Model Code Page
22. Fuel system
1. 6. 1999
6000--8750 222 1
1. 4. 1997
Repair instructions
Fuel feed pump and fuel filter (Op no 222)
Bosch in---line pump
A. Bleeding fuel system
1. Slacken the bleeder screw on the filter head (8200, 8400,
8750 and 8950 have a double filter). Pump with the hand
pump until the fuel flowing out atthe bleeder screwis free from
air bubbles. Then tighten the bleeder screw.
3. Slacken the injection pump overflow valve. Pump with the
hand pump until the fuel flowing out is free from air bubbles.
Tighten the overflow.
4. W ipe off any fuel from the engine.
B. Bleeding thermostart system
Always remove air from the glow plug fuel pipe when thepipe
or reservoir has been emptied during repair work etc. This
preventsdamages to theglow plug causedby lack of fuel during starting.
1. If the reservoir is empty, fill it e.g. with a drip pot through the
breather hole on the reservoir.
2. Open the glow plug pipe connector and drain fuel from the
pipe. Connect the pipe.
C. Measuring fuel feed pressure
Note! Measuring equipment, see page 220/3.
1. Clean the fuel injection pump and the filter and the pipes
between them.
2. Fit the gauge at the banjo connection on the pump, as
shown above (between filter and injection pump).
3. Run the engine at low idling for a while and compare the
gauge reading with the prescribed value (0,6 ---1,0 bar).
N.B. If themeasured pressure is below the prescribed value,
this may be caused by:
--- faulty overflow valve
--- b l o ck e d fu e l fi l te r
--- faulty fuel feed pump
--- blocked or leaking fuel pipes or unions