Tweco 7-3482 User Manual

Manual 0-4616
82 Benning Street, West Lebanon, NH 03784 USA
(603) 298-5711 •
This kit connects the Thermal Dynamics Model SL100 Hand Torch with O2B fittings to PlazMaster 80 Power Supplies. Do not use this kit for any other application. Read these instructions before starting the installation pro­cedure. Keep these instructions for future r eference.
Only a qualified technician should perform this proce­dure.
Parts Supplied
The kit includes:
• Adapter Plug
• Through - Hole Protector
• Instructions
Upper screws
Lower screws
Torch Adapter Kit
No. 7-3482
Installation Instructions
Upper screws
Lower screws
Ground wire
Disconnect primary input power at the source be­fore starting this procedure.
1. Remove the upper screws which secure the cover to the main assembly.
There is a ground wire connection to the inside of the unit. There is no need to disconnect the ground wire, unless there is a need for more r oom to work.
Art # A-03737
2. Loosen, but do not remove, the lower screws, then carefully pull the Cover up and away from the unit.
© 2003 by Thermal Dynamics Corp., Printed in USA
February 20, 2004 1 Manual 0-4616
3. Remove the retaining nut from the Through - Hole Protector included in this kit.
8. Install the sleeve removed from the torch leads as­sembly previously on the two longer adapter wires (connected to the two smaller mating connectors).
Remove Tie Wrap , Remove Insulator, Disconnect Wires
Torch Leads
Negative / Plasma Lead
Through-Hole Protector
Through-Hole Protector
Pilot Lead
Art # A-03879
Through - Hole Protector Nut Removal
4. The Leads includes two wires joined with mating connectors and covered with an insulating sleeve. Remove and set aside the insulating sleeve. Dis­connect the two leads wires.
5. Fit the torch lead ends and the Through - Hole Protector into the hole in the unit.
6. Secure the Through - Hole Protector with the re­taining nut removed earlier.
7. Connect the Negative / Plasma Lead to the bulk­head connection inside the Power Supply .
Negative/Plasma Lead Connection
Control Circuit
Torch Lead
Power Supply
Pilot Lead Stud
Pilot Lead
Art # A-03876
9. Connect the four control circuit connectors on the T or ch Leads to the four mating connectors on the Power Supply Adapter.
10. Slide the insulating sleeve on the two longer adapter wires down over the two smaller mating connectors. Secure the sleeve in place with a tie wrap.
11. Secure the Adapter to the Adapter Connector on the Power Supply Bulkhead.
12. Remove the top nut and washer from the Pilot Stud.
13. Place the Pilot Lead terminal onto the stud and secure with the nut and washer removed in the previous Step.
14. Tighten the Thr ough - Hole Protector onto the T orch Leads Assembly .
15. Check the torch for proper parts assembly .
The torch parts must correspond with the type of operation. Refer to Section 4.04, Torch Parts Se­lection.
16. Reconnect the power supply ground wire to the power supply cover if necessary. Reinstall the power supply cover .
17. Connect primary input power and the gas sup­ply to the power supply . Turn on power . Test the system for proper operation per the torch manual.
Every effort has been made to provide com­plete and accurate information in this manual. However , the publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omis­sions in this Manual, whether such errors re­sult from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
Bulkhead Connections
February 20, 2004 2 Manual 0-4616