responses from the modem. This means that the installation was a
success. If you do not see commands and responses, shut down and
restart your computer. To determine if your modem is functioning
properly, repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working,
refer to the “Troubleshooting” section of the User Guide on the
Installation CD-ROM.
Windows 2000
•Click Windows Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
• Double-click the Phone and Modem Options icon.
•Click the Modems tab. Make sure that your new U.S. Robotics
modem is selected. If you do not see a description of your modem,
see the Note at the end of this section.
• Click Properties.
• Click Diagnostics tab.
• Click Query Modem. You should see a series of commands and
responses from the modem. This means that the installation was a
success. If you do not see commands and responses, shut down and
restart your PC. To determine if your modem is functioning properly,
repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working, refer to the
“Troubleshooting” section of the User Guide on the Installation CDROM.
Windows Me, 98, 95
•Click Windows Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
• Double-click the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties screen,
you should see a description for your new U.S. Robotics modem. If
you do not see a description of your modem, see the Note at the
end of this section.
•Click the Diagnostics tab. Make sure that the correct COM port
(modem) is selected.
• Click More Info. You should see a series of commands
and responses from the modem. This means that the installation was
a success. If you do not see commands and responses,
shut down and restart your PC. To determine if your modem is
functioning properly, repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not
working, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section of the User Guide on
the Installation CD-ROM.
Windows NT
•Click Windows Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
• Double-click the Modems icon. In the Modems Properties screen,
you should see a description for your new U.S. Robotics modem. If
you do not see commands and responses, shut down and restart
your PC. To determine if your modem is functioning properly,
repeat the steps above. If your modem is still not working, refer to the
“Troubleshooting” section of the User Guide on the Installation CDROM.