Vaisala IRU-9429 Technical data

IRU-9429 Snow Depth Sensor
Range from 150 mm to 10.67 m
(0.5 to 35 ft)
Easy to install
Works on solids and liquids
Easily configured for snow
depth measurements
Internal temperature
Virtually maintenance free
Self-Contained Ultrasonic Sensor
The IRU-9429 sensor uses ultrasonic technology to provide a non-contact method of detecting snow depth and presence/absence.
sound. If the sound wave meets a reective object, such as snow, it bounces back toward the sensor. The sensor records the time required for the sound wave to travel to the target and return. Using the speed of sound, which is a well-known variable, the sensor calculates the distance to the object.
Technical data
Operating Range 0.15 to 10.67 m (0.5 to 35 ft.) Total Current Draw 75 mA @ 12 VDC Transducer Type Electrostatic Sample Rate Programmable (1-22 Hz) Resolution 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Accuracy ± 0.25% of detected range (with no temperature gradient) Operating Temperature -40 to 60°C (-40 to +140°F) Beam Pattern 9° off axis (at full signal strength and sensitivity settings) Frequency 50 kHz
Until recently, the many factors that inuence the speed of sound created inaccurate readings. Now with microprocessor technology, many of these variables can be factored into the equation and eliminated. Temperature change is one such variable. The IRU-9429 sensor uses internal temperature compensation to offset the effects of these changes.
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Ref. 2010-11-11 ©Vaisala 2010
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