Troybilt 21A-665B063 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
Rear, tine Tiller Model
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-
covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law
TROY-BILT LLC, P.O. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019
Content Page
Calling Customer Support .................................................... 2
Safety ................................................................... 3
Assembly ................................................................. 6
Features and Controls ....................................................... 9
Operation ................................................................ 11
Maintenance .............................................................. 15
Tiller Attachments .......................................................... 22
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 23
Parts List ................................................................. 24
Warrany Information ........................................................ Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new Rear-tine Tiller. It will help you assemble, prepare and main-
tain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infor-
mation from it in the space provided below. This information is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear surface of the tine shield. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment
in the space below
Copy Model Number Here
P. O. BOX 361131
Copy Serial Number Here
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, speci-
fications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual packed sepa- rately with your unit for more information.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this
Call 1- (330) 558-7220 or 1- (866) 840-6483 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call.
This machine meets voluntary safety standard
B71.8 - 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, inc., and is published
by the American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicalsknowntotheStateofCaliforniato cause
cancer,birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm.
SafetyAlert Symbol
This is a safety alert symbol. It is used inthis
manualand on the unit to alert you to potential
hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, read and obeythe messagethat follows it. Failureto obey safety messagescould result in personalinjury or propertydamage.
Handlebar Height
Recoil Rope Starter
_Wheel Gear Lever
Depth Regulator Lever
_Standard RotatingTines
1. Carefullyread this Owner's Manual the
separate EngineOwner's Manual,and any
other literature you may receive. Bethor- oughlyfamiliar with the controls andthe proper use ofthe tiller and its engine. Knowhow to stop the unit and disengage
the controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe tiller. Neverallow adults to operate the tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operationclear ofall persons,particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsiblefor accidentsor hazards occurring to other people,their property,
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspectthe areawherethe
tiller is to beusedand remove all foreign
2. Be sureall controls are releasedand
the WheelGearLeveris in ENGAGEbefore starting theengine.
3. Do not operatethe tiller without
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
loosegarments or jewelry that could get
caught inmoving parts.
4. Donot operatethetiller when barefootor
improvefooting on slipperysurfaces.
5. Donottill nearundergroundelectric cables,telephonelines,pipes or hoses.If in doubt, contactyourtelephoneor utility company.
6. Warning: Handlefuelwith care;it is highlyflammableand its vaporsareexplo-
sive. Takethefollowing precautions:
a. Store fuel incontainers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascapshall never be removed
or fuel addedwhile the engine is
running. Allow the engineto cool
for severalminutes beforeadding fuel.
c. Keepmatches, cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflames, and sparks
away from the fuel tankand fuel container.
d. Fill fuel tank outdoorswith extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tankindoors.
Useafunnel orspout to prevent
e. Replaceall fuel tank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine, but movethe
machineawayfrom thearea of spillageand avoid creatingany source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Never makeadjustmentswhen engine is running (unless recommended by manufacturer).
1. Donot put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when onor
crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do
notcarry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine,disconnect the spark plugwire and prevent itfrom touching thespark
plug,carefully inspectthetiller for any
damage,and repair the damagebefore
restartingand operating thetiller.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. If the unit shouldstart to vibrateabnor- mally,stop theengine.Disconnectthe spark
plugwireand preventit from touchingthe
spark plug,and checkimmediatelyforthe cause.Vibration is generallya warning of
6. Stopthe engine, disconnect the spark plug wire andprevent it from touching the
spark plugwheneveryou leavethe operat-
ing position, beforeunclogging the tines,
or when making any repairs,adjustments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhen leavingthe machine unattended.Stop the
engine. Disconnectspark plug wire and
move it awayfrom the spark plug. Move
Wheel GearLeverto ENGAGE.
8. Beforecleaning,repairing, or inspect- ing, stop the engineand makecertainall moving partshavestopped.Disconnect
the spark plug wire andprevent itfrom touching the spark plugto preventacci- dental starting.
9. Always keepthe tiller tine hood flap
down, unless using the hiller/furrower attachment.
10. Neveruse the tiller unless proper
guards, plates,or othersafetyprotective devicesare in place.
11. Donot run engine in an enclosed area. Engineexhaustcontains carbon monoxide
gas, a deadly poisonthat is odorless, col-
orless,and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and petsaway.
13. Never operatethe tiller underengine
powerifthe Wheel Gear Lever is in DIS- ENGAGE(FREEWHEEL).In this position,
the wheelswill notholdthe tiller back and the revolvingtinescouldpropelthe
tiller rapidly,possiblycausinglossof
control.Alwaysmove the Wheel Gear
Leverto ENGAGEbefore starting the
engine or engaging thetines/wheelswith
ForwardClutch Control or ReverseClutch Control.
14. Beawarethat the tiller may unexpect-
edly bounceupward or jump forward if the tines should strike extremely hard packed
soil, frozen ground, or buried obstacles like largestones, roots, or stumps. If in
doubt aboutthe tilling conditions, always
usethefollowing operating precautionsto
assist you in maintainingcontrol of the tiller:
a. Walk behindandto oneside of the
tiller, usingonehand onthe han-
dlebars.Relaxyour arm, butuse a securehandgrip.
b. Useshallowerdepthregulatorset-
tings, workinggraduallydeeper with each pass.
c. Use slower enginespeeds. d. Clearthe tillingarea ofall large
stones,rootsand otherdebris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
handlebars.If needbe, useslight upwardpressureto keepthetines
from diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endofa row, reduceengine speedand lift handlebarsto raise
tines outofthesoil.
g. In an emergency,stoptinesand
wheels byreleasingwhichever ClutchLever is engaged. Do not
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Do not overloadthe tiller's capacityby
attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a rate.
16. Neveroperate tiller at high transport speedson hard or slippery surfaces. Look behind and usecare when backingup.
17. Do not operatethe tiller ona slope
that istoo steepfor safety.When on
slopes,slow down and makesure you havegood footing. Neverpermit the tiller
to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystandersnearthe unit.
19. Only useattachments and accessories
that areapproved by the tiller
20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good visibility orlight.
22. Neveroperatethetiller ifyou aretired, or undertheinfluenceofalcohol,drugs or
23. Operatorsshallnottamperwith the engine-governorsettingson themachine;
the governorcontrolsthemaximumsafe
operatingspeedto protecttheengineandall moving partsfrom damagecausedby over- speed. Authorizedserviceshallbesought if a problemexists.
24. Donot touch enginepartswhich may be hotfrom operation.Letpartscooldownsuf-
25. Thebatteryonelectricstart modeltillers (if soequipped)containssulfuricacid.Avoid contactwith skin,eyes,or clothing.Keepout
ofthe reachofchildren.
Antidote-ExternalContact:Flushimme- diatelywith lotsofwater.
Antidote-Internal:Drink largequantities ofwater or milk. Followwith milk of mag- nesia,beateneggs or vegetable oil. Call a doctor immediately.
Antidote-EyeContact:Flushwith water for 15 minutes.Getpromptmedical
26. Batteriesproduceexplosivegases.Keep
Ventilatewhencharging batteriesor when
usinga batteryin anenclosedspace.
27. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop
thetinesand wheelsby releasingthe
ForwardClutchControlLeverorthe Reverse ClutchControlknob(whichevercontrolyou
haveengaged),or by movingthe engine switch (locatedonengine)to the OFF position.
28.To loador unloadthe tiller, seethe instructionsin Section4 ofthis Manual.
29. Useextremecautionwhen reversingor pullingthemachinetowardsyou.
30. Startenginecarefullyaccordingto instructionsandwith feet awayfrom tines.
31. Neverpick upor carrya machinewhile
theengineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces- sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, andscrews atfre- quentintervals for proper tightness to be
surethe equipment is in safeworking con- dition.
3. Neverstorethe tiller with fuel inthefuel
tank insidea buildingwhereignitionsources are presentsuchashotwaterandspace
heaters,furnaces,clothesdryers, stoves, electricmotors,etc. Allowengineto cool beforestoring inany enclosure.
4. Toreducethechancesof a fire hazard, keepthe enginefree of grass,leaves,or excessivegrease.
5. Storegasoline inacool, well-ventilated
area,safelyawayfrom anyspark- or flame-
producingequipment. Store gasoline in an
approvedcontainer,safelyawayfrom the
reachof children.
6. Referto the storageinstructions inthe Maintenancesection of this Manualand in
the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor
instructions if the tiller isto bestored for
an extendedperiod.
7. Never perform maintenancewhile the engineis running or the spark plug wire is
connected,exceptwhenspecifically instructed to doso.
8. If thefuel tank has to bedrained,do this outdoors.
Foryour safety and the safety of others, various safety messagedecalsare on your unit (see Figure1-2). Keepthe decalsclean and
legible at all times. Contact your local service dealer or the Factory for replacements if any decals are damaged or missing. Refer to the Parts List in this manual for decal locations, part numbers and ordering instructions.
Various symbols (shown here,with
word descriptions) may be used on the tillerand engine.
H I÷1 R
Figure1-2".Locationofsafetyand operatingdecals.
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do notstart the engine untilall
assembly steps are complete and you haveread and understandthe safetyand
operatinginstructionsin thisManual.
Carefullyfollow these assembly steps to
correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you read this Section in itsentirety before beginning assembly.
Inspect the unit and carton for damage
immediately after delivery. Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Informthem ofthe damageand requestinstructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your claim inwriting and maila copy to the carrier within 15days after the unit has
beendelivered. Contactus atthe factory if you needassistance in this matter.
1. Removeany cardboard insertsand
packagingmaterial from the carton.
Removeany staplesfrom the bottom of the carton and remove the carton.
2. Cutthe large, plastic tie strapthat securesthetransmission tube to the ship-
ping pallet. Leavethe handlebarson top of the tiller to avoid damagingany cables.
3. A bagwith loose hardwareis insidethe
literature envelope. Checkthe contents against the following list and Figure2-1.
Contactyour local dealer or the factory if any items aremissing or damaged.
4. Thetiller is heavy. Youshould not attempt to removeit from the shipping
platform until instructed to do so inthese
"Assembly" steps.
Fig. Ref. Qty. Description
1 2 3/8-16x 1"Hex Hd. Screw 2 1 KeyedWasher
3 1 Wheel GearLeverKnob 4 1 HeightAdjustment Flange
Screw (SeeFigure2-1A)
5 2 3/8"FlatWasher 6 2 #10 Lockwasber
7 2 3/8"-16Nylock Lock Nut 8 2 #10-32 x 1/2" Round Hd.
9 1 CotterPin (not used) 10 4 PlasticTie Strap (2 not used)
Tools/Materials Needed for Assembly
(1) 3/8"open-end wrench* (2) 9/16"open-end wrench* (1) 7/8" open-endwrench or 8"long
(1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler
(1) Smallboard (to tap plastic knob on
(1) Tire pressure gauge (1) Cleanoilfunnel
(1) Clean,high-quality motor oil. Referto
the separateEngineOwner's Manual for motor oilspecifications and
quantity required.
* Adjustablewrenches maybe used.
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must beaddedto
the engine crankcasebefore the engineis
started. Followthe instructions in this "Assembly" Section and in the separate
EngineOwner's Manual. NOTE:LEFTandRIGHTsides of thetiller
are as viewedfrom the operator's position
behind the handlebars.
1. Cut the large,plastic cableties that
securethe handlebarendsto the handle- bar mounting tabs on the transmission
top cover.
2. Gently lift handlebar (do not over- stretch attached cable) and placehandle- bar cross-brace (B, Figure2-2) in front of curved height adjustmentbracket (C).
Figure2-1:Loosehardware(shownin reducedsize).
Figure2-1A Handlebarheightadjustment usestheflangeheadscrew.
Figure2-2: Forwardclutchcontrolcablenot
3. With forwardclutchcable (N, Figure
2-3) oninsideof handlebar, position
handlebarends on outside of the two mounting tabs (M, Figure2-2) ontrans-
mission top cover.
4. Loosely attachthe handlebarsto the mounting tabswith two 3/8-16 x 1" screws (heads of screws goto insideof
tabs), 3/8"flat washersand 3/8"-16 lock
nuts (0, Figure2-3).
5. Move the handlebarsup or down to
align the threadedhole in the cross-brace with oneof the four slots in the curved
heightadjustment bracket. Placethe keyedwasher (E, Figure2-2) on theflange headheight adjustment screw (F) with the raisedkeys (edges) of thewasher facing
1. Carefully unwrap the reverseclutch
control cable(H, Figure2-5) from its ship- ping positionand route it up alongthe inside edgeof the left side handlebar. A knob and large hexnut (I) is installedon
the cable.
LeftSide ReverseClutch
Handlebar ControlKnob
Figure2-3 Attachhandlebars,
6. Thread the height adjustment screw (F, Figure2-2) intothe holein the handlebar cross-brace, making sure that the raised keys on the washerfit into the slot on the height adjustment bracket. Tightenthe height adjustment screwsecurely. Next, securelytighten the two screwsand nuts
in the endsof the handlebar (M, Figure "-H 2-2). Figure2-5: Attach reverse clutchcontrol
2. Insert the cable intothe slot in the control paneland fit thethreadedassem-
bly into the holein the slot (seeFigure2-
5). Besure that the flat side of the
threaded assembly is alignedwith theflat
Figure2-4:CarefullyunwrapWheelGear side ofthe hole. Slidethe hex nut (I) up Leverandmoveleverto DISENGAGE. the cableand tighten it securely.
3. Test the function of the reverseclutch
7. To removethetiller from itsshipping control cable by pullingthe knob out and platform,first carefully unwrapthe wheel releasing it. The knobshould return to its
gear cable (with attached lever- seeFigure neutral position against the tapered 2-4) from around the chassis. Movethe bushing when itis released. If itdoesn't,
WheelGearLever(G) to the DISENGAGE contact your localdealer or the factory for position--thisallows the wheelsto rotate technical assistance.
freely. Usethe handlebarsto roll thetiller off the platform. STEP 4: ATTACHFORWARD NOTE: TheWheel GearLeverwill be CLUTCH CONTROL CABLE
installed later in this procedure. 1. Removeanyfasteners (rubber bands, IMPORTANT: Usethe DISENGAGEposi- tape, etc.) that may securethe Forward
tion only when the engineis not running. Clutch Control levers (J, Figure2-6) to the Beforestarting theengine,the WheelGear handlebar.
Lever must beplacedin the ENGAGEposi- tion (seeSection 3 for details).
2. Theforward clutch control cable (with attachedspring) is hanging loosely near the right-side wheel. Beingcareful not to
kink or stretch the cable, insert the z-con- nector (L, Figure2-7 - end of the spring)
into the holeatthe end of the forward clutch control linkage (K, Figure2-6).
3. Attach the cableadjuster (A,Figure
2-8) to the bracketon the right-side han- dlebar. Usetwo 1/2"wrenches to loosen
the two jam nuts (B) just enoughto slide the cableadjuster ontothe bracket. Then
handtighten the jam nuts.
Incorrectcable adjustmentcould cause
the wheels and tines to rotate unexpect-
edly. Follow adjustment procedures carefully. Failure to do so couldresult in personalinjury or propertydamage.
4. Checkfor correct spring/cabletension as instructed in Section5, Checkingand
Adjusting ForwardClutch Belt Tension.
5. When tension iscorrect, tighten the two jam nuts (B,Figure2-8) securely.
Figure2-6: ForwardClutchControllevers (J), Forwardclutchcontrollinkage(K).
Thetransmission was filled with gearoil at the factory. However,besure to checkthe
oil levelat this time to makecertain it is correct.
IMPORTANT:Do not operatethe tiller if
the gear oil level is low.Doing so will
result inseveredamageto the transmis- sion components.
1. With thetiller on levelground, pull the Depth Regulator Lever (L, Figure2-9) back
and then slide it to thesecond notch from the top. NOTE:If the lever does not move,
lift the tine hood flap and look for aplastic
tie securing the lever in place. Cutand
removethe tie.
Figure2-12: Attach Wheel GearLever.
Figure2-11: Addinggear oil,
havinga viscosity of SAE140, SAE
85W-140 or SAE80W-90. if refilling an empty transmission, use only GL-4
gear oil havingaviscosity of SAE 85W-140 or SAE140.
(c) Using a cleanfunnel, slowly add gear
oil until it flows from the gear oil level checkhole (N, Figure2-11).
(d) Reinstalland tighten securely thegear
oil fill plug(M, Figure2-10).
Figure2-9:Putleverin secondnotch.
2. Removethe oil levelcheck plug (M, Figure2-10) onthe left-side of the trans- mission. (Dueto dried paint onthe plug
threads, it may require some force to
removethe plug thefirst time.) The gear oil levelis correct if oil starts to flow out of
the hole asthe plug is removed. If so,
securelyreinstall the plug.
Figure2-10: Gear oil level checkplug.
3. If oil doesnot flow from the check hole,add oil asfollows:
NOTE:Do not useautomatic transmission
fluid or motor oil in the transmission.
(a) Cleanareaaround the fill hole (N,
Figure2-11) andunscrew gearoil fill plug.
(b) If adding only afew ouncesof gear oil,
useAPI rated GL-4 or GL-5 gearoil
Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the engine.
IMPORTANT:Do notstart the engine without first adding motor oil. Severe engine damagewill result if the engine is
run without oil.
1. Referto the separateEngine Owner's Manualfor motor oil specifications and
2. With the unit on levelground, move
the DepthRegulator Lever(L, Figure2-9)
up or down until the engine is level.
3. Add motor oil asdescribed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
4. Move the DepthRegulator Leverall the
way down until the highest notch is engaged. This placesthetines inthe "travel" position.
1. Insert theWheel GearLever (P, Figure
2-12) upthrough the slot in the control
panelthat is labeled"WHEELGEAR."
2. Insert two #10-32 x 1/2" round head
screws downthrough the "+" marks on the control paneldecaland securelyattach the wheelgear mounting bracketusing
two #10 Iockwashersand #1g-32 nuts.
3. Using a board,tap the Wheel Gear Leverknob securely onto the lever.
Figure2-13: Attachwheelgearcableand reverseclutchcablewithcableties(S).
4. Secure the wheelgear cableand the reverseclutch control cableto the left-side
handlebarwith two plasticties (S, Figure
2-13) locatedabout two feetapart. Snip off anyexcesstie lengthwith scissors.
IN TIRES Usea tire pressuregauge to checkthe air
pressurein both tires. Deflateor inflate bothtires equallyto 15-to-20 PSi(pounds persquare inch). Besure that both tires
are inflated equally or the unit will pull to one side.
Inspectthe hardwareon the unit and
tighten any loosescrews, bolts and nuts.
This completes the assembly steps. Besureto readtherest of thisManual
beforeyou operateyourtiller.
Before operating your machine, care-
fully read and understand all safety,
controls and operating instructions in
this Manual, in the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on
the machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan resultin seriouspersonal injury.
This section describesthe locationand
function of the controls on your tiller.
Referto Section 4: Operationfor detailed operating instructions.
Practiceusing these controls, with the engine shut off, until you understandthe operation ofthe controls andfeel confi-
dentwith eachof them. IMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine
manufacturer's EngineOwner's Manualfor information aboutthe controls onthe
This lever (A,Figure 3-1) hastwo posi- tions: ENGAGEand DISENGAGE.
In the ENGAGEposition, thewheels will start turning when eitherthe Forward
ClutchControl or ReverseClutchControl is engaged(the tineswill also start turning
when eitheris engaged). TheDISENGAGE(freewheel) position
placesthe wheels in the freewheeling modeto allow the unit to bemoved
without the enginerunning. Usethe DIS- ENGAGEposition only when the engineis
not running. See"DANGER"statement that follows.
Toshift to ENGAGE,gently (do not force) move the leverforward while also rolling
thetiller a few inchesforward or back- ward. Moving the tiller helpsto align the
shift mechanismwith thetransmission wheeldrive gears.
Toshift to DISENGAGE,movethe lever rearward, without rolling the tiller. The wheelswill roll freely whenthe lever is properly set into the DISENGAGEposition.
Figure3-1: Controlslocated on handlebar.
Never place the Wheel Gear Lever in DISENGAGE (Freewheel) when the engineis running.
Having the Wheel Gear Lever in DISENGAGE and then engaging the
tines_heels with either ForwardClutch
ControlLever or ReverseClutch Control couldallow the tines to propelthe tiller
rapidlyforwardor backward. Failure to follow this instruction could
result in personal injury or property damage.
Never engage the wheels andtines with Forward Clutch Control Levers or
Reverse Clutch Control unless the WheelGearLever is in ENGAGE.
EngagingForwardClutchControlLevers or Reverse Clutch Control when the
wheels are notengaged couldallow the tines to rapidly propelthe tiller forward
or backward. Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property damage.
Thetwo interconnectedlevers(B, Figure 3-1) control the engagementofforward
drive to the wheels and tines.
To OperatetheForwardClutchControl:
1. Before engagingthe ForwardClutch
Control Levers, put the WheelGearLever in the ENGAGEposition (see "WARNING"
2. Lift and hold oneor both of the levers against the handlebargrips to engagethe
wheels and tines.
3. ReleaseBOTHleversto disengage (stop) the wheelsand tines. All forward motion will stop (the enginewill continue
to run).
The ReverseClutchControl (C,Figure3-1) controls the engagementof reversedrive
to the wheelsand tines.
The reversingfeatureis usedfor maneu- veringthetiller only- neverengagethe tines in the groundwhile reversing.
To Operatethe ReverseClutchControl:
1. Putthe WheelGearLever in the ENGAGEposition (seeprevious
2. Stop all tiller motion by releasingthe ForwardClutch Control Levers.
3. Lift up the handlebars until thetines
clearthe ground, look behindyou to avoid any obstacles,andthen pull the Reverse
ClutchControl knobout. The tines and
wheels will rotatein a reversedirection.
4. Releasethe ReverseClutchControl knobto disengage(stop) the wheels and
tines. All reversemotion will stop (the engine will continueto run).
Use extreme cautionwhen reversingor
pullingthe machinetowardsyou. Look behindto avoid obstacles.
Neverattempttotill in reverse.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage.
This lever(D, Figure3-2) controls the tilling depth of the tines. Pullthe lever
straight backand slide it up or down to
engagethe notched height settings. Thehighest notch (lever all the waydown)
raisesthe tines approximately 1-1/2 inches off the ground. This "travel" posi-
tion allows the tiller to bemoved without the tines digging into the ground.
Figure3-2: DepthRegulator Lever.
Moving the leverup increasesthe tilling depth. The lowest notch allows atilling
depth ofapproximately six to eight inches, dependingon soil conditions.
Forbestresults, always begintilling at a
very shallowdepth settingand gradually
increasethe tilling depth.
Completedetails on using the DepthReg- ulator arefound in Section4 of this
Do not attempt to till too deeply too quickly. Gradually work down to
deepertilling depths.
Place the DepthRegulatorLeverin the "travel" position before starting the
engine. This position prevents the tines from touching the ground until
youare readytobegintilling.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property damage.
The handlebarheight is adjustable to four
different settings. When settingthe
height, keep in mind thatthe handlebars
will be lowerwhen the tines are engaged
in the soil.
To Adjustthe HandlebarHeight:
1. Stop the engine,wait for all parts to
stop moving and then disconnect the spark plug wire. Removethe ignition key
on electric start models.
2. Loosen the two screws at the lower ends of the handlebar.
3. Loosen the height adjustment flange screw(F, Figure 3-3) andpull the keyed
washer (E) free of the slots in the curved
heightadjustment bracket.
4. Move the handlebarsto the new slot settingand insertthe raisedkeys on the
keyedwasher into the slot. Tighten the heightadjustment flange screw securely.
5. Retighten the two screws at the ends of the handlebar.
Referto theengine manufacturer's Engine
Owner's Manual(included in thetiller liter- ature package)to identify the controls on
your engine. IMPORTANT:The control for stoppingthe
engine is locatedon the engine.
The engine on your tiller is not equipped with a functioning "Oil Alert
System" and you should ignore any references in your Engine Owner's Manual regarding this feature.
The "Oil Alert System" is not practi- cal for use with your tiller because
the engine is frequently operated in non-level applications that would
provide false readings to the system's oil level sensor. These
false readings would result in fre- quent, and unnecessary, engine shut
downs. You can easily protect your engine
from damage caused by insufficient oil in the crankcase by simply
remembering to dothe following:
Check the motor oil level before starting the engine.
Checkthe motor oil levelafter every five (5) hours of continuous
Beforeoperatingyourmachine, carefully read and understandaii safety (Section
1), controls (Section 3) and operating instructions(Section 4) in this Manual, in the separate EngineOwner's Manual,
and onthedecals onthe machine. Failure to follow these instructionscan
resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
Readthis section of the manualthor- oughly beforeyou start the engine. Then,
takethe time to familiarizeyourself with the basic operation of the tiller before using it in the garden. Findan open, level areaand practice using the tiller controls without the tines engagingthe soil (put
tines in "travel" setting). Onlyafter you've becomecompletely familiar with the tiller
should you beginusing it inthe garden.
Perform the following maintenanceduring thefirst 2 (two) hours of new operation (seeSection 5 of this manual and the Maintenancesection of the Engine Owner's Manual).
1. Changemotor oil.
2. Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.
3. Checktransmission gear oil level.
4. Checktension onforward clutch belt.
Dothe following beforestarting the engine:
1. Readthe Safetyand Featuresand Con- trolssections in this manual. Readthe
separateEngineOwner's Manual provided by theengine manufacturer.
2. Check unit for looseor missing hard- ware. Serviceas required.
3. Check motor oil level. SeeEngine Owner's Manual.
4. Checkthat all safetyguards andcovers are in place.
5. Checkair cleanerand enginecooling system. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
Followgasolinesafetyrules inthis manual (see Section1) and in the separateEngine
Owner'sManual. Failure to followgasoline safetyinstruc-
tions can result in serious personal
6. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline accord-
ing to the directions in the separateEngine Owner's Manual. Followall instructions
and safety rulescarefully.
7. Attach sparkplug wire to sparkplug.
To help prevent serious personal injury
or damagetoequipment:
*Before starting engine, putWheel Gear
Leverin ENGAGEposition.
. Beforestartingengine,putForwardClutch
ControlLeversandReverseClutchControl in neutral (disengaged) positions by
. Neverrunengineindoorsorin enclosed,
poorlyventilated area. Engine exhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorless
*Avoid enginemuffler and nearby areas.
Temperaturesin these areas mayexceed
Thefollowing steps describe howto start and stop the engine.
eel Gear Lever
_Forward Clutch
Jlator Lever
Donotengagethe tines orwheels until
youhaveread all ofthe operating
instructionsin thissection,the safety rulesin Section1: Safety,andthe con-
troisinformationin Section3: Features
1. Completethe Pre-Start Checklistin this section.
Keepawayfrom rotatingtines. Rotating
tines will causeinjury.
2. Putthe Wheel GearLever(Figure4-1)
in the ENGAGEposition.
3. Put the DepthRegulator Leverin the "travel" position (leverall the way down)
so that the tines areclear of the ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. Put the engineswitch in the ONposi-
tion, as instructed inthe separateEngine
6. On enginesequippedwith a fuel valve, movevalve to the ONposition as instructed inthe separateEngineOwner's
7. Chokeor prime engineas instructed in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual. S. Put the throttle lever in the start posi-
tion as instructed in the separateEngine
9. Operatethe recoil starter:
(a) Placeone handon fuel tank to stabi-
lizeunit whenyou pull the starter handle.
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