server editions are supported.
• Mac OS X support can be found at
• Linux support can be found at or
Supported Languages
The following languages are supported in DisplayLink software, on all supported operating systems:
Arabic / Bahasa Indonesian / Bulgarian / Chinese (Traditional) / Chinese (Simplified) / Croatian / Czech /
Danish / Dutch / English / Finnish / French / Greek / Korean / German / Hungarian / Italian / Japanese /
Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Russian / Slovak / Slovenian / Spanish / Swedish / Turkish
Note: The default language is English.
Windows Vista/Windows 7
For Windows Vista/Windows 7 the Windows Experience Index (WEI) is a useful measure of hardware level.
The WEI is accessible from Computer > Properties, or from Control Panel > System.
The recommended hardware requirements for the PC are:
• WEI score of at least 3 in the ‘Graphics; Desktop performance for Windows Aero’ category
• overall WEI score of at least 3 as recommended by Microsoft
• at least one free USB 2.0 port
• 30 MB of free disk space
• computer screen, if it is not inte g r a t e d.
Windows XP
•for 1-2 displays, business usage, productivity target. This may not provide full frame rate DVD playback at
full screen:
1.2GHz Single Core CPU, 512MB memory
•for 3 displays where 1 could run DVD video while also targeting productivity and business apps. Supports
only 1 image of DVD resolution at full screen:
1.6GHz CPU, 1GB memory
•for 6 displays where 1 display can run full screen DVD video:
1.8GHz Core Duo, 1GB memory
•at least one free USB 2.0 port, 30 MB of free disk space
• network access for software downloads, or access to a CD-ROM drive.
Graphics Card Support (Windows Vista/Windows 7)
In Windows Vista and Windows 7, DisplayLink software interacts closely with the primary graphics card.
DisplayLink supports and tests a single graphics card (GPU) installed in a PC from all major GPU brands (Intel,
ATI, NVidia and Via).
The following GPU configurations may exhibit compatibility issues on Windows Vista and Windows 7 in certain
• Switchable Graphics (ATI/Intel)
• Switchable Graphics (ATI/ATI)
• Switchable Graphics (NVIDIA/Intel)
• NVIDIA SLI in SLI mode.
Other GPU configurations, including the following, are currently unsupported and will not function on
Windows 7/Windows Vista:
• Hybrid Graphics
• Hybrid SLI
• Hybrid Crossfire
• Crossfire
• SLI not in SLI mode
• multiple WDDM 1.1 graphics drivers active at once.
Graphics Card Support (Windows XP)
All graphics cards are supported on Windows XP.
6. Hardware Connection
Connecting the Adapter to Your Computer and Display
1. Connect the smaller end of the USB cable to the adapter.
2. Then connect the other end of the USB cable to a USB 2.0 port on
your computer.
3. If your display is not yet connected to the adapter, make the
Note: If you already have V3.x, R4.1 or R4.2 DisplayLink software installed, you must uninstall it using Windows’ Add/Remove Programs before installing this release.
7.1. Installing the Software Using Windows 7 Update
The preferred method of installation is using Windows 7’s update facility.
1. Connect your display via the adapter and the USB cable
to your PC. Windows detects the new hardware and
automatically downloads the driver.
2. Once downloaded, the installation software will run. The
DisplayLink software end user licence agreement window
3. Click I Accept. The DisplayLink Core software is
Note: The display may flash or go black during installation.
7.2. Installing the Software on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000
Alternatively you may install the software from a website download or CD-ROM.
Important! Install the software before you connect a device via the adapter to your PC.
1. When auto-play is enabled, the installation program
starts automatically from the CD-ROM. If not, locate and
double click Setup.exe on the CD-ROM. The Windows User
Account Control window opens (if enabled in the OS).
2. Click Yes. The DisplayLink software end user licence
agreement window opens.
3. Click I Accept. DisplayLink Core software and
DisplayLink Graphics are installed. No message will appear
at the end of the installation process.
Note: The display may flash or go black during installation.
4. Connect the adapter via the USB cable to your PC. The
“Installing device driver” message appears.
5. Click Yes. DisplayLink automatically installs the device.
The DisplayLink software end user licence agreement
window opens (see above).
6. Click I Accept. The DisplayLink Graphics software is
installed. No message will appear at the end of the
installation process.
Note: On some machines you may need to reboot before
you can use the adapter.
In Windows 7 you can configure a display using Windows Display Properties (WDP). WDP provides a simple
method to attach, rotate, duplicate or extend displays as well as modify the display resolution.
Opening WDP
There are several ways to open WDP. Either:
• Right-click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution from the menu.
• Choose Start > Devices and Printers and double-click the DisplayLink Device icon.
• Right-click the DisplayLink icon and click Advanced.
Configuring the Display
1. Open WDP.
2. Set the display options. Refer to the table below for details on each option.
Menu Submenu Description
Display Use the dropdown list to select a display to be configured.
Resolution Use the dropdown list and slider to choose a resolution.
Landscape Sets the display to landscape mode.
Portrait Sets the display to portrait mode.
Landscape (flipped) Sets the display to upside-down landscape mode.
Portrait (flipped) Sets the display to upside-down portrait mode.
Duplicates these displays Reproduces the primary display on the secondary display.
Extend these displays Extends the primary display onto the secondary display.
Shows Desktop only on 1
Shows Desktop only on 2
The desktop appears on the display marked 1. The display
marked 2 becomes blank.
The desktop appears on the display marked 2. The display
marked 1 becomes blank.
To control the behaviour of an attached display, you can use the key combination Windows Logo+P to display a
menu (and cycle through it) to switch display modes.
1. Press Windows Logo+P. The following menu appears:
2. Click one of the options. The displays update to reflect your choice.
The DisplayLink Application Icon
You can configure the behaviour of the adapter through the DisplayLink icon in the
taskbar, if present.
To show the DisplayLink Manager menu:
1. From the taskbar, click the Show hidden icons arrow to show all available icons.
2. Click the DisplayLink icon .
A menu appears with several options, as described in the following table.
Menu Description
Check for updates
Optimize for Video
Advanced Opens the Windows Display Properties (WDP)
Connects to the Windows Updater, checks for newer versions
and downloads them, if available.
Select this option for better movie playback performance on
the display attached to the adapter. Only select this option
when playing back video content. Note: Text may appear less
clear when enabled.
8.2. Windows Vista/XP/2000 – Configuring the Display
The DisplayLink Manager Menu
When devices are attached, the DisplayLink icon appears in the taskbar. This gives you access to the
DisplayLink Manager menu. To use the DisplayLink Manager menu:
1. Click the DisplayLink icon on the taskbar. The menu appears as shown below:
2. Select an option from the menu, using the following table for the options available.
Displays a list of available resolutions. Some resolutions may be
Connects to the Update Server to check for newer driver versions
and downloads them, if available.
Opens the Update Options window where you can configure
automatic updates.
enclosed in brackets [ ]. Please see Inferred Modes.
Menu option Submenu option Description
Colour Quality
Medium (16-bit) Changes the colour depth of the extending display to 16 bits.
Highest (32-bit) Changes the colour depth of the extending display to 32 bits.
Normal No rotation is applied to the display connected to the adapter
Rotated Left Rotates the extended or mirrored display by 270°.
Screen Rotation
Rotated Right Rotates the extended or mirrored display by 90°.
Upside-Down Rotates the extended or mirrored display by 180°.
Right Extends the desktop to the right of the primary display.
Left Extends the desktop to the left of the primary display.
Extend To
Above Extends the desktop above the prim ary display.
Below Extends the desktop below the primary display.
Extend Extends your desktop onto the secondary display.
Set as Main Monitor Sets the secondary display as the primary display.
Notebook Monitor
Switches off the display of an attached notebook and sets the
display attached to the adapter as the primary display.
Copies what is on the primary display and reproduces it on the
secondary display.
Off Switches off the secondary display.
Optimize for Video
(Windows Vista and
Windows 7 only)
Configures the secondary display for optimum full-screen video
performance output. Note: Text may appear less clear.
Advanced Opens the Display Settings window.
Setting the Display in Extended Mode Using the DisplayLink Menu
In extended mode, the Windows desktop extends to the display attached to the adapter. The extra desktop
area is a great productivity aid, allowing more applications or documents to be visible at a time.
1. Click on the DisplayLink icon .
2. Select Extend.
The desktop is now extended in the direction it was the last time the display was in this mode. For more
control, use the Extend To submenu and select one of the options to extend the desktop to the
left/right/above/below the primary display.
Setting the Display in Mirrored Mode Using the DisplayLink Menu
In mirrored mode, the display connected to the adaptor duplicates what is on the primary display.
1. Click on the DisplayLink icon .
2. Select Mirror.
The resolution, colour depth and refresh rate of the primary display are replicated on the display connected to
the adapter.
If the display connected to the adapter supports a lower resolution than the primary display, then the primary
display will have its resolution changed automatically to ensure the whole picture fits on the external display. If
the display connected to the adapter is larger than the primary display, the image will be letterboxed to keep
the aspect ratio correct.
Configuring the Display Using the Display Settings Window
1. Right-click the desktop.
2. Click Personalize.
3. Click Display Settings. The Display Settings window opens.
4. Select the display that you want to configure. Its mode, resolution, colour quality and position can all be
controlled from here.
Setting the Display in Extended Mode Using Windows Display Settings
1. Select the Extend the desktop onto this monitor checkbox (1 in figure above).
2. Arrange the screen resolution using the Resolution slide bar (2).
3. Select the colour quality from the Colors drop-down list (3).
4. In the drag area (4), drag the display icons to match the real physical position of the displays.
5. Click OK to save your changes. For more detailed settings, including the refresh rate, click the Advanced Settings button, then choose the
Adapter tab, then click the List all modes button. All valid combinations of resolution, colour quality and
refresh rate are listed. For CRT screens, it is best to use a high refresh rate so as to avoid discomfort due to
flicker. Flat panel screens do not flicker, so a low refresh rate is adequate.
Setting the Display in Mirrored Mode Using Windows Display Settings
1. Uncheck the Extend the desktop onto this monitor checkbox (1 in figure above).
2. Click Apply.
Note: The resolution of the primary and secondary displays may be changed to a lower resolution. In mirrored
mode, the system forces both displays to use the same resolution, which may not be the maximum resolution
of the display.
Note: This mode is NOT recommended for using the display connected to the adapter as the primary laptop
display, because the laptop is unlikely to provide the optimum resolution for the connected display. Refer to
Setting the Display as the Primary Display.
Setting the Display as the Primary Display Using Windows Display Settings
To use the attached display as the primary display:
1. Select the This is my main monitor checkbox (1 in figure above).
2. Click Apply.
Note: On some PCs and laptops it is necessary to disable the primary display. The reason for this is that many
primary graphics card drivers tend to make the laptop display primary if it is enabled. The only workaround for
this is to disable the laptop display to allow another display to be the primary display. To do this:
1. Select the This is my main monitor checkbox (1 in figure above) of the secondary display.
3. Uncheck the Extend the desktop onto this monitor checkbox (1 in figure above).
4. Click Apply.
The connected display stays the primary display when the PC enters hibernate or suspend mode or is rebooted.
If the connected display is detached, the other display becomes the primary display again.
Setting the Display as the Primary Display Using the DisplayLink Menu
1. From the taskbar, click on the DisplayLink icon .
2. Select Set as Main Monitor.
Setting a Laptop Lid to Do Nothing (Upon Close)
It is possible to work conveniently with a laptop with the lid closed and with the attached display as primary
display, with an external keyboard and mouse. For this, you need to set the laptop to ‘do nothing’ when you
close the lid.
To set a laptop to do nothing when closing the lid:
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Power Options.
2. Select Choose what closing the lid does.
3. From When I close the lid, select Do nothing from the On battery and Plugged in drop down list.
8.3. DisplayLink Software Update
In Windows 7, the DisplayLink software connects to the Microsoft Windows update site to obtain the latest
DisplayLink driver. On selecting Check for updates, the DisplayLink software connects to Windows Update,
downloads and installs the latest software.
Automatic Updates
DisplayLink Automatic Updates is supported on Windows 2000/XP and Vista. The automatic update mechanism
ensures that the adapter has the most up-to-date drivers and software, providing you with increased
performance and stability.
You can disable this feature during installation by clearing the Automatically check for updates checkbox
(bottom left).
Using the Updates Wizard
By default, automatic updates are configured to check for updated software when you plug in the adapter, or
when you resume or start your PC, every seven days. When newer software is available, the Updates Wizard
1. Click on the DisplayLink icon . The DisplayLink menu opens.
2. Select Updates > Check Now.
If you have the most recent software, a dialog box appears. Otherwise the Choose updates to install dialog
8.4. Audio Configuration
Before using a speaker or microphone connected to the adapter, you have to correctly configure your
application to use USB (Multimedia) Audio Device, i.e., the audio components of the adapter.
When the adapter is connected to your computer, the audio devices are automatically installed (they will be
named USB Audio Device). This may override Windows default audio settings. The most obvious effect is that
your original music playback will be re-directed to the speaker connected to the adapter. However, you may
want to use your original sound card for music playback and use the adapter’s audio ports for playing a movie
via media player software (such as Windows Media Player, Real Player, WinDVD, PowerDVD, etc.). In such
cases you need to manually configure the required audio device for each application.
Configuring Windows Audio Device
To specify a sound device for music playback in Windows, open Control Panel and double-click the sound or
audio icon. Then select a desired device in the Playback section. If you want to use your original sound card
for music playback, make sure to select it instead of the USB Audio Device.
To play a movie via media player software using headphones or speakers connected to the adapter, make sure
the media player software (such as Windows Media Player, Real Player, WinDVD, PowerDVD…) is configured to
use the USB Audio Devices as the audio in and out devices.
To chat via instant messaging software using headphones or a microphone connected to the adapter, make
sure the instant messaging software (such as MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger or Skype) is configured to use
USB Audio Device as the audio in and out devices.
8.5. Uninstalling the DisplayLink Software
The method for uninstalling differs slightly depending on your operating system.
To uninstall the adapter in Windows:
1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
2. From the Programs item, click Uninstall program.
3. Double-click DisplayLink Core software. A Windows confirmation dialog opens (if enabled).
4. Click Yes.
A message may appear to state which software packages will also be uninstalled.
5. Click Yes to uninstall the packages that use DisplayLink Core Software.
The uninstaller automatically uninstalls the software. Once uninstalled, you will be prompted to reboot.
6. Click Yes to complete the uninstallation.
8.6. Fit to TV
Why Do I Need Fit to TV?
If you use your adapter to connect to a TV, the entire Windows desktop may not be available. This is because
TVs can use overscan, which prevents the edges of the image to be visible. When showing a Windows desktop,
overscan can hide the task bar and icons.
Fit to TV can be used to reduce the size of the Windows desktop so that it fits on the TV screen.
Note: Fit to TV only works in extended mode. In mirrored mode, the screen connected to the adapter will
change to extended mode and will be placed above the primary display in Windows Display Properties. Fit to TV
does not support rotated modes.
1. To configure Fit to TV, choose the option from the DisplayLink menu. The following window appears:
You will see a red border on the DisplayLink screen. The red border shows the size of the new Windows
2. Use the “+” and “–” buttons in the Fit to TV window to change the size of the red border until it fits on the
TV screen.
Note: You can finetune by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the “+” and “–” buttons.
3. Once the red border is at the edges of the TV screen, click Apply to resize the Windows desktop.
8.7. Additional Information
The following section provides additional information on the use of the DisplayLink software.
DirectX 10 Game Support
This software release contains support for some DirectX 10 games on Windows 7. To improve the gaming
experience, it is recommended that:
• anti-aliasing (AA) settings are turned OFF
• locking to vsync is turned ON.
These options are usually configurable within the DirectX 10 game.
To play 3D games on a display connected via the adapter with reasonable performance, the system specs must
meet the game’s recommended hardware specification, not just the minimum specification.
Monitor Calibration
Monitors can be calibrated with applications that use the Display Data Channel Command Interface (DDC/CI).
Both monitor and application must support DDC/CI for this to work. An example of such an application is
DDC/CI is not supported on displays with integrated DisplayLink technology, for example mini monitors.
Media Playback
In Windows 7, Vista and XP (in extended mode), the adapter can display media files and DVDs using the
following media players:
• Windows Media Player 11 (
• WinDVD 8 (
• PowerDVD 7 (
• RealPlayer 11 (
The adapter can display media files and DVDs using most media players. Media playback in mirrored mode (XP)
or in Basic mode (Vista and Windows 7) is not recommended.
Using Multiple Adapters
The software supports up to six displays simultaneously connected via 6 adapters. It is also possible that
different sets of displays are used at different times, for example two in the office and two at home. The
software saves each screen’s display profile separately. This allows for four different physical positionings or
different resolutions of connected displays in the office and the home.
Standby and Hibernate, Shut Down and Restart
If the PC to which the adapter is connected, is placed into standby or hibernate mode, the display goes blank.
When the PC is powered up again (and unlocked if necessary) the connected display returns to the same mode
as it was before standby or hibernation.
If the PC is shut down, restarted and the user has logged in, again the connected display returns to the same
mode as it was before shutdown.
Adapters with Multiple Users
The adapter works with multiple users on the PC. The mode settings are saved for each user so they can use
their own desktop configuration.
Disconnecting the Adapter
If the adapter is powered off or the USB cable is disconnected from the computer, the display goes blank. All
windows and icons move to the primary display.
On reconnection or powering up of the adapter, the display returns to the same mode as it was before
disconnection. However, the windows and icons that were moved to the primary display will not be moved back
automatically to the secondary display.
There are three components that make up the screen mode:
• Resolution: the number of pixels displayed on screen horizontally and vertically.
• Colour quality: the number of different colours that can be shown on the screen at the same time.
• Refresh rate: the speed at which the entire screen is rescanned. Higher refresh rates reduce flicker.
Some screens advertise the supported modes through the VGA or DVI connector. If this is the case, the adapter
identifies the supported modes from the screen. If the screen does not advertise the supported modes, the
adapter software chooses a set of common screen modes for the screen.
Inferred Modes
Some modes in the DisplayLink menu are shown between brackets [ ]. This
occurs when you connect a display with a preferred resolution that is higher
than the maximum supported resolution of the adapter.
In this case, the preferred resolution of the display cannot be supported.
However, the DisplayLink software makes available lower resolutions of the
same aspect ratio that you can try with the display. Modes between brackets
[ ] indicate that these modes are not advertised by the display, but have been
made available by the DisplayLink software for you to try.
Because these are inferred modes from the preferred mode of the display,
they are not guaranteed to work with the display.
Error Messages
DisplayLink Graphics software occasionally displays user messages in a bubble in the notification area. The
table below lists the user messages and their description.
Message Description
Insufficient system resources
exist to complete the requested
The requested allocation size was
too large
Incompatible Display Driver
The system cannot write to the
specified device
Further Support
This can occur when entering extended mode with low system resources.
The PC does not have enough memory to start an extended display. Close
any unused applications. The situation may also be improved by rebooting
the PC.
This can occur if trying to mirror a primary display with a resolution above
2300x1700 (4:3) or 2600x1500 (16:9).
This message will appear if the primary graphics card drivers installed are
not WDDM compatible. Windows 7 is not designed to operate without WDDM
drivers. Download and install the latest Windows 7 (WDDM) drivers for your
primary graphics card.
This warning may be displayed in Windows XP after changing the display
mode several times (e.g. extended/dock mode) from the DisplayLink
software. If this happens, detach and reattach the device to restore normal
9. Troubleshooting
Minor issues can generally be resolved by:
• unplugging and re-plugging the display
• changing the display mode via the DisplayLink software
• or changing the display mode via Windows Display Properties.
On Windows 7/Vista WDDM (Aero and Basic)
DisplayLink software works closely with the graphics card and there may be interoperability issues with some
graphics cards. If this happens:
1. Upgrade to the latest graphics drivers.
2. Upgrade to the latest DisplayLink software.
3. Report the issue via your support channel.
4. If necessary, boot in Safe Mode and use Windows' Backup and Restore Centre to recover.
This guide applies to Mac software version 1.0 and higher.
What Is the Mac driver?
The Mac driver is designed for MAC OS 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard) and 10.6 (Snow Leopard) to enable you to
add an additional display to your Mac using DisplayLink technology. This software enables you to run your
adapters on any Intel-based desktop or laptop Mac, allowing you to connect up to 4 additional displays via USB.
Important note: PowerPC-based Macintosh computers such as late model iMacs, PowerBooks and Power Macs
are currently not supported.
What Else Do I Need to Use This Driver?
Apart from an Intel-based Mac running the latest versions of Mac OS 10.4, 10.5, or 10.6, you will need an
adapter. One adapter is required for each additional display that you wish to connect to your Mac.
Setup Guide – Installing/Uninstalling the Mac Driver
1. To run the Mac installer, double-click the Mac
DriverInstaller image.
2. Select Software Installer to begin installing the Mac
driver on your Mac. This will require a restart once
3. Select User Guide to view the user guide.
4. Select Software Uninstaller to uninstall the Mac driver
from your Mac. This will require a restart once completed.
Connecting Displays to Your Mac
Once you have installed the Mac driver, simply plug in your adapter(s) via USB and connect each display to an
adapter. You can now connect up to 4 additional displays. Examples of setups are given below:
Example 1: adding two displays to a MacBook Pro. The MacBook Pro connects to two displays via USB cables
using adapters. The displays connect to the adapters via standard VGA/DVI cables.
Example 2: adding three displays to a MacBook Air. The MacBook Air connects to a standard powered USB
hub. Three displays are connected to the USB hub via adapters. The displays connect to the adapters via
standard VGA/DVI cables.
software, the display will by default be
extended to the right of the primary display.
•To configure the settings for each of your
attached displays, select Displays from the
System Preferences window on each of your
attached displays.
•It is possible to use the Gather Windows
button to bring all the display preferences
windows onto the primary display.
Display Preferences
Display resolution
Rotating a display
Display positions
Display in mirrored mode
Display in extended mode
Using both extended and mirrored displays
Changing the primary display
Configuring Displays from the Menu Bar
If you have checked Show displays in menu bar in the Display Preferences panel, you can configure
displays by clicking the display icon in the menu bar.
This menu allows you to perform the following actions:
• Detect all displays connected to the Mac.
• Turn display mirroring on/off.
• Set the resolution of primary and secondary display(s).
resolution up to 1600x1200 or 1920x1080 Digital (@60Hz 32-bit)
available USB 2.0 port
system requirements
operating system: Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, Vista 32/64bit with Aero support,
Windows 7 32/64bit
1 x USB to DVI adapter
1 x quick start guide
1 x CR-ROM with user guide and installation software
package contents
power consumption 5V
dimensions 106 x 48 x 18mm
capacity up to 6 simultaneous displays
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held responsible in the event
of damage or injury resulted from (incorrect) use of this device.
For more info concerning this product and the latest version of this user manual, please visit our
The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
All registered trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners and are used only for the
clarification of the compatibility of our products with the products of the different manufacturers.
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Aero, Windows 7, Windows Server are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Mac, Mac OS, iMac, PowerBook,
Power Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
1 x 4ft (±1m20) USB 2.0 cable
1 x DVI to VGA adapter
1 x DVI to HDMI adapter
1 x 3.5mm stereo to RCA adapter
Met de PCUSBVGA2 USB schermadapter sluit u een extra display, lcd-scherm of projector via een vrije USB
2.0-poort aan op uw computer zonder videokaart. De standaard uitgangspoort is DVI, maar het apparaat wordt
geleverd met twee adapters voor een VGA- of HDMI-scherm.
Inhoud: USB naar DVI adapter, beknopte handleiding, CD-ROM met uitgebreide handleiding en software, USBkabel 2.0 (±1m20), DVI naar VGA adapter, DVI naar HDMI adapter, 3.5mm stereo naar RCA adapter.
o kan het hoofdscherm gemakkelijk spiegelen
o uitbreiden links, rechts, boven of onder
o kan naar links, rechts of ondersteboven worden gedraaid
o ondersteunt DVI, VGA en HDMI
• audiomodi:
o 2.1-kanaals audio-uitgang
o microfoonaansluiting
o interface met gemengde uitgang RCAx2 (linker- en rechterspoor)
• voeding via USB 2.0: zeer laag verbruik
• verliesloze compressie
• voor CRT, LCD, projector displays
• ondersteunt: Windows Vista Aero, XP en Vista 32-bits
• standaard en breedbeeld beeldformaten
• DDR-geheugen met hoog prestatievermogen
• gebruikt een virtuele driver
• volledig geluidloze werking
• ingebouwd spannings- en statusled
• draagbaar, gemakkelijk voor onderweg.
5. Systeemvereisten
De DisplayLink-software is beschikbaar voor PCs met één van de volgende Windows® besturingssystemen:
• Windows 7 (32-bit of 64-bit)
• Windows Vista met SP 1 of 2 (32-bit of 64-bit)
• Windows XP Home of Professional (incl. Tabletversie) met SP 2 of 3
• Windows 2000 met SP 4.
• 64-bit XP versies alsook Windows Server versies worden niet ondersteund.
• Voor Mac OS, zie
• Voor Linux, of
Ondersteunde talen
De volgende talen worden ondersteund in DisplayLink software onder alle ondersteunde besturingssystemen:
Arabisch/ Indonesisch / Bulgaars / Chinees (traditioneel) / Chinees (vereenvoudigd) / Kroatisch / Tsjechisch /
Voor Windows Vista/Windows 7 is de Windows Experience Index (WEI) een handige tool die de snelheid van
hardware meet. De WEI is toegankelijk via Computer > Properties, of via Control Panel > System.
De aanbevolen vereisten voor de PC zijn:
• WEI-score van minimum 3 in ‘Graphics; desktop performance for Windows Aero’ categorie
• totale WEI-score van minimum 3 zoals aanbevolen door Microsoft
•voor 1-2 schermen, commercieel gebruik, verhoogde productiviteit. Mogelijks is er hierdoor geen volledige
framesnelheid bij het afspelen van DVD op volledig scherm:
1.2GHz Single Core CPU, 512MB geheugen
•voor 3 schermen waarbij 1 scherm DVD video kan afspelen en tevens zorgen voor verhoogde productiviteit
en commerciële toepassingen. Ondersteunt slechts 1 videobeeld met DVD-resolutie op volledi g scherm:
1.6GHz CPU, 1GB geheugen
•voor 6 schermen waarbij 1 scherm DVD video op volledig scherm kan afspelen:
1.8GHz Core Duo, 1GB geheugen
• minimum 1 vrije USB 2.0 poort, 30 MB vrije ruimte op de harde schijf
• computerscherm, indien niet ingebouwd
• netwerkaansluiting om software te downloaden, of toegang tot een CD-ROM drive.
Grafische kaarten (Windows Vista/Windows 7)
In Windows Vista en Windows 7 werkt de DisplayLink-software nauw samen met de primaire grafische kaart.
DisplayLink ondersteunt en test op de pc één enkele grafische kaart (GPU) van alle voornaamste GPU-merken
(Intel, ATI, NVidia en Via).
De volgende GPU-configuraties zouden compatibiliteitsproblemen kunnen veroorzaken in Windows Vista en
Windows 7:
• Verwisselbare graphics (ATI/Intel)
• Verwisselbare graphics (ATI/ATI)
• Verwisselbare graphics (NVIDIA/Intel)
• NVIDIA SLI in SLI-modus.
Andere GPU-configuraties, waaronder onderstaande, worden momenteel niet ondersteund en functioneren niet
in Windows 7/Vista:
• Hybrid Graphics
• Hybrid SLI
• Hybrid Crossfire
• Crossfire
• SLI niet in SLI-modus
• meerdere WDDM 1.1 grafische drivers zijn gelijktijdig geactiveerd.
Grafische kaarten (Windows XP)
Alle grafische kaarten worden ondersteund op Windows XP.
6. Hardwareaansluiting
Adapter aansluiten op computer en scherm
1. Verbind het smallere uiteinde van de USB-kabel met de adapter.
2. Verbind vervolgens het andere uiteinde van de USB-kabel met een
USB 2.0-poort op uw computer.
3. Als uw scherm nog niet is verbonden is met de adapter, maak de
verbinding en schakel uw scherm in.
Verbind met CRT, LCD, TV, projector, luidspreker, etc.
Opmerking: Indien u de DisplayLink-software V3.x, R4.1 of R4.2 reeds installeerde, dan moet u deze verwijderen met de Windows Add/Remove Programs functie, alvorens deze versie te installeren.
7.1. De software installeren met Windows 7 Update
De aangewezen installatiewijze is de update-functie van Windows 7.
1. Sluit de display via de adapter en de USB-kabel aan
op de PC. Windows herkent de nieuwe hardware en
download de driver automatisch.
2. Na het downloaden start de installatie. Het venster
met de gebruikersovereenkomst van de DisplayLinksoftware verschijnt.
3. Klik op I Accept. De DisplayLink Core-software wordt
Opmerking: Het is mogelijk dat het scherm begint te
knipperen of zwart wordt tijdens het installeren.
7.2. De software installeren op Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000
Desgewenst kunt u de software installeren via een download van een website of via CD-ROM.
Belangrijk! Installeer de software vooraleer u een apparaat op uw PC aansluit via de adapter.
1. Als autoplay geactiveerd is in het OS, start de
installatie automatisch vanop de CD-ROM. Indien niet,
zoek het bestand Setup.exe op de CD-ROM en dubbelklik
erop. Het venster Windows User Account Control wordt
geopend (indien geactiveerd in de OS).
2. Klik Yes. Het venster met de
gebruikersovereenkomst van de DisplayLink-software
3. Klik op I Accept. De DisplayLink Core-software en
DisplayLink Graphics worden geïnstalleerd. Er verschijnt
geen melding aan het einde van het installatieproces.
Opmerking: Het is mogelijk dat het scherm begint te
knipperen of zwart wordt tijdens het installeren.
4. Sluit de adapter via de USB-kabel aan op uw PC. Het
bericht over het installeren van de driver verschijnt.
5. Klik op Yes. DisplayLink installeert het apparaat
automatisch. Het venster met de gebruikersovereenkomst
van de DisplayLink-software verschijnt (zie boven).
6. Klik op I Accept. De DisplayLink USB Graphics-
software wordt geïnstalleerd. Er verschijnt geen melding
aan het einde van het installatieproces.
Opmerking: Bij bepaalde toestellen is het nodig om te
herstarten alvorens u de adapter kan gebruiken.
8. De DisplayLink-software gebruiken
8.1. Windows 7 – het scherm instellen
In Windows 7 kunt u een scherm instellen d.m.v. Windows Display Properties (WDP, schermeigenschappen).
WDP voorziet een eenvoudige methode, niet enkel om schermen te verbinden, draaien, verdubbelen of uit te
breiden maar ook om de schermresolutie aan te passen.
WDP openen
Er bestaan verschillende manieren om het venster WDP te openen. Ofwel:
• Klik met de rechtermuisknop op het bureaublad en selecteer Screen Resolution uit het menu.
• Selecteer Start > Devices and Printers en dubbelklik op de DisplayLink Device-icoon.
• Klik met de rechtermuisknop op de DisplayLink-icoon en klik op Advanced.
2. Stel de schermopties in. Zie onderstaande tabel voor meer details over elke optie.
Menu Submenu Beschrijving
Display Selecteer het in te stellen scherm in het uitrolmenu.
Kies de resolutie met behulp van het uitrolmenu en de
Landscape Zet het scherm in landschapsmodus.
Portrait Zet het scherm in portretmodus.
Landscape (flipped) Zet het scherm in omgekeerde landschapsmodus.
Portrait (flipped) Zet het scherm in omgekeerde portretmodus.
Duplicates these displays Het hoofdscherm wordt op het tweede scherm weergegeven.
Extend these displays Het hoofdscherm breidt zich uit naar het tweede scherm.
Shows Desktop only on 1
Shows Desktop only on 2
Het bureaublad verschijnt op scherm nummer 1. Scherm
nummer 2 is zwart.
Het bureaublad verschijnt op scherm nummer 2. Scherm
nummer 1 is zwart.
Een schermmodus kiezen
Om de werking van een aangesloten scherm te beheersen, kunt u de toetsencombinatie Windows Logo+P
gebruiken om een menu weer te geven (en erdoor te lopen) en de schermmodus te wijzigen.
1. Druk Windows Logo+P. Het volgende menu verschijnt.
2. Klik op één van de opties. De schermen passen zich aan volgens uw keuze.
Het is mogelijk om de werking van de adapter in te stellen via de DisplayLink-icoon op
de taakbalk.
Om het DisplayLink Manager-menu weer te geven:
•In de taakbalk, klik op de pijl Show hidden icons om alle beschikbare iconen te
•Klik op de DisplayLink-icoon .
Er verschijnt een menu met meerdere opties. Zie de tabel hieronder.
Menu Beschrijving
Check for updates
Optimize for Video
Advanced Opent het venster WDP (schermeigenschappen)
Maakt een verbinding met de Windows Updater, controleert
op recentere versies en downloadt deze, indien nodig.
Selecteer deze optie voor betere afspeelkwaliteit op het scherm
dat via de adapter is verbonden. Selecteer deze optie enkel bij
het afspelen van video-inhoud. Opmerking: Het is mogelijk
dat tekst minder duidelijk verschijnt.
8.2. Windows Vista/XP/2000 – het scherm instellen
Het DisplayLink Manager menu
De DisplayLink-icoon verschijnt in de taakbalk bij het aansluiten van een apparaat. Hierdoor krijgt u toegang
tot het DisplayLink Manager menu. Om het DisplayLink Manager menu te gebruiken:
1. Klik op de DisplayLink-icoon in de taakbalk. Het volgende menu verschijnt.
2. Selecteer één van de beschikbare opties. Zie de lijst hieronder.
Toont een lijst met beschikbare resoluties. Bepaalde resoluties
Medium (16-bit) Verandert de kleurdiepte van het uitgebreide scherm naar 16 bits.
Highest (32-bit) Verandert de kleurdiepte van het uitgebreide scherm naar 32 bits.
Normal Geen rotatie van het scherm verbonden via de adapter
Rotated Left Draait het uitgebreide of gespiegelde scherm met 270°.
Rotated Right Draait het uitgebreide of gespiegelde scherm met 90°.
Upside-Down Draait het uitgebreide of gespiegelde scherm met 180°.
Maakt een verbinding met de Update Server om te controleren op
nieuwere versies en downloadt deze, indien beschikbaar.
Opent het venster met updateopties waar u automatisch updates
kunt instellen.
kunnen tussen haakjes [ ] staan. Zie hoofdstuk Afgeleide modi.
Menu Submenu Beschrijving
Right Breidt het bureaublad uit rechts van het hoofdscherm.
Extend To
Left Breidt het bureaublad uit links van het hoofdscherm.
Above Breidt het bureaublad uit bovenaan het hoofdscherm.
Below Breidt het bureaublad uit onderaan het hoofdscherm.
Extend Breidt het bureaublad uit naar uit tweede scherm.
Set as Main Monitor Stelt het tweede scherm in als hoofdscherm.
Notebook Monitor
Schakelt het scherm van een verbonden notebook uit en gebruikt
het scherm verbonden via de adapter als hoofdscherm.
Kopieert de inhoud van het hoofdscherm en geeft die weer op het
tweede scherm.
Off Schakelt het tweede scherm uit.
Optimize for Video
(enkel Windows 7
en Vista)
Configureert het tweede scherm voor een optimale videoprestatie op
een volledig scherm. Opmerking: Het is mogelijk dat de tekst
minder duidelijk verschijnt.
Advanced Opent het venster Display Settings (scherminstellingen).
Het scherm in uitgebreide modus zetten via het DisplayLink menu
In de uitgebreide modus breidt het Windows bureaublad zich uit naar het scherm verbonden met de adapter.
Dankzij de extra ruimte kunt u meerdere applicaties of documenten tegelijkertijd bekijken.
1. Klik op de DisplayLink-icoon.
2. Selecteer Extend.
Het bureaublad is nu uitgebreid in dezelfde richting als de laatste keer. Voor meer controle, kies het Extend to
submenu en selecteer één van de opties om het bureaublad uit te breiden links/rechts/boven/onder het
Het scherm in spiegelmodus zetten via het DisplayLink menu
In spiegelmodus toont het scherm dat verbonden is met de adapter hetzelfde beeld als het hoofdscherm.
1. Klik op de DisplayLink-icoon.
2. Selecteer Mirror.
De resolutie, kleurdiepte en vernieuwingsfrequentie van het hoofdscherm worden gekopieerd naar het scherm
dat verbonden is met de adapter.
Het hoofdscherm past zijn eigen resolutie automatisch aan indien het scherm dat verbonden is met de adapter
een lagere resolutie ondersteunt. Zo wordt ervoor gezorgd dat het volledige beeld past op het tweede scherm.
Wanneer het scherm dat verbonden is met de adapter een groter formaat heeft dan het hoofdscherm, dan zal
het beeld in “brievenbusformaat” verschijnen (met zwarte balken) om de beeldverhouding te behouden.
Het scherm instellen met behulp van het Display Settings venster (schermeigenschappen)
3. Klik op Display Settings (scherminstellingen). Het venster Display Settings wordt geopend.
4. Selecteer het scherm dat u wilt instellen. De modus, resolutie, kleurkwaliteit en positie kunnen van hieruit
worden ingesteld.
Het scherm in uitgebreide modus zetten met behulp van het Display Settings venster
1. Vink Extend the desktop onto this monitor aan (zie 1 in figuur hierboven).
2. Regel de schermresolutie met de schuifbalk Resolution (2).
3. Selecteer de kleurkwaliteit vanuit het uitrolmenu Colors (3).
4. Versleep de schermiconen zodat ze de werkelijke positie van de schermen weerspiegelen in het
sleepgebied (4).
5. Klik op OK om uw aanpassingen op te slaan.
Voor meer gedetailleerde instellingen, inclusief de vernieuwingsfrequentie, klik op de knop Advanced
Settings, vervolgens op de Adapter tab, en dan op de knop List all modes. Alle geldige combinaties van
resolutie, kleurkwaliteit en vernieuwingsfrequentie worden opgesomd in een lijst. Voor CRT-schermen is het
beter om een hoge vernieuwingsfrequentie te gebruiken om hinder door flikkering te voorkomen. Flatscreens
flikkeren niet en dus is een lage vernieuwingsfrequentie voldoende.
Het scherm in spiegelmodus zetten met behulp van het Display Settings venster
1. Vink Extend the desktop onto this monitor af (zie 1 in figuur hierboven).
2. Klik op Apply.
Opmerking: De resolutie van het hoofdscherm en het tweede scherm worden eventueel ingesteld op een
lagere resolutie. In spiegelmodus zorgt het systeem er immers voor dat beide schermen dezelfde resolutie
gebruiken. Die resolutie kan afwijken van de maximale resolutie van het scherm.
Opmerking: Deze modus is NIET aangewezen als u het scherm verbonden via de adapter wilt gebruiken als
hoofdscherm voor een laptop, omdat de laptop waarschijnlijk niet de optimale resolutie voor het verbonden
scherm ondersteunt. Zie ook Het scherm instellen als hoofdscherm.
Het scherm instellen als hoofdscherm met behulp van het Display Settings venster
Om het scherm verbonden via de adapter in te stellen als hoofdscherm:
1. Vink This is my main monitor aan (zie 1 in bovenstaande figuur).