Graphical Web Interface for Radar Data Vaisala IRIS Webview
View radar and surface data
within a web browser
Allows time selection and
Interrogate radar data products
using cursor tools
Display regional radar
composites or multiple single station radar sites simultaneously
Adjustable data layers opacity
Ability to display every radar
product generated by IRIS, example PPI, CAPPI, TOPS, WARN, TRACK, VVP, RAINN, etc.
Automatically updates when
new data arrives or search data archives
Geographical data layers
Vaisala’s IRIS Webview software is a web browser application for viewing and interacting with weather radar and surface station data. These data are overlaid with informative geographical references giving user’s situational awareness of the atmospheric conditions. The application retrieves data from meteorological and geographical database servers which are configurable by system administrators. This product is ideal in conveying information from a weather radar network over an intranet, or even public internet.
Ability to configure types of
data available to the clients and optionally require user authentication
Webserver supports up to
500 simultaneous clients
Own Your Data
A weather radar network is a large investment for any organization. The data from such an investment should be easily disseminated at the owner’s discretion within the organization, to outside customers, or even the general public at large. Vaisala’s IRIS Webview satises the need to easily make the radar data available to points beyond the traditional scope of meteorological agency or airport authority.
IRIS Webview is an optionally installed module to the IRIS radar
application. It allows the sharing of radar and surface data to any person with a web browser and network connection. Up to 500 simultaneous client connections are supported to a single server. The data gathered by expensive instruments is truly your data – own it.
Comprehensive and User-Friendly
The IRIS Webview browser interface was designed for both novice and expert users. Throughout the design process usability consultants
were employed to evaluate the interface. Test subjects with varied backgrounds provided invaluable insight into their thought process while using draft versions. This feedback has lead to a comprehensive yet user-friendly experience with the application.
IRIS Webview allows users to select data from individual radars or regional composites. The most recent data may be displayed or the web server archives may be browsed for historical information. Animations of the data may be viewed for up to a 24
hour time period. Tools built into the client allow a user to interact and interrogate the radar data. For instance if the rain rate at a particular location is needed, the cursor tool may be used to show the value at the point of interest. It will also show the latitude, longitude, and distance to other locations.
Surface weather data may be integrated into the application. Surface data in METAR or SYNOP formats are ingested into the web server. Then this data can be requested by the browser clients. The clients will show this data using a traditional station model for meteorological displays. When animating, the surface weather data will also change in synchronization with the radar data.
Technical data
Display Requirements
Network connection Supported browsers - Microsoft Internet Explorer version 8.0 or later), Mozilla Firefox (version 3.5.11 or later), Chrome (version 5.0 or later), Opera (version 10.61 or later), Safari Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, Mac Adobe Flash Player plug-in (version 9.0 or later) Display resolution 1024 x 768 or greater
Geographic layers presented will include roads, terrain, airports, rail, cities, political boundary, latitude/longitude grid, and range rings. These are given to the web browser by a GeoServer. It will be possible to add additional geographical data layers to the GeoServer for expansion. The web client allows user to pan to new locations and zoom in or out. All of these functions allow users to keep situational awareness with the changing environment at their specic location.
As the web client display is extremely exible in its layout style, an individual user may save one or more display states. Then they would be able to quickly jump between saved states to view particular presentations needed in their applications.
For more information, visit or contact us at
Ref. B211058EN-A ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.