Section1: Safety
7. Takeall possible precautions when
leavingthe machine unattended.Stop the
engine. Disconnectspark plug wire and
move itawayfrom the spark plug. Be
sure both wheels are inthe Wheel Drive
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect-
ing, stop the engineand makecertain all
moving partshavestopped. Disconnect
the spark plugwire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug to prevent acci-
dental starting.
9, Theflap on thetine hood must be
down when operatingthe tiller.
10. Neverusethe tiller unless proper
guards, plates,orother safetyprotective
devicesare in place.
11. Do not run engine inan enclosed
area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, andtasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Heveroperatethe tiller under
enginepoweritthe wheels are in the
Freewheelposition.In the Freewheel
position, the wheels will not hold the tiller
back andthe revolving tines could propel
the ti!ler rapidly, possibly causing toss of
control. Alwaysengagethe wheeIswith
the wheeldrive pins inthe Wheel Drive
position beforestarting the engine or
engaging the tines/wheelswith the
Forward ClutchBail(all Models) or the
ReverseClutch control (Models
12209/12210 only).
14. Be aware that the tiller may unex-
forwardif the tinesshouldstrike
extremely hardpackedsoil, frozen
ground,or buriedobstacleslike large
stones,roots,or stumps.If in doubt
aboutthe tillingconditions,alwaysuse
assistyouin maintainingcontrolofthe
a. Walk behindandto oneside ofthe
tiller, usingone handonthe han-
dlebars. Relaxyourarm, butuse a
b. Useshallowerdepthregulator
deeperwith eachpass.
c. Useslower enginespeeds.
d. Clear thetilling area ofall large
stones, reotsand otherdebris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
onhandlebars. If needbe, use
slight upwardpressureto keepthe
tines fromdiggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
atthe end ofa row, reduce engine
speedandlift handlebarsto raise
tines outofthe soil.
In an emergency,stoptines and
wheels byreleasingwhichever
clutchcontrolis engaged.Do not
attemptto restrainthe tiller.
15. Donot overload the tiller's capacity
by attempting to till too deeplyat too fast
a rate,
16. Neveroperatethe tiller at high
transport speeds onhard or slippery
surfaces. Look behind and usecarewhen
backing up.
17. Donot operatethe tiller on a slope
that is too steepfor safety.When on
slopes, slow down and makesureyou
havegood footing, Neverpermit the tiller
te freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Only useattachments and acces-
sories that are approved bythe manufac-
turer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachments andacces-
sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethe tiIIer if you are
tired, or under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or medication.
23. Operators shall not tamper with the
engine-governor settings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protect the engineand
all moving parts from damagecausedby
overspeed. Authorized service shall be
sought if aproblem exists.
24. Do not touch engine partswhich may
be hot from operation. Let parts cool
down sufficiently.
25. Pleaseremember:You canalways
stop thetines and wheels by releasingthe
ForwardClutch Bailor on ModeIs 12209
and 12210the ReverseClutch control,
(whichevercontrol is engaged),or by
moving the ignition switch and/or throttle
control leveron the engineto "OFF"or
26. To loador unloadthetiller, seethe
instructions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextreme caution when reversing
or pulling the machine towards you.
28. Start the engine carefully according to
instructions and withfeet well away from
the tines.
29. Never pick up or carry a machine
while theengine is running.
Maintenance and Storage
1. Keepthetiller, attachments and acces-
sories insafe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at
frequent intervaIsfor proper tightness te
be surethe equipment is in safeworking
3. Neverstorethe tiller with fuel inthe
fuel tank inside a building where ignition
sources are presentsuch as bet water
and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothes
dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.).
Allow engineto cool before storing in any
4. To reducethe chancesof afire hazard,
keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,or
5. Store gasolinein a cool, welI-ventilated
area,safelyawayfrom any spark- er
flame-producing equipment. Store
gasoline in anapproved container, safely
away from the reach of children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manualandthe separateEngine
Owner'sManualfor instructions if the
tiller isto be stored for an extended
7. Never performmaintenance while the
engine is running or the spark plug wire
isconnected, exceptwhen specifically
instructed to do so.
8. If the fuel tankhasto be drained, do
this outdoors.