Tyco Safety Sensormatic DMS915 User Manual

Setup and Service Guide
1 Digital Microwave
System 915 Addendum
EADC12WC DMS Concealed 12' EADC18WC DMS Concealed 18' EADC24WC DMS Concealed 24' EADM06 DMS Micromax 6' EADM06WCDMS Micromax WC 6' EADM12 DMS Micromax 12' EADM12WCDMS Micromax WC 12' EADM18 DMS Micromax 18' EADM18WCDMS Micromax WC 18' EADM24 DMS Micromax 24' EADP06 DMS Pedestal 6' EADP18WC DMS Pedestal WC 18' EADR03WC DMS Sensormat II 3' EADR06WC DMS Sensormat II 6' EADR10WC DMS Sensormat II 10' EADS03 DMS Slimline 3'
Abou t this Guid e
This Setup and Service g uide explains typical installations and t uning for t he DMS 915 detector . It is intended to be used as a supplement to the DMS 915 Installation and Field Service M anual. Refer to the DMS 915 manual for a complete description of theory, installation, and troubleshoot i ng. Other related documents are:
DMS 915 Installation and Field Service M anual,
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EADS06 DMS Slimline 6'
About this Guide................................................1
About the DMS 915........................................... 2
Specifications.................................................... 9
Preliminary – 11/03/00
8000-0395-02, R ev. A (9 pages)
About the DMS 915
The Digital MicroW ave System (DMS) 915 is a microcontroller-based a nti-theft syst em. The DMS 915 produces an alarm when it detect s a Sensormatic tag, a packaged semico nductor diode.
To detect the tag, t he system performs the following operations:
The system generates a “zone of protection,”
typically at a st or e exit. This zone consists of two overlapping fields. T he first field is a static or fr equency-hoppi ng, fr equency modulated RF signal. The second field is a frequency shift key (FSK) modulated a nd predomi nately electrost at ic f ield called an E-field.
When a tag enters the zo ne, it combines the
RF signal and the E-field into a composite signal that radiates to the system RF antennas. The system detects the composite signal, separates the mod ulation, and compares the recovered modulation to the modulation transmitted. If the two signals match, the system issues an alarm.
The DMS 915 is progr am med using an external hand-held computer. Pr ogr ammable features include RF hopping bank or fr equency selectio n, RF power level selectio n, electr ost at ic f ield frequency selectio n, “t ag- t oo- c lose” function enable/disable, alar m tone select io n, alarm duration selection, selectable hits required f or alarm, and alarm count set/ r es et control.
mounted in pedestal enclosures loc at ed at the store exit.
The remote alarm provides a audio/visual signal that a tag has entered the “zone of prot ection.”
The power pack powers and controls the system. The pack is typically concealed inside an enclosure.
System Components
DMS 915 components include E-f ield radiator s, RF antennas, remote alarms, and a programmable power pack
Three types of E-f ield radiat or s ar e:
Wire cloth – usually recessed in the floor or
sometimes laid on the floor under a rubber pad.
Plate – a metal plate concealed inside a
pedestal at t he side of the exit.
Vortex – a long aluminum bar hung across the
The RF antennas are used to radiat e t he frequency- hopping, f r equency-mod ulated RF signal. These ante nnas mount in a variety of ways. They can be concealed above the ceiling, mounted in pods, concealed in t he floor, or
8000-0395-02, RE V.
Typical Installations
DMS 915 components are arr anged in various configurations depending on the applicatio n.
Typical installations are:
Slimline with plates
Concealed ceramic RF ante nnas with wire
Pedestal with plates
Pedestal with wire cloth
Pedestal with vortex
Micromax plastic RF ante nna with vortex
Micromax plastic RF ante nna with wire cloth
Sensormat II with wire cloth
Slimline with Plates
The Slimli ne with plate system consists of tw o dish type RF antennas, each mounted o n metal frames which are enclosed in non-metall ic pedest als. A transmitt er / r eceiver power pac k, RF antenna, and an electrostatic f ield radiator plat e ar e contained in one unit while the other pedestal has o nly an RF antenna and another electr ost atic radiator plate. The housings are faced toward each other at a typical dista nce range from 3 to 6 feet depending upon the installatio n. The ante nnas are connected to the transmitter/ r eceiver via s hielded coa xial cables.
Power Pack
RF antenna (dish)
Electrostatic field Slimline plate antenna
Metal Mo unting Frame
Typical Cosmetic Enc losure – Old
Typical Cosmetic Enc losure - New
Figure 1. Slimline with pl at es
Concealed Ceramic RF Antennas with wire cloth
The Concealed ceramic RF ante nnas wit h wire cloth system consists of tw o heli x type RF antennas, eac h resting on the ceili ng tiles. The RF antennas are faced t ow ar ds each other at a typical distance range from 3 to 24 f eet depending upon the installation. On the floor between the RF antennas lays an electrostat ic r adiat or , a wire cloth whose length is less than the separatio n betw een the RF antennas. The wire cloth is usually recessed in the floor or s ometimes placed on the floor and covered wit h a rubber mat. The antennas are connected to t he transmitter/ r eceiver power pack via shielded coaxial cables. The transmitter/receiver power pack has an optional cosmetic enclosure.
Power Pack
RF antenna (helix)
Electrostatic field wire cloth antenna
Typical cosmetic mounti ng enclosure
Figure 2. Concea led antennas with wire cloth
RF antenna
Power pack
Wire cloth
3 – 24'
Power pack RF antenna
Plate antenna
DIGITAL MICROWAVE SYSTEM 915 8000-0395-02, Rev. A
RF antenna Plate antenna
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