i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
._ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
iiiiiiiiiiiiii MiP F TAiNT:iF EAiDiiisAFET iiiF iUiLEsiiANiDi NSTF iUi T Nsii AREFiUiLLYiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Warning: ThiS unit is equ!pped With an !nternsI combustion eng!ne and Sh0Uld not be used on or nea[ any un!mpr0ved forest_coveredi brush_c0_
ered er graSS÷€overed !a_d Un!ess the engJaels exhaust SYstem !SequJpped w_ha Spark attester meeting applicable leca! 0r State laws (if any) i !f a
spark _rrester !s USedi itSh0u!d be maintained in effect!re working order by the 0perat0r;!n the State 0f California the above !S required by !aw (Seo_
t!0n _2of the Ca!if0rnia pub!!€ ReS0urCeS Code) i Other Sta_es rnay have s!milar !aw s. Federa! !aws _PP]Y onfe dera! !aadSi A spark atteSter for tbe
muffler iSavailable by contacting the service department at Troy, Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 361131 Cleveland, Ohio 44136_0019:
PRINTEDiilNiiUSAiiiiiiii FROM NOi 769.00155A

Calling Customer Support::::: ::::::: :::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::: 2
Safety i i i i i i i i i 3
Assembly: :: : : : : :: 5
Features and Controls: : : : : : 7
Operation ;; ; ; ; ; ;; 8
MaintenanCe::.::: :: : : : : ::
Storage:; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ::::13
Troubleshooting i : ii i i i i i i i
Parts List: :: : :: : : : :::..::15
Warrany Information ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; :::...:Back Cover
This Ope ratorls Manualis an important part ef your new Tiller/Fdgeri It will help yeu assemble, prepare and maintain
theunitforbestpe o mance.Pleasereadandunderstandwhatit
Before your new equipmenti please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infor-
mation from it in the space provided below. This information is ve_ important if you need help from our Customer
Support Department or an authorized dealeri
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear su_ace of the tine shield. A sample model plate is ex-
plained below: For future reference; please copy the model numbet and the serial number of the equipment in
the space below
Copy Model Number Here
www:trovbiJt.oorn CLEVELAND,OH44136
_ 330.558.7220
The engi ne manufacturer is responsible for all engine, related issues with regards to performance; power, rating; speci,
fications; warranty and service: Please refer tOthe engine manufacturer sOwner s/Operator's Manual packed sepa,
rately with your unit for more informationi
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls;operation or maintenance
of this unit; please call the Custome[ Support Department
_ Call 1- (338) 558-7228 or 1-(866)848,6483 to reach a Customer Support representative; Please have
/_ _ your unitls model number and serial number ready when you call See previous section to locate this in-
_ formation: You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call::

Under California law;andun der the lawsof several other stateS;you arenot permitted to operatean internalcombustion engine
using hydrocarbonfuels on anyforest, brush; hay. grain, orgrass covered land;or land co_eredby anyflammable agriculturalcrop
without an engine spark arrester incontinuous effective working order.
Theengine on theu nit is an internal combustion enginewhichburns gasolineia hydrocarbon fuel andmust beequippedwith a
Sparkarrester muffler in Continuouseffectiveworking order. Thespark arrestor must be attached tothe engineexhaustSystern in
such amannet that flames orheatfrom the SYstemwill notignite flammable material. Failureof theowner/operator ofthe unit to
comply with this regulation is a misderneanor under California law (andother states)and may also be aviolation of other state
and/or federal regulationsilaws; ordinances orcodes: Contactyour local fire marshal orforest service for specific information
about which regulations apply inyour area.
TRAINING plug wire from spark plug and movewire c: Keepmatches,cigarettes;cigars;
;_i_A_ ig_ awayfrom the plug p!pesi openflames, andsparks away
X_, E_..;_ _..,_ ,L,, ,i _. Do not oneratethis enUinmentif vou are fr°m the fuel tank andfuel conta!neri
fully before operatinqth isecluipment Be urider the influenceof alcohol; medication, di Fillfuel tan koutdoors and with ex-
completely iamiliai _ith the_ontroJs and or whenyo_are tiredor ill tremecaution Ne_erfill fuel tank
the piopei use of the equipmeni: Know whenindoors Use a funnel oispou !
controls quicklyi A replacementManual _X;_,,_ ,, _;; ;_ _;_ ,,,_;_ f_ e:Replace all fuel tankandfuel container
isavailableby contacting your authorized ,,ki_i''n_'_,_,,ui"_%',_''_ _"_,_'_'_ _";_'_,_',',,"_i'i caps seCurelyi
i_" _ _ _ _"i foreign objects; L If fuel is spilled; donotattempt to start
• Neverallow children or untrained* ,,_ _ _ t_f f_ T6;_# &_ _ _;_; the engine; but movethe machineaway
adu tsto useth!s equ!pment_ Let adults _, _,,, ,_..{_ ,_ _,,, from the areaof sp!llage andavo!d cre-
operatethe unit only if instructed _._;_'_'_._ _ .oo_..._.._.._.,_...., _ILI u" ating anysourceotig nitionuntil fuel
pope Yi _ i i.. vapors havedlss!patedi
,,....................................................................................."uo no[ operatel:ne macnlne WI[BOUI:.....................................................................................................
ii Keep the area of operat!on clear of all weari_ ado_uaie ouier _arme_is A-void" Never make adjustments to your equip-
persons,particularly small Childrenan _u_-_ _: :_.::_,u:,. _: _ ;,i. ::_ ment whenthe en(:lineisrunnin(]or SDark
pets Keep bys!anders a! least 25 feet caUu_t_h_i_m_v/nU_Ja_'s'[o_tL_e_ac_/nge_ r plug wiie is_onne_;ied (unless ;e_ifi'cally
from the area of operat on. _, _.'. _ _ _ recommended n Owner'SManua)
• KeepJnmind that the operatoror user _ 2 :
j_ re_n_n_jhl_,{_r _irl_nt_ _i h_z_rrl_" uo no1:operate_neequlpmen_when n_,'_Tlms
occurring to other peoplei their proper_ ___'__',.v_.__'_
_"" ,'""'"',_"_t Wear protective footwear that will protect-"_--_'_''_'"
safe_ andoperating decalson this equip, sudaces:
meritand on any of itsattachments or
" ""_i""i eratingthis equipment. Theoperationof
• Do notru n engine in an enclosed area. any poweredmachine can resuIt in for- ........................................
Engineexhaust contains carbon eignobjectsbeing thrown by high-speed J //
monoxidegas;a deadly poison thatis rotatinq pa_s RIGHTSIDE _ll
odorless; colorlesS;and tasteleSs Donor _ :_:;;'.. ; : I _>_
operatethis equ!pment nearbu!ld!ngs. _i.,_ f,i_,hn_. `,,_ _i,.,_ _ I I_
•.. i; • uonottnlnearundergroundelecl:ric
windows; or airconditioning equipment. ""Y,'", _",'",_"" ","", "'"Y."__'_,_'""_
• DOnotallow hands or anyother payor phonecompany to locateunderground
thebody or clothing nearthe retatingservices, l.EFTandRIGHTsidesofthetiller are
tines ornearanyother moving part. The _ w_i_ _,;_iii;ii_ i_h fromtheoperator'spositionbehindthe
tines beginto rotate forward oncethe __'_ L"__"_'_"o _'['_i'] (unless"otedotherwise)i
engine is sta_ed andthe Throttle_mes ..........................................,..........................,.................,,.......................................,.......................................
Leverlssqueezea. lnetlnescontlnueto • i_ 5rb_fdha _h_h_a_aar
............. ........... . Takethese precautions' Thecorrect operator s post on s when
rotate until theoperator releasesthe a. Usean approvedfuel container. _n_,;ac'i_ _'rv;_'_owa'_'_'. u
Thro_le_lnes Lever..................................................................f r................................................................................................................
• b.Add fuel beo e starting the eng!nei eng!ne; Do notleaveth!s pos!tlon wh!le
• Beforeinspecting or Servicingany part Neverremovethe capof thefuel tank using the Throttle_ineS Lever.
of the equipment; shut off engine;make oraddfuel while the engineisrunning.
.......................u _ _ _o u, u_auo ............rotatin, narts...........................................................
completestop; then disconnect Spark shall not smokei u
)rovefootin(; on all
• Wearapprovedsafe_ glasses when op-
I{ In doubti contact your ut_hty or tele-_LEFT SIDE
d UUUd d.b U d U U _/U LIIU

• E×ercisee×treme caution whenon or • Be awarethat the equipment may unex-• Donot touch engine partswhich may
crossinggravel drives;walks or roadsi pectedlybou nceu pward or jump forward behot from operationi Allow parts to
Stay alertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic, ifthetines Shouldstrikeextremely hard CoolbeforeinSpecting;Cleaningor
Donor car_ passengers, packedSoil;frozen ground; or buriedoh+ repairingi
• Afiei siriking afoieig nobject, siop ihe s!aclessuchas larg.es!onesi roots .or . Remembeii you canstop the tines by
engine, et a mov ng parts come to a s.!umpsi T.youare,inaOUD_aboutme releasingthe Thrott e_ nes LeVeF.Move
completestop; disconnectthe spark plug _!limg c° ndm£nSialways.use_neTol-th eengineOn/Off Switchto OFFto shut
wirp.and nr_.v_.ntiffrnm mUr.hinnthe. !ow!ng operating precautions[oass!s_ fh_ nnninn nff
" " "" _ "_"" _ _-' _"-";"_ ""_ youin maintaining control ot the _"_ _' _ '"
spark plug then carefully inspect the ma- ...... ...... ....
,, ......;..................................,...........,.............................enuinment........................................................................• Nevertransport thls machine whenthe
cnme_ordamage. Hepairtheoamage "_ _ ' p.nnnn _rnnn nn
.......................r i.....................r............................................................i......................i..............................................°..................=...................................................
beforetesta t ngand ope atlng the a. Stand behndthe equ pmentiuslng o _. ;
machine, both handsonthe handlebarsi Relax lermmais an, non-insulated e!ecmcai
. _C_;__;_ i X_iX _i _iA_i,_i_ _i your armsi but useasecurehand partsshall be protectedagainst shorting
;;,:._!.,_ ,._,_!u,, _u,,_!_, o!,_,p!,,g_ _rip during normal servicing, refueling or
• :, . lubrication,
. if th_ m_h;_, _,_,,H _,_ ,,m_ b, Start t!lling at shallow depths;working
.......................................................................................................,_raduall,, deener with each nass........................_,o__._ _,,,_ _,,.u_,_,,,_ _ _ o ,,u _,....
aonorma!ly, sI:op I:neengine; u!sconnec[ _ ......... ........._ ......: nnllinn fhn m_r.hinn fnw_rd gnu
thespark plug wire andpreventit from 6:Clearthe ti Ilingareaof all largestonesi _i:: ° :_ "'ff_""': "_"_'"
touchingthe plugi Checkimmediately for roots; and other debriSi * Start the enginecarefully accordingto
the cause Vibiation isgenerally a ; i ; instructions and with feet wellaway from
di Inan emergency;stopthe tines by re_
warning oftrouble. Fixthe problem _._._nn the.Thrnff _._ n_._i_v_.r nn the. the tineS+
beforeusing the equipment again, h_n-_lI"_ i Jl'o'_n _'h__n_in_"_m_,,-_
. Siop ihe engine; disconnectthe spaik t'h-e"engineOn-lOaf;_w'itch'i_''(3FF."'__ MAINTENANCE/STORAGE
plug wirean d preventit from touching the. Do not overload the machine'scanacitv * Keepthe tiller; attachmentsand acres-
spark plagwhenever you leavetheequip- byattemDtin_i, iili too deeply ai to_ ias_ Soriesin safew, Fking conditioni
ment,before unclogging thetines; or '-
wnen maK!ngany repa!rsiaojusl:men_sor. :
; ; a rate;. Checkall nutsi bolts, andscrews at fre-
inspections." Never,petard the equipment onsl!p-quent !ntervals,for proper tlghtnesSto be
;_ .; :; : ; pe_ surfaces. Lookbehindanduse Care sureiequ!pmereis Insateworking
lake ai! poss!o!eprecau[!onswnen _h_.nh_nkinn Hn Condition.
leavingthe machineunattendedi Always ""_""--""="_"... _ ._.
stop the engine. Disconnectthe spark" Donotioperate !he equipment on:a _'__\_ever_s[_eequpmen_w2m,_eJJn_ue!
plug wife andpreventit from touching the s!ope mat !sre, steepTor:saTetyi when _,_,_,,_ _i,_,_u_ _ _,,',_Z.
plug onslopes, SlOW(]own an, makesureyou..
havehood footinn andspace nea[ers,TurnacesiClOmes
/I_.,II,._H _I,H UIJIZ;II /1_.,1.11 IIC: U/ ,,,._lJ_.,l/l_ _HUI. VV_LI_/
• Beforecleaning, repairing;or in-ii d_ers, stoves, electric motors; etc.).
s_ectin_sto _the en;_neand makecer: * t_everallOWDys_:anaersnear me u
tamall moving partshavestopped. Dis-. Only useattachmentsand acCessorieS m_ _.inm_n_
connectthe s-ark * u_ w reand *revent t "" " f " r ..... ""'_ .......
from touching thespark plag to avoid ac_ N_v_r X_ i_i_ ih_,, i_m_ni wiihx,,t " _eep the eng!ne !tee o_grassi leaves,
.........................................................................................._ v_,_, _4u_, _.......vu.................r..............................r........
cldentalstartlnn. ::_,:: _,.: org easeto reducethe chanceof afl e
p p u p ma[areac_oy-approved. : : ; ;
_" ........................good VlSIDIIII:yor gooo Ilgn_.........................................-...,_......................
. • Allow the engineto cool beforestoring
• Neveroperateequipment without . ............. .....................,.....................................................................................................
pr_peiguar_siplatesor other proiective ! Never°peratethe un!t!f:youare.t!redi. Store gasolinein a cool:well:ventilated
safe_ devices In place _ ; areai safely away from an_ spark- or
: ......... or underme intluence ot alCOhOl;orugs,
...................... '..............................................or me, lea[ion ............................................................................................................................................
; flame,producing equlprnent. Storegaso-
[i u° %runhm,eoe Do not tamper with theengine govi linein an approvedcontainer,safelyaway
,._,,_i_ _;i,_m,,i i _,,_i _ _,-_ ernor sett ngs onthe machine;the gov- from the reachofch!ldreni
_"n_'Y' i_"_'" _ i%"_u_'i'_i_r'l_ ' ernor controlsthe maximum safe ,per-, Neverherr, rm maintenancewhen
......................................................................................ating speedandprotectsthe engmeand............. • . .... • ............ • • ........
odorlessi tastelessand deadlypo!sonous; .ii X_,_,__X,,_,_ _,_,_ eng!ne!Srunnmg°r spark plug wire !s
.....;............. .,_..............,.......;............................................. ...... . i connected unless lnstructed to do so:
seivice shall be sought if a problem" _,!uel _anKmus_Deorameo, co so
exists ou_ooorsi
Follow manufacturers recommenda,
tionsfor safeloading;unloading, trans-
port and storageof machine.

Toprevent personal injury or property
damagei donotstart the engineuntilall
assembly steps are complete and you
haveread andunderstandthe sale_ and
operatinginstructionsin thismanual:
Readthese instructions intheir entirety
beforeyou attemptto assembleorop-
erateyour newequ!pmenti
TheBorder/EdgerAttachment (Hi Figure
5) doesnot needto beinstalled until you
arereadyto do edging projects (refer to
instructions in this Section)
IMPORTANT."Thecorrect mixtureof un-
leadedautomotive gasolineand two-cycle
motor oil (a24:1 ratio of gasolineto two-
cycle oil)must be addedto the fueltank
beforestarting the engine. See instruc-
* Gasoline and its vapors are highly
flammable and explosive. Keep gaso-
line awai _ossible ignition
* Do not smokewhile mixingthe gaso-
line and two-cycle oil together or
whenfilling thefuel tank:
* Neverfill fueltankwhenengineis run-
ning orhoti
Failure tofollow these precautionscould
result in the fueliqniting i causing per-
sonalinjury or propertydamage:
STEP 3: Add a Mixture of Gasoline
and Two-Cycle Oil to the Fuel Tank
IMPORTANT:Readthe separateEngine
Owner's Manualbeforestartinq the
1 In n cry urm chin imm it Iv If 2 Therearetwo helghtsettlngs holes m ', ".; ..... ........, .......
• s_,e .o a e edae_, , ........................................................................ , ...............
or contentsi contactyour localauthorized LEADED_AenLINE
dealer or the Facto_ for assistance heightsetting holesi If this height is cor-ou
the upper handlebar.......... The unit''is shipped'........... unleaoeopremium orrelormulazeoau,....
2Use freshicleani unleadedregular;
: : _i; : rectfor you simply tighten thetwo han-NOTE: Donot usegasoline containing
zi r_emoveany packing ma[er!a!i unecK dleb_r khn5._ If _hinhP.rsp.ttinni_dP.: m_th_nn (wnnd __.nhn_ Iqm r.nn_ nnn
for small parts beforediscarding the _ _ _'! _ "
pack ng ma[erla Looseparts InCluOe [Re o
! ! ! mounting screws and washersin the 15YoMTBE(Methyl TertiaryButyl Ether)
TOIlowing_ i
; : i, sired; reposition the handlebarknobs; upto IOYoethanol(gasohol) or upto
othe set of holes, maybe used, but requ!es spec al care
(1) Bottleof 2-CycleOil 3 _h_.hkth, In_atinn_nfthe.thr_.p,nla_tih when the engineis not usedfor extended
(1) Wheel (for edging) ties(C Finureli Th. ti._m,_th, nn_i: pe 'ods: See S 0 G" s uc'o s'
............... _-_ _ ri " T RA E"in tr tin in
(1) EdgerTine tion_d :as_howr_. "? EngineiOwneilsMan"al for addiiional ini
iL°ngi Bush,ings NOTEiThereis just one handlebarstoiage f°rmatl °n'
!]) anor[ _usnmg position- folded overthe engine asoricli: 3:Thefuel/oil mix ratio is 24:1 withthe
* Packedin aseparate plastic bag _all Shi ed _ _ use ofa NMMAclassified oil Fornew
&Perform theassembly ona clean;level eng{ne&use twice thenormalo_l quantity
........................................................................................,......................................................................;p for[neflrsrgallorloffue[NUiE, uue[o .....
surface:Becarefulnottoseverelybend............STEP2 Ins ect.........................................................;;......... ; ...... :.................
anyof thecontrol cablesonthe LJnit. and TightenHardware _!_ere.ncesm _u_ana o,R
wurK]w_ue, leCUH_Sun_uCOHmeeuclsa
4; Beforestarting anyassembly stepsi CheCkall nuts,bolts andscrews on your 16il mix ratio if NMMAoil is not
disconnectthe engine spark plug wire unit andtighten as needed: NOTEiUsea available
from the spark plug. 7/16' socl{_twith an extensionto check i
hardwareat ends Ofhandlebar.
i !i ! ToolsNeededtoCheckfor I.oose..............................................................................................................
STEP 1: Unfold and H_
IMPORTANT: Becarefulnotto pinchany .Slotted-headscrewdriver
wires or cableswhile unfolding and ad-* Phillips#headscrewdriver
justing the handlebars. • 7/1611socket andextension
theoperating position Do not uSeforce ernor screw (D, Figure2)I t is factory-Figure 2: Donotadl.stortightentheengine
if thereis binding; continue to loosen adjustedfor proper engine operation, governorscrew.

Chart 1' FUEL MI_URE STEP 4: To Make Borders and Edgesi /_
(Mixture Ratio is 24 parts gasoline to I Install the Edger AHachment ._..J_"
t part twoicycle oil)I To cieaie boideis oi edges neaiwalksi
ii ._ n_ zl __ nl, I driveways; flower beds;etc.;you must
uioi _-o _toi _,, i removethe fourtine Sectionsand install _r _/// _L
I the EdgerAttachment (this attachment /
2 Gali liozi Iwassupplied with the unit-See Page5).
4liters t67ml I l i Gathertogether the following parts c...
tank; Always usea clean Safetyi?p; 2. Piop ihe machinecarefully onthe fiont _
provedfuel container, ofthe tubular Carryinghandle: Thework
*To Mix: surfaceshould befi[m and flat. NOTEiF.i#.ure:3!Remove.hitchp!ns andt!nesfrom
:Usually the Border/EdgerTineis mounted bothsmesoftherme shaft, Keepleft anu
A; H!!acleaniapproveocon_a!nerone onthe rinht:side ofthe unitfor rinht: right:sidetinesseparated andmarkedfor
qua!!erfull with !ecommended handedpoisons,and on ihe leftis"ideof easierreinstailationi
gasoline, the unit for left-handed persons.
B Add recommendedamount of o I per the same Shaft- thewheel hub should
_fia_ 1' FUELMIXTURE 3i Remo,_e!he hitchp n on each! ne facetowaid the [ ei nser[ the htch pin
shaft (E,Rgures_and 4). throughthe rounded side of the tine
U+_crew cap oncon[a!nerano snake 4ilt is importantfor propertilling pedor- Shaft
vigorously. Thenunscrew Capand mancethat the finesections be laterrein-_ eii_ _h_i_ _; _h_ im X_h_
.........fill nt in rwith .... lin r......................................................................................................................u...........u_w ............. m.....
co a e gaso epe stalledlnthelrorlglnalpatterns. Markthe ,ositesdeshaft Theniastallthe
Chart 1: FUELMIXTURE; Screwon posi[ion ofeachtinesec[ion(Left:Outer, _=.,_;'_.._; _J_, _ i
cap and shakeaga!ni 0nee mlxedi Left-Inner,etc.)before removingthem: _,_, ,_,_
oil and gasolinewill notseparate. Refer to Figures3 and9 for fine pattern _"_ '"_" _"'i
information Seealso TineRemovalandSeeSec tion 4 for instructions on using
H. _.uel Installation in Sec[ion5 the BordeflEdgerAttachment:
1: Engine must be cool:Cleanarea 5 InStallthe short bushine _g Fieure 4i SeeTine Removaland InStallationinSec-
around fuel tank Capandremovecapi onihe iie ht:hand or lefi:han'diine_ tion 5for information onhow to reinstall
Inse_a cleanfunnel inio the fuel iank The'nplac_ihe Bo;dedFdge; '_heel(Ci on ihe tines
2: Slowly pour gasoline/oil mixture into
fueltank. Filltank no higherthan1/2"
from to p of tank to allow for gasolineex..............................................................................................................................................................................................
panSion Installfuel capand clean upany
fuel spills. C
Contact with rotating !r
mowng 1 per.
Before instal ling orre moving attac
mentsi or adjustingor servicingthe m_
chine; stop the enginei let all moving
parts cometo a completestop,disco
nectthe spark plug wire and move the
wire awayfromthe sparkplug
Figure4: The Border/Edgertine(,4)can bemountedon left or right
sidesof machine(with long bushingB); The Border/Edgetwheel
(C) mountsonthe otherside (withshortbushingD):