Universal/Multiflex (Frigidaire) MDB662RBR0 Owner’s Manual

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Before Operating Your Dishwasher
Read your dishwasher Owner's Guide. It contains
ToOperate Your Dishwasher
1.Loaddishwasher according to directions on reverse side.
2. Beforeadding detergent,makesuredispensercupsare dry. Donot adddetergent untilyou are readyto operate
the dishwasher. Usefreshautomatic dishwasherdeter- gent for the bestresults.Theamount of detergent may
vary due to localwater conditions, refer to your Owner's Guide "detergent chart" for details.
Add detergent.
Turn lid to coverlargercup.
Thedispenserwill automatically releasedetergent at
the correct time during the wash cycle.
Detergent Dispenser
3. Close door but do not latch.
4. PushWASH CYCLESbutton for desiredwash or rinse cycle (seeWash Cycle Selections which follow).
5. Push ENERGYOPTIONbutton desired (see Energy Options on reverse).
6.Turn TIMERKNOBclockwise to selected cycleor to the number of hours desired to delay start.
7. if using DELAYSTARTgo to step number 8.
Open hot waterfaucet nearestdishwasher to clearcool water from water pipe.Turn off the faucet.
B.To start, move latch all the way to the right. The ON
indicator light will glowthroughout thewash, rinseand dry portions of cycle.
Ifthe DELAYSTARTisselected,the indicator light will glow asthe timer counts down to begin the cycle.
Motor sounds will be heard before water enterstub. Forbest results usea rinse aid.
Wash Cycle Selections
Selectappropriate wash cyclebypushing a cycleselector button and turning the timer knob to the same cycle.
If DELAYSTARTisbeing used,selectpushbutton cycleand rotate timer knob to desired delaytime.
Pots & Pans
(90 minutes) (2washes, 3 rinses, dry) (12.6 gallons) For cleaning sticky pots, greasy broiler pans, encrusted
1. Add detergent to both cups.Turn lidto coverlarger cup. Close door -do not latch.
2. PushPOTS&PANSbutton.
4. Turn TIMERKNOBclockwise to POTS& PANSposition.
5. To START,move latch all the way to the right.
(79 minutes) (2washes, 2 rinses, dry) (10.0 gallons) Forheavilysoiled dishes, silverware, cookware and
other itemsthat might require adoublewash.
1. Add detergentto both cups.Turn lidto cover largercup. Close door- do not latch.
2. PushHEAVYWASH button.
4. Turn TIMERKNOBclockwise to HEAVYWASHposition.
5. To start, move latch allthe way to the right.
Normal Wash
(69 minutes) (2washes, 1rinse, dry) (7.6 gallons)
Forregularly soiled dishes and silverware.
1. Add detergent to both cups. Turnlidto cover largercup. Close door- do not latch.
2. PushNORMAL/LIGHT button.
4. TumTIMER KNOBclockwise to NORMALWASH position.
5. To start, move latch allthe way to the right.
Light Wash
(58 minutes) (1 wash, 1 rinse, dry) (5.0 gallons)
Forlightly soiled or pre-rinsed dishes and silverware.
1. Add detergent to largercup.Turnlidto cover largercup. Close door- do not latch.
2. PushNORMAL/LIGHT button.
4. TurnTIMERKNOBclockwise to LIGHTWASH position.
5. Tostart, move latch all the way to the right.
Rinse Hold
(12 minutes) (1 rinse) (2.3 gallons)
Forrinsing dishesthat will bewashed later.
1. Do not usedetergent. Close door- do not latch.
2. PushNORMAL/LIGHTbutton.
3. PushCOOLDRYbutton.
4. TurnTIMERKNOBclockwise to RINSEHOLD position.
5. Tostart, move latch all the way to the right.
Delay Start
Allows the dishwasher to delay running for up to 6 hours.
1. SelectWASHCYCLEand ENERGYOPTIONpushbuttons asdescribed above.
2. TurnTIMERKNOBclockwise tothe desired number of hoursyou wish to delay the start.
.3. Tostart, move latch allthewayto the right. When the
DELAYSTARTtime period isover, the timer will auto- matical]y advance to the selected wash cycle.
The DELAYSTARToption will operate with any cycle except RINSEHOLD.Thewash cycleselections may be changed at any time during the delayed start count-
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Energy Options
Water Heat Option
When WATERHEAToption isselected,the heating element
action will continue but timer will not advance until this water temperature hasbeen reached. The hotterwater provided by this option helps activate dishwasher deter-
gent to clean food grease and soil from dishes. WATER
HEATcan be used with any cycle except RINSEHOLD.
The WATER HEATING light will glow until the water temperature reaches 140°F. To turn off WATER HEAT option, push the OPTIONSRESETbutton.
Cool Dry Option
COOLDRYsaveselectricity. The heating element staysoff during the drying portion of the cycle. Additional drying
time may be required, with the door open, to completely
airdry dishes. Some water droplets may remain on door
and inareaswheredishestouchdishwasher basketor rack. Toturn COOL DRYoption off and selectaheated drying
cycle, pushthe OPTIONSRESETbutton. Ifthe COOLDRY option isnot selected, a heated drying cycle isautomati-
callyprovided. COOLDRYmustbeselectedwith the RINSE
Thedrying option maybechanged at anytime during the cycleand affects only the drying period.
HowTo Load
Referto the General Loading sectionin your Owner's
Guidefor more detailed information. Top Rack
Loadglasses,cups,bowls, "dishwashersafe" plasticware, and miscellaneous items on thetop rack between prongs.
Bottom Rack
Load large plates, platters, bowls, casseroledishes, silver-
ware, and pots and panson the bottom rack.
Placeitems on rackswith soiled surfaces facingthe center of the rack. Besurelarge items do not blockthe detergent
dispenser preventing it from opening during the wash
Silverware Basket
Load knives and fork
with handles up. Be
sureitems do not pro- trudethrough the holes
in the basket and stop the rotation of the
Cleaning the Pump and Spray Arm
Your dishwasher will flush away all normal food soils.
However, objects (bones, fruit pits, etc.) may collect in
openings and should be removed to avoid clogging the drain.
I_ To prevent injury, allow dishwasher to cool before cleaning.
Be careful when cleaning around the pump
area.Theremaybeglassfragmentsfrom brokenglassitems.
1. Lift out spray arm and clean out spray holes.
2. Cleaninand around pump openings.
3. Replacesprayarm on sprayarm pin. Spray arm should rotate freely.
..Spray Arm
(caution) _ PumpOpening
Important Parts of Your Dishwasher
Leveling Legs
It is Normal:
Tohave shot[ pausesduring operation of dishwasher.
Forasmall amount ofwaterto remain in bottom oftub.
To hearwater entering dishwasher as it fills.
To hear water being pumped out of dishwasher as it drains.
Tohear timer clicking asdishwasher cyclesadvance.
Before You Call for Service
The Avoid ServiceChecklistand Common Dishwashing
Problems and Solutions inyour Owner's Guide discuss
many consumerdishwashing concerns.