from www.turbosound.com
Turbosound Ltd
Star Road, Partridge Green
West Sussex RH13 8RY
tel: +44 (0)1403 7101447 fax: +44 (0)1403 710155
Version 1.0

user guide
This guide covers the initial setup instructions for the RACKDP-50 powered management
system and the associated TurboDrive software and BvNet drivers. Please read this guide
thoroughly before trying to install software or connect devices.
If, after consulting this manual, you're still thwarted, stuck or otherwise bamboozled by a
problem, our support people are ready and willing to assist. Just email
techsupport@turbosound.com to bring them to your rescue.
BvNet is a way of networking multiple devices using the RS485 standard, carried over a
CAT5 cable. A single device can connect to your PC via the in-built USB; multiple devices
simply daisy-chain from the first device, and for distances greater than 3 metres you should
always use a BvNet interface to connect to the amplifier(s).
System requirements
TurboDrive requires a PC running a 32-bit operating system such as Windows NT, Windows
2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
DotNet Framework
TurboDrive has been developed using modern software engineering techniques, using an
up-to-date language and development tools. It runs on the Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0
with service pack 2, one of which must be installed on the computer which is to run
PodWare. Most versions of Microsoft Windows come with .NET as standard. When
installing PodWare on a computer, the installation process will check if a suitable .NET
Framework is on the machine. In the event that you do not have the .NET Framework
installed on your computer, you will be prompted to do so by TurboDrive’s installer.
Version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET framework is included on the CD that came with your
BvNet box. It is recommended that you check for and install any available updates using
Microsoft Update.
The .NET Framework V2.0 is available for free download
Installing the software
When you plug the USB connection of the RACKDP-50 amplifier into your PC for the first
time the ‘Found New Hardware’ will prompt you to install drivers. Two drivers will be
installed: one for the USB port itself, and one for the Virtual Com Port (VCP). Note that both
of these drivers may report that they have ‘Not Passed Windows Logo Testing’. You should
select ‘Continue Anyway’. If the driver software has been supplied to you on a CD-ROM,
RACKDP-50 user guide v1.0
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user guide
place this in your CD-ROM drive, or alternatively download the drivers from the Turbosound
Windows XP driver installation
Connect a USB cable from your computer to the BvNet interface or USB connector of the
RACKDP-50. The connection brings up the ‘Found New Hardware’ Wizard.
Insert the CD and Click ‘Next’. Once the USB BvNet Device has finished installing you will be
prompted to install the USB BvNet Port. Click ‘Next’.
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