Valleylab Force FX Testing procedure

Valleylab Force FX periodic testing
The passage of high frequency electrical current through tissue to create a desired clinical effect.
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What tests should be done?
1. Output tests in each different mode;
cut, coag and bi-polar.
2. REM high and low trip points
3. RF Leakage test
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Different loads for different modes.
Usually bi-polar mode is tested at 100 ohms load, cut mode at 300 ohms and coagulation mode at
500 ohms. Measure the current, not the watts. RF power output circuitry is 1 to 6 N channel MOSFET’s in parallel. With age and thermal damage, they begin to fail and the output voltage drops. Circuitry compensates by increasing the current thru the MOSFET’s. Current times voltage equals wattage. Measuring wattage will not detect
the drop in voltage, but measuring current will detect the voltage drop. Valleylab specifically states to test for current under specified load.
ESU Math, not quite rocket science
Watt setting of ESU / Load setting of tester =
desired test result
Bi-Polar 10 Watts
100 Ω
Coag 30 W
500 Ω
Cut 75W
300 Ω
= .1= .316 amp = 316 mA
= 0.06 = .245 A = 245 mA
= .25 = .5A = 500mA
REM testing
Testing must be done with the middle
pin of the r.e.m. connector present. Without the pin, the e.s.u. switches to non r.e.m. circuitry.
If an e.s.u. is sent to mfr. for repair
with a r.e.m. fault, testing must be done with the actual patient pad.
Normal power output testing bypasses
r.e.m. circuitry.
ESU Vocabulary page one
1. Current
The number of electrons moving past a given point per second, measured in amperes.
2. Current Density
The amount of current flow per unit of surface area; current concentration directly proportional to the amount of heat generated.
3. Current Division
Electrical current leaving the intended electrosurgical circuit and following an alternate path of least resistance to ground; typically the cause of alternate site burns when using a grounded generator.
4. Cut
A low-voltage, continuous waveform optimized for electrosurgical cutting.
5. Cutting
Use of the cut waveform to achieve an electrosurgical effect that results from high current density in the tissue causing cellular fluid to burst into steam and disrupt the structure. Voltage is low and current flow is high.
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