Troy-Bilt BRONCO 12209, 12217, Super BRONCO 12210, TUFFY 12217, Super TUFFY 12208 Owner's Manual

12217- 3.5HPTUFFY® 12208- 4.5HPSuperTUFFY®
12209- 5.5HP BRONCOTM 12210- 6.5HP SuperBRONCOTM
Model 122O8
Model 12210
You now own one of thefinest standard-rotating-tine tillers
available.Your newtiller allows you to till and cultivateyour gardenwith ease,and accomplish dozensof other property managementprojects as well. Yourtiller is famous for its ruggedness,performance and high-quality engineering. We
know you'll enjoy using it. Pleasecarefully readthis Manual. It tells you how to safely
and easilyassemble,operateand maintainyour machine (four tiller models are covered in this Manual ... be sureto
useonly the information appropriateto your tiller model).
Besure thatyou andany other operatorscarefully follow the recommendedsafety practices at alltimes. Failure to
do so could result inpersonal injury or property damage.
Ofcourse, if you should ever haveany problems or questions, pleasecontactyour local authorizeddealer or callthe Factory (see backcover of this Manual). We want to be surethat you arecompletely satisfied at all times.
NOTE: Besure to fill out and returnthe Warranty Registra-
tion Cardthat was supplied with this Manual.
See Back Cover for
Customer Service Information
Safety Alert Symbol
,_. This isa safetyalert symbol. It is used in this
manual and onthe unit to alert you to potential hazards. When you seethis symbol,
read andobey the messagethat follows it. Failureto obey safetymessagescould result in personal injury or property damage.
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the
American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
SECTION1: SAFETY........................................... 3
SafetyDecals .................................................................... 5
SECTION2: ASSEMBLY....................................... 6
AttachHandlebar............................................................... 7
Move Tiller Off Shipping Platform...................................... 7
Install ForwardClutch Cable.............................................. 8
Install ReverseClutchCable(Models 12209/12210) ......... 9
CheckLevelof Transmission GearOil................................ 9
Add Motor 0il to Engine..................................................... 9
CheckHardwarefor Tightness........................................... 9
CheckAir PressureinTires................................................ 9
SECTION3: FEATURES& CONTROLS........................ 10
WheelDrive Pins............................................................... 10
Forward Clutch Bail............................................................ 11
ReverseClutch Control (Models 12209/12210) ................. 11
Depth Regulator................................................................. 12
HandlebarHeight Adjustment............................................ 12
SECTION4: OPERATION...................................... 13
Break-in Operation............................................................. 13
Starting andStopping the Engine...................................... 13
Operatingthe Tiller ............................................................ 14
TillingTips & Techniques.................................................. 16
Power Composting ............................................................ 18
Loading and Unloadingthe Tiiier ....................................... 18
SECTION5: MAINTENANCE.................................. 19
Required MaintenanceSchedule........................................ 19
Tiller Lubrication................................................................ 20
Checkfor Oil Leaks............................................................ 20
CheckHardware................................................................. 20
CheckTire Pressure........................................................... 20
Transmission GearOilService........................................... 20
Bolo Tines.......................................................................... 21
Checkingand Adjusting Forward Drive BeltTension.......... 22
Forward ClutchBailAdjustment......................................... 22
Checkingand Adjusting ReverseDrive Belt
Tension (Models 12209/1221g)...................................... 23
Engine Cleaning................................................................. 23
Air CleanerService............................................................. 23
Engine OilService............................................................. 24
Spark Plug Service............................................................. 24
SparkArrester ScreenService........................................... 24
Carburetor/Governor Control Adjustments ........................ 24
Off SeasonStorage............................................................ 24
Troubleshooting................................................................. 25
Tiller Attachments............................................................. 25
PARTSLIST ..................................................... 26
Under CaIifornialaw, and underthe laws of severalother states,you arenot permitted to operatean internal combustion engineusing hydrocarbonfuels on anyforest, brush, hay, grain, or grass
covered land; or Iand coveredbyany flammable agricultural crop without an enginespark attester in continuous effectiveworking order.
Theengine onthe unit is an internal combustion enginewhich burns gasoline, ahydrocarbon fuel, andmust beequippedwith a spark arrester muffler in continuous effectiveworking order. The spark arrester must beattachedto the engineexhaust system in
such amanner that flames or heatfrom the system will not ignite flammable material. Failureof the owner/operator of the unit to comply with this regulation is amisdemeanor underCalifornia law (and other states) andmay also be a violation of other state
and/or federal regulations,laws, ordinances or codes. Contactyour localfire marshal or forest service for specificinformation aboutwhich regulationsapply inyour area.
1. Carefully readthis Owner's Manual,the
separateEngineOwner's Manual,and anyother literatureyou may
receive.Bethoroughly familiar with the controls and the proper useof the tiller and its engine. Know how to stop the unit and disengagethe controls quickly.
2. Never allow children to operatethe tiller. Neverallowadults to operate the
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operationclear of all persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property,
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspectthe areawhere the
tiller isto be usedand remove allforeign objects.
2. Besure all tiller controls are released
and both wheelsare in the WheelDrive position beforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operate the tiller without
wearing adequateouter garments.Avoid loose garments or jewelry that could get caught inmoving parts.
4. Do not operatethe tiller when barefoot or wearing sandals,sneakers,or light
footwear. Wear protectivefootwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Donot till near undergroundelectric cables,telephone lines, pipesor hoses. If
in doubt, contact your telephone or utility
6. Warning: HandlefueI with care;it is highly flammable and its vaporsare
explosive. Besure to take the following precautions:
StorefueI in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose,
Thegascap shall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engineis
running. Allow the engineto coot
for several minutes beforeadding fuel.
Keepmatches, cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflames,and sparks awayfrom the fuel tankand fuel
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors. Use afunnel or spout to prevent
e. ReplacealI fuel tankand container
caps securely.
I. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine,but movethe machine awayfrom the areaof
spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Nevermakeadjustments when engine is running (unlessrecommended by manufacturer).
1. Do not put handsor feet near or under rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or
crossing gravel drives, walks, or roads. Stay alertfor hidden hazardsortraffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine, remove the wire from the spark plug wire andprevent it from touching the spark plug. Thoroughly inspectthe machine for any damageand repair the damage before restartingand operating
the machine.
4. Exercisecautionto avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrateabnor-
mally, stop the engine, disconnect the spark plugwire and prevent it from touching the spark plug, andcheck immediately for the cause.Vibration is generallya warning of trouble.
6. Stop the engine, disconnectthe spark
plug wire and prevent itfrom touching the spark plugwheneveryou leavethe
operating position, before unclogging the
tines, or when making any repairs,adjust-
ments or inspections.
Section1: Safety
7. Takeall possible precautions when
leavingthe machine unattended.Stop the engine. Disconnectspark plug wire and
move itawayfrom the spark plug. Be sure both wheels are inthe Wheel Drive
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect- ing, stop the engineand makecertain all moving partshavestopped. Disconnect the spark plugwire and prevent it from touching the spark plug to prevent acci- dental starting.
9, Theflap on thetine hood must be
down when operatingthe tiller.
10. Neverusethe tiller unless proper guards, plates,orother safetyprotective devicesare in place.
11. Do not run engine inan enclosed area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, andtasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Heveroperatethe tiller under
enginepoweritthe wheels are in the Freewheelposition.In the Freewheel
position, the wheels will not hold the tiller back andthe revolving tines could propel
the ti!ler rapidly, possibly causing toss of control. Alwaysengagethe wheeIswith the wheeldrive pins inthe Wheel Drive position beforestarting the engine or engaging the tines/wheelswith the
Forward ClutchBail(all Models) or the ReverseClutch control (Models 12209/12210 only).
14. Be aware that the tiller may unex- pectedlybounceupwardorjump
forwardif the tinesshouldstrike extremely hardpackedsoil, frozen
ground,or buriedobstacleslike large stones,roots,or stumps.If in doubt
aboutthe tillingconditions,alwaysuse thefollowingoperatingprecautionsto
assistyouin maintainingcontrolofthe tiller:
a. Walk behindandto oneside ofthe
tiller, usingone handonthe han-
dlebars. Relaxyourarm, butuse a securehandgrip.
b. Useshallowerdepthregulator
settings,workinggradually deeperwith eachpass.
c. Useslower enginespeeds. d. Clear thetilling area ofall large
stones, reotsand otherdebris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
onhandlebars. If needbe, use slight upwardpressureto keepthe
tines fromdiggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
atthe end ofa row, reduce engine speedandlift handlebarsto raise
tines outofthe soil.
In an emergency,stoptines and
wheels byreleasingwhichever
clutchcontrolis engaged.Do not attemptto restrainthe tiller.
15. Donot overload the tiller's capacity
by attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a rate,
16. Neveroperatethe tiller at high transport speeds onhard or slippery
surfaces. Look behind and usecarewhen backing up.
17. Donot operatethe tiller on a slope that is too steepfor safety.When on slopes, slow down and makesureyou
havegood footing, Neverpermit the tiller
te freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Only useattachments and acces- sories that are approved bythe manufac-
turer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachments andacces- sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethe tiIIer if you are tired, or under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or medication.
23. Operators shall not tamper with the engine-governor settings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protect the engineand all moving parts from damagecausedby overspeed. Authorized service shall be sought if aproblem exists.
24. Do not touch engine partswhich may be hot from operation. Let parts cool down sufficiently.
25. Pleaseremember:You canalways stop thetines and wheels by releasingthe
ForwardClutch Bailor on ModeIs 12209 and 12210the ReverseClutch control,
(whichevercontrol is engaged),or by moving the ignition switch and/or throttle control leveron the engineto "OFF"or
26. To loador unloadthetiller, seethe instructions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextreme caution when reversing or pulling the machine towards you.
28. Start the engine carefully according to instructions and withfeet well away from
the tines.
29. Never pick up or carry a machine while theengine is running.
Maintenance and Storage
1. Keepthetiller, attachments and acces- sories insafe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervaIsfor proper tightness te
be surethe equipment is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstorethe tiller with fuel inthe fuel tank inside a building where ignition
sources are presentsuch as bet water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Allow engineto cool before storing in any
4. To reducethe chancesof afire hazard, keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,or
5. Store gasolinein a cool, welI-ventilated area,safelyawayfrom any spark- er flame-producing equipment. Store gasoline in anapproved container, safely away from the reach of children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of this Manualandthe separateEngine
Owner'sManualfor instructions if the
tiller isto be stored for an extended
7. Never performmaintenance while the engine is running or the spark plug wire
isconnected, exceptwhen specifically instructed to do so.
8. If the fuel tankhasto be drained, do this outdoors.
Section1: Safety
Foryour safety and the safetyof others, various safety andopera- tional decals arelocated on your unit (seeFigure1).
Keepthe decals clean and legibleat all times. Contact your local
servicedealer orthe factory for replacementsif any decals are
damagedor missing. Referto the Parts List pagesin this
Manualfor decallocations, descrip-
tions andpart numbers.
StartingStabilization Message (onengine)
Figure1: LocationofSafetyand OperatingDecals(5.5HP Model shown),
OperatingSymbols I"1 I÷l
Various symbols (shown here,with word CHOKE CHOKE REVERSE descriptions)areusedonthetillerandengine. ON OFF
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the satety andoperatinginstructionsin this
Carefullyfollow these assemblysteps to correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you read this Section in its entirety before beginningassembly.
NOTE:Various tiller modelsare presented in this Manual. Use only the information appropriate for your tiller model.
Inspectthe unit and cartonfor damage immediately afterdelivery, Contactthe
carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your
claim inwriting and mail a copy to the carrier within 15days after the unit has
beendelivered.Contact us atthe factory if you needassistancein this matter.
STEP1: Unpacking Instructions
NOTE:Becareful notto severely bendany
of the control cableson the unit.
1. Removeanycardboard inserts and packagingmaterialfrom the carton. Removeany staplesfrom the bottom of
the carton andremove the carton.
2.Thetiller is heavy(approximately 133 Ibs.). Do not attempt to remove itfrom
the shipping platform until instructed to
do so in these "Assembly" steps.
3. Remove all unassembledpartsand theseparate hardwarebagfrom the carton. Checkthatyou havethe items
listed below (contact your local dealeror the factory if anyitems are missing or damaged). NOTE: Usethe screw length template (Fig. 2-1)to identify screws.
LooseParts List
Qty. Description
1 HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig.2-2,
1 HandlebarAssembly(seeK, Fig.2-2)
Thefollowing items
are in the hardware bag:
1 Slotted hd. screw,#10-24 x 2" 1 Hexhd. screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4" 6 Hex hd.screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 2 Hex hd.screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4" 2 Flatwasher, 3/8" 6 Split Iockwasher,5/16" 1 Hexlocknut, 1/4"-20 6 Hexnut, 5/16"-18 1 Hex nut, #10-24 2 Hexlocknut, 3/8"-16
1 Spring, cable(seeW, Fig. 2-5,
1 Bracket, forward clutch cable (see
P, Fig. 2-4, page8)
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must be addedto
the engine crankcasebeforethe engineis
started. Followthe instructions in this "Assembly" Section and in the separate
Engine Owner's Manual
NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsidesof the tiller are asviewed from the operator's
position behindthe handlebars.
for Assembly
(1) 3/8" open-end wrench* (2) 7/16" open-end wrench* (2) 1/2" open-end wrench*
(2) 9/16°open-end wrench*
(1) Large adjustablewrench (Models
12209/12210 only)
(1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler (for belttension check)
(1) Block of wood (to support tiller
when removing wheels)
(1) Tire pressure gauge(for modelswith
pneumatictires) (1) Cleanoil funnel (1) Clean.high-quality motoroil. Refer
to the Engine Owner's Manualfor
motor oil specifications and quantity required,
Adjustable wrenches maybe used.
Figure2-1: Toidentifylengthofscrew,
measuredistancebetweenbottomofscrew headandtip ofscrew,
Section2: Assembly
STEP2: AttachHandlebar
1. Looselyattach thetwo legs ofthe
handlebar support (A, Fig. 2-2) to the inner sidesof the tiller frame using two 3/8"-16 x 3/4" bexhd, screws (B), 3/8"flat washers (C)and 3/8"-16 bex Iocknuts(D).
2. Therearethree heightadjustment holes in the two handlebar support brackets(E and F,Fig.2-2). Chooseasetting that will positionthe handlebarsat approximately
waist levelwhenthe tines are 3"-4"into
the soil. Loosely attachthe support
brackets to the handlebarsupport (A) using two 5/!6"-18 x 1-1/2" screws (G), 5/16" split Iockwashers(H) and 5/16"-18 bex nuts (I). NOTE:If a support bracket will not move,loosen attaching screw (J)
and nut.
3. Attach the handlebarassembly (K)to
the handlebar support (A) using four
5/16"-18 × 1-1/2" screws (G), 5/16" split Iockwashers (H) and5/16"-18 hex nuts (I).
Tighten thefour screws securely.
4. Tighten all handlebarmounting hardwaresecurely.
STEP3: Move Tiller Off Shipping
To movethe tiller without the engine
running, putthe wheels in the FREEWHEELposition, as described below,
1. Useasturdy block under the transmis-
sion to raiseone wheel about !" off the
"'_B H
Fig.22: Attachhandlebar(5,5HPModelshown).
2. Removethehairpin cotter (L, Fig.2-3)
and wheeldrive pin (M). Slidethe wheel
inward on the wheel shaft (N). Reinstall
the wheel drive pin through the wheel shaft only (not through the wheel hub) and secureit with the hairpin cotter (push hairpin cotter in as far as it will go).
Repeatwith the other wheel.
3. Usingthe handlebar asa lever, rollthe
tiller to afiat area. IMPORTANT:Before starting the engine,
the wheels must be placedin the WHEEL DRIVEposition (pins through wheel hubs and wheel shaft). This procedure is
described in "Wheel Drive Pins" in Section 3,
Fig. 2-3: Wheel in FREEWHEELposition (wheel drivepin throughwheel shaft
Section2: Assembly
STEP4: InstallForwardClutchCable
1. Attachthe forward clutch cablebracket (P, Fig. 2-4) to the handlebarsupport (A) with a 1/4"-20 x 1-1/4" hexhd. screw (R, Fig. 2-4) and
1/4"-20 hexIocknut (S).Tighten securely,
2. Carefully unwrapthe forward clutch cable (cablewithout a knob) from its shipping position andslidethe thin cablewire (T, Fig. 2-
4) into the slot inthe cable bracket, Push the
cableconnector (U, Fig. 2-4) upthrough the
hole inthe bracket until the groove in the connector snaps into place.
3. Insert the#10-24 x 2" slotted hd. screw (V, Fig.2-5) into the cablespring (W) until the
screwthreads extendthrough the spring.
4. Threadthe #10-24 hex nut (Z, Fig,2-5) halfwayonto the screw (V),
5. Threadthe screw into the cableadjuster (X).
6. Hook the cablespring (W, Fig. 2-6) into the "V"-shaped bendin the Forward Clutch Bail (Y).
7. Checkfor correct tension on the forward drive belt by taking two measurementsof the
cablespring, asfollows: a.With the Forward Clutch Bail (Y, Fig.2-6) in
an open(released)position, measurethe length of the cable spring (W) from the
outermost coil to theoutermost coil,
b. Lift andhold the ForwardClutch Bail against
the handlebar(seeFig. 2-7) and re-measure the length ofthe coilswhile the spring is
under tension. The belttension is correct if
this secondmeasurement is between 1/!6"- to- 3/16" longerthanthe first measurement.
If so,turn the hex nut (Z, Fig.2-7) tightly againstthe cableadjuster (X) while prevent-
ing theadjuster from turning.
c. Ifthe spring length is incorrect, you must
adjust the cabletension as describedin
"Checkingand Adjusting Forward Drive Belt
Tension" in Section 5. Incorrect tension on the forward drive belt can result in belt
slippage(tension too loose)or un}ntentional
tine movement whenthe clutch bail is in
Neutral (tensiontoo tight).
Fig. 2-4: Installing forward clutchcable bracket andcable.
Z-- V
Fig.2-6. Installforwardclutchcable.
Fig. 2-7: Tocheckforward belt tension, take two measurementsofthe overall lengthof thecoils in the spring- first with theclutchbail open, then withtheclutchbait closedagainstthe handlebar.
Section2: Assembly
STEP5: Install ReverseClutch Cable(Models12209/12210)
1. Unwrapthe reverse clutch cable (cable
with aknob, a largehex nut anda bracket attachedto it) from its shipping position and routethe cable (CC,Fig.2-8 andFig. 2-9) upto the handlebar. Besurethat the
cable is routed beneaththe Forward Clutch Bail.
2. Removethe two self-tapping screws (AA,Fig.2-8) from the handlebars, position the reversecable mounting bracket(BB,Fig. 2-8) as shown, and
reinstall thetwo self-tapping screws.
3. Insertthe cable (CC)through the slot in
the cablebracketand position thethreaded assembly sothat the flat side is aligned with the flatside of the mounting hole. Slide the largehex nut (DD) up thecable and tighten it securely.
Flat Side
Fig. 2-8: Install reverse cable bracketand reverseclutchcable.
Fig.2-8: Routereverseclutchcable(CC)as shown.Attachwithcabletie (EE).
4. Fastenthereverseclutch cable to the left side handlebarwith a cabletie (EE,
Fig. 2-9).
5. Testthefunction of the reverse clutch cableby pulling the knob out and
releasingit. Theknob should return to its neutral position (resting against bracket).
If it doesn't, contact your local dealeror
the factory for technical assistance.
STEP6: CheckLevelof TransmissionGearOil
Thetransmission was filled with gear oil atthe factory, However, you should check
the gear oil level to makecertain it is
correct. IMPORTANT:Do not operatethe tiller if
the gear oil level is low. Doing so will
result in severedamageto the transmis- sion components.
1. With the tiller on levelground, puII the Depth RegulatorLever (FF,Fig.2-10) back andthen a!l the way up until the lowest notch in the lever is engaged.
2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG,Fig, 2-11) from the transmission housing cover and
locate the main drive shaft situated inside the housing.
3. The gear oil levelis correct if the gear oil isapproximately halfway upthe side of
the main drive shaft.
4. Ifthe gear oil levelis low, add gear oil by referringto "A. To Checkthe Transmis- sion GearOilLevel" in Section 5,
STEP7: AddMotorOilto Engine
Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the
engine. IMPORTANT: Donot start the engine
without first adding motoroiL Severe engine damagewill result if the engine is
run without oil.
1. Referto the separate EngineOwner's Manual for engine oil specificationsand capacities,
2. With the tiller on levelground, move the Depth RegulatorLever (FF,Fig. 2-10) up or down until the engineis level.
3. Add motor oil as described in the Engine Owner's Manual.
Fig. 2-10: Adjust DepthRegulator Lever.
Fig. 2-11: Removegear oil fill plug.
4. Movethe Depth Regulator Lever all the way down until the highest notch is
engaged. This placesthe tines in the "travel" position.
STEP8: Check Hardware for Tightness
STEP9: CheckAirPressurein Tires(unitswith pneumatictires)
If the tires are equipped with air valves, checkthe air pressure with atire gauge. Deflateor inflatethe tires equallyto 15-
to-20 PSI (pounds per square inch). Be surethat both tires areinflated equally or the unit will pull to one side.
IMPORTANT: This completesthe assembly steps. Beforeoperating your tiller, makesureyou readthe following
Sections in this Manual,as well as the separateEngineOwner'sManual:
* Section 1: "Safety"
Section 3: "Featuresand Controls"
Section 4: "Operation"
Before operating your machine, carefully read and understand oil
safety, controls and operating instruc- tions in this Manual, the separate
Engine Owner's Manual, and on the decalsonthe machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan resultin serious personalinjury.
This section describes the location and function of the controls on your tiller.
Refer to the following section "Operation" for detailedoperating
instructions. Practice usingthese controls, with the
engine shut off, until you understandthe operation of the controls andfeel
confident with eachof them. IMPORTANT:Refer to the separate
engine manufacturer's EngineOwner's Manualfor information about the
controls on the engine.
Wheel Drive Pins
Never allow either of the wheelsto be in the FREEWHEELposition when the
engine is running, Always put both wheels in the WHEEL DRIVE position beforestartingthe engine.
Failure to comply could cause loss of tiller control, property damage, or personalinjury.
Eachwheel is equippedwith a Wheel
Drive Pin(A, Figures 3-2 and 3-3) that securesthe wheel to the wheel shaft (B). Thewheels can be positionedin either a
Forward Reverse Clutch
ClutchBail Control(Models
(on eachwheel)
Figure3-1: Featuresand controls(5.5HP Model shown)
Beforestarting the engine, put both wheels inthe WHEELDRIVEposition by
inserting theWheel Drive Pins through thewheel hubs and the wheelshaft. This
"locks" the wheels to the wheelshaft, causing thewheelsto turn when either
the Forward Clutch Bailor the Reverse Clutch Control (Models 12209/1221O)is
engaged. Usethe FREEWHEELmodeonly when the
engine is not running. In FREEWHEEL, the WheelDrive Pinsare placedonly through the holes in the wheel shaft (not
the wheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn freely whenthe tiller is pushedor
pulled by hand,
To Place theWheels in WHEELDRIVEor
Do notplace the tiller on its side when changing the wheel drive positionsas doing so could result in gasoline
leakingfromthe fuel tank° Failure to follow this instructioncould
result in personal injury or property damage.
1. Stop the engine, disconnect the spark plugwire from the spark plugand allow
the engineto cool,
2. Raiseonewheel off the ground and placea sturdy support under the
3. Removethe hairpin cotter (C, Figures 3-2 and3-3) from the wheeldrive pin (A).
Section3: FeaturesandControls
4. FORWHEELDRIVEmode (Figure3-2):
Slidethe wheeloutward andalign the holes in the wheel hub (D,Figure 3-2) and the wheeIshaft (B). Insert the wheel drive pin (A)through the wheel hub andthe wheelshaft. Securethe wheeldrive pin with the hairpin cotter (C) by pushingthe
hairpin cotter inas far as it will go. Repeat for the other wheel andthen removethe
support from beneaththe transmission.
5. FORFREEWHEELmode (Figure3-3): Slide the wheelinward and insertthe
wheel drive pin (A, Figure3-3) only through the hole in the wheelshaft (B). Securethe wheeldrive pinwith the hairpin cotter (C)by pushingthe hairpin cotter in as far as it will go. Repeatfor the other wheel andthen remove the support from beneaththe transmission.
0 1
Figure3.2: WHEELDRIVEposiUon.
Figure3-3: FREEWHEELposition.
Beforestartingthe engine, be surethat
bothwheels are in the WHEELDRIVE position. See "Wheel Drive Pins" for
instructions. Engagingthe ForwardClutchBailor the
ReverseClutchControl(if so equipped)
when the wheels are notin the WHEEL
DRIVEpositioncould allew the tines to rapidly propel the tiller forward or
backward. Failure to comply could cause loss of
tiller control, property damage, or
Forward Clutch Bail
TheForwardClutchBail(E,Figure3-4) controlstheengagementof forwarddrive
To Operatethe ForwardClutchBail:
1. Putthe wheels in the WHEELDRIVE position(seethe "WARNING" statement
2. Lift and hold the bail against the handlebar. Thewheels and tines will rotate ina forward direction.
3. Releasethe bailto disengage(stop)
the wheels andtines. All forward motion will stop (the engine will continue to run).
Figure3-4:AllmodelshaveaFonverdClutch Bail(E). OnlyModets1220971_I0havethe
ReverseClutchControl(Models 12209/12210 only)
The ReverseClutchControl (F, Figure3-4)
controls the engagementof reversedrive
to the wheels and tines. Thisreversing
feature is usedformaneuveringthe tiller only- neverengagethetines in the groundwhile going inthe reverse
To Operatethe Reverse ClutchControl:
Use extremecautionwhen reversing or pullingthe machinetowardsyou.
Lookbehind toavoidobstacles.
Neverattemptto till in reverse.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage.
1. Putthe wheels in the WHEELDRIVE position (seethe "WARNING"statement
atthe left).
2. Stop all tiller motion by releasingthe Forward Clutch Bail.
3. Lift up the handlebaruntil the tines clearthe ground, look behindyouto avoid any obstacles,and then pull the reverse
clutch control knobout. The wheelsand tines will rotatein a reversedirection.
4. Releasethe reverseclutch control knob to disengage (stop) the wheelsand
tines. All reversemotion will stop (the engine will continueto run).
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