82 Benning Street, West Lebanon, NH 03784 USA
(603) 298-5711 • www.thermal-dynamics.com
Manual 0-4647
SL60 and SL100 Replacement
Plasma Cutting Hand Torches,
Cat. No. 7-5225, 7-5226, 7-5227
Installation and Operation Instructions
General Information
The 1TorchTM SL60 and SL100 Torches are connected to
power supplies using an Adapter Kit. The torches use
compressed air as both the plasma and secondary gas.
The torches are suitable for standoff cutting.
These instructions are important for the proper installation of
the T orches. Read the instructions thoroughly before attempting the installation. Keep these instructions for reference.
The torches are supplied as follows:
Catalog No. Torch Model
7-5225 SL60 50A
7-5226 SL100 70A
7-5227 SL100 90A
Inst alled
The following options are available. Refer to the replacement parts list for catalog numbers.
• Leather Leads Covers
• Cutting Guides
• Radius / Roller Kit
• Trigger Guards
• Standoff Cutting Guide
Supplied Parts
The T orches include:
• T or ch W ith Leads
• Control Wire Connectors
• Instructions
• Consumables (Installed on the Torch): Electrode,
Starter Cartridge, Tip, Shield Cup
• Replacement Consumables as follows:
Torch Cat. No. Cutting Tip Electrode
7-5225 (2) No. 9-8209 (50A)
7-5226 (2) No. 9-8231 (70A)
7-5227 (2) No. 9-8212 (90A)
(1) No. 9-821
Torch Specifications
A. Torch Configurations and Dimensions
The torch head is at 75° to the torch handle. The torch
includes a torch handle and torch trigger assembly.
9.5" (241 mm)
95 mm)
1.17" (29 mm)
Art # A-03322
Torch Specifications
B. Torch Leads Lengths
20 foot / 6.1 m
© 2004 by Thermal Dynamics Corp., Printed in USA
July 28, 2004 1 Manual 0-4647

C. Current Rating (Refer to Note)
SL60 & S L100 Cur rent Ratin gs
F. Gas Requirements
Power Supply characteristics will determine material thickness range.
SL60 Torch & Leads
Up to 60 Amps, DC,
Strai ght P ol a ri ty
SL100 Torch & Leads
Up to 100 Amps, DC,
Strai ght P ol a ri ty
D. Torch Ratings
Duty Cy c le
Maximum Current
Volt a ge ( V
Arc Striking Vol tage
100% @ 60 Amps @ 400 scfh
104° F
40° C
60 Amps
SL60 and SL100 Torch Gas Specifications
Gas (Pl asma and Secondary) Compressed Air
Operating Pres sure
Refer to NOTE
60 - 75 psi
4.1 - 5.2 bar
Max im um Input P res s ure 125 psi / 8. 6 bar
Gas Fl ow (Cutt i ng and Gouging)
300 - 500 scfh
(142 - 235 lpm)
This torch is not to be used with oxygen (O2).
Operating pressure varies with torch model and
operating amperage. Refer to gas pressure settings
chart for each model.
G. Direct Contact Hazard
For exposed tip the recommended standoff is 1/8" - 1/4" (3 - 6.4
104° F
40° C
Duty Cy cle
Maximum Current
Volt a ge ( V
Arc Striking Vol tage
100% @ 100 Amps @ 400 scf
100 Amps
E. Type of Cooling
Combination of ambient air and gas stream through torch.
H. Parts-In-Place (PIP) Circuit - 12 vdc
The torch and leads include circuitry called Parts-In-Place
(PIP). This circuit includes a switch located at the torch
head. The shield cup closes this switch when properly
installed. The torch will not operate if this switch is open.
To Control
Torch Switch
Cable Wiring
PIP Switch
Torch Trigg
Shield Cup
July 28, 2004 2 Manual 0-4647

Connecting Torch
Torch Parts Selection
The T orch Leads connect to the power supply with an Adapter
Kit consisting of two control wire connectors supplied with the
torch. Connect the torch to the power supply as follows:
Disconnect primary power to the system before
disassembling the torch or torch leads.
DO NOT touch any internal torch parts while the
AC indicator light of the Power Supply is ON.
1. Pass the end of the Torch Leads Assembly through the
access opening on the power supply.
2. Connect the ring tongue terminal on the Tor ch Leads
Assembly pilot lead to the pilot terminal on the power
supply . T ighten secur ely .
To Power Supply
Control Connectors
Refer to the Consumables Selection Chart for the various torch
parts for the application and operation.
Disconnect primary power to the system before disassembling the torch or torch leads.
DO NOT touch any internal torch parts while the
AC indicator light of the Power Supply is ON.
The shield cup holds the tip and starter cartridge in place.
Position the torch with the shield cup facing upward to
keep these parts from falling out when the cup is removed.
Change the torch parts as follows:
1. Unscrew and remove the shield cup from the torch
Torch Head
ontrol Circuit
Torch Lead Assembly
Pilot Lead
To Power Supply
(-) Fitting
Lead Connection
Art # A-03959
Starter Cartridge
Shield Cup
2. Tilt the torch head to remove the tip and starter cartridge.
3. Connect the Negative / Plasma lead from the torch to the
power supply . Tighten secur ely . Do not use sealant.
3. Fit the desired starter cartridge and tip onto the electrode.
4 . The torch leads assembly includes two wires joined to-
gether and covered with an insulating sleeve. These wires
must remain joined and sleeved for proper torch operation.
5. Refer to the illustration. Connect the Control Wire Connectors to the torch leads assembly wires as shown.
6. Connect the Control Wire Connectors to the power supply .
7. Reinstall any power supply covers removed for torch installation.
July 28, 2004 3 Manual 0-4647