Union Special 35800DLU, 35800DNU, 35800DRU, 35800DRW (NEW), 35800DWW (NEW) Parts List

REV 01/14/08
High Speed
Feed- Off- The- Arm
Plain Feed
Differential Feed
Manual No. PT9804-GR Adjusting Instructions & Illustrated Parts List for
35800 Series Machines
First Edition Copyright 2007
Union Special Corporation Rights Reserved In All Countries
Printed in U.S.A. August 2007
This parts manual has been prepared to assist you in locating individual parts or assemblies on 35800 Series machines.
It is the desire of Union Special that each machine run at its optimum performance. Parts listed in this manual are designed specifically for your machine and are manufactured with utmost precision to assure long lasting service.
This manual has been comprised on the basis of available information. Changes in design and/or improvements may incorporate a slight modification of configuration in illustrations or part numbers.
On the following pages are illustrations and terminology used in describing the parts used on 35800 Series machines.
Each UNION SPECIAL machine is identified by a style number, which is stamped into the style plate affixed to the middle of the machine under the tension assembly.
The serial number is stamped on a plate attached to the right rear top of the machine.
IDENTIFICATION OF MACHINES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
SAFETY RULES .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
CLASS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
STYLE OF MACHINES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
ILLUSTRATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
IDENTIFYING PARTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
NEEDLES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
TERMS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
THREADING & OILING FOR PLAIN FEED ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
THREADING & OILING FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED ................................................................................................................................................... 8
NEEDLES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
LUBRICATION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
THREADING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
ADJUSTING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
TORQUE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
SYNCHRONIZING NEEDLE AND LOOPER MOTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 10
TIGHTENING NEEDLE HEAD ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
ALIGNING NEEDLES IN THROAT PLATE SLOTS .................................................................................................................................................... 11
CENTERING THE CYLINDER .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
SETTING THE LOOPER ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
SETTING THE LOOPER (CONT.) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
SETTING HEIGHT OF NEEDLE BAR ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
SETTING THE FEED DOGS FOR PLAIN FEED ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
SETTING THE FEED DOGS FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED ............................................................................................................................................. 12
SETTING THE FEED DOGS FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED (CONT.) .............................................................................................................................. 13
CHANGING STITCH LENGTH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
SETTING REAR NEEDLE GUARD ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
PRESSER FOOT AND PRESSER BAR ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 14
UPPER FEED ROLLER ADJUSTMENT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
UPPER FEED ROLLER ADJUSTMENT (CONT.) ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
THREAD TENSION AND RELEASE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
DIFFERENTIAL CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
SETTING NEEDLE THREAD TAKE-UP AND FRAME EYELET .................................................................................................................................... 16
LOOPER THREAD TAKE-UP ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
FOLDER ADJUSTMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
AIR BLOWER TUBE ADJUSTMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
MAIN FRAME, CAST-OFF PLATE, EYELETS, MISCELLANEOUS COVERS AND BUSHINGS ................................................................................. 19
MAIN FRAME, CAST-OFF PLATE, EYELETS, MISCELLANEOUS COVERS AND BUSHINGS (CONT.) ................................................................... 21
CYLINDER COVERS AND BUSHINGS FOR PLAIN FEED ....................................................................................................................................... 23
CYLINDER COVERS AND BUSHINGS FOR PLAIN FEED (CONT.) ........................................................................................................................ 25
CYLINDER COVERS AND BUSHINGS FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED .......................................................................................................................... 27
CYLINDER COVERS AND BUSHINGS FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED (CONT.) ........................................................................................................... 29
DETACHABLE HEAD ASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 31
OILING, NEEDLE LEVER, CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN SHAFT PARTS ..................................................................................................................... 33
PLAIN FEED BAR, FEED LIFT & FEED DRIVE COMPONENTS FOR PLAIN FEED .................................................................................................... 35
DIFFERENTIAL FEED BAR, MAIN FEED BAR, FEED LIFT ECCENTRIC ASSEMBLY FOR DIFFERENTIAL FEED ......................................................... 37
FEED DRIVE COMPONENTS, LOOPER DRIVE COMPONENTS AND LOOPERS FOR PLAIN FEED ..................................................................... 39
UPPER ROLLER FEED, FOOT LIFTER AND THREAD TENSION PARTS .................................................................................................................. 45
UPPER ROLLER FEED, FOOT LIFTER AND THREAD TENSION PARTS (CONT.) .................................................................................................... 47
PULLEY, CRANKSHAFT, CLUTCH AND CLUTCH DRIVING MECHANISM ........................................................................................................... 49
PULLEY, CRANKSHAFT, CLUTCH AND CLUTCH DRIVING MECHANISM (CONT.) ............................................................................................ 51
SEWING PARTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
THREAD STAND ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 57
NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 58
NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
NOTES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
1. Before putting the machines described in this manual into service, carefully read the instructions. The starting of each machine is only permitted after taking notice of the instructions and by qualified operators.
IMPORTANT! Before putting the machine into service, also read the safety rules and instructions from the
motor supplier.
2. Observe the national safety rules valid for your country.
3. The sewing machines described in this instruction manual are prohibited from being put into service until
it has been ascertained that the sewing units which these sewing machines will be built into, have conformed with the EC Council Directives (89/392/EEC, Annex II B).
Each machine is only allowed to be used as foreseen. The foreseen use of the particular machine is described in paragraph “STYLES OF MACHINES” of this instruction manual. Another use, going beyond the description, is not as foreseen.
4. All safety devices must be in position when the machine is ready for work or in operation. Operation
of the machine without the appertaining safety devices is prohibited.
5. Wear safety glasses.
6. In case of machine conversions and changes all valid safety rules must be considered. Conversions
and changes are made at your own risk.
7. The warning hints in the instructions are marked with one of these two symbols:
8. When doing the following the machine has to be disconnected from the power supply by turning off
the main switch or by pulling out the main plug:
8.1 When threading needle(s), looper, spreader etc.
8.2 When replacing any parts such as needle(s), presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feed dog, needle guard, folder, fabric guide etc.
8.3 When leaving the workplace and when the workplace is unattended.
8.4 When doing maintenance work.
8.5 When using clutch motors without actuation lock, wait until the motor is stopped totally.
9. Maintenance, repair and conversion work (see item 8) must be done only by trained technicians or special skilled personnel under consideration of the instructions.
10. Any work on the electrical equipment must be done by an electrician or under direction and supervision of special skilled personnel.
11. Work on parts and equipment under electrical power is not permitted. Permissible exceptions are described in the applicable sections of standard sheet DIN VDE 0105.
12. Before doing maintenance and repair work on the pneumatic equipment, the machine has to be disconnected from the compressed air supply. In case of existing residual air pressure, after disconnect­ing from compressed air supply (i.e. pneumatic equipment with air tank), the pressure has to be removed by bleeding.
High Speed, Feed-Off-The-Arm High Throw Machines, Two and Three Needle, Left Needle In Front. Light Weight Presser Bar Mechanism, Adjustable Looper Avoid, Space in Front of Needles 8" (203.2 mm), Single Disc Looper Thread Take-Up, Automatic Enclosed Type Oiling System and Filter Type Oil Pump, Visual Sight Oil Action and Supply Gauges.
35800DLU DOUBLE LAP SEAM. Three needle, medium capacity, differential feed with upper driven roller feed.
-Typical Application- For in and out seaming on medium weight khaki garments. Seam Specification 401 LSc-3. Standard gauge Number 9 [9/64", 3.6mm]. Recommended needle 130GS, size 110/044. Maximum recommended speed 4000 R.P.M.. .040 step sewing parts. .468 (15/32, 11.9mm) narrow rubber roller.
35800DNU DOUBLE LAP SEAM. Three needle, high capacity, differential feed with upper driven roller feed. -Typical
Application- For in and out seaming on heavy weight denim garments. Seam Specification 401 LSc-
3. Standard gauge Numbers 8 [1/8", 3.2mm] and 9 [9/64", 3.6mm]. Recommended needle 130GS, size 140/054. Maximum recommended speed 4500 R.P.M.. .094 step sewing parts. .468 (15/32,
11.9mm) narrow roller.
35800DZ Same as 35800DNU except with reverse teeth roller.
35800DRU DOUBLE LAP SEAM. Three needle, high capacity, plain feed, upper driven, roller feed. Feed Dogs have
higher teeth on front. - Typical Application- For seat seaming, in and out seams on medium to heavy weight denim garments. Seam Specifications 401LSc-3. Standard gauge Numbers 8 [1/8", 3.2mm] and 9 [9/64", 3.6mm]. Recommended needle 130GS, size 140/054. Maximum recommended speed 4500 R.P.M.. .094 step sewing parts. .468 (15/32", 11.9mm) narrow roller.
35800PZ Same as 35800DRU except with reverse teeth roller.
35800DRW DOUBLE LAP SEAM. Three needle, high capacity, plain feed, upper driven, roller feed (wide roller).
Feeds have higher teeth on front of feeds. - Typical Application- For seat seaming, in and out seams on medium to heavy weight denim garments. Seam Specifications 401LSc-3. Standard gauge 9 [9/ 64", 3.6mm]. Recommended needle 130GS, size 140/054. Maximum recommended speed 4500 R.P.M.. .094 step sewing parts. .588" (19/32", 15mm) wide roller.
35800DWW DOUBLE LAP SEAM. Three needle, high capacity, differential feed, high lift feed eccentric, with upper
driven, roller feed (wide roller). Feeds have higher teeth on front of feeds. - Typical Application- For use on heavy weight denim garments. Seam Specifications 401LSc-3. Standard gauge Numbers 8 [1/8", 3.2mm] and 9 [9/64", 3.6mm]. Recommended needle 130GS, size 140/054. Maximum recommended speed 4500 R.P.M.. .094 step sewing parts. .588" (19/32", 15mm) wide roller.
This manual has been arranged to simplify ordering repair parts. Exploded views of various sections of the mechanism are shown so that the parts may be seen in their actual position in the machine. On the page opposite the illustration will be found a listing of the parts with their part numbers, description and the number of pieces required in the particular view being shown.
Numbers in the first column are reference numbers only, and merely indicate the position of the part in the illustration. The reference number should never be used in ordering parts. Always use the part number listed in the second column.
Component parts of sub-assemblies which can be furnished for repairs are indicated by indenting their descriptions under the description of the main sub-assembly. As an example refer to the following text.
9. 29126 EC Upper Looper Drive Shaft Assembly ................................................................................ 1
10. 22503 F Screw ............................................................................................................................... 1
11. 39543 E Cam Follower Locking Clamp .......................................................................................... 1
It will be noted in the previous example that the cam follower, bushing and cam guide and the upper looper drive shaft are not
listed. The reason is that replacement of these parts individually is not recommended, so the complete upper looper drive shaft assembly should be ordered.
When a part is common to all machines covered in this manual, no specific usage will be mentioned in the description. However, when the parts for the various machines are not the same, the specific usage will be mentioned in the description and, if necessary, the difference will be shown in the illustration.
A numerical index of all the parts shown in this manual is located at the back. This will facilitate locating the illustration and description when only a part number is known.
Where the construction permits, each part is marked with its part number. On some of the smaller parts and on those where construction does not permit, an identification letter is marked in to distinguish the part from similar ones.
PLEASE NOTE: Part numbers represent the same part, regardless of which manual they appear. On all orders please
include part number, name and style of machine for which the part was ordered.
Each needle has both a type and size number. The type number denotes the kind of shank, point, length, groove, finish and other details. The size number, stamped on the needle shank, denotes the largest diameter of the blade measured between the shank and the eye. Collectively, the type number and size number represent the complete symbol which is given on the label of all needles packed and sold by Union Special.
130 GS Short, double groove, struck groove, ball eye, spotted, government point, chromium plated- Sizes available
080/032, 090/036, 100/040, 110/044, 125/049, 140/054, 150/060.
To have needles promptly and accurately filled, an empty package, a needle sample, or the type and size number should be forwarded. Use the description on the label. A complete order should read as follows: "100 needles, type 130 GS, size 125/049".
Prices are net cash and subject to change without notice. All shipments are forwarded F.O.B. shipping point. A charge is made to cover postage and insurance.
Table 1
Selection of proper needle size is determined by size of thread used. Thread should pass freely through the needle eye in order to produce a good stitch formation.
Each needle has both a type and size number. The type number denotes the kind of shank, point, length, groove, finish and other details. The size number, stamped on the needle shank, denotes largest diameter of blade, measured midway between shank and eye. Collectively, type and size number represent the complete symbol which is given on the label of all needles packaged and sold by UNION SPECIAL. See "STYLE OF MACHINES" for the standard recommended needle type & size for your machine.
To have needle orders promptly and accurately filled, an empty package, a sample needle, or the type and size number should be forwarded. Use the description on the label. A complete order would read: “1000 Needles, Type 130GS, Size 140/ 054”.
The oil has been drained from the machine before shipping and the reservoirs must be filled before beginning to operate. Use a straight mineral oil with a Saybolt viscosity of 90 to 125 seconds at 100° Fahrenheit. Union Special Part No. 28604R.
Oil is filled at oil caps (A & D, Fig. 1A, B). The level is checked at sight gauges (B) and (E). Maintain the oil level between the red lines of the gauges.
The machine is equipped with a continuous running rotary driven oil pump. The action of the oil can be observed through oil sight (A) and (D) in the front and back top covers.
When starting a new machine, filling the reservoirs or when beginning to operate a machine that has been idle for some time, it may be necessary to prime the pump. To do this, remove the two plug screws (C). Apply oil to these holes and operate machine until bubbling can be observed at the windows. Replace screws (C).
CAUTION: If oil does not bubble when machine is running, the circulating pump is inoperative.
Oil may be drained from the machine at two places, plug screw (F) located in the bottom of the cylinder and plug screw (G) at the back of the main frame below the handwheel.
A convenient means for threading the looper has been provided. When loopers are at the left end of their travel, press the knob (H, Fig. 1A, B) and loopers will back out of position, leaving them easily accessible. Thread the machine as illustrated in (Fig. 1A, B). After threading, push loopers back into position.
NOTE: Instructions stating direction of location, such as right, left, front or rear of machine, are given relative to operator’s
position at the machine. The handwheel rotates counterclockwise, in operating direction; when viewed from the right end of machine.
Torque specifications given in this catalog are measured in inch-pounds or Newton-meters. All straps and eccentrics must be tightened to 19-21 in. lbs. (2.1-2.3Nm) unless otherwise noted. All nuts, bolts, screws, etc., without torque specifications must be secured as tightly as possible, unless otherwise noted. Special torque specifications for connecting rods, links, screws etc., are shown on the parts illustrations.
FIG. 2
NOTE: Needle and looper mechanisms are carefully synchronized with pre­cision gauges before leaving the factory to insure the best possible sewing conditions.
Should it become necessary to disassemble the main shaft or replace compo­nents of the needle or looper drive mechanisms, re-synchronization of the machine will be required to facilitate proper sewing adjustments. This is accom­plished by means of an adjustable split coupling located beneath the rear top cover, connecting the crankshaft to the main shaft, which in turn drives the looper mechanism.
To synchronize the machine, remove the needles, presser foot, throat plate, feed dogs and upper feed roller mechanism. Rotate handwheel in the operating direction until the needle bar is at the bottom of its stroke and just begins its upward travel. Loosen screw (A, Fig. 2) and remove the looper for the left hand needle from the looper holder. Insert a straight steel rod (B) 5/32" (3.9mm) or 11/64" (4.3mm) diameter by 2-1/2" (63.5mm) long into looper holder and retighten screw (A). Rotate the handwheel until the rod (B) is at the extreme left and reinstall the throat plate. Loosen screw (F) in looper holder and move the holder left or right until the right side of the rod is approximaately 5/32" (4.0mm) from the left edge of the throat plate, tighten screw (F). Turn the handwheel in the operating direction, with needle bar rising until rod (B) comes in contact with the edge of the throat plate. At this point, clamp Union Special timing gauge No. TT147 (C) around the needle bar (D), flush against the underside of the machine casting (E). Rotate handwheel in the opposite direction until either the gauge contacts the machine casting on the up stroke of the needle bar or the rod contacts the edge of the throat plate. Maximum allowable clearance between gauge and casting or rod and throat plate is .005" (0.1mm)
If machine is not synchronized the following applies:
FIG. 3
Both ends of the adjustable split coupling are secured to the crankshaft and main shaft by spot screws and set screws. On the main shaft end of the coupling (A, Fig. 3) three screws (B) thread horizontally through the coupling. The holes in the main shaft end of the coupling are larger than the diameter of the screws, permitting several degrees of rotation in either direction to properly synchronize the needle and looper. Loosen the three horizontal clamp screws (B, Fig. 3). With rod (B, Fig. 2) at its farthest position to the left, snug the uppermost horizontal clamp screw enough to hold coupling (A, Fig. 3) in position. If the handwheel is turned in reverse of operating direction and gauge (C, Fig. 2) on needle bar (D) contacts the machine casting (E) before rod (B) contacts the edge of the throat plate, loosen horizontal clamp screw (B, Fig. 3) which was snug, while holding the coupling in place with an Allen wrench in set screw (C). Rotate the handwheel slightly in reverse of operating direction, snug the uppermost horizontal clamp screw (B), recheck synchronization. If the handwheel is turned in reverse of operating direction and the rod contacts the edge of the throat plate before the clamp gauge contacts the machine casting, adjust as before, except turn the handwheel slightly in the operating direction. Use shim stock to insure no more than .005" (0.1mm) exists between gauge and casting or between rod and throat plate, in both the operating and reverse directions of the handwheel. When this setting has been made, tighten the three horizontal clamp screws (B, Fig. 3) securely, and recheck both clearance points with .005" (0.1mm) shim gauge to assure no slippage occurred while tightening the screws.
When replacement of the needle bar, and or needle head is neces­sary, torque the needle head to needle bar 14-16 in. lbs. (1.6-1.8Nm) or use torque rod No. 21227AR that has been supplied with the machine, for the purpose of eliminating the possibility of distorting the needle bar due to overtightening. Insert the torque rod in the hole at the upper end of the needle bar, while holding the needle bar head with a suitable tool, turn the needle bar with the torque rod onto the needle bar head. When the rod starts to bend, the needle bar head has been threaded into the needle bar properly.
Insert a new set of needles, type and size specified, with screw (B, Fig.
4) slightly loosened, lower needle bar (A) and turn needle head as
required until the needles are centered in the throat plate needle hole slots. Tighten screw (B) torque to 19-21in.lbs. (2.1-2.4Nm).
NOTE: If the needles can not be aligned in the throat plate slots, the
lower cylinder must be moved as stated below.
Remove the top front cover and gasket from the main frame. Loosen cylinder holding screw (A, Fig. 5). Turn eccentric screw (B) clockwise or counterclockwise to move the cylinder so the needles are centered in the needle holes. Tighten screws (A) torque to 18 ft.lbs. and recheck settings.
FIG. 4
NOTE: The cylinder may not move freely when the eccentric is
turned because the joint sealant compound has set.
Insert a new set of needles, type and size specified. Always adjust the looper (A, Fig. 6) for the left needle first. Set the looper so that the distance from the center of the needle (B) to the point of the looper (A) is 9/64" (3.6mm) when the looper is at its farthest position to the left. Looper gauge (C) No. 21225-9/64 can be used advantageously in making this adjustment. If adjustment is required, loosen screw (A, Fig. 7) in looper holder, permitting movement in either direction to attain the 9/64" (3.6mm) dimension as shown in Fig. 6. Retighten screw (A, Fig. 7). Repeat for other needles and loopers.
Rotate handwheel in operating direction to assure that the looper point passes to the rear of the needle to touch but not deflect. This adjustment can be made by loosening screw (A, Fig. 7) in looper holder. Looper holder can be moved front to back to attain looper to needle setting. Always check the 9/64" (3.6mm) looper gauge setting after setting the looper to the back of the needle, and conversely, always check the setting of the looper to the back of the needle after setting the 9/64" (3.6mm) looper gauge.
The amount of looper avoid has been set at the factory to .110" (2.8mm). If it becomes necessary to adjust the amount of avoid it is recomended as a starting point, to have the points of the decending needles contact the back of the lower 1/3 of the back of the looper blade.
FIG. 5
FIG. 6
Descending Needles
Looper Blade
Lower 1/3
FIG. 7
If more or less looper avoid motion is required, remove cylinder side cover (A, fig. 8) located at the lower front left side. For plain feed use a screwdriver to loosen looper avoid link ball joint (B). For differential feed use Union Special wrench TT85 and loosen screw stud (C) Moving ball joint down in the lever slot increases the amount of looper avoid motion, moving it up acts the reverse. Retighten ball joint (B), or screw stud (C) securely.
NOTE: Whenever looper avoid is changed looper clearance to
needle must also be reset.
FIG. 8
19 - 21 in. lbs.
(2.1 - 2.4 Nm)
1/16" (1.6mm)
FIG. 9
The height of the needle bar is correct when the top of the needle eye is 1/16" (1.6mm) below the underside of the looper, with the looper point even with the right side of the needle. To make adjustment loosen screw (A, Fig. 9) and move needle bar (B) as required to attain dimension.
NOTE: Care must be taken not to disturb the alignment of the
needles when moving the needle bar either up or down.
Assemble the main feed dog and throat plate. Main feed dog (A, Fig. 11) at its highest position, should be set to project above the throat plate, the depth of its teeth. The feed dog mounting screw (B) and front support screw (C) should be set to maintain this setting.
The feed should be set so there is equal clearance between the front of the feed dog and the front of the feed slot in the throat plate when the feed dog is at its most forward travel. The same amount of clearance should be between the back of the feed dog and the back of the feed slot in the throat plate when the feed dog is at its most rearward travel. To attain this setting loosen screws (A and B, Fig. 10) and remove plug screw (D). Using a screw driver turn eccentric pin (C) clockwise or counter­clockwise to obtain proper setting. Tighten screws (A and B), reinstall plug screw (D).
Plain Feed
FIG. 10
Differential Feed
FIG. 10A
Before assembling the main and differential feed dogs, set the feed bar eccentric pin (A, Fig. 10A) located in the left side near
center of cylinder, so that the slot in the head is in a horizontal position for the 35800DLU, DNU, and DZ style machines and turned counter clockwise to an approximate 45° for the 35800DWW style of machine. The pin can be used to slightly tilt both feed dogs if necessary. The feed bar pin is retained in position by set screw (B). Assemble differential feed dog (A, Fig. 11A), main feed dog (B) and throat plate. Both the main and differential feed dogs can be individually adjusted to height. Main feed dog (B) at its highest position, should be set to project above the throat plate, the depth of its teeth. If adjustment is necessary loosen screw (D) and move feed dog (B) up or down to attain correct setting. Feed dog support (C) should support front of feed dog.
NOTE: If eccentric pin (A, Fig. 10A) is used to tilt the feed dogs,
make sure that the looper does not interfere with the rear needle guard and that the needle guard does not pinch the needle loops on the back side of the needles.
If adjustment is necessary loosen screw (E, Fig. 11A) in feed dog support (C) and move as required. Retighten screw (E). The differential feed dog (A) may then be leveled with main feed dog (B). If adjustment is necessary loosen screw (F) and move feed dog up or down as required. Retighten screw (F).
NOTE: Should the main feed dog require repositioning due to
contact with the throat plate in its forward or rearward travel, loosen set screw (C, Fig. 10A) in main feed bar driving link (D), rotate main feed bar eccentric driving stud (E) as required. Driving stud (E) has a thin hexagon head with cutouts on two of the flats allowing move­ment by tapping with a sharp pointed tool, when wrench 21388AZ is not available. Whenever the main feed bar eccentric driving stud position has been changed, re­check rear needle guard setting, adjustment may be required. Retighten set screw (C). Position main feed dog support (C, Fig. 11A) flush against bottom of main feed dog (B), tighten support screw (E) securely.
When change in stitch length is required, remove large plug screw (A, Fig. 12). Loosen feed rocker driving link screw (B) in lever (C). Moving the feed rocker driving link up in the lever slot lengthens the stitch, moving it down, shortens the stitch. Retighten link screw (B) securely and replace plug screw (A).
NOTE: If plug screw (A) is replaced with a new plug screw, it
should be sealed with a silicone seal.
Plain Feed
FIG. 11
Differential Feed
FIG. 11A
Any stitch length change, requires resetting the needle guard.
CAUTION: When making stitch length adjustment do not exceed
maximum recommended stitch length due to possible part damage.
Set the rear needle guard (A, Fig. 13) horizontally to touch and possibly deflect slightly to obtain solid guarding of all needles (B) when at its extreme forward position. If adjustment is neces­sary loosen screw (E) and move guard front to back as required. It should be set vertically as low as possible, yet have its guard­ing surface in contact with the needles until the points of the loopers (C), moving to the right, are even with the right side of the needles. If adjustment is necessary loosen screw (F) and move guard and holder up or down as required.
CAUTION: If stitch length is changed, needle guard must be
NOTE: When installing the needle it should be parallel with the
eye in line of feed. If adjustment is necessary, loosen screw (N, Fig. 15) in needle head and rotate needle to attain adjustment (D, Fig. 13).
FIG. 12
FIG. 13
NOTE: Looper closeness to needles as described on page 11
must be maintained after rear needle guard is ad­justed. Readjust loopers as necessary.
Adjusting or Replacing Presser Foot:
Remove presser bar leaf spring (B, Fig. 14) and nut (B). Loosen screw (A, Fig. 15) on presser bar guide (B). Loosen screws (C) in upper collar and screws (D) in needle lever thread pull-off lever.. Slide presser bar upward high enough to slip on presser foot yoke (E) with foot attached and tighten screw (F) on flat of presser bar. Position foot so that the needle holes in the foot line up with the holes in the throat plate. Tighten screw (A)
Presser foot guide plates (G, Fig. 15) should be set so that entire presser foot and bar assembly has free movement up and down with no left to right movement.
FIG. 14
FIG. 15
With foot properly aligned on throat plate and presser bar guide (B, Fig. 15) securely fastened to presser bar, adjust both guide plates
(G) to obtain above setting. Tighten four screws (H).
Reinstall presser bar spring (B, Fig. 14) and knob (A), with presser foot resting on throat plate.
Set upper stop collar (K) to contact casting, so the bottom of the needle head and the top of the presser foot do not touch, at the bottom of the needle stroke when lifting foot. Tighten screw (C).
The presser foot should be adjusted to be 1/8" (3.17mm) above the throat plate before the feed roller mechanism begins to rise.. Loosen screw (A, Fig. 15) in presser bar lifter and guide (B), raise or lower guide as required to attain the specified point at which the feed roller begins to rise. Retighten screw (A) and maintain needle settings.
NOTE: There should be a minimum 1/32" (0.8mm) clearance
between screw (M, Fig. 15) and the bottom of the slot in link (J).
Regulate the pressure on the presser foot by turning the presser spring regulating knob (A, Fig. 14) located on top of pressure foot spring (B)..
To remove just the presser foot, remove screws (L, Fig. 15) and replace foot, retighten screws (L).
Needle lever thread pull-off (P) should be set 1/16 (1.6mm) above bottom of slot in cover (Q) when presser foot is resting on throat plate.
Assembly of Roller to Roller Yoke:
Assemble driven gear (A, Fig.16) through feed roller frame (B). Place woodruff key (C) into slot of feed roller shaft (D). Slide driven gear (E) on to shaft (D), make sure key (C) goes into slot in gear (E). While holding feed roller frame (B) with steel roller (F) between the two frame lobs, slide feed roller shaft (D) and assembled components through frame. Make sure that shoul­der of roller (F) is to the right. Align screw (G) (first in operating direction on roller) on the flat of shaft (E). At the same time thrust shoulder of shaft (D) against face of gear (E), make sure left edge of roller is against right (inside) face of left lob. Secure screw (G) on flat of shaft (D) and tighten screw (H).
FIG. 16
When feed roller mechanism (C, Fig. 17) has been re­moved or replaced, .003" (0.08mm) minimum to .005" (0.13mm) maximum clearance should be maintained between roller and throat plate.
To Adjust Guiding System for Roller:
Loosen two screws (A). Using shim(s) adjust feed roller mechanism (C) so that the roller is .003" (0.08mm) to .005" (0.13mm) above throat plate. Slide rear guide finger (B) down so that it sits on top of rear guide support block (D). Check to make sure roller is parallel to throat plate slots. Tighten two screws (A) to secure feed roller mechanism in place. For machine style 35800DLU, with roller on throat plate set 1/32" gap between bottom of rear guide finger (B) and top of rear guide support block (D).
Setting Pressure for Feed Roller:
Regulate the pressure on the feed roller so that it exerts only enough pressure on the fabric to feed the work uniformly. Turning roller presser spring regulator (H, Fig.
17) clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to de­crease the pressure.
Setting of Feed Roller:
Guide finger for roller should be set so that entire roller mechanism has free movement up and down with no left to right movement. With roller properly aligned, the edge of roller should be parallel with feed slots in throat plate.
Guide plates (F) must be thrusted against guide finger (B) to secure feed roller mechanism (C). Thrust guide plates (F) against guide finger (B) with equal pressure. Tighten four screws (E) to hold plates in place.
The thread tension release is set correctly when it begins to function at the point when the upper feed roller begins to rise. When adjustment is necessary, loosen screw (B, Fig. 18) in lifter lever (C). Facing the tension release shaft (A) from the right end of the machine, insert screwdriver in slot in shaft (A). Turn the screwdriver clockwise to raise pins (D) or counterclockwise to lower pins. Retighten screw (B).
The amount of differential is controlled by lever (A, Fig. 19). The adjusting plate is numbered from 1 to 9. When the lever is set from numbers 1 to 4 reverse differential or stretching occurs. The numbers from 4 to 5 produce equal feed stitch­ing while numbers 5 to 9 produce a gathering stitch. Screws (B) can be set to limit the movement of lever (A) or lock lever in one position. If top ply of material is coming out long, move lever toward operator, if top ply is short, move lever away from operator, as required.
FIG. 17
FIG. 18
FIG. 19
With the needle bar at the top of its stroke set the adjustable frame needle thread eyelet (A, Fig. 20) in the lower mounting hole of eyelet (B) so the needle thread from eyelet (A) to the needle lever thread eyelet (C) will be in a straight line. If adjustment of eyelet (A) is necessary loosen screw (K) and move eyelet up or down as required. Retighten screw (K).
With the needle bar at the bottom of its stroke, the needle thread take-up (D) should be set so that it is 1/16" (1.6mm) above the edge of the needle lever thread eyelet (C) (See Inset). If adjustment is necessary loosen screw (H) and adjust lever (D) as required to attain 1/16". Tighten screw (H).
FIG. 20
FIG. 21
With the machine rotating in operating direction the looper thread take-up is in time when the first screw coming into
view (A, Fig. 21) is in line with the spot screw (B) on the main shaft in the pulley. NOTE: screw (A) is accessable through the hole in the take-up. With this setting correct, the looper thread should cast-off of the take-up (C) when the needles are safely in the triangle. If adjustment is necessary loosen two screws (A) in take-up (C) position screws in line with spot screw (B). Tighten screws (A).
NOTE: Make sure take-up cam is centered left to right in
cast-off slot.
Slide folder (A, Fig. 22) on arm. The folder should be as close to the front of presser foot (B) as possible, making sure to avoid the presser foot contacting the folder when sewing across seams. If adjustment is necessary loosen screws (C) to move entire folder left to right or front to back as required. If just adjustment of upper scroll (D) is needed loosen screw (E) and position scroll to obtain proper seam margin.
The air blower tube should be set left to right so it is parallel with the throat plate. It should be set front to back so when feeding over a cross seam the presser foot does not contact the tube. If adjustment is necessary, loosen screw (A, Fig. 23) and position air blower tube (B) as required. Retighten screw (A).
FIG. 22
FIG. 23
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