Vaisala IntelliZone Automated Control Software
Uses proven trac and road
weather sensing equipment
Automatically alerts trac
through message signs and/or
Highway Advisory Radio
Automation reduces the
amount of false warnings
(builds traveler confidence)
Eliminates trac congestion
and accidents in problem areas
System helps your agency
become visibly proactive
Modular, scalable, flexible
architecture can be easily
modified to meet your project
Can be used with an existing
RWIS network
Vaisala IntelliZone Automated
Control Software ITS100 is an
advanced ITS software platform that
allows you to manage and deliver
real-time messages to motorists,
well in advance of weather-related
concerns or trafc congestion.
Providing motorists with accurate,
timely information they can trust
is challenging, but the IntelliZone
delivers with customized systems to
meet your needs.
With each application, Vaisala
IntelliZone software gathers sensor
information and automatically
updates dynamic message signs
and Highway Advisory Radio (HAR)
messages to reect conditions
ahead. Each system is designed to
make roadways safer by diverting
trafc, reducing sudden braking, and
motivating drivers to reduce their
Variety of communication
methods availalbe to collect
Static or variable message
signs to display warnings to
Software capable of setting
thresholds, monitoring and
archiving data
NTCIP compliant

Specialized Systems
Vaisala IntelliZone Automated Control Software
ITS100 AdvanceWarn System
The Vaisala IntelliZone Automated Control Software ITS100
AdvanceWarn System incorporates traffic monitoring sensors,
Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) that sense weather
and pavement conditions, Highway Advisory Radios (HARs) and
portable message signs. The result is a completely integrated
advanced warning system that monitors current conditions
and informs motorists of hazardous weather and
traffic problems.
The RWIS collects data from the traffic sensors, pavement sensors
and atmospheric weather sensors. Vaisala IntelliZone software
analyzes the data and, when conditions warrant, sends a message
to HARs and portable message signs along the roadway. The HARs
and portable message signs automatically update, in real time, to
provide hazardous weather and traffic conditions to motorists.
IntelliZone Dynamic Detour Alert System
The Dynamic Detour Alert System is designed to inform motorists
when they should use an alternate route, providing information
about expected delays and travel times. This system utilizes
traffic sensors, dynamic message signs, HAR and flashing
The system retrieves data from traffic sensors, calculates the travel
time delay, and updates the dynamic message signs, HAR and
flashing beacons to reflect the current conditions. If the travel
delay exceeds a user-defined limit, motorists traveling in either
direction are informed of the delay and detour information is
Low visibility warnings
Icy road detection and alert systems
Snow chain advisory
Hydroplane detection and alert systems
Flood water level detection and alert systems
High wind warnings
Air quality systems
Over height vehicle detection
Detour alert systems
Chemical or biological detection and alert systems
Trac Management Centers (TMCs)
Parking lot management
Smart work zones
Vaisala IntelliZone Hydroplane Detection/Alert
The Vaisala IntelliZone Software Hydroplane Detection/Alert
System detects hydroplaning conditions and informs motorists of
the dangerous conditions that can result in potential loss of control
of their vehicles. The system consists of a Remote Processing Unit
(RPU), pavement condition sensors located in target lanes of the
roadway, and static or portable message signs.
The RPU collects and logs the data from the pavement sensors.
The software analyzes the data and, when conditions warrant,
sends a message to static or portable message signs along the
roadway. The message signs automatically update, in real time, to
provide potential hydroplaning conditions to motorists.
For more information, visit
www.vaisala.com or contact
us at sales@vaisala.com
Ref. B211026EN-A ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.