The Vectronics DL-650M is a dry air cooled resistive dummy
load using a tuned hyperbolic cone that is tunable over the
frequency range. This feature allows power measurement up to
1000 MHz.
This load is capable of dissipating up to 1500 watts average
from DC to 650 MHz. A reasonable cool down period is
needed to keep the resistor from becoming permanently
damaged. (Typically 10-20 times the load usage.)
Impedance: 50 Ohms (at operating temperature - 250 C).
58 Ohms (at room temperature).
VSWR: <1.3 DC-300MHz; <1.5 300-650MHz
<2.0 650-1000MHz
Power Dissipation 1500 watts average - up to 20 sec. max. (see chart
printed on the unit.)
Duty Cycle 20 seconds on at 1500 watts with 200-400 seconds
off period.
Voltage Gradient: 10 kV per inch
Resistor Type: Dispersed carbon particles fired in ceramic matrix.
Energy Density: 700 joules per cubic inch.