- Gain (presettable) : 40 dB
- Frequency response : 40Hz - 30KHz (-3dB)
- Maximum input signal : 50mVrms (500mVrms)
- Output impedance : 1Kohm
- Power supply : 10 - 30 VDC, regulated
- Supply current : typ. 5mA
- Dimensions : 44 x 65 mm (1.73" x 2.56")

While the soldering iron is heating, read this first !
You want to enjoy your Velleman Kit as quick as possible, these
hints will assist you !
First, take your time. Hasty jobs often result in disappointments.
Make sure your workspace is wide, clean and well lit. Collect all
the necessary tools you might need for the assembly. Take
care, while unpacking that nothing is left in the wrapping or
boxes, such as small parts, manuals and leaflets. Please check
if all components are present. Use the supplied partlist as a
guide. In case there is something missing or damaged, return
the Kit to your dealer. Read all supplied manuals and notes
carefully before you start constructing...
The Velleman Kit Warranty
Please read this carefully. In most cases, you can easily solve
problems yourself. This text tells you all about.
The Kit, you have built or intend to build, was design by a team
of highly skilled design engineers. Before their design reaches
the customer, it has been tested and re-tested over and over
again. This procedure guarantees you that every design actually
works, when it is put together in the right way. But what if
something does go wrong ?
Avoid unnecessary expenses and loss of time ! Examine the
whole circuit closely. An even better procedure is to let
someone else do this for you. Every tiny detail is important. Are
all components put in the right place and correctly oriented.
Watch out for bad or forgotten solder joints and short-circuits !
What about the power supply ? Is it correct and present ? Does
the Kit require special calibration or adjustment ? Do the
possible external devices such as computers, audio sources or
power circuits match the Kit specifications ?