Vaisala MAWS101, MAWS201 User Manual

Automatic Weather Station
MAWS101 & MAWS201
January 2002
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© Vaisala 2002
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be communicated to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 1
Table of Contents
GENERAL INFORMATION ..........................................................................11
About This Manual..................................................................11
Safety .......................................................................................12
General Safety Considerations............................................12
Product Related Safety Precautions ...................................12
ESD Protection .................................................................... 14
Version Information................................................................15
Related Manuals .....................................................................15
Warranty ..................................................................................16
PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................17
Introduction to MAWS ............................................................17
MAWS101 Mini AWS...........................................................17
MAWS201 Mobile AWS.......................................................18
Product Nomenclature ...........................................................20
MAWS Software ...................................................................... 21
Operating Software.............................................................. 21
Lizard Setup Software .........................................................22
MAWS Terminal .................................................................. 22
QML102 AWS Logger .............................................................23
Memory Expansion Board (Optional) ..................................24
Power Supplies .......................................................................25
Internal Battery ....................................................................26
Solar Panels ........................................................................26
SOLAR6 with MAWS201................................................26
SOLAR6-75 with MAWS101 ..........................................27
Mains Power Supplies .........................................................27
A Wall Adapter................................................................27
QMP213 .........................................................................27
QBR101 Battery Regulator ....................................... 29
BWT15SX Mains Power Supply................................29
Sensors.................................................................................... 30
Wind Sensor ........................................................................ 30
Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor .................. 31
Pressure Sensor .................................................................. 32
Precipitation Sensors...........................................................32
QMR101 .........................................................................32
QMR102 .........................................................................33
Solar Radiation Sensors ...................................................... 34
QMS101 .........................................................................34
QMS102 .........................................................................34
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
2 ____________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
QMN101......................................................................... 35
Soil Temperature Sensors .................................................. 35
QMT103 ......................................................................... 35
QMT107 ......................................................................... 36
Soil Moisture Sensor........................................................... 37
Water Level Sensors........................................................... 37
QMV101......................................................................... 37
QMV102......................................................................... 38
Leaf Wetness Sensor.......................................................... 39
Fuel Moisture Sensor.......................................................... 39
Communication Devices ....................................................... 40
Communication Modules .................................................... 40
DSU232 ......................................................................... 40
DSI485A......................................................................... 41
DSI486 ........................................................................... 41
Modem DMX501 ............................................................ 42
SATELLINE 3AS Radio Modem ......................................... 42
Accessories ............................................................................ 43
Masts for MAWS101 ........................................................... 43
DKP102.......................................................................... 43
DKP12............................................................................ 44
Sensor Arm ......................................................................... 44
Carry Case Sets.................................................................. 44
QMM110 ........................................................................ 44
QMM120 ........................................................................ 45
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 47
Preparing Installation ............................................................ 47
Unpacking Instructions........................................................ 48
Siting the Station.................................................................... 48
Wind.................................................................................... 49
Air Temperature and Relative Humidity.............................. 49
Precipitation ........................................................................ 50
Solar Radiation ................................................................... 50
Soil Temperature ................................................................ 50
Soil Moisture ....................................................................... 51
Water Level......................................................................... 51
Fuel Moisture ...................................................................... 52
Installing MAWS Basic Components ................................... 53
Installing MAWS101 to a Mast .............................................. 57
On DKP102......................................................................... 57
On DKP12........................................................................... 59
On Any Wooden Pole or Wall ............................................. 61
Installing MAWS201 to the Tripod........................................ 62
Assembling the Tripod ........................................................ 63
Installing Power Supply ........................................................ 64
Installing Solar Panel .......................................................... 64
Installing a QMP Power Supply .......................................... 69
QMP213 Mains Power Supply....................................... 69
QMP201C Solar/Mains Power Supply........................... 70
Installing Sensors .................................................................. 71
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 3
Connecting Cables ..............................................................71
Installing Pressure Sensor................................................... 72
Installing Wind Sensor.........................................................73
Aligning Wind Vane ........................................................73
Using winddircal0 Command ....................................73
Using Compass and Reference Point .......................74
Installing Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
Sensor .................................................................................75
Installing Rain Gauges ........................................................75
QMR101 .........................................................................75
QMR102 .........................................................................76
Installing on the Stand RG35003 .............................. 76
Installing on a RGB1 Base Plate...............................77
Installing on a Pedestal .............................................78
Finalizing the Installation...........................................79
Installing Solar Radiation Sensors ......................................81
QMS101/QMS102 ..........................................................81
QMN101 .........................................................................81
Installing Soil Temperature Sensors ...................................82
Installing Soil Moisture Sensor ............................................85
Installing Water Level Sensors............................................86
QMV101/QMV102 ..........................................................86
Installing Leaf Wetness Sensor ........................................... 87
On the Wooden Surface .................................................87
To a Pole Mast ...............................................................87
To the Sensor Arm .........................................................88
Finalizing the Installation ................................................88
Installing Fuel Moisture Sensor ...........................................89
Installing Communication Devices .......................................91
Installing Communication Modules......................................91
Installing SATELLINE 3AS Radio Modem...........................92
Installing Accessories............................................................ 94
External Memory Expansion Board .....................................94
Installing Software..................................................................96
Installing Embedded Software............................................. 96
Installing MAWS Terminal ...................................................96
Installing Lizard....................................................................96
Disassembly of MAWS201 for Transportation .................... 97
QMT107 Probe Extraction ................................................... 97
Packing Instructions ............................................................99
OPERATION ...............................................................................................101
Operation Principle...............................................................101
Taking MAWS into Use.........................................................102
Aligning the MAWS201 Station .........................................102
Quick Start Instructions .....................................................103
Establishing Terminal Connection .....................................104
Using MAWS Terminal Software .........................................105
Selecting the Language ..................................................... 105
MAWS Terminal Main Window..........................................106
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
4 ____________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Defining MAWS Terminal Settings ................................... 108
Preferences Window.................................................... 108
Address Book Window................................................. 110
Opening MAWS Service Connection................................ 110
Giving Commands ............................................................ 112
Closing MAWS Service Connection ................................. 113
Modifying Station Settings.................................................. 113
Managing User Levels ......................................................... 115
MAWS Configuration File.................................................... 116
Selecting Configuration File.............................................. 116
Uploading Configuration File ............................................ 117
Data Logging ........................................................................ 118
Log Data Format ............................................................... 120
Controlling Logging ........................................................... 120
Freeing Up Logging Space ............................................... 121
Working with Data Log Files ............................................. 121
Selecting Files for Downloading .................................. 122
Downloading Files ....................................................... 123
Browsing Downloaded Files ........................................ 124
Converting Data Log Files to CSV Format .................. 127
Using External Memory Card.............................................. 127
Resetting MAWS .................................................................. 128
Command Reference for Terminal Connection ................ 129
MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 133
Routine Maintenance and Calibration ............................... 133
Overall Checking.................................................................. 135
Sensors and Accessories ................................................... 135
Solar Panel ....................................................................... 135
Wind Sensor ..................................................................... 135
Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor ............... 138
Humidity Calibration..................................................... 138
Changing the HUMICAP®180 Humidity Sensor ......... 139
Pressure Sensor ............................................................... 139
Calibration.................................................................... 140
Precipitation Sensors ........................................................ 140
QMR101....................................................................... 140
QMR102....................................................................... 141
Calibration............................................................... 141
Solar Radiation Sensors ................................................... 145
QMS101....................................................................... 145
QMS102....................................................................... 146
QMN101....................................................................... 146
Soil Temperature Sensors ................................................ 146
QMT103 ....................................................................... 146
QMT107 ....................................................................... 147
Soil Moisture Sensor......................................................... 147
Water Level Sensors......................................................... 147
QMV101/QMV102 ....................................................... 147
Leaf Wetness Sensor........................................................ 148
Fuel Moisture Sensor........................................................ 148
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 5
Cable Maintenance............................................................148
Spare Parts............................................................................149
Available Spare Parts ........................................................149
Ordering Spare Parts......................................................... 149
Data Validation......................................................................151
The LASTVAL Command .................................................. 152
Software Operation...............................................................153
System Information............................................................155
Connection Problems ........................................................156
Commands ........................................................................157
Battery Status .......................................................................158
Determining MAWS Operation Mode..................................158
Power Supply ........................................................................159
Solar Panel ........................................................................159
Getting Help ..........................................................................159
Return Instructions...............................................................160
TECHNICAL DATA.....................................................................................161
Connector Block Descriptions ............................................161
Wiring Diagrams ...................................................................163
DSU232 .............................................................................164
DSI485A ............................................................................165
Battery Charging...................................................................169
Power Supply and Battery Types ...................................... 170
Battery Sensing ............................................................ 170
External Power Supply ................................................. 170
Solar Cell ......................................................................171
Lead Batteries ..............................................................171
Primary Cells ................................................................172
Lead Battery Charger Operation .......................................172
Normal Charging ..........................................................172
Quick Charging.............................................................173
Float Charging .............................................................. 174
Temperature Protection................................................174
Specifications .......................................................................175
QML102 Logger.................................................................175
Accessories .......................................................................176
Wind Sensors ...............................................................179
Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor...........179
Pressure Sensor...........................................................179
Precipitation Sensors ................................................... 180
Solar Radiation Sensors...............................................180
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
6 ____________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Soil Temperature Sensors ........................................... 182
Soil Moisture Sensor.................................................... 183
Water Level Sensors ................................................... 184
Leaf Wetness Sensor .................................................. 185
Fuel Moisture Sensor................................................... 185
Communication Devices ................................................... 186
Block Diagrams .................................................................... 187
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................... 189
List of Figures
Figure 1 Components of MAWS101 Weather Station ......................... 18
Figure 2 Components of MAWS201 Weather Station ......................... 19
Figure 3 QML102 Logger ..................................................................... 23
Figure 4 QML102 Logger without the Cover........................................ 24
Figure 5 QMC102 Memory Expansion Board ...................................... 25
Figure 6 Compact Flash Memory Card Readers ................................. 25
Figure 7 SOLAR6 Solar Panel ............................................................. 26
Figure 8 QMP213 Mains Power Supply............................................... 28
Figure 9 QMP201C Solar/Mains Power Supply ................................... 28
Figure 10 QBR101 Battery Regulator .................................................... 29
Figure 11 QMW101 Wind Sensor .......................................................... 30
Figure 12 QMH101 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor .......... 31
Figure 13 PMT16A Pressure Sensor ..................................................... 32
Figure 14 QMR101 Rain Gauge ............................................................ 32
Figure 15 QMR102 Rain Gauge ............................................................ 33
Figure 16 QMS101 Pyranometer ........................................................... 34
Figure 17 QMS102 Pyranometer ........................................................... 34
Figure 18 QMN101 Net Radiation Sensor ............................................. 35
Figure 19 QMT103 Soil/Water Temperature Sensor ............................. 35
Figure 20 QMT107 Soil Temperature Sensor ........................................ 36
Figure 21 ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor .................................................... 37
Figure 22 QMV101 Water Level Sensor ................................................ 37
Figure 23 QMV102 Water Level Sensor ................................................ 38
Figure 24 QLW101 Leaf Wetness Sensor ............................................. 39
Figure 25 QFM101 Fuel Moisture Sensor.............................................. 40
Figure 26 Communication Modules ....................................................... 40
Figure 27 SATELLINE 3AS Radio Modem ............................................ 42
Figure 28 Installation Mast with Accessories ......................................... 43
Figure 29 QMA101 Sensor Arm............................................................. 44
Figure 30 QMM110 Carry Case Set....................................................... 45
Figure 31 QMM120 Carry Case Set....................................................... 45
Figure 32 Siting the Station .................................................................... 49
Figure 33 QMV101/QMV102 Sensor in Water....................................... 52
Figure 34 Tube Securing Hand Screws ................................................. 53
Figure 35 Logger Cover Screw .............................................................. 53
Figure 36 Pressure Sensor Tube Connection........................................ 54
Figure 37 Battery Connectors ................................................................ 55
Figure 38 Aligning Pin and Hand Screws............................................... 55
Figure 39 O-rings for Sealing the Tube.................................................. 55
Figure 40 Wind Sensor Attachment ....................................................... 56
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 7
Figure 41 Upper Tube Attachment .........................................................56
Figure 42 Sensor Arm Support Attachment ............................................ 57
Figure 43 Sensor Arm Assembly ............................................................57
Figure 44 DKP12 Attachment to a Foundation ....................................... 58
Figure 45 Maws101 Fixed to the Pole with Clamps ...............................59
Figure 46 Wind Sensor QMW110 with DKP12 Mast ..............................60
Figure 47 Installing the Protective cover Screw......................................60
Figure 48 Installation Arm ....................................................................... 61
Figure 49 MAWS101 Fixed to a Wooden Pole with Screws...................61
Figure 50 Mechanical Structure of MAWS201........................................62
Figure 51 Tripod's Leg Attachment.........................................................63
Figure 52 Tripod's Leg Adjustment and Peg Hole ..................................63
Figure 53 Tripod's Leg Attachment.........................................................64
Figure 54 Solar Panel Fixture .................................................................65
Figure 55 Solar Panel Angle Adjustment ................................................ 65
Figure 56 Metallic Connector for Solar Panel .........................................66
Figure 57 Plastic Connector for Solar Panel........................................... 66
Figure 58 Wires' Connection to the Terminals........................................66
Figure 59 Solar Panel Connector Assembly...........................................67
Figure 60 Connector Attached ................................................................ 67
Figure 61 Map of Latitudes .....................................................................68
Figure 62 QMP213 with Installation Accessories ...................................69
Figure 63 Parts of QMP201C.................................................................. 70
Figure 64 PMT16A Location on the Logger ............................................ 73
Figure 65 Aligning the Wind Vane ..........................................................74
Figure 66 QMH101 Probe and the Radiation Shield ..............................75
Figure 67 Mounting Plates Attachment...................................................76
Figure 68 Rain Gauge Attachment .........................................................76
Figure 69 Rain Gauge Installed On a Stand...........................................77
Figure 70 Rain Gauge Attachment .........................................................77
Figure 71 Rain Gauge Pedestal Plate Dimensions ................................78
Figure 72 Assembling QMR102 on the Ground with Pedestal Plate......79
Figure 73 Funnel Fixing Screw ...............................................................79
Figure 74 QMR102 Adjustment and the Foam Location ........................80
Figure 75 Wiring Diagram of QMR102 ...................................................80
Figure 76 Installing QMS101 or QMS102 Pyranometer on
Sensor Arm.............................................................................81
Figure 77 Installing QMN101 Net Radiometer........................................82
Figure 78 Drilling Procedure ................................................................... 83
Figure 79 Cleaning the Auger with a Screwdriver ..................................83
Figure 80 Soil Temperature Probe Inserted Correctly, Arrow
Pointing to Ground Level Line ................................................ 84
Figure 81 ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor..................................................... 85
Figure 82 Buried ML2x Sensors .............................................................86
Figure 83 Mounting QLW101 to a Wooden Surface...............................87
Figure 84 Mounting QLW101 to a Pole ..................................................88
Figure 85 QLW101 Installed on Sensor Arm ..........................................88
Figure 86 Adapter Installed to Connector ............................................... 89
Figure 87 Installing the Sensor with the Clamp ...................................... 90
Figure 88 Adapter Installed to Connector ............................................... 91
Figure 89 Module Placement .................................................................. 92
Figure 90 Radio Modem and the Fixture ................................................ 93
Figure 91 Wire Modifications with Radio Modem ...................................94
Figure 92 Communication Modules Removed........................................95
Figure 93 External Memory Expansion Board Installed .........................95
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
8 ____________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Figure 94 Probe Extraction .................................................................... 98
Figure 95 QMM110 Carry Case Set....................................................... 99
Figure 96 QMM120 Carry Case Set....................................................... 99
Figure 97 Aligning MAWS201 on the Northern Hemisphere ............... 102
Figure 98 Connecting the Terminal Cable ........................................... 104
Figure 99 COM0 Pins for the Terminal Connector............................... 105
Figure 100 Select Language Window .................................................... 105
Figure 101 MAWS Terminal Main Window ............................................ 106
Figure 102 MAWS Terminal Showing Report ........................................ 107
Figure 103 Directories Tab in Preferences Window .............................. 108
Figure 104 Address Book Window......................................................... 110
Figure 105 Address Book Window when Connecting to MAWS ........... 111
Figure 106 MAWS Station Settings Window.......................................... 114
Figure 107 Selecting an Upload Configuration File ............................... 118
Figure 108 Select Log Files for Download Window ............................... 122
Figure 109 Set Download Preferences Window .................................... 123
Figure 110 Confirming File Deletion after Download ............................. 124
Figure 111 Offline Query Window for Browsing Data Log Files ............ 125
Figure 112 Select Data Items Window................................................... 125
Figure 113 Offline Query Window with Data Items ................................ 126
Figure 114 Selecting a Binary Log File for CSV Conversion ................. 127
Figure 115 QMW101/QMV110 Sensor Assembly ................................. 137
Figure 116 QMH101 Probe Maintenance .............................................. 138
Figure 117 Static Calibration .................................................................. 142
Figure 118 Dynamic Calibration............................................................. 143
Figure 119 Dynamic Calibration (Constant Head) ................................. 144
Figure 120 Connector Blocks................................................................. 162
Figure 121 Basic Wiring Diagram .......................................................... 164
Figure 122 DSU232 Wiring Diagram...................................................... 165
Figure 123 Suggested T-connection in Dual Port Mode ........................ 165
Figure 124 DSI485A Wiring Diagram..................................................... 166
Figure 125 DSI486 Wiring Diagram for Dual RS-485 ............................ 166
Figure 126 DSI486 Default Jumper Locations ....................................... 167
Figure 127 DSI486 Wiring Diagram for RS-485 and RS-232 ................ 167
Figure 128 DMX501 Wiring Diagram ..................................................... 168
Figure 129 Connector of QMT107 (Viewed from Connecting Side) ...... 169
Figure 130 Soil Moisture Sensor Dimensions ........................................ 183
Figure 131 Wiring of QMV101 Water Level Sensor............................... 184
Figure 132 QMT107 Soil Temperature Probe Block Diagram ............... 187
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 9
List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions ...................................................................15
Table 2 Related Manuals.....................................................................15
Table 3 MAWS Nomenclature (Basic Set) ..........................................20
Table 4 MAWS Nomenclature (Sensor Options).................................20
Table 5 MAWS Nomenclature (Communication Options) ...................21
Table 6 Installation Accessories ..........................................................21
Table 7 MAWS Nomenclature (Optional Accessories)........................21
Table 8 Overview of Installation .......................................................... 47
Table 9 Recommended Tilt Angle for Solar Panel ..............................68
Table 10 Default Lower Base Connectors.............................................71
Table 11 Default Upper Base Connectors.............................................72
Table 12 Cable Pins of ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor ..............................86
Table 13 Cable Pins of QLW101 Leaf Wetness Sensor ....................... 89
Table 14 Modified Wiring with QFM101 ................................................91
Table 15 Default Configuration for Communication Modules................92
Table 16 Quick Start Instructions ........................................................ 103
Table 17 Description of the Toolbar ....................................................107
Table 18 Description of Preference Window Tabs ..............................109
Table 19 Interpreting Help Texts (the Correct Syntax) ........................ 112
Table 20 Description of MAWS Station Settings Window ...................114
Table 21 Accessible Commands in Different User Levels ..................116
Table 22 Log Memory Capacity...........................................................119
Table 23 Log Entry Status ...................................................................120
Table 24 LED Blinking Sequences and Card Status Options .............128
Table 25 Command Set ....................................................................... 129
Table 26 Greenspan’s Calibration .......................................................139
Table 27 Calibration Procedure ...........................................................140
Table 28 Calibration Factors................................................................ 145
Table 29 Available Spare Parts ...........................................................149
Table 30 Some Common Problems and Their Remedies...................155
Table 31 Some Common Connecting Problems and Their
Remedies.............................................................................. 157
Table 32 Error Messages ....................................................................157
Table 33 Determining Operation Mode by LED Flashing ....................159
Table 34 Troubleshooting the Solar Panel ..........................................159
Table 35 Description of Analog Measurement Channels ....................163
Table 36 Description of the Power Channel ........................................163
Table 37 The Jumper Settings for Channel B in the RS-485 Mode ....167
Table 38 The Jumper Settings for Channel B in the RS-232 Mode ....168
Table 39 Cable wire connections ........................................................ 169
Table 40 QML102 Logger Specifications ............................................175
Table 41 SOLAR6 Solar Panel Specifications (MAWS201) ................ 176
Table 42 SOLAR6-75 Solar Panel Specifications (MAWS101)...........176
Table 43 SOLAR12 Solar Panel Specifications (QMP201C) ..............176
Table 44 7 Ah Backup Battery Specifications (inside QMP201C) ....... 177
Table 45 QBR101 Battery Regulator Specifications
(inside QMP201C) ................................................................177
Table 46 BWT15SX Mains Power Supply Unit Specifications
(inside QMP201C) ................................................................178
Table 47 QMW101/QMV110 Combined Wind Sensor
Specifications........................................................................ 179
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
10 ___________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Table 48 QMH101 Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
Specifications ....................................................................... 179
Table 49 PMT16A Pressure Sensor Specifications............................ 179
Table 50 QMR101 Rain Gauge Specifications ................................... 180
Table 51 QMR102 Rain Gauge Specifications ................................... 180
Table 52 QMS101 Global Solar Radiation Sensor Specifications ...... 180
Table 53 QMS102 Global Solar Radiation Sensor Specifications ...... 181
Table 54 QMN101 Net Solar Radiation Sensor Specifications .......... 181
Table 55 QMT103 Soil/Water Temperature Sensor Specifications.... 182
Table 56 QMT107 Soil Temperature Probe Specifications ................ 182
Table 57 ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor Specifications........................... 183
Table 58 QMV101 Water Level Sensor Specifications....................... 184
Table 59 QMV102 Water Level Sensor Specifications....................... 184
Table 60 QLW101 Leaf Wetness Sensor Specifications .................... 185
Table 61 QFM101 Fuel Moisture Sensor Specifications .................... 185
Table 62 SATELLINE 3AS Radio Modem Specifications ................... 186
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 11
About This Manual
This manual provides information for installing, operating and maintaining MAWS101 and MAWS201 Automatic Weather Stations equipped with meteorological sensors. This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides important safety, revision history, contact, and warranty information for the product.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the MAWS Automatic Weather Station features, accessories, sensors, and the product nomenclature.
- Chapter 3, Installation, describes how to mechanically put together a MAWS weather station that is mounted to a portable mast or to a pole mast.
- Chapter 4, Operation, provides the instructions for taking MAWS Automatic Weather Station into use when all the equipment has been assembled and installed.
- Chapter 5, Maintenance, provides information that is needed in the basic maintenance of MAWS.
- Chapter 6, Troubleshooting, consists of some common MAWS problems, their probable causes, and remedies.
- Chapter 7, Technical Data, provides the technical data of MAWS and its sensors.
- Appendix A, Glossary
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
12 ___________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
General Safety Considerations
Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Product Related Safety Precautions
MAWS has been tested for safety and approved as shipped from the factory. The following safety precautions are not related to any specific procedures and therefore do not appear elsewhere in this manual. They are recommended precautions that personnel must understand and apply during different phases of operation and maintenance.
Keep away from live circuits. Operating personnel must observe safety regulations at all times. Component replacement or internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist for some time even with the power cable disconnected. To avoid injuries, disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 13
Do not service alone. Under no circumstances should any person reach into parts and assemblies that are mains powered and alive, for the purpose of servicing, except in the presence of someone who is capable of rendering aid.
Personnel working with or near high voltages should be familiar with modern methods of resuscitation.
Do not service a live system outdoors. Do not open units outdoors when the enclosure contains line voltage levels.
Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere, for example, when flammable gases or fumes are present. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Do not substitute parts or modify the instrument. Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install unsuitable parts in the instrument. Contact Vaisala or its authorized representative for repairs to ensure that safety features are maintained.
Be careful when erecting the mast. See that there are no power lines or other obstacles above the mast.
Secure the mast properly to prevent it from falling. Tighten all the adjustment screws securely.
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
14 ___________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Do not make changes to the wiring. Incorrect wiring can damage the device and prevent it from operating correctly.
Be careful when moving the mast. To prevent damage to the sensors, remove them (and the sensor arms) before moving the station.
When disposing of old batteries, be sure to do so in accordance with all regulations applicable in your area.
ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected against ESD for their intended use. However, it is possible to damage the product by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself:
- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly grounded and protected ESD workbench. When this is not possible, ground yourself to the equipment chassis before touching the boards. Ground yourself with a wrist strap and a resistive connection cord. When neither of the above is possible, touch a conductive part of the equipment chassis with your other hand before touching the boards.
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching the component contacts.
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 15
Version Information
Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
U328en-1.1 Applicable to software version 0.80.07 U328en-1.2 Applicable to software versions from 0.807 to 0.903 U328en-1.3 Applicable to software versions from 0.904 to 1.0 U328en-1.4 Case specific manual U328en-1.5 Applicable to software versions prior to 3.00. U328en-1.6 Applicable to software versions prior to 3.00. M210243en-A This manual. Applicable from software version 3.00
Related Manuals
Table 2 Related Manuals
Manual Code Manual Name
M010069en YourVIEW Weather Display for MAWS- User's Guide M010077en MAWS301 - User's Guide M010114en MAWS301 - Installation Manual M010141en MAWS Lizard Setup Software - User's Guide M010120en Connecting DD50 and WD30 Displays via Radio Modem
to MAWS - Technical Reference
M210222en Using WD30(tu) and WD20 with MAWS - Technical
Reference M210223en Using DD50 with MAWS - Technical Reference N257en MAWS Software loading - Technical Notice
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
16 ___________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
Vaisala hereby represents and warrants all Products manufactured by Vaisala and sold hereunder to be free from defects in workmanship or material during a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery save for products for which a special warranty is given. If any Product proves however to be defective in workmanship or material within the period herein provided Vaisala undertakes to the exclusion of any other remedy to repair or at its own option replace the defective Product or part thereof free of charge and otherwise on the same conditions as for the original Product or part without extension to original warranty time. Defective parts replaced in accordance with this clause shall be placed at the disposal of Vaisala.
Vaisala also warrants the quality of all repair and service works performed by its employees to products sold by it. In case the repair or service works should appear inadequate or faulty and should this cause malfunction or nonfunction of the product to which the service was performed Vaisala shall at its free option either repair or have repaired or replace the product in question. The working hours used by employees of Vaisala for such repair or replacement shall be free of charge to the client. This service warranty shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date the service measures were completed.
This warranty is however subject to following conditions:
a) A substantiated written claim as to any alleged
defects shall have been received by Vaisala within thirty (30) days after the defect or fault became known or occurred, and
b) The allegedly defective Product or part shall,
should Vaisala so require, be sent to the works of Vaisala or to such other place as Vaisala may indicate in writing, freight and insurance prepaid and properly packed and labeled, unless Vaisala agrees to inspect and repair the Product or replace it on site.
This warranty does not however apply when the defect has been caused through
a) normal wear and tear or accident;
b) misuse or other unsuitable or unauthorized use of
the Product or negligence or error in storing, maintaining or in handling the Product or any equipment thereof;
c) wrong installation or assembly or failure to
service the Product or otherwise follow Vaisala's service instructions including any repairs or installation or assembly or service made by unauthorized personnel not approved by Vaisala or replacements with parts not manufactured or supplied by Vaisala;
d) modifications or changes of the Product as well
as any adding to it without Vaisala's prior authorization;
e) other factors depending on the Customer or a
third party.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid Vaisala's liability under this clause shall not apply to any defects arising out of materials, designs or instructions provided by the Customer.
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Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________Product Overview
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This chapter introduces the MAWS Automatic Weather Station features, accessories, sensors, and the product nomenclature.
Introduction to MAWS
MAWS is a compact weather station that can be used either with a portable tripod (MAWS201) or with pole masts of different heights in fixed installations (MAWS101 and MAWS301). The weather station comes with a set of sensors, that measure certain meteorological quantities and that have been especially selected for use with MAWS.
MAWS101 Mini AWS
MAWS101 can be installed on a pole mast. The logger enclosure is then attached to a short support arm, which is secured around the mast with fixing clamps.
The maximum height of MAWS101 is 3 meters. Alternatively, the wind sensors can be installed up to 10 meters away from the electronics. With an extension cable, this distance can be extended further.
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Figure 1 Components of MAWS101 Weather Station
The following numbers refer to Figure 1 above.
1 = QMW101 Wind Sensor with a fixing adapter and the 1-meter
cable 2 = QMR101 Precipitation Sensor 3 = QMH101 Temperature and Humidity Probe with radiation
shield 4 = QMA101 Sensor Arm 5 = QMN101 Net Radiation Sensor 6 = Tube, that includes the QML102 logger, QMB101
rechargeable internal battery, and optionally PMT16A
Pressure Sensor
MAWS201 Mobile AWS
If you have purchased a portable MAWS Weather Station (MAWS201) with a basic sensor set, your station will typically consists of the components presented in Figure 2 on page 19.
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Figure 2 Components of MAWS201 Weather Station
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 above.
1 = QMW101 Wind Sensor with a fixing adapter and 1-meter
cable 2 = QMS101 Solar Radiation Sensor 3 = QMA101 Sensor Arm 4 = QMH101 Temperature and Humidity Probe with radiation
shield 5 = QMR101 Precipitation Sensor with cable 6 = Tube, that includes the QML102 logger, QMB101
rechargeable internal battery, and optionally PMT16A
Pressure Sensor. 7 = Solar panel for generating current for recharging the internal
In addition to the numbered items, the delivery contains the portable mast assembly consisting of a tripod with adjustable extension legs
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attached to the logger housing. The tripod can be easily collapsed to fit in a carrying bag.
The appearance of the solar panel in your MAWS may differ from the one in the figures.
Product Nomenclature
The following five tables provide the equipment nomenclature information on the MAWS101 and MAWS201.
Table 3 MAWS Nomenclature (Basic Set)
Code Common Name
MAWS Lizard Setup software MAWS Terminal MAWS Terminal software MAWS YourVIEW Graphical Display Software (Basic version) QMA101 Sensor arm QMB101 Battery (internal rechargeable 6 V/1.2 Ah) QMH101 Air temperature and relative humidity sensor QML102 Logger (with 2 MB Flash memory) QMW101 Combined wind direction and speed sensor with 1
m cable QMW110 Same as QMW101 but with 10 m cable DTR502 Radiation shield for QMH101 Tripod 3 m portable mast with the enclosure, accessories
and a sensor support arm for MAWS201
Table 4 MAWS Nomenclature (Sensor Options)
Code Common Name
ML2x Soil moisture sensor PMT16A Pressure sensor QFM101 Fuel moisture sensor QLW101 Leaf wetness sensor QMN101 Net solar radiation sensor QMR101 Rain gauge (on sensor arm) QMR102 Rain gauge (stand-alone) QMS101 Global solar radiation sensor (photodiode) QMS102 Global solar radiation sensor (thermopile) QMT103 Soil/water temperature sensor QMT107 Soil temperature sensor QMV101 Water level sensor QMV102 Water level sensor
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Table 5 MAWS Nomenclature (Communication Options)
Code Common Name
DMX501 Modem module (fixed line) DSI485A RS-485 module (isolated) DSI486 RS-485/RS-232/SDI-12 module (dual-isolated) DSU232 RS-232 module (dual)
Table 6 Installation Accessories
Code Common Name
DKP102 2-meter pole mast for MAWS101 DKP12 10-meter pole mast for MAWS110 QMA101 Sensor support arm
Table 7 MAWS Nomenclature (Optional Accessories)
Code Common Name
Graphical Display Software with TCP/IP connection
QBR101 Battery regulator QMC102 Memory Expansion Board QMM110 Carry case (canvas bag for tripod, hard case for
QMM120 Carry case (hard case for tripod, hard case for
sensors QMP201C Solar/Mains Power Supply QMP213 Mains Power Supply SOLAR6 6 W solar panel for MAWS201 SOLAR6-75 6 W solar panel with 6 m cable for MAWS101
MAWS Software
Operating Software
The embedded operating software runs in the QML102 AWS logger. Access to the operating software commands can be gained using the MAWS Terminal.
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Lizard Setup Software
Lizard Setup Software is used to modify the software parameters and operation of the MAWS weather station. With the Lizard software you can create or modify a setup file that informs MAWS how to operate.
Creating a setup with Lizard Setup Software consists of three stages. First, you define an assembly for the MAWS weather station. Then you define the necessary measurements and the calculations derived from them. Finally, you define reports and log groups from the measurement results.
The setup file on your PC is finally generated, in other words, converted into a format that MAWS understands, and then transferred into MAWS and taken into use.
MAWS Terminal
MAWS Terminal is the terminal software for working with MAWS Automatic Weather Stations. MAWS stations measure weather data and store it in log files. With the MAWS terminal software, you can download these files to your PC and view them.
When you start using MAWS, the first thing you need to do is to define what weather parameters you want to measure and at what frequency. You can do this by uploading a configuration file from your PC to the MAWS.
MAWS Terminal is also used for setting the station specific parameters such as the station name, altitude, pressure sensor height, and sensor specific calibration coefficients. In addition, the date and time can be set using the easy-to-use MAWS Station Settings template.
After you have uploaded the configuration files to the MAWS, you can browse the MAWS weather data files by downloading them from the MAWS to your PC. You can browse them in MAWS Terminal or in other applications. You can define several download settings such as where you want to save the downloaded files and what operations the program performs automatically at each download.
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________Product Overview
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QML102 AWS Logger
QML102 is a complete AWS logger designed on one printed board only. This board contains a 32 bit Motorola CPU for data processing and 10 differential (20 single ended) analog sensor inputs, that can also be used as digital inputs. Moreover, there are two frequency sensor interfaces, a 16 bit A/D converter, 1.7 Mbytes of secure Flash memory for data logging, as well as charger for the internal backup battery of 1.3 Ah/6V.
The board uses the latest SMD (Surface Mount Device) technology and is conformal coated for improved protection also in high humidity. Each sensor input has a varistor (VDR) protection against induced transients. The maintenance terminal connection (RS-232, COM0) has transzorb diodes in its inputs.
Figure 3 QML102 Logger
In MAWS101 and MAWS201 the QML102 logger is located in the tube and is further encased to protect the circuit board and the battery. The cover of this protective housing can be removed for installation of the battery and for resetting the MAWS. See Figure 4 on page 24.
Optional modules under the housing include, for example, the Memory Expansion Board, various communication modules, and built-in pressure transducer.
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Figure 4 QML102 Logger without the Cover
The following numbers refer to Figure 4 above.
1 = Internal battery 2 = Reset button 3 = Status LED
Memory Expansion Board (Optional)
The QML102 logger can be equipped with QMC102 Memory Expansion Board. This module uses the standard Compact Flash memory cards for logging a large amount of data. Additionally, QMC102 contains 512 kB extra RAM memory, which may be needed in systems with the large configuration due to, for example, extensive statistical calculations or large set of sensors connected to MAWS.
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Figure 5 QMC102 Memory Expansion Board
The data is logged into the daily files making it easy to locate and download any particular data set for further analysis.
Currently there are cards available from 32 MB up to 280 MB. These cards can be read directly in the PC. Several different types of readers are commercially available: internal PCMCIA reader as well as external readers to be connected to USB or parallel port of a PC.
Figure 6 Compact Flash Memory Card Readers
Power Supplies
MAWS is a low-power system. The QML102 logger consumes only less than 10 mA from a 6 V battery. It can be powered using a solar panel or optionally in fixed installations using a 110/230 AC power supply. Also primary lithium or alkaline cells (6 ... 9 V) as well as external DC supply (8 ... 14 VDC recommended, 30 VDC max) alone can be used as the main power source for MAWS.
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The power consumption of the complete MAWS system depends on the connected sensors, communication devices, and other options included in the delivery. For example, MAWS with basic set of 5 sensors, each having 10-minute measuring interval has an average power consumption of 10 mA.
Internal Battery
Normally, the internal battery QMB101 (1.2 Ah) is used as the primary power supply. The battery is recharged by the integral charger in the logger, accepting input from a solar panel, mains adapter, or an outdoors mains power supply. The QMB101 battery is placed on top of the circuit board, under the logger cover, see Figure 4 on page 24. Information about charging the battery can be found on page 169.
Solar Panels
SOLAR6 with MAWS201
MAWS201 is typically powered by SOLAR6, a 6 W solar panel, see Figure 7 below. The angle of the panel is adjustable.
Figure 7 SOLAR6 Solar Panel
The SOLAR6 solar panel contains 18 high efficiency polycrystalline silicon cells in series optimized for the specific voltage demand. The solar panel’s cells are protected from dirt, moisture and impact by a tough fluoropolymer front film. The solar circuit is laminated using EVA between this film and adurable glass fibre board back which includes integral mounting holes.
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________Product Overview
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SOLAR6-75 with MAWS101
MAWS101 can be powered by SOLAR6-75, a 6 W solar panel. SOLAR6-75 is especially designed for installation on a pole mast of 60-100 mm diameter. In addition to SOLAR6, the solar power package includes mast mounting accessories and a 6-meter cable with the connector. The angle of the panel is adjustable.
Mains Power Supplies
If AC power (230 or 115 VAC) is available on the installation site, and/or solar power is not feasible, an optional mains power supply can be used to charge the battery. For more information about connecting the power supplies, see the instructions on page 69.
A Wall Adapter
A usual wall adapter (110/230 VAC, output min. 12 V/500 mA) can be used when the distance to the MAWS station is less than 100 m, provided that the wall adapter can be installed indoors.
When the power cable resistance exceeds 10 , a capacitor (from 100 to 200 µF, 40 V) should be added between GND and +ExtDC pins. Make sure the polarity is correct.
QMP213 is an outdoors power supply for installations where the AC power is available. The input may vary from 90 to 264 VAC with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. The power consumption is 1 A. The output provides 12 VDC, 2.5 A.
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Figure 8 QMP213 Mains Power Supply
QMP201C is a power supply for installations where more power and back-up capacity are needed. Additionally, QMPC201C can provide 12 V supply voltage required for example for optional radio modem set. QMP201C includes the following internal modules: the 12 W solar panel, battery regulator, mains power supply and 7 Ah back-up battery. The unit is easily mounted to the tripod's leg.
Figure 9 QMP201C Solar/Mains Power Supply
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