PC Oscilloscope PCSU1000I
Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
................................................................................................................................... 21 Safety Instructions
................................................................................................................................... 32 1GS/s oversampling mode
................................................................................................................................... 33 Controls
................................................................................................................................... 54 Connection
................................................................................................................................... 65 Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................... 66 Waveform Parameters Display
................................................................................................................................... 97 Add comment text in the signal screen
Menu Options
................................................................................................................................... 91 File Menu
................................................................................................................................... 102 Edit Menu
................................................................................................................................... 103 Options Menu
................................................................................................................................... 124 View Menu
................................................................................................................................... 145 Spectral Density
................................................................................................................................... 166 Math Menu
................................................................................................................................... 167 Help Menu
Part III
Data Transfer
................................................................................................................................... 161 Data acquisition to other applications
................................................................................................................................... 202 Data acquisition to Microsoft Excel
Index 0
© 2005 ... Velleman

1 Contents
Operation Instructions for Velleman PC Oscilloscope
Safety Instructions
Waveform Parameters Display
Adding comment text in the signal screen
Data acquisition to other applications
Data acquisition to Microsoft Excel
Important safety information, see user manual.
Before making measurements and for safety reasons, it is important to know some information about
Battery operated equipment
Equipment supplied via a transformer or adapter.
Equipment directly connected to mains.
Equipment that contains components that are directly connected to mains (dimmers…).
above mentioned equipment, use an isolation transformer.
Please remember that the ground
of both channels are interconnected and connected to the
Contents 2
1.1 Safety Instructions
© 2005 ... Velleman

PC Oscilloscope PCSU10003
The 1GS/s sampling rate is in use on blue 0.2us/div, 0.1us/div, 0.05us/div and 0.02us/div
Triggering must be ON to get stable waveform images.
This mode is useable only for repetitive signals.
This operation mode is called "Random Interleaved Sampling" (RIS) method, sometimes also
called "Equivalwent Time Sampling" (ET) mode or "Random Repetitive Sampling". In this
sampling mode the oscilloscope uses successive triggering occurrences to gather the data to
construct a picture of a repetitive signal.
Sets the frequency range of the display. It is necessary to slide the screen using
order to see the full range.
To display the frequency on a linear or logarithmic scale.
In order to expand the screen X1, X2, X4 or X8
Selected value indicates the peak-to-peak voltage required to produce a peak-to-peak deflection of
one major division on the screen
Displays large waveform screen with separate button bar. Use
Note: Big screen is available only in Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer modes.
: the input signal is capacitive coupled to the input amplifier/attenuator. Only the AC components
: the input signal is broken and the input amplifier/attenuator is connected to earth. Use this
position for selecting a reference point on the display.
: the input signal is directly connected to the input amplifier/attenuator. Both AC and DC voltage
Use these buttons to adapt the readouts according to the x1/x10-probe setting.
Buttons turn the display of the trace ON or OFF. To get the cursor measurements of CH2 voltage
1.2 1GS/s oversampling mode
1.3 Controls
© 2005 ... Velleman

Contents 4
Automatic setup for the Volts/div, Time/div, and Trigger level to produce a stable waveform of usable
size. The trigger will be set on if the wave aplitude on the screen is more then 0.5 divisions.
The signal should be repetitive for proper autoset function: Amplitude 5mV to 100V; frequency above
50Hz; duty cycle greater than 10%.
When this button is down the scope captures many acquisitions of a signal to the screen. Record
points accumulate until you release the button.
When this button is down the scope captures many acquisitions of a signal to the screen. Record
points accumulate until you release the button.
Using Persistence option you can easily analyze worst-case signal variations, such as jitter or noise.
The Persist option can also be used to locate errors in digital signals. Using this option you can
capture erroneous events even if they only occur once. Persist option makes it easy to compare
known and unknown circuits. Click "Single" button to capture multiple waveforms on the same screen.
Persist option lets you see the range over which a signal varies
Use the Persist option to get solid XY patterns in the XY Plot mode
© 2005 ... Velleman

PC Oscilloscope PCSU10005
Selects the time setting for the beam to sweep one major division on the screen
By selecting different TIME/DIV settings it is possible to
the frozen waveform on the screen.
Selects free run mode or trigged mode.
Selects the signal level at which the sweep is triggered.
Triggering reference mark is displayed with the horizontal line on the left side of the screen.
Selects the trigger source signal (Ch1, Ch2 or Ext)
Selects the triggering slope:
Arrow up: Trigger occurs when triggering signal crosses trigger level in a positive going direction.
Arrow down: Trigger occurs when triggering signal crosses trigger level in a negative going direction.
Resets the triggering x-position reference point. Triggering reference mark is displayed with the
vertical line on the bottom of the screen.
Selects recurrent display update mode (RUN). Pressing the button again freezes the display.
When button is depressed and the trigger level is reached, refreshment of the display takes place
(Below the waveform display)
Positions the trace horizontally on the screen. Triggering reference point is displayed with the vertical
line on the bottom of the screen.
Button selects linear (L) or sine(x)/x (S) interpolation. Linear interpolation connects the data points
with straight lines. Sine(x)/x interpolation uses curves to connect the data points. This smoothed
interpolation gives better waveform display at highest sine frequencies. Linear interpolation is better
for step signals. The S/L selection effects only at TIME/DIV settings 0.2 and 0.1us.
Note: Sine interpolation can result in incorrect top-top signal displaying, at frequencies above 5MHz.
This 1GS/s sampling rate is in use on 0.2us/div, 0.1us/div, 0.05us/div and 0.02us/div ranges.
This button appears only in math mode. Toggles between math mode and normal mode.
Tip: Use Wheel Mouse's scroll wheel to fine adjust the triggering level and traces' y-position.
Connect the oscilloscope unit to the
For Circuit Analyzer (Bode Plotter) option connect function generator PCG10 or K8016 to
To select the LPT port address for the function generator click
1.4 Connection
© 2005 ... Velleman

1.5 Troubleshooting
Spectrum analyzer doesn't work
No arithmetic coprocessor in the computer.
No signal on the oscilloscope display
No communication with the computer (check that the cable is connected to the USB port)
If USB cable is connected, close the program. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable and run
the Pc-Lab2000 program again.
The channel concerned is OFF.
TIME/DIV switch is in the wrong setting.
The unit input selection is at GND.
Y position is wrongly adjusted.
Input amplitude is too large, adjust VOLTS/DIV setting.
If the above tips have no effect, then test on a different computer or different USB port.
Note. Close the program before disconnecting the USB cable.
Waveform Parameters Display
When the menu option "Waveform Parameters" of the View menu is selected the software
automatically calculates various voltage and time parameters of a signal, such as DC mean,
amplitude, rise time etc.
These parameters are displayed in a separate window. Use the check boxes in the window to select
the parameters you which to be displayed.
You may select the parameters to display for frozen waveform as well.
You may even re-open saved waveform data file to perform these measurements.
Do not change the scope settings when the re-opened waveform parameters are to be
The green labeled parameters (High, Low, Amplitude, Rise time and Fall time) are mainly intended for
pulse shaped waveform measurements only.
For proper waveform measurement the signal levels must be appropriate. Signal levels too small will
result in noisy and inaccurate measurements. Signal levels too large will result in clipping and yield
?? Indicates that clipping has occurred.
??? Indicates that there are too few or too many wave cycles in the waveform data or the signal
amplitude is too low. Also too noisy signal and variable frequency signal causes this
Contents 6
1.6 Waveform Parameters Display
© 2005 ... Velleman