Us robotics 56K Corporate Modem Quick Reference Card

U.S. Robotics 56K Corporate Modem
This card provides a quick reference for the most commonly used AT commands. Defaults in bold type.
NOTE: Refer to the Alphabetic Command Summary, in the User Guide on the CD-ROM for additional commands, like the Percent (%) and Octothorpe (#) command sets.
$ Displays Help for the basic command set +++ Escape code > Repeat command (up to 10 attempts) A modem answers when there’s no incoming call A/ Reexecutes the last-issued command A> Repeats the last issued command until canceled AT Attention prefix Bn Sets handshaking options:
B0 ITU-T V.32 originate mode B1 HST originate mode; Bell answer tone
Cn Sets transmitter
B0 Transmitter off B1 Transmitter on
Dn Dials phone numbers and issues commands for
dialing options: P Pulse dial T Tone dial , (Comma) Pause for 2 seconds ; (Semicolon) Return to command mode after
dialing “ Dial the letters that follow W Wait for a second dial tone (if X3 or higher) @ Wait for an answer (with X3, X4 or X7) / Pause for 125 milliseconds R Reverse frequencies ! Flash the switchhook L? Display the last-dialed number L Redial the last number Sn Dial number stored in non-volatile random access
memory (NVRAM) at position n $ Display Help for the dial commands
En Command mode echo
EO Echo OFF; What you type will not display E1 Echo On; What you type will display
Fn Online local echo
F0 Echo ON F1 Echo OFF
Hn On/Off hook control
H0 Go on hook (hang up) H1 Go off hook (pick up)
In Queries the modem
I3 Banner I4 Current settings
I5 NVRAM settings I6 Statistics for preceding call I7 Product configuration I10 Dial security account status I11 Extended Link Screen I15 Caller ID information
Kn Controls the modem clock
K0 If online, current call duration K1 Displays real time
Ln Controls speaker volume
L0 Low volume L1 Low volume L2 Medium volume L3 High volume
Mn Controls when the speaker sounds
M0 Always OFF M1 ON until call is negotiated M2 Always ON M3 ON after last digit is dialed
On Return online; use with escape code (+++)
O0 Return online
O1 Return online and retrain PPulse dial Qn Enables or disables the display of result codes
Q0 Display
Q1 Suppress (quiet)
Q2 Suppress when answering Sr=n Sets S-register value; r is any S-Register; n must be
a decimal between 0 and 255 Sr.b=n Sets bit-mapped register; r is the S-register, b is
the bit, and n is 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON) Sr? Queries contents of S-register r S$ Displays s-register help T Tone dial Vn Displays result codes verbally or numerically
V0 Numeric
V1 Verb al Xn Call progress reporting
X3 Ignore dial tone X4 Microsoft
X7 Courier V.Everything Modem default Z Software reset Z! Hardware re set
&$ Displays Help for the ampersand (&) command set &An Enables or disables the additional result code subsets
&A0 Disables the display of additional result codes &A1 Displays ARQ result codes &A2 Displays ARQ result codes, modulation
&A3 Displays ARQ result codes, modulation
&Bn Sets the serial port rate
&Cn Controls Carrier Detect (CD)
&Dn Controls Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
&Fn Loads configuration template
&Gn Sets guard tone
&Hn Transmit Data flow control
&In Received Data software flow control
&Kn Enables or disables data compression
&Mn Error control
indicators, and error control indicator
&B0 Variable &B1 Fixed &B2 Fixed serial port rate in ARQ mode;
variable rate in non-ARQ mode
&C0 CD always on &C1 Normal CD operations
&D0 Ignore DTR &D1 Online command mode with DTR toggle &D2 Normal DTR operations &D3 Modem resets with DTR toggle
&F0 Loads No flow control template &F1 Loads Hardware flow control template &F2 Loads Software flow control template
&G0 No guard tone (U.S., Canada) &G1 Guard tone (Some European countries) &G2 Guard tone (UK); requires ATB0
&H0 Disables Transmit Data flow control &H1 Hardware Clear to Send (CTS) flow control &H2 Software flow control (XON/XOFF) &H3 Hardware and software flow control
&I0 Disables XON/XOFF flow control &I1 Modem acts on XON/XOFF commands and
passes them to the remote device
&I2 Modem acts on XON/XOFF commands and
removes commands from the data stream (recommended for ARQ mode)
&I3 External: Hewlett Packard-Host mode
(ARQMode Only)
&I4 External:Hewlett Packard-Terminal mode
(ARQMode Only)
&I5 XON/XOFF in non ARQ Mode
&K0 Disable &K1 Auto enable/disable &K2 Enable &K3 Selective compression (V.42 bis only)
&M0 Normal mode; no error control &M4 Normal /ARQ mode &M5 Asynchronous ARQ mode
&Nn Sets fixed link speed &Nn&Un Sets highest and lowest link speeds
n = 0 Variable connection rate
n = 1 300 bps n = 21 33.3 Kbps n = 2 1200 bps n = 22 34.6 Kbps n = 3 2400 bps n = 23 36.0 Kbps n = 4 4800 bps n = 24 37.3 Kbps n = 5 7200 bps n = 25 38.6 Kbps n = 6 9600 bps n = 26 40.0 Kbps n = 7 12.0 Kbps n = 27 41.3 Kbps n = 8 14.4 Kbps n = 28 42.6 Kbps n = 9 16.8 Kbps n = 29 44.0 Kbps n = 10 19.2 Kbps n = 30 45.3 Kbps n = 11 21.6 Kbps n = 31 46.6 Kbps n = 12 24.0 Kbps n = 32 48.0 Kbps n = 13 26.4 Kbps n = 33 49.3 Kbps n = 14 28.8 Kbps n = 34 50.6 Kbps n = 15 31.2 Kbps n = 35 52.0 Kbps n = 16 33.6 Kbps n = 36 53.3 Kbps n = 17 28.0 Kbps n = 37 54.6 Kbps n = 18 29.3 Kbps n = 38 56.0 Kbps n = 19 30.6 Kbps n = 20 32.0 Kbps
&Rn Received Data (RTS) hardware flow control
&R0 Delay clear to send (CTS) response
after RTS &R1 Ignore RTS &R2 Send data to the computer on receipt
&Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) signal from modem to pc
&W Writes the current settings to NVRAM &Zn=s Stores up to 10 phone numbers in NVRAM at
&Zn? Displays the stored phone number
of RTS
&S0 DSR always on &S1 Originate mode: Send DSR after dialing
Answer mode: Send DSR after tone &S2 Pulsed DSR with CTS following CD &S3 Same as &S2, but without CTS &S4 Simultaneous DSR with CD &S5 Send DSR, and follow CTS with CD
position n where n = 0-9
Register Default Function
S0 0 Sets the number of rings before Auto Answer S1 0 Counts and stores number of rings from calls S2 43 Stores code for the escape code character S3 13 Stores the code for the carriage return S4 10 Stores the code for the line feed character S5 8 Stores the code for the back space character S6 2 Stores the wait time for dial tone S7 60 Stores the wait time for carrier S8 2 Sets the comma time in seconds S9 6 Sets duration (1/10 of sec.) of remote
carrier signal before modem recognition
S10 14 Sets duration (1/10 of sec.) modem waits
after loss of carrier before hanging up S11 70 Set touch tones spacing in 1/10 seconds. S12 50 Sets the guard time for the escape code S13 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Reset when DTR drops 1 2 Originate mode in Auto Answer 2 4 Disables pause before result codes 3 8 Auto Dial the number stored in NVRAM
position 0 on DTR
4 16 At power on, Auto Dial number
stored in NVRAM at position 0 532 Disable HST 6 64 Disable MNP Level 3 7128 Hardware Reset
S14 1 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disconnects on Escape code
S15 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disables high frequency
equalisation 1 2 Disables online fallback 2 4 Disables 450 bps back channel 3 8 Sets non-ARQ buffer to 128 bytes 4 16 Disables MNP Level 4 5 32 Set backspace key to delete 6 64 Unusual MNP incompatibility 7 128 Custom applications only
S19 0 Sets the inactivity timeout, in minutes S21 10 Length of break in ARQ mode, 1/100 seconds S22 17 Stores the ASCII code for the XON character S23 19 Stores the ASCII code for the XOFF character S24 150 Sets DSR pulse time in 20-milliseconds
S25 5 Sets DTR recognition in 10-milliseconds S26 1 Sets the RTS/CTS delay, 10-milliseconds S27 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Enables V.21 modulation at 300 bps 1 2 Disables Trellis Code modulation 2 4 Disables V.32 modulation 3 8 Disables 2100 Hz answer tone 416 See Bit 4 and Bit 5 below 532 See Bit 4 and Bit 5 below 7 128 Unusual software compatibility
Bit4 Bit5 Result
0 0 Complete handshaking sequence 16 0 Disables MNP 0 32 Disables V.42 detection and LAPM 16 32 Disables detection phase
S28 8 Sets duration, in tenths of a second, of extra
3000/600 Hz answer tones S29 20 Sets, in tenths of a sec, of the V.21answer tone S34 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disables V.32 bis 1 2 Disables enhanced V.32 Mode 2 4 Disables Quick V.32 Retrain 3 8 Enables V.23 modulations 4 16 Externals: Forces MR LED to show DSR 6 64 Disables remote access busy message
7 128 Disables V.32 terbo S38 0 Sets duration, in seconds, before a forced hang up S41 0 Sets number of attempts for remote access S42 126 Stores the ASCII code for remote access escape S43 200 Sets the guard time for the remote access
sequence, in 1/50th of a second S44 15 Leased line delay timer S51 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 D i s a b l es M N P /V. 4 2 in V. 2 2 1 2 D i s a b l es M N P /V. 4 2 in V. 2 2 bis 2 4 D i s a b l es M N P /V. 4 2 in V. 3 2 6 64 Disables selective reject
S53 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Enables dial security 1 2 Enables prompting 2 4 Enables local password protection
S54 64 Symbol bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disable 2400 symbol rate 1 2 Disable 2743 symbol rate
2 4 Disable 2800 symbol rate 3 8 Disable 3000 symbol rate 4 16 Disable 3200 symbol rate 5 32 Disable 3429 symbol rate 6 64 Disable Call Indicate (CI) 7 128 Disable V.8
S55 0 Trellis code bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disable 8S-2D trellis code 1 2 Disable 16S-4D trellis code 2 4 Disable 32S-2D trellis code 3 8 Disable 64S-4D trellis code 7 128 Enable phase roll detection
S56 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disable non-linear coding 1 2 Disable TX level deviation 2 4 Disable preemphasis 3 8 Disable precoding 4 16 Disable shaping 532 Disable V.34+ 664 Disable V.34 7 128 Disable V.FC
S58 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 01 Disables x2 532 Disables V.90
S69 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Disables plug/play signalling 1 2 Enables carrier loss redial
S70 0 Bit-mapped register
Bit Value Result 0 1 Enables recognition of Ring A 1 2 Enables recognition of Ring B 2 4 Enables recognition of Ring C 3 8 Enables recognition of Ring D
U.S. Robotics 56K Corporate Modem
Quick Reference Card
Quick Reference Card
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