Thank you for purchasing the VEC-624 440 MHz UHF Antenna Tuner.
It will handle up to 300 watts PEP of output power. It is designed to
match a wide range of impedances for coax fed antennas. SWR/WATT
meter is built-in.
1. Connect your coax line fed antenna to the coax connector on the
VEC-624 marked ANTENNA.
2. Connect a short coax line from the coax connector on the VEC-624
marked TRANSMITTER to the antenna connector of your
3. Connect a ground wire from the GROUND wing nut of the VEC-
624 to the transceiver ground or earth ground of your station.
1. SWR Measurement:
a. Set the push button switch to SET position (IN).
b. Transmit a continuous carrier and set the SWR/POWER control
for a full scale meter deflection.
c. Set the p ush button switch to SWR position (OUT) and read the
SWR on the SWR scale of the meter.
2. Power Measurement:
a. Set the push bottom switch to SET position (IN).
b. For 30 watts range -- rotate the SWR/POWER control to the 30
mark and read the power level on the 30 watt scale.
c. For 300 watts range -- rotate the SWR/POWER control to the
300 mark and read the power level on the 300 scale.
demo for registered user.