'0 TRO BI£T°----
Operator's Manual
Rear-tine Tiller Model
E666MmPony _
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-
covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark attester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any).
If a spark attester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law
(Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester
for the muffler is available by contacting the service department at Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 361131 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
TROY-BILT LLC, p.o. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019

Content Page
Calling Customer Support .................................................... 2
Safety ................................................................... 3
Assembly ................................................................. 6
Features and Controls ....................................................... 11
Operation ................................................................ 14
Maintenance .............................................................. 20
Tiller Attachments .......................................................... 28
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 29
Parts List ................................................................. 30
Warrany Information ........................................................ Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new Rear-tine Tiller. It will help you assemble, prepare and main-
tain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infor-
mation from it in the space provided below. This information is very important if you need help from our Customer
Support Department or an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear surface of the tine shield. A sample model plate is
explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment
in the space below
Copy Model Number Here
O]_II__IpD,m...]_. TROY-BILT LLC
www.troybilt.com CLEVELAND, OH 44136
P. O. BOX 361131
Copy Serial Number Here
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, speci-
fications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual packed sepa-
rately with your unit for more information.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance
of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 558-7220 or 1- (866) 840-6483 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have
your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this
information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call.

SafetyAlert Symbol
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power
Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the
American National Standards Institute.
_ his isasafetyalert symbol. It is usedin this
1. Carefullyreadthis
Owner's Manual,the sepa-
Manual,and anyother literatureyou may
receive.Bethoroughly familiar with the
controls andthe proper useofthe tiller
and itsengine. Knowhow to stop the unit
and disengagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe
tiller. Neverallow adultsto operatethe
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operation clear ofall
persons,particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind thatthe operator or user
is responsiblefor accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspectthe areawherethe
tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign
2. Besure all controls are releasedand
the WheelGearLeveris in ENGAGE
beforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operatethetiller without
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
loosegarments or jewelry that could get
caught inmoving parts.
4. Donotoperatethetiller when barefoot
or wearing sandals,sneakers,or light
footwear.Wearprotectivefootwearthat will
improvefooting onslipperysurfaces.
manualand on the unit to alertyou to potential
hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, readand
obeythe messagethat follows it. Failureto
obeysafety messagescould result in personal
injury or property damage.
5. Donottill nearundergroundelectric
cables,telephonelines, pipesor hoses.If in
doubt, contactyourtelephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is
highlyflammableand itsvaporsareexplo-
sive. Takethefollowing precautions:
a. Storefuel in containersspecifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascap shall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engine is
running. Allow the engineto cool
for several minutes beforeadding
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes,cigars,
pipes, open flames, and sparks
awayfrom the fuel tankand fuel
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Usea funnel or spout to prevent
Replaceall fuel tankand container
caps securely.
If fuel is spilled, do not attemptto
start the engine, but move the
machine awayfrom the area of
spillageand avoid creating any
source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Nevermakeadjustments when engine unclogging thetines, or when making any
is running (unless recommendedby repairs, adjustments or inspections.
The engine exhaust from this product contains
chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
1. Donot put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or
crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads.
Stayalert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking aforeign object, stop the
engine (andremovethe ignition key on
electric start models), disconnect the
spark plugwire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug,carefully inspect
the tiller for any damage,and repair the
damagebeforerestarting and operating
the tiller.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. Ifthe unitshould startto vibrateabnor-
mally,stop the engine(andremovethe
ignition keyon electric start models). Dis-
connectthespark plugwire andpreventit
from touchingthe spark plug,and check
immediatelyfor thecause.Vibration is
generallya warning of trouble.
6. Stopthe engine(and removethe igni-
tion key on electric start models), discon-
nectthe spark plug wire and prevent it
from touching thespark plugwhenever
you leavethe operating position, before

7. Takeall possible precautionswhen
leavingthe machineunattended.Stopthe
engine. Removeignition key on electric
start models. Disconnect sparkplug wire
and moveit awayfrom the spark plug.
MoveWheelGear Leverto ENGAGE.
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect-
ing,stop the engine,remove the ignition
keyon electric start models,and make
certain all moving parts havestopped.
Disconnectthe spark plug wire and
preventit from touchingthe spark plug to
preventaccidentalstarting. Onelectric
start models,always removethe cable
from the negativeside (-) of the battery.
9. Always keepthe tiller tine hood flap
down, unlessusing the hiller/furrower
10. Never usethe tiller unless proper
guards, plates,or othersafetyprotective
devicesarein place.
11. Do not run enginein an enclosed
area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadly poisonthat is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operatethe tiller under
engine powerif theWheel GearLeveris
position,the wheelswill notholdthe
tiller backand therevolvingtines could
propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly
causinglossof control.Always movethe
WheelGearLeverto ENGAGEbefore
starting the engine or engagingthe
tines/wheelswith the ForwardClutch
Control orthe ReverseClutch Control.
14. Be aware that the tiller mayunex-
forwardif the tinesshouldstrike
extremelyhard packedsoil, frozen
ground,or buried obstacleslike large
stones,roots,or stumps.If in doubt
aboutthe tilling conditions,always use
assistyou in maintainingcontrolof the
Walk behindandto oneside of the
tiller, usingone handonthe han-
dlebars. Relaxyour arm, butusea
securehand grip.
b. Use shallowerdepth regulatorset-
tings, working graduallydeeper
with eachpass.
c. Useslowerenginespeeds.
d. Clearthe tilling area ofall large
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
on handlebars.If needbe, use
slightupwardpressureto keepthe
tines from diggingtoo deeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof a row, reduceengine
speedand lift handlebarsto raise
tines out of the soil.
g. In an emergency,stoptinesand
wheels by releasing whichever
ClutchLever is engaged. Donot
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Do not overloadthetiller's capacity
by attempting to till too deeplyattoo fast
a rate.
16. Neveroperate thetiller at high trans-
port speeds on hardor slippery surfaces.
Look behind and use carewhen backing
17. Do not operatethe tiller on a slope
that istoo steepfor safety.When on
slopes,slow down and makesureyou
havegood footing. Never permit the tiller
to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachments and acces-
sories that areapproved bythe tiller
20. Usetiller attachments and acces-
sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetiller ifyouaretired,
or undertheinfluenceof alcohol,drugs or
23. Operatorsshallnottamperwith the
engine-governorsettingsonthe machine;
the governorcontrolsthemaximumsafe
operatingspeedto protecttheengineand
all movingpartsfrom damagecausedby
soughtif a problemexists.
24. Donottouch enginepartswhich may
be hotfrom operation.Letpartscool down
25. Thebatteryon electricstart modeltillers
skin,eyes,or clothing.Keepoutof the
reachof children.
Antidote-External Contact:Flushimme-
diatelywith lotsof water.
Antidote-Internal: Drinklargequantities
ofwateror milk.Followwith milk of
magnesia,beateneggs or vegetableoil.
Calla doctor immediately.
Antidote-EyeContact:Flushwith water
for 15 minutes.Getpromptmedical
26. Batteriesproduceexplosivegases.Keep
sparks,flame,andsmoking materialsaway.
Ventilatewhencharging batteriesor when
usinga batteryinanenclosedspace.
working nearbatteries.
27. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop
thetines andwheelsby releasingthe
control you haveengaged),or by moving
the EngineThrottleControlLever(located
onengine)to STOPon recoilstart models
or by turning the ignitionkeyto OFFon
28. To loador unloadthetiller, seethe
instructionsinSection4 ofthis Manual.
29. Useextremecautionwhen reversingor
30. Starttheenginecarefullyaccordingto
instructionsandwith feetwellawayfrom
31. Neverpick up or carrya machinewhile
theengineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces-
sories insafe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, andscrews at
frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to
besure the equipment is in safeworking
3. Neverstorethe tillerwith fuel inthefuel
tank insidea buildingwhere ignition
sourcesare presentsuchas hotwaterand
stoves,electric motors,etc. Allow engineto
cool beforestoring inanyenclosure.

4. To reducethe chancesof a fire
hazard,keeptheenginefree of grass,
5. Storegasolinein acool, well-venti-
latedarea, safelyawayfrom anyspark-
or flame-producingequipment. Store
gasolinein an approved container,
safelyawayfrom the reach of children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesectionof
this Manualand in the separateEngine
Owner's Manualfor instructions if the
tiller isto bestored for an extended
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile
the engineis running orthe spark plug
wire is connected,exceptwhenspecifi-
cally instructed to do so.
8. If thefuel tankhasto bedrained,do
this outdoors.
Various symbols (shown here, with
word descriptions)maybe usedonthe
Foryour safetyand the safety of others, replacementsif any decalsare damagedor
various safety messagedecalsare on your missing.
unit (seeFigurebelow). Keepthe decals Referto the Parts List pagesfor decal
cleanand legibleat all times. Contactyour locations and partnumbers.
localservicedealer or the factoryfor
TineWarning (onright
side of hoodflap)
StartingStabilization (on
top of engine or fuel tank)
6 I-'-I
Figure 1:Locationof SafetyandOperatingDecals

2 Assembly
To prevent personal injury or property
damage,do notstartthe engine until all
assembly steps are complete and you
havereadand understandthe safetyand
operatinginstructionsin this Manual.
Carefullyfollow theseassembly stepsto
correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you readthis Section
in its entirety before beginningassembly.
Inspectthe unit andcarton for damage
immediatelyafter delivery. Contactthe
carrier (trucking company) ifyou find or
suspect damage. Inform them ofthe
damageand request instructions for filing
a claim. To protectyour rights, put your
claim inwriting and mail a copy to the
carrier within 15 days after the unit has
beendelivered.Contact us at the factory if
you needassistancein this matter.
1. Removeanycardboard inserts and
packagingmaterialfrom the carton.
Removeany staples from the bottom of
the carton and removethe carton.
2. Cutthe large,plastictie strap that
securesthe transmission tubeto the ship-
ping pallet. Leavethe handlebarson top
of the tiller to avoid damaginganycables.
3. A bag with loose hardware is inside
the literature envelope. Checkthe con-
tents against thefollowing list and Figure
2-1. Contactyour local dealeror the
factory if any items aremissing or
NOTE:Forelectric start units, a second
hardwarebag is located nearthe battery.
4. The tiller is heavy. You should not
attempt to remove it from theshipping
platform until instructed to do so in these
"Assembly" steps.
Ref. Qty. Description
1 2 3/8-16 x 1" HexHd. Screw
2 1 KeyedWasher
3 1 WheelGearLeverKnob
4 1 Height Adjustment Flange
Screw (SeeFigure 2-1A)
5 2 3/8" FlatWasher
6 2 #10 Lockwasher
7 2 3/8"-16 Nylock Lock Nut
8 2 #10-32 x 1/2" Round Hd.
9 2 #10-32 Nut
10 1 Cotter Pin (not used)
11 4 PlasticTie Strap (2 not used)
Tools/Materials Needed
for Assembly
(1) 3/8" open-endwrench*
(1) 7/16" open-endwrench* (electric
start unit only)
(2) 9/16" open-endwrench*
(1) 7/8" open-endwrench or 8" long
adjustable wrench
(1) Scissors(to trim plasticties)
(1) Ruler
(1) Small board (to tap plastic knob on
(1) Tire pressuregauge
(1) Cleanoilfunnel
(1) Clean,high-quality motor oil. Refer
to the separateEngineOwner's
Manualfor motor oil specifications
and quantity required.
* Adjustablewrenches may be used.
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must beaddedto
the enginecrankcasebeforethe engine is
started. Followthe instructions in this
"Assembly" Sectionand inthe separate
EngineOwner's Manual.
NOTE:LEFTandRIGHTsides of thetiller
are as viewedfrom the operator's posi-
tion behindthe handlebars.
1. On electric start units, removeone
screw and Iockwasherfrom the curved
5@_, 60 o
8_ @©9
7_ 10_
Figure2-1A Handlebarheightadjustment
Figure2-2: Onelectric start units, move
heightadjustmentbracket aside.
heightadjustment bracket (A, Figure2-2),
loosenthe secondscrew, andswing the
bracketto one side.
2. Cutthe large, plastic cableties that
securethe handlebarendsto the handle-
bar mounting tabs on the transmission
top cover.
3. Gently lift handlebar (do not over-
stretch attached cable) and placehandle-
bar cross-brace (B, Figure2-3) in front of
curved height adjustment bracket (C).
Figure2-3: Forwardclutchcontrolcable not
shownfor clarity.

4. With the forwardclutchcable (N,
Figure2-4) onthe inside of handlebar,
position the handlebarendson the
outside of thetwo mounting tabs (IVI,
Figure2-3) on the transmission top
NOTE:Thecurved handlebarheight
adjustment bracketappears asshown in
C,Figure2-3 for non-electricstart units.
Forelectricstart units, the bracket is loos-
ened and moved to one side.
5. Loosely attachthe handlebars to the
mounting tabs with two 3/8-16 x 1"
screws (headsof screws go to insideof
tabs), 3/8" flat washersand 3/8"-16 lock
nuts (0, Figure2-4).
Figure 2-4: Attachhandlebars.
6. Onelectric start units, reattach the
heightadjustment bracket(A, Figure2-2).
Tighten both screws securely. Makesure
the handlebarcross-brace (B, Figure2-3)
is under the bracket.
7. Move the handlebarsup or down to
align the threaded hole in the cross-brace
with one of thefour slots in the curved
heightadjustment bracket. Placethe
keyedwasher (E,Figure2-3) on the
flange head heightadjustment screw (F)
with the raisedkeys(edges) of the
washer facing down.
8. Threadthe height adjustment screw
(F, Figure2-3) into the hole in the handle-
bar cross-brace, makingsure that the
raisedkeyson the washer fit into theslot
on the height adjustment bracket.
Tighten the heightadjustment screw
securely. Next,securely tighten the two
screws andnuts in the endsof the han-
dlebar (M, Figure2-3).
9. To removethe tiller from its shipping
platform, first carefully unwrap the wheel
gear cable (with attachedlever - see
Figure2-5) from around the chassis.
Movethe Wheel GearLever (G)to the
DISENGAGEposition--this allows the
wheels to rotatefreely. Usethe handle-
Figure2-5: CarefullyunwrapWheelGear
barsto roll thetiller off the platform.
NOTE:TheWheelGearLever will be
installed later inthis procedure.
tion only when the engine is not running.
Beforestarting the engine,the Wheel Gear
Levermust be placed inthe ENGAGE
position (seeSection 3 for details).
1. Carefullyunwrapthe reverseclutch
control cable(H, Figure2-6) from its
shipping position and route it up along
the insideedge ofthe left side handlebar.
A knoband large hexnut (I) is installed
on the cable.
Figure2-6: Attachreverse clutch control
assemblyto slottedhole in handlebarpanel.
2. Insertthe cable into the slot in the
control paneland fit the threadedassem-
bly into the holein theslot (see Figure2-
6). Besure that theflat side of the
threadedassembly is aligned with the flat
side of the hole. Slide the hex nut (I) up
the cableand tighten it securely.
3. Testthefunction of the reverseclutch
control cableby pulling the knob out and
releasingit. Theknob should return to its
neutral position against the tapered
bushing. If it doesn't, contact your local
dealeror the factory for technical
LeftSide ReverseClutch]
Handlebar ControlKnob
1. Removeanyfasteners (rubber bands,
tape, etc.) that maysecurethe Forward
Clutch Control levers (J, Figure2-7) to the
Figure2-7: ForwardClutchControllevers
(J). Forwardclutchcontrollinkage(K).
2. Theforward clutch control cable(with
attachedspring) is hanging loosely near
the right-side wheel. Being careful not to
kink orstretch the cable, insert thez-con-
nector (L, Figure2-8 - end of the spring)
into the hole at the end of the forward
clutch control linkage(K, Figure2-7).
3. Attachthe cableadjuster (A, Figure
2-9) to the bracket onthe right-side han-
dlebar. Usetwo 1/2"wrenchesto loosen
the two jam nuts (B) just enoughto slide
the cableadjuster onto the bracket. Then
hand tighten the jam nuts.

Incorrectcable adjustment could cause
the wheels andtines to rotate unexpect-
edly. Follow adjustment procedures
carefully. Failure to do so could result
in personalinjury orpropertydamage.
4. Checkfor correct spring/cable tension
as instructed in Section5, Checkingand
Adjusting ForwardClutch Belt Tension.
5. Whentension is correct, tighten the
two jam nuts (B) securely.
Thetransmission was filled with gear oil
at the factory. However,be sureto check
the oil levelat this time to makecertain it
IMPORTANT:Do not operatethe tiller if
the gear oil level is low. Doingso will
result inseveredamageto the transmis-
sion components.
1. With the tiller on levelground, pull the
Depth Regulator Lever(R, Figure2-13)
backand then slide it to the second notch
from the top. NOTE:If the lever does not
move,lift the tine hoodflap and look for a
plastictie securing the lever in place. Cut
and removethe tie.
2. Removethe oil levelcheck plug (M,
Figure2-10) on the left-side of the trans-
mission. (Dueto dried painton the plug
threads, it may require some force to
removethe plug the first time.) The gear
oil levelis correct if oil starts to flow out
ofthe hole asthe plug is removed. If so,
securely reinstall the plug.
Figure2-10: Gearoil level checkplug.
3. If oil does notflow from the check
hole,add oil as follows:
NOTE:Donot use automatic transmission
fluid or motor oil inthe transmission.
(a) Cleanareaaround the fill hole (N,
Figure2-11) and unscrewgear oil fill
Figure2-11: Addinggearoil.
(b) If adding only a few ouncesof gear
oil, useAPI ratedGL-4 or GL-5 gear oil
havinga viscosity of SAE140, SAE85W-
140 or SAE80W-90. If refilling anempty
transmission, useonly GL-4 gear oil
havinga viscosity of SAE85W-140 or
(c) Usinga cleanfunnel, slowly add gear
oil until itflows from the gearoil level
check hole (N, Figure2-11).
(d) Reinstalland tighten securelythe gear
oil fill plug (M, Figure2-10).
1. Insert the Wheel GearLever(P, Figure
2-12) up through theslot in the control
panelthat is labeled"WHEELGEAR."
2. Insert two #10-32 x 1/2" round head
screws down through the "+" marks on
the control paneldecal and securely
attach thewheel gear mounting bracket
usingtwo #10 Iockwashersand #10-32
3. Usea small board to tap the Wheel
GearLeverknobsecurely onto the lever.
4. Securethe wheelgear cableand the
reverseclutch control cableto the left-
side handlebarwith two plastic ties (S,
Figure2-13) locatedabout two feet apart.
Snip off anyexcesstie lengthwith
The positive battery terminal is marked
Pos. (+). The negativebattery terminal is
marked Neg.(-).
1. Removethe hex bolt and hex nut from
the positive cable (heavy red wire).
2. Removethe plastic cover from the
positive batteryterminal and attachthe
positive cableto the positive batteryter-
minal (+) with the bolt and hex nut. Make
certain that the rubber boot coversthe
Figure2-12: AttachWheel GearLever.
Figure2-13: Attach wheel gear cable and
reverseclutchcable with cable ties (S).
positive terminal to help protect it from
3. Removethe hexbolt and hex nut from
the negativecable (heavyblackwire).
4. Removethe black plastic cover from
the negativebattery terminal andattach
the negativecableto the negativebattery
terminal (-) with the bolt and hex nut.
• If the battery is put into serviceafter the
dateshown ontop of battery, chargethe
batteryas instructed in the Maintenence
sectionof this manualprior to operating
the tiller.
Usea tire pressuregaugeto check the air
pressure in bothtires. Deflateor inflate
both tires equallyto between15 PSI and
20 PSI). Besure that both tires are
inflated equally orthe unit will pull to one
Inspect the hardwareon the unit and
tighten anyloose screws, bolts and nuts.

3 Featuresand Controls
Before operating your machine, care-
fully read and understand all safety,
controls and operating instructions in
this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on
the machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan
resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
Figure3-1: Controlslocatedon handlebar.
This Sectiondescribesthe location and
function of the controls on your tiller.
Referto thefollowing section "Operation"
for detailedoperating instructions.
Practiceusingthese controls, with the
engine shut off, until you understandthe
operation of the controls and feel confi-
dent with them.
IMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine
manufacturer'sEngineOwner's Manual
for information about the controls on the
This lever(A, Figure3-1) has two posi-
Inthe ENGAGEposition, the wheels will
start turning when eitherthe Forward
Clutch Control or the ReverseClutch
Control is engaged(the tines will also
start turning when eitherclutch is
The DISENGAGEposition placesthe
wheels inthefreewheeling modeto allow
the unitto be moved without the engine
running. Usethe DISENGAGEposition
only whenthe engine is not running. See
"DANGER"statementthat follows.
To shift to ENGAGE,gently (do not force)
movethe leverforward while also rolling
the tiller afew inchesforward or back-
ward. Moving the tiller helpsto align the
shift mechanismwith the transmission
wheel drive gears.
To shift to DISENGAGE(freewheel),
movethe lever rearward, without rolling
the tiller. Thewheels will roll freely
when the lever is properly set in the
Never place the Wheel Gear Lever in
DISENGAGE (Freewheel) when the
engine is running.
Having the Wheel Gear Lever in
DISENGAGE and then engaging the
tines/wheels with either the Forward
Clutch Control or the Reverse Clutch
Control could allow the tines to propel
thetiller rapidlyforwardor backward.
Failure to follow this instruction could
result in personal injury or property
The two interconnected levers (B, Figure
3-1) control the engagementof forward
drive to the wheelsand tines.
To Operatethe ForwardClutchControl:
1. Beforeengagingthe ForwardClutch
Control, put the WheelGearLeverin the
ENGAGEposition (see"WARNING"
2. Pull up and hold one or both of the
levers againstthe handlebar grips to
engagethe wheels and tines.
3. ReleaseBOTHleversto disengage
(stop) the wheels andtines. All forward
motion will stop (the enginewill continue
to run).
Never engagethe wheels andtines with
the Forward Clutch Control or the
Reverse Clutch Control unless the
Wheel GearLeveris in ENGAGE.
Engagingthe ForwardClutch Controlor
the Reverse Clutch Control when the
wheels are not engagedcouldallow the
tines to rapidlypropelthe tiller forward
or backward.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property

The ReverseClutchControl (C, Figure
3-1) controls the engagementof reverse
driveto thewheels and tines. The revers-
ingfeature is usedfor maneuveringthe
tiller only- neverengagethe tines in
the groundwhile goingin the reverse
• Use extreme caution when reversing
or pulling the machine towards you.
Lookbehindto avoid obstacles.
• Neverattemptto till in reverse.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property
To Operatethe ReverseClutchControl:
1. Putthe WheelGearLeverin the
ENGAGEposition (seethe "WARNING"
statementon previouspage).
2. Stopall tiller motion by releasingthe
ForwardClutch Control levers.
3. Lift upthe handlebarsuntil thetines
clearthe ground, look behindyou to avoid
anyobstacles,and then pull the Reverse
ClutchControl knob out. Thetines and
wheelswill rotate in a reverse direction.
4. Releasethe ReverseClutch Control
knobto disengage(stop) the wheels and
tines. All reversemotion will stop (the
enginewill continue to run).
Figure3-2: DepthRegulatorLever.
The highest notch (leverall the way
down) raisesthe tines approximately
1-1/2 inches off the ground. This "travel"
position allowsthetiller to be moved
without the tines digging into the ground.
Moving the lever up increasesthe tilling
depth. Thelowest notch allows a tilling
depth of approximately six to eight
inches,depending on soil conditions.
Forbest results,always begintilling at
a very shallowdepthsettingand gradu-
ally increasethe tilling depth. Complete
details onusing the Depth Regulatorare
found in the "Operation" Section of this
The handlebarheight is adjustableto four
different settings. Setthe handlebar
heightto a comfortable setting, but keep
in mindthat the handlebarswill be lower
when thetines are engagedin the soil.
ToAdjustthe HandlebarHeight:
setting and insert the raisedkeyson the
keyedwasher into the slot. Tighten the
height adjustment screw securely.
5. Retightenthe two screws at the ends
of the handlebar.
Referto the engine manufacturer'sEngine
Owner's Manual(included in thetiller lit-
erature package)to identify the controls
on your engine. The following two con-
trols areusedwhen stopping or starting
the engine.
IMPORTANT:The control for stopping
the recoil start engineis locatedon the
on engine--see Figure 4-1) is usedto reg-
ulatethe engine speed. Onthe recoil start
model only, it is also usedto stop the
engine (on the electric start model,the
electric start keyswitch is usedto stop the
engine). The throttle settings are shown
IMPORTANT:See"Starting and Stopping
the Engine" in the "Operation" Sectionfor
detailedenginestarting andstopping
FAST- Usefor most tilling and
cultivating projects.
-l_ SLOW- Usewhen idling engineor
when slower tilling and cultivating
speeds are needed.
• Do not attempt to till too deeply too
quickly. Gradually work down to
deepertilling depths.
• Placethe DepthRegulatorLever inthe
"travel" position before starting the
engine. This position prevents the
tines from touching the ground until
youare readytobegintilling.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property
The Depth Regulator lever(D, Figure3-2)
controls the tilling depth of the tines. Pull
the leverstraight backand slide it upor
downto engagethe notched height set-
Figure3-3: Handlebarheightadjustment.
1. Stopthe engine, wait for all parts to
stop moving and then disconnectthe
spark plugwire. Removethe ignition key
on electric start models.
2. Loosenthetwo screws atthe lower
ends of the handlebar.
3. Loosenthe height adjustment screw
(E,Figure3-3) and pull the keyedwasher
(F)free ofthe slots in the curved height
adjustment bracket.
4. Movethe handlebarsto the newslot
_) TOP- Stops the engine (on
recoil start models only).
Theignition keyswitch on the electric start
model is used to start and stop the
engine. The keyswitch settings are
described below.
IMPORTANT:See"Starting and Stopping
the Engine" in the "Operation" Sectionfor
OFF- Stops engine.
RUN- After starting, keyreturns to run
START- Startsengine. Releasekeywhen
engine starts (avoidcranking engine for
longer than 15 secondsfor eachattempt)

Wheel GearLever
Before operating your machine, care-
fully read and understand all safety
(Section 1), controls (Section 3) and
operating instructions (Section 4) in
this Manual, in the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on
the machine.
Failureto follow these instructionscan
resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
Readthis Section ofthe manual thor-
oughly beforeyou start the engine. Then,
takethe time to familiarize yourself with
the basic operation of thetiller before
using it in the garden.
Findan open,levelareaand practice
usingthe tiller controls without the tines
engagingthe soil (put tines in "travel"
setting). Only after you've becomecom-
pletelyfamiliar with the tiller should you
begin using it in the garden.
Perform the following maintenanceafter
thefirst two hours of newoperation (see
"Maintenance" in this manualand the
EngineOwner's Manual).
1. Changeengineoil.
2. Checkfor looseor missing hardware
on unit. Tighten or replace as needed.
3. Checktransmission gear oil level.
4. Checktension on forward clutch belt.
Figure4-1: Locationof main tiller controls.
To help preventserious personal injury
or damageto equipment:
*Before starting engine, put Wheel
GearLever in ENGAGEposition.
* Before starting engine, put Forward
Clutch Control levers and Reverse
ClutchControl in neutral (disengaged)
*Never run engine indoors or in
enclosed, poorly ventilated areas.
Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide, an odorless and deadly
*Avoid engine muffler and nearby
areas. Temperatures in these areas
may exceed150OF.
Makethe following checksand perform
the following services beforestarting the
1. ReadSections1 and 3 in this Manual.
Readthe separateEngineOwner's
2. Checkunit for looseor missing hard-
ware. Serviceas required.
3. Checkengine oil level. SeeEngine
Owner's Manual.
4. Checkthat all safety guards and
coversare in place.
5. Checkair cleanerand enginecooling
system. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
8. Attachspark plugwire to spark plug.
Follow gasoline safety rules in this
manual(see Section1) andin the sepa-
Failureto follow gasolinesafety instruc-
tions can result in serious personal
injuryand propertydamage.
7. Fillthe fueltank with gasolineaccord-
ing to the directions in the separate
EngineOwner's Manual. Follow all
instructions and safety rules carefully.

Thefollowing steps describe howto start
and stop the engine, go notattempt to
engagethe tines orwheels untilyou
haveread all ofthe operatinginstruc-
tionsin this Section. Alsoreview
the safetyrules in Section1: "Safety"
and the tiller and enginecontrols
informationin Section3: "Features and
1. Completethe "Pre-Start Checklist" on
the previous page.
2. Put the WheelGearLever(Figure4-1)
in the ENGAGEposition.
3. Putthe DepthRegulator Lever inthe
"travel" position (leverall the way down)
so that the tines are clearof the ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. Putthe EngineThrottle Control Lever
(Figure4-1) inthe "FAST"setting.
6. On enginesequippedwith afuel valve,
turn valveto open position as instructed
in the separateengine manual.
7. Chokeor prime engineas instructed in
the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
8. Forrecoil (non-electric) starting
(a) Placeone hand onfuel tankto stabi-
lizeunit whenyou pull the starter
(b) Usethe recoil starter ropeto start
the engineas instructed inthe sepa-
rate EngineOwner's Manual. When
the enginestarts, graduallymove
the choke lever(on enginesso
equipped) to the "NO CHOKE",
"CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position.
(c) Leavethe EngineThrottle Control
Leverinthe "FAST"setting.
9. Forelectric starting models (E666M):
(a) Turn the engine ignition keyto the
"START"setting andallow the
starter motor to crank the enginefor
several seconds. Avoid cranking the
engine longer than 15seconds at a
time as doing so could damage the
starter motor. NOTE: Referto the
EngineOwner's Manualfor detailed
starting instructions.
(b) When the engine starts, releasethe
keyand it will returnto the "RUN"
(c) Graduallymovechoke lever(on
enginesso equipped)to "NO
(d) Leavethe EngineThrottle Control
Leverinthe "FAST"setting.
To Start the ElectricStart EngineWith
the Recoil StarterRope
If necessary,the electric start engine can
be started with the recoilstarter rope by
following the steps below:
1. If the battery is not "dead" or
damaged,leaveit connectedto the tiller
so it will be rechargedduring engine
operation. Makesure the battery cells are
filled to the UPPERLEVELline with elec-
2. If the battery is "dead" or damaged,
remove it (referto "Battery Removal and
Installation" in Section 5) and have it
tested. Beforestarting engine, coverthe
terminal on the looseend of the positive
(+) cable with the insulatedboot and
secure it in placewith electricaltape to
prevent electrical sparks.
3. Put the ignition key in the "RUN"
position andthenfollow Steps 1-8 of
"Starting the Engine."
1. Tostop the wheels andtines, release
the ForwardClutch Control levers or the
ReverseClutch Controlknob (whichever
control is engaged).
2. Tostop the engine on the recoil start
model, move the EngineThrottle Control
Leverto the "STOP" position.
3. Tostop theengine on an electricstart
model, move the ignition keyto "OFF".
IMPORTANT:Afterstopping anelectric
start engine, removethe ignition keyfrom
the switch to reduce the possibility of
unauthorizedstarting of the engine.
Thefollowing pagesprovideguidelines to
usingyour tiller effectively and safely in
various gardening applications. Besure
to read"Tilling Tips &Techniques" in this
Section before you actually put the tines
intothe soil.
This isa traditional "standard rotating
tine" tiller with forward rotating tines. It
operatescompletely differently from CRT
(CounterRotating Tines)tillers or from
low-cost front tine tillers.
1. Followthe "Pre-Start Checklist" on the
previous page. Besure thatthe Wheel
GearLeveris in the ENGAGEposition.
2. Putthe Depth Regulator Leverin the
"travel" position (lever all the way down)
so that the tines areclear of the ground.
Usethis position when practicingwith
your tiller or when movingto orfrom the
garden. When you are readyto begin
tilling, you must movethe Depth Regula-
tor Leverto the desireddepth setting (see
"Tilling Tips & Techniques").
3. Start theengine and allow it to warm
up. When warm, put EngineThrottle
Control Leverin "FAST"speedsetting.
Keepawayfrom rotatingtines. Rotating
tines will causeinjury.
4. For forward motion of the wheelsand
(a) Pull one or both of the Forward
Clutch Control Levers up and hold
them against the handlebars.To
stop forward motion of the wheels
and tines, releasethe levers.

Figure4-2: Useone handtoguide tiller
(b) Asthe tiller movesforward, relax
and let the wheels pull the unit along
while the tines dig. Walk behind and
a little to oneside of the tiller. Usea
light but secure grip with one hand
on the handlebars,but keepyour
arm loose. SeeFigure4-2. Letthe
tiller move aheadat its own pace
and do not push down on the han-
dlebarsto try andforce the tiller to
dig deeper- this takesweight off the
wheels, reducestraction, and causes
the tines to try and propel the tiller.
Do not push down on the
handlebars to try to make the tiller till
more deeply. This preventsthe wheels
from holding the tiller back and can
allow the tines to rapidly propel the
tiller forward,whichcould resultin loss
of control,propertydamage, or personal
5. Forreverse motion of the wheelsand
(a) Look behind andexercisecaution
when operating in reverse. Do not
till while in reverse.
(b) Stop all forward motion before
reversing. Lift the handlebarswith
one hand until the tines areoff the
ground andthen pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knob out to engage
reverse motion (seeFigure 4-3). To
stop reversemotion, let go ofthe
ReverseClutch Control knob.
Figure4-3: Raise tinesoffgroundand look
behindwhen movingin reverse.
6. To Turn the Tiller Around:
(a) Practiceturning the tiller in a level,
open area. Bevery careful to keep
your feet and legsawayfrom the
(b) To makea turn, reducethe engine
speedandthen lift the handlebars
until the engine and tines are bal-
ancedoverthe wheels (Figure4-4).
(c) With the tiller balanced,pushside-
ways on the handlebarto move the
tiller in the direction ofthe turn
(Figure4-5). After completing the
turn, slowly lower the tines into the
soil and increasethe enginespeed.
StoppingtheTiller and Engine
1. To stop the wheelsandtines, release
the Forward ClutchControl levers or the
ReverseClutch Control knob whichever
2. To stop the recoil start engine, move
the EngineThrottle Control Leverto
"STOP". Onelectric start models,turn the
ignition keyswitchto "OFF"to stop the
Beforetilling, contactyour telephoneor
utilities company and inquire if
underground equipment or lines are
used in your area. Their representative
will be glad to answer your questions
and tell you if any oftheir equipmentor
lines are buried underground on your
Turningthe Tiller Around
Figure4-4: Tobegin turn,reduce engine
speedand lift handlebars until engine
and tines are balancedover wheels.
Figure4-5: Withtiller balanced over
wheels(and tines outof the ground),
pushhandlebarssidewaysto turn tiller.

TillingTips& Techniques
Letthetiller dothe work
• While tilling, relaxand let the wheels
pull the tiller along while thetines do
the digging. Walk on the sidethat is
notyet finished (to avoid making foot-
prints inthe freshly tilled soil) and
lightly, butsecurely gripthe handlebar
with just one hand.
• Avoid pushing down on the handlebars
in an attempt to force the tiller to dig
deeper. Doing so takesthe weight off
the poweredwheels,causing them to
losetraction. Without the wheels
helpingto hold the tiller back,the tines
will attempt to propel the tiller - often
causing the tiller to skip rapidly across
the ground. (Sometimes, slight down-
ward pressureon the handlebarswill
helpget through a particularly tough
section of sod or unbrokenground, but
in mostcases this won't be necessary
at all.)
Tilling depths
• Avoid trying to dig too deeplytoo
quickly, especiallywhen busting sod or
when tilling soil that hasn't beentilled
for some time. Useshallow depth reg-
ulator settings (only an inch or two
deep) for the first passesthrough the
garden area. With eachsucceeding
pass,adjust the depth regulatorto dig
another inch or two deeper. (Watering
the garden areaa few days prior to
tilling will maketilling easier,as will
letting the newlyworked soil set for a
day or two beforemaking a final, deep
tilling pass.)
• When cultivating (breaking up the
surfacesoil around plantsto help
destroyweeds),usevery shallow depth
settingsto preventinjury to plantswhose
rootsoftengrow closetothesurface. If
needed,lift uponthe handlebarsslightly
to preventthetinesfrom diggingtoo
deeply. (Cultivatingona regularbasis
notonlyeliminatesweeds,it also loosens
andaeratesthesoil for bettermoisture
absorptionandfaster plantgrowth.)
Tilling wet soil often results in large,
hardclumps of soil that can interfere
with planting. Iftime permits, wait a day
or two after heavyrainsto allow the soil
to dry before tilling. Test soil by squeez-
ing it into a ball. If it compresses too
easily, it is too wet to till.
Avoid making footprints
When possible,walk on the untilledside
of the unit to avoid makingfootprints in
thefreshly tilled soil. Footprintscause
soil compaction that canhamperroot
penetrationandcontribute to soil
erosion. They can also"plant" unwanted
weedseedsback intothe freshly tilled
Choosing correctwheel
and tine speeds
With experience,you will find the "just
right" tilling depth andtilling speed com-
binationthat is best for your garden.
Setthe EngineThrottle Control Lever to
a speed to give the engineadequate
powerand yet allow it to operate at the
slowest possiblespeed...atleast until
you haveachievedthe maximum tilling
depth you desire. Fasterengine speeds
may bedesirablewhen making final
passesthrough the seedbedor when
cultivating. Selectionof the correct
engine speed, in relationto the tilling
depth, will ensurea sufficient power
levelto do the job without causingthe
engine to labor.
Suggestedtilling patterns
• When preparinga seedbed,go overthe
same path twice in thefirst row, then
overlapone-half thetiller width on the
rest ofthe passes(see Figure4-6).
Whenfinished in onedirection, make a
second pass ata right angle asshown
in Figure4-7. Overlapeach passfor
best results (in very hardground it may
takethree or four passesto thoroughly
pulverizethe soil).
• Ifthe gardensizewill not permit
lengthwiseand then crosswisetilling,
then overlapthe first passesby one-
halfa tiller width, followed by succes-
sive passesat one-quarter width (see
• With planning,you canallow enough
room between rows to cultivate (see
Figure4-9). Leaveroom for the hood
width, plus enough extra room for
future plantgrowth.
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