Operator's Manual
-12Amp Motor
210 MPH/410 CFM
Model No.
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructionsbefore firstuse of this product.
call7am-7pm, Mon.-Sat., or 10arn-7pm,Sun.
• 1-800-235-5878 (_"'=_'_==_')
Seam_Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
' 530-087634 07117/98

WarrantyStatement 2 Service & Adjustments 10
Safety Rules 2 Storage' 10
Assembly 5 TroubleshootingChart 11
Operation 8 Spanish 12
Maintenance 9 PartsOrdedng Back Cover
If thisCraftsman ElectdcBlower failsto performproperly due to a defectinmated-
ai or workmanshipwithin(2) two years from the date of purchase, Searswill re-
pair orreplace it, free of charge.
This warranty givesyou specific legal dghts,and you may also have otherrights
whichvary frOmstate to state.
Sears, Roebuck ond Co. D/8:I7WA Hoffman Estatea, IL 60179
WARNING: Whenusing
electric gardening appliances, basic
safetyprecauUonsshouldalways befol-
lowedto reduce the.risk offire, electric
shock, and serious injury:
.Ti_.awarnings and safety instructionsin
thinmanual mustbe followedto reduce
the riskof fire, electric shock, or injury,
andtoprovidereasonab.,is safety and ef-
ficiencyinusungthis un.it.The operatoris
responsiblefor follow,ng the warnings
and instructionsin this manual and on
the unit. Read the entire Operator's
Manual before assembling and using
:tile unit! Restrict the use of this unitto
Loemonswho read, understand,and fol-
lowthe warnings-andinstructionsinthis
manualand onthe unit.Neverailowchil-
dran to use this unit.Close attention is
necase_arywhen used near children.
• Always wear safety glasses orsimilar
eye protectionwhenoperating,servic-
ing, or performing manntenance on
your unit.Weadng eye protep-tioncan
help to prevent r._ks or debns from
being blown.,or ncocheting Into eyes
andface whnchcan resultin blindness
_or serious injury.
• Alwaysweara raspirat0rorface mask
whenworkingwiththe unitindustyen-
• Dress safely in long pants. Do not go
barefoot orwear short pants or san-
• Do notoperate the unit when you are
_red, i11,upset,or if you are underthe
influence ofalcohol,drugs, or meduca-
, Secure hair so it is above shoulder
length. Keep loose hair, loose cloth-
ing, fingers, and all other parts of the
body awayfromopeningsand moving
parts. Hair,jewelry, looseclothnng,or
clothingwith loosely hanging straps,
ties, tassels, etc., can be caught in
• Use only a voltage supply as shown
on the nameplate of the unit.
• Avoid dangerous situations. Do not
use in presence of flammable liquivds"
orgases toavoid creating a Tireor ex
plosion and/or causing damage to
• Avoid dangerous environments. Do
notuse Inunventilatedareas orwhere
dustorexplosivevapors cad buildup.
TRICAL SHOCK_o not use in

damporwatlocationsoraroundswim- • Avoid any body contactwith any
ruing pools, hot tube, etc. Do not ex- grounded conductor, such as metal
pose to bnow, rain, or water. Do not fences, or pipes,to avoidthe poesibil-
handleextensioncordplugorunitwith ityofelectricshock. Don'thandleplug
wet hands, or unitwith wet hands.
• To reducethe riskof elfictrioalshock, - Do notusewith damagedcord orplug.
marked as suitable for outdoor ap- been dropped, damaged, left out-
pliancas having electrical rating not doors,or dropped into water, return it
less than the rating of the unit. The to )/our Sears Service Center for re-
use extension cords specifically , If unit is not workingas itshould, has
cord must be marked with the suffix pair.
"W-A" (in Canada, "W"). Use a polar- Ground Fault Cimuit Interrupter
ized cord. Make sure your extension (GFCI) protectionshould be provided
cord Is ingoodcondition. If damaged, on the circuit or outletto be used for
have the co.rd replaced. An under- this unit. Receptacles are available
sized extensioncord willcause a drop having built-in GFCI protection and
inline voltage r..asuitinginlossof pow- may be usedfor this measure ofsafe-
erand overheating. Ifindoubt,use the
next heavier gauge. The smaller the
gauge number, the heavier the cord.
(NOTE: The correct size to be used
dependingonthe cordlengthisshown
inthis manual).
• To reduce the risk of electricalshock,
this equ'_ment has a polarized plug
plug willfitonly one way in a polarized
ouUetofthe extensionco.rd.Ensureyou
have a polarized exten_on cord. The
plugofthe polarizedextensioncord will
fdintotheoutletonlyonewayoIfthe plug
doesnotfit fullyinthe o_et, reversethe
plug.If itstilldoesnotfit, contacta quali-
notchangethe plug inany way.
• Inspectthe insulation and connectors
onthe unitand extension cord before
each use. If there is any damage, do
not use until damage is repaired by
your Sears Service Center. Do not
pullor carry by cord; do not use cord
as a handle, close a door on cord, or
pull cord around sharp edges or cor-
ners..,_eep cord away from heated
surfaces. Do not unplugby pullingon
cord. To unplug, grasp_the.plug, not
the cord.
• To reduce the possibility of the exten-
sion cord disconnectingfrom the unit
dudng operation, tie the extension
cord to the unitand connect as shown
in this manual.
• Don't usethe unitifthe switchdossnot
turn the uniton and off properly.Have
the unit repaired by your Sears Ser-
vice Center.
• Keep the extensioncord clearof oper-
ator and obstacles at all times. Do not
e_-eords to heat, oil, 'water, or
sharp edges.
• Keep others includingchildren, ani-
mals,bystanders, and helpers a mini-
mumof50 feet(15 meters)away. Stop
the motor immediatelyif you are ap-
proached. Do notallow the unitto be
used as a toy.
CONSTRUCTIONThis unitis Double
Insulatedto helpprotectagainst elec-
tdcshock.Doubleinsulation construc-
tionconsistsof two separate "layers"
of electrical insulation instead of
grounding.Toolsand appliances built
with a double insulationsystem are
not intended to he grounded. No
groundingmeans is providedon th_s
unit,norshoulda means ofgrounding
be added to this unit.As a result, the
be pluggedinto any standard 120 volt
eleotdc_ outleL Safety precautions
electrical tool. The double insulation
system only I?rOvidesadded protec-
tion againstinjuryresultingfroman in.
temal electricalinsulation failure.
Allelectrical rep.airstothisunit,includ-
ing hous,ng,switch, motor, etc., must
be diagno._l and rep_,red by quail-
tied service personnel. Repis_.ment
partsfor a doubleinsulatedappliance
must be identicalto the paris they re-
place.A doubleinsulatedapplianceis
marked withthe words DOUBLEINSU-
symbol [] (square within a _uare)
may alsobe marked on .._eappl_mce.
Failure to have the unit repaired by
Sears sense personnel can cause
the double insulation constructionto
become ineffective and result in sed-
ous injury.

• "rumoffallcontrolsandallowthemo-
tor to stop beforedisconnectingthe
• Store the unit unplugged in a high,
cool,dry,indoorarea out of the reach
of children.
• Disconnect the unit from the power
source when not inuse. Do notleave
the unitwhen it _ plugged into outlet.
• Do notset th_unit downv_ile the mo-
tor is running. Debds such as gravel,
sand, dust, grass, etc., could be
pickedup by the air intakeendthrown
out through the d_schargeopening,
damaging the unit,property, or caus-
ingserious injurytobystandersorop
• Donotoverreach orusefromunstable
surfacessuchas ladders, trees,steep
slopes, rooftops, etc. Use extra care
when cleaning on stairways. Keep
firm footing and balance at all times.
Keep hands out of tubes.
• Inspectthe entire unitbeforeeach use
forworn, loose, missing,or damaged
pads. Do not use untilthe unit is in
• Disconnect unit frompower source
maintenance, or stonng.
This unit is DoubleInsulated. See the
Have all internalse_ce performedby
quarrfiedservice repair personnel to
avoid creating a hazard or voiding
your warranty, p!aces, barbecue pits,ashtrays, etc,
• Have all maintenance other than the • Never place objects insidethe blower
and replacement padsto avoid creat-
i Uce onlyrecommended attachments
_g a hazard an_or voi_ng warranty.
Maintainme uniteccoroingto recom-
• mended procedures.
• Use only for jobs explained in this
• Use onlyindaylightoringood artificial
light. . .
• Inspectthe area .beforeusingthe unit.
Remove all debns and hard objects
such .as rocks, glass, wire, etc., that
can ncochet, be thrown, or otherwise
cause injun/or dama.ge.
• Avoida.ccide.ntalstarting.Be sure the
switchis inthe "offfpassionand keep
your har_.,and ringersaway from the
switchwhdeoonneoring the unittothe
powersource orwhen carrying a unit
connected to the .powersource.
• Never run the unit withoutthe proper
equipmentattached. When used as a
blower, always install a blower tube.
Use onlyrecommendedattachments.
Do notusewithany oponin_lblocked,
Keepfree fromdust, lint:ha=rand any-
. thingthat may reduceair flow.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use
blower near leaf or brush fires, fire-
in the Operator's Manual performed brisawayf.rompeople,animals,glass,
by your Sears Service Center. and solid objectssuch astrees, auto-
. Always see your Sears Sennce Can- mobiles,walls,etc.Theforceof alrcan
ter to replace a damaged impeller, cause rocks,dirt,orstickstobethrown
Pads that are chipped, cracked, bro- orto ricochetwhichcan hurtpeopleor
recommended pro_Jdures desoribed • tubes; always direct the blowing de-
ken, or damaged inany otherway can animals, break glass, or cause other
fly apartand cause sedous Inlury,Re- damage. . . . .
placedamaged pads before usingthe Never use for sprecoing cnemmak%
und. fertfllzers, or any other substances
• Ne_'erplace anyobject inthe air intake
- -opening as this could restrict proper VACUUM SAFETY (ifapplicable)
• alrflowandcause_amagetotheunit. • Stop the motor and disconnect the
Never dousethe unitwithwateroroth
er liquids or squirt witha water hose.
Clean with a damp s_onge and mild
soal_.,See "STORAGE;
• Check air intake openingsand tubes
frequently, always with the unit
stopped and power source discon.
nected. Keep vents and tubes free
from debris which can accumulate
and restrictproper airflow.
• Donotbum, incinerate, or expose this
unitto extreme heat.
whichmay containtoxicmaterials.
po.wersource before opening the air
,nletdoor or attemptingto insertor re-
move the vacuum tuSes. The motor
must be stopped and the impeller
blades no longertummg to avoid seri-
ous injuryfrom the rotatingblades.
• Hard obj.e_-tscan be thrown through
the collectionbag or the housingand
become dangerous, missiles which
cancause serious injuryto the opera-
tor orothers.
• When.usinp _e vacuum attachment,
the unitisdesignedto pickup dryma-
terial such as leaves, grass, small