Velleman CAMCOLD/CK User Manual

1. Introduction
To all residents of the European Union Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on this unit or the package indicates that disposal of this unit after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be brought to a specialized
company for recycling. This unit should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service. Respect the local environmental rules. If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities
Thank you for buying the CAMCOLD/CK! If the device was damaged in transit, contact your dealer.
2. Features
Can control up to 99 cameras
Ability to control 99 normal scanner heads, 1 scanner head, low speed scanner head (less than 24°/sec),
variable speed scanner head
Joystick makes for easy manipulation
Each scanner head can have 64 pre-programmed positions
Delay time can be set between 1~60 sec
Presets: only available on dome cameras disposing of the preset function
Clearly legible LCD display
RS-485 interface
Normal scanner head / control electronic lens and scanner head via decoder (each decoder has 2 ON/OFF
Normal recording/lens all in one scanner head
Low speed scanner head can have 64 pre-positions, slow speed control (<24°/sec)
High speed, variable speed scanner head can have 64 preset points, variable speed control
3. Specifications
Power: adapter 9-12VDC / 400mA (not included)
Control protocol: RS-485
Transfer speed: 9600 bit/sec
Dimensions: 265 x 175 x 80mm
Weight: 0.95kg
4. Connection
1 (grey), 2 (white) – DC 9V-12V 3 (black), 4 (red) – RS485 control A 5 (green), 6 (yellow) – RS485 control B 7 (blue), 8 (brown) - Ground
ATTENTION: Please be careful on the sequence of pin wires - colour
Signal A: Connect all cameras together on connector RS-485-A (connector K2)
Signal B: Connect all cameras together on connector RS-485-B (connector K2)
Do not inverse A with B.
Connect all connections from keyboard connector A with camera connector 1A, camera connector 2A, …
1. Control wires: Connect the RS485 A and B wires from the keyboard to the A and B wires respectively
from the camera, the A and B wires respectively from the port of the scanner head, etc.
2. Terminal resistance: Connect a terminal resistance of 120 to the 2 extreme points of the decoder or
scanner head. Other components do not need resistance.
3. Matching resistance of 120: Wires or ON/OFF switches are on the keyboard. Jumper K4 in the
keyboard is for the matching resistance. When switched to ON, the resistance is connected to the extremity; otherwise, on effect.
1. Connecting 1 dome camera (with PELCO-D protocol)
1. Connect controller signal A to camera signal A.
2. Connect controller signal B to camera signal B.
3. Establish the camera address as address 1 (00000001) see 4.1
4. Establish the camera protocol (standard protocol is PELCO-D protocol). Usually, you do not need to change
the protocol because the controller uses the Pelco-D protocol. See 4.1 to change the protocol. You can also modify the protocol by using the “F4” button on the controller.
4.1 How to set up the PELCO-D protocol
On the camera (bottom of the camera) there is a DIP switch enabling you to adjust the address and the protocol of the camera. The first six switches are for the address (from 1 to 63). It is possible to connect 64 cameras. The last 2 switches serve to set up the protocol.
12345678 = DIP switch nr. Address 1 => 00000001 Characters in bold and italic: Pelco-D protocol Address 2 => 10000001 78
Address 3 => 01000001 01
Address 4 => 11000001 Address 5 => 00100001 Address 6 => 10100001 Address 7 => 01100001 Address 8 => 11100001 Address 9 => 00010001 Address 10 => 10010001 Etc.….
‘1’ in the table means the switch is ON; ‘0’ in the table means the switch is OFF.
4.2 How to set up the PELCO-P protocol
12345678 = DIP switch nr. Address 1 => 00000010 Characters in bold and italic: Pelco-P protocol Address 2 => 10000010 78
Address 3 => 01000010 10
Address 4 => 11000010 Address 5 => 00100010
Address 6 => 10100010 Address 7 => 01100010 Address 8 => 11100010 Address 9 => 00010010 Address 10 => 10010010 Etc.….
‘1’ in the table means the switch is ON; ‘0’ in the table means the switch is OFF.
5. Close off the camera with a jumper (terminal resistance) and set the jumper ON.
6. Connect the power supply (12VDC) to the controller and to the camera.
The controller starts up and the camera initializes.
The camera stops after the initialisation and waits an instruction from the controller.
Use the controller’s manual as a reference on how to use the controller.
2. Connecting 2 dome cameras
Connect controller signal A to signal A from camera 1 and signal A from camera 2.
Connect controller signal B to signal B from camera 1 and signal B from camera 2
Establish the address from camera 1 as address 1 and the address from camera 2 as address 2.
12345678 Camera 1 => 00000001 Pelco-D protocol
12345678 Camera 2 => 10000001 Pelco-D protocol
Switch the jumper from the first camera to “OFF” (terminal resistance not enabled).
Switch the jumper from the second camera to “ON” (terminal resistance enabled). Make sure to close off
the last camera with a terminal resistance (through the jumper).
Connect the power supply (12VDC) to the controllers and the cameras.
The controller starts up and the cameras initialize. You can operate the cameras after the initialisation. To
operate the controller: refer to the controller’s manual. You can connect up to 64 cameras.
Protocol set-up: see 4.1
3. Connecting one or several controllers
Remark: You can also connect 2 controllers to a group of cameras. Simply connect the controllers in parallel. You can connect up to 25 controllers to a group of cameras.
Signal A controller 1 to signal controller 2. Signal B controller 2 to signal controller 2.
Power supply (+12V) controller 1 to power supply (+12) controller 2. Ground (-) controller 1 to ground (-) controller 2. Etc. (# controllers)
ATTENTION: Do not operate 2 controllers at the same time.
5. Keyboard manipulation
Note: Keys "AUX1", "AUX2", "F3", "F4", "MON ", "ACK " and "MSK " are invalid and will not be used. Use the "SAL"
key to clear your input.
1. How to choose a camera:
Press "-1" to choose the previous camera.
Press "+1" to choose the next camera.
To choose a specific camera, press a camera number from 1-99 and then press "CAM".
2. Pan/tilt and lens control:
Input a camera number from 1-99 and press "CAM". You can also choose a camera by pressing
"-1" (previous camera) or "+1" (next camera).
Press "I+" or "I-" to open or close the iris, press "Z+" or "Z-" to zoom in or out, press "F+" or "F-"
to focus in or out. You can also use the keyboard joystick.
Press "PAN" for a continuous horizontal rotation. Press "PAN" to stop or to start again
(depending on the type of camera).
3. How to preset positions (depending on the dome camera type):
Move the joystick and adjust to the desired location.
Press "F1" and then press "8".
Input the preset number (1-64).
Press "PRE".
4. How to view the preset positions: a) Manually:
Choose a camera by pressing a camera input number.
Input the pre-position number (1-64).
Press "CALL" to view the pre-set position and to stop.
b) Automatically:
Choose a camera by pressing a camera input number (2-16). The maximum transfer length is
Input the number of pre-positions you want to view sequentially (2-16).
Press "RUN".
c) Stop the auto-touring:
Choose the scanning camera.
Press "HOLD". The camera will stop scanning and the other cameras will continue working
5. Decoder switch control:
"AUX1" and "AUX2" are invalid.
6. There are two methods to set the delay time:
Press "DWL" to add 1 unit at a time. The delay time ranges from 1 to 60 sec.
Input the desired delay time (with a minimum of 4) and press "DWL".
7. Press "SAL" to reset the number previously keyed in.
8. Address:
Standard address is on PELCO-P protocol. Example: Camera 1 on 1st address (OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF)
Camera 2 on 2nd address (ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF) Camera 3 on 3rd address (OFF, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF) Camera 4 on 4th address (ON, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF) Etc. Last camera: Jumper K4 on PCB OFF
The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
1. Inleiding
Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Belangrijke milieu-informatie betreffende dit product
Dit symbool op het toestel of de verpakking geeft aan dat, als het na zijn levenscyclus wordt weggeworpen, dit toestel schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu.
Gooi dit toestel (en eventuele batterijen) niet bij het gewone huishoudelijke afval; het moet bij een gespecialiseerd bedrijf terechtkomen voor recyclage. U moet dit toestel naar uw verdeler of naar een lokaal recyclagepunt brengen. Respecteer de plaatselijke milieuwetgeving.
Hebt u vragen, contacteer dan de plaatselijke autoriteiten inzake verwijdering.
Dank u voor uw aankoop! Lees deze handleiding grondig voor u het toestel in gebruik neemt. Als het toestel werd beschadigd tijdens het transport, stel dan de installatie van het toestel uit en raadpleeg uw dealer.
2. Kenmerken
Kan max. 99 camera’s bedienen
Kan 99 gewone scanner heads, 1 scanner head, low-speed scanner head (minder dan 24°/sec), 1 scanner
head met regelbare snelheid aansturen
Eenvoudige bediening met joystick
Elke scanner head heeft max. 64 voorgeprogrammeerde standen
Schakeltijd kan worden ingesteld van 1~60 sec
Voorgeprogrammeerde standen (presets): enkel beschikbaar met type dome camera’s die over deze preset-
functie beschikken
Goed leesbare LCD display
RS-485 interface
Normale scanner head: de elektronische lens en de scanner head worden aangestuurd via de decoder (elke
decoder heeft 2 ON/OFF schakelaars)
Normal recording/lens in één scanner head
Low-speed scanner head heeft 64 voorgeprogrammeerde instellingen, draaisnelheid (<24°/sec)
High-speed en variabele scanner head hebben 64 voorgeprogrammeerde instellingen, variabele snelheid
3. Specificaties
Voeding: adapter 9-12VDC / 400mA (niet meegeleverd)
Protocol: RS-485
Overdrachtsnelheid: 9600 bit/sec
Afmetingen: 265 x 175 x 80mm
Gewicht: 0.95kg
4. Aansluiting
1 (wit), 2 (grijs) – DC 9V-12V 3 (zwart), 4 (rood) – RS485 controle A 5 (groen), 6 (geel) – RS485 controle B 7 (blauw), 8 (bruin) - Aarding
OPGELET: Let op de volgorde en de kleur van de bedrading.
Signaal A: Verbind alle camera’s op RS-485-A connector (connector K2).
Signaal B: Verbind alle camera’s op RS-485-B connector (connector K2).
Wissel A en B niet om.
Verbind alle aansluitingen van de A-connector van het bedieningspaneel met de connector van camera 1A,
connector van camera 2A, …
1. Bedrading: Verbind A en B van de RS485 interface met respectievelijk A en B van de camera,
respectievelijk A en B van de scanner head, enz…
2. Afsluitweerstand: Plaats een afsluitweerstand van 120 op de twee eindpunten van de camera of
scanner head. Andere componenten hebben geen weerstanden nodig.
3. Gelijke weerstand van 120: Bedrading of ON/OFF switches op het controlepaneel. De K4 jumper in
het controlepaneel wordt gebruikt voor de gelijke weerstand. Wanneer deze op ON staat, dan is de weerstand met de eindpunten aangesloten. Indien niet, dan is de weerstand met het effect aangesloten.
1. Aansluiten van 1 dome camera (met PELCO-D protocol)
1. Sluit het signaal A van de controller aan met signaal A van de camera.
2. Sluit het signaal B van de controller aan met signaal B van de camera.
3. Stel het adres van de camera op adres 1 (00000001) zie punt 4.1
4. Stel dan het protocol in van de camera (normaal staat het standaard op het PELCO-D protocol). Normaal
gezien hoeft u niet van protocol te veranderen, want de controller werkt op het Pelco-D protocol. Veranderen van protocol kan je terug vinden bij punt 4.1 Op de controller kan u het protocol ook veranderen met de functietoets “F4”.
4.1 Hoe instellen van het PELCO-D protocol
Op de camera zelf vindt u een dipswitch schakelaar (onderaan camera), waarmee u het adres en het protocol van de camera kan afstellen. De eerste zes schakelaars zijn het adres (van 1 tot 63). Zo kunt u dus 64 camera’s aansluiten. De laatste 2 schakelaars dienen om het protocol in te stellen.
12345678 = nr. schakelaar van dipswitch Adres 1 => 00000001 Karakters in vet en cursief: Pelco-D protocol Adres 2 => 10000001 78
Adres 3 => 01000001 01
Adres 4 => 11000001 Adres 5 => 00100001 Adres 6 => 10100001 Adres 7 => 01100001 Adres 8 => 11100001 Adres 9 => 00010001 Adres 10 => 10010001 Enz….
‘1’ in tabel is schakelaar op ON en ‘0’ is schakelaar op OFF.
4.2 Hoe instellen van het PELCO-P protocol
12345678 = nr. schakelaar van dipswitch Adres 1 => 00000010 Karakters in vet en cursief: Pelco-Pprotocol Adres 2 => 10000010 78
Adres 3 => 01000010 10
Adres 4 => 11000010 Adres 5 => 00100010
+ 14 hidden pages