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Contents - Inhoud - Sommaire - Inhaltverzeichnis - Contenido
Features & options ................................................................................................................ 5
Survey of the connections and controls ................................................................................ 6
Charging the generator ......................................................................................................... 7
Function generator set-up ..................................................................................................... 7
Waveform menu .................................................................................................................... 8
Sweep menu .......................................................................................................................... 8
Warranty ............................................................................................................................. 25
General information ............................................................................................................. 26
Eigenschappen en optie's .................................................................................................... 9
Overzicht van aansluitingen en bedieningen ..................................................................... 10
Opladen van de batterijen .................................................................................................. 11
Instelling van de functiegenerator ...................................................................................... 11
Golfvormmenu .................................................................................................................... 12
Sweepmenu ....................................................................................................................... 12
Waarborg ............................................................................................................................ 25
Algemene informatie .......................................................................................................... 26
Caractéristiques & Options ................................................................................................. 13
Aperçu des connections et commandes ............................................................................. 14
Chargement de la batterie interne ....................................................................................... 15
Paramétrage du générateur de fonction ............................................................................. 15
Forme de L'onde ................................................................................................................. 16
Menu Sweep ....................................................................................................................... 16
Garantie ............................................................................................................................... 25
Information .......................................................................................................................... 26
Eigenschaften und Optionen ............................................................................................... 17
Übersicht der Anschlüsse und Bedienungs-elemente am Gerät ........................................ 18
Das Generator laden ........................................................................................................... 19
Den Funktionsgenrator einstellen ...................................................................................... 19
Wellenforman-Menü ............................................................................................................ 20
Sweep-Menü ....................................................................................................................... 20
Garantie ............................................................................................................................. 25
Information .......................................................................................................................... 26
Características & Opciones ................................................................................................ 21
Resumen de las conexiones y los ajustes .......................................................................... 22
Cargar la batería interna ..................................................................................................... 23
Ajustar el generador de funciones ...................................................................................... 23
Menú forma de la onda ....................................................................................................... 24
Menú Sweep ....................................................................................................................... 24
Garantía .............................................................................................................................. 25
Información ......................................................................................................................... 26
- 4 -

DDS type generator (Direct Digital Synthesis)
DAC resolution: 10 bits
frequency range: from 1Hz to 1MHz (± 0.01%)
frequency steps: 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz and 10kHz
waveforms: sine, square and triangle
sweep function with bi-direction option
output voltage: max. 8Vpp
real output level measurement: dBm / Vrms or Vpp readout (±3%)
typical sine wave distortion (THD): < 0.1% @ 0dB / 600 ohms
square wave rise/fall time: typ. 0.2µs
output impedance: 50 ohms
multi-language menu (Eng / Fre / Dut / Ge / Es )
white LED backlight
power supply: 9Vdc/200mA
NiMH rechargeable battery pack included.
dimensions: 74 x 114 x 29mm / 2.9 x 4.5 x 1.14"
In the box:
• handheld Pocket Generator
• manual
• BNC adapter, BNC male to RCA female
• BNC male to 2x 4mm banana plug
• USB power supply adaptor
Carrying BAG
ordernr. BAGPS
car USB adapter
ordernr. CARSUSB1
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Survey of the connections and controls
1) Signal and menu display
2) Menu button / menu selection up
3) Up and Down set buttons
4) Settings menu / menu selection down
5) Output level indicator
6) On/Off switch
7) DC input (9V/200mA)
8) BNC output connector
9) Charge LED: Will light when the batteries are being charged
10) Only for service
- 6 -

Charging the generator
There are several charging options:
Use the included USB charger, plugged into a computer USB
port, a mains to USB adaptor, a car 12V to USB adaptor or any
USB type socket that can supply 5V/500mA.
For use during charging, it is strongly advised to use a 9Vdc/min 200mA mains
Charging of completely drained batteries can take up to 7 hours. The charge LED
indicator will light while the generator is charging.
Note: The charge LED will remain on as long as the charger is plugged in.
Function generator set-up
Access the set-up menu by keeping the settings button 4 pressed
You can:
• Change the user interface language
• Adjust the display contrast or reverse the display (black with white dots)
• Change the way the frequency is changed if you keep the up/down button pressed ( Log. will make
the frequency change faster).
• Start or Stop the DEMO mode
(useful for demonstration or testing)
• Press and hold the setting button 4 to leave the menu and store the settings
- 7 -

WAVEFORM MENU ( shown, if sweep is OFF, see further)
Select the desired waveform
(sine, square or triangle)
Select the desired frequency
(1Hz ... 1.000.000Hz)
Select the desired frequency step
(1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz or 10kHz) this setting is used
for above frequency change
Select the desired output level
(dBm/Vrms or Vpp depends on signal)
SWEEP MENU > access or exit by keeping the menu button pressed
A sweep generator generates a frequency which changes with respect to time and is a practical
device for recording frequency characteristics, or to make automated measurements.
Minimum or start frequency at
which the signal starts
Maximum or stop frequency at which
the signal stops
Select the desired frequency step (1Hz,
10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz or 10kHz) this
setting is used for above frequency
Selection of the loop sweep function of
the signal:
Lin. : linear from minimum to maximum, then restart
Speed at which the signal
sweeps from minimum to
maximum or turn the sweep
function OFF
from min to max.
- Log : logarithmic from minimum to maximum, then
restart from min to max.
- Bi-lin : linear from minimum to maximum and back to
minimum ...
- Bi-log : logarithmic from minimum to maximum and
back to minimum ...
Waveform screen if Sweep is On
Keep the menu button pressed to exit the sweep
menu, if the sweep is active then you will see the
screen on the left. You can select the desired
waveform and output level
- 8 -

functiegenerator type DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis)
DAC-resolutie: 10 bits
frequentiebereik: 1Hz tot 1MHz (± 0.01%)
frequentiestappen: 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz en 10kHz
golfvormen: sinus, blok en driehoek
uitgangsspanning: max. 8Vpp
meting van het reëel uitgangsniveau: dBm / Vrms of Vpp (±3%)
THD sinusgolf: < 0.1% @ 0dB / 600 ohm
stijg-/daaltijd blokgolf: typ. 0.2µs
uitgangsimpedantie: 50 ohm
meertalig menu (Engels/Frans/Nederlands/Duits/Spaans)
witte ledachtergrondverlichting
voeding: 9VDC/200mA
herlaadbaar NiMH batterijpack (meegelev.)
afmetingen: 74 x 114 x 29mm
Inhoud van de verpakking:
• generator in zakformaat
• handleiding
• BNC adapter mannelijk - RCA vrouwelijk
• BNC mannelijke stekker naar 2 x 4mm banaanpluggen
• USB-batterijlader
ordernr. BAGPS
USB-adapter voor in de
ordernr. CARSUSB1
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