Troybilt 21A-634B063-2001, 21A-630B063 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
Rear-tine Tiller Models
630B--Tufty _ 634F--Bronco TM
634B--Super BroncoTM
Mode1634B Shown
ered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law
(Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available by contacting the service department at Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 361131 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
TROY-BILT LLC, P.O. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019
(12/2001 )
Content Page
Calling Customer Support .................................................... 2
Safety ................................................................... 3
Assembly ................................................................. 6
Features and Controls ....................................................... 10
Operation ................................................................ 12
Maintenance .............................................................. 17
Off-Season Storage ........................................................ 21
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 22
Parts List ................................................................. 23
Warrany Information ........................................................ Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new Rear-tineTitter. It will help you assemble, prepare and main-
tain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infor-
mation from it in the space provided below. This information is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear surface of the tine shield. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment
in the space below
Copy Model Number Here
P. O. BOX 361131
Copy Serial Number Here
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, speci-
fications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual packed sepa- rately with your unit for more information.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this
Call 1- (330) 558-7220 or 1- (866) 840-6483 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call ..
This machine meets voluntary safety standard
B71.8 - 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
SafetyAlert Symbol
This is a safety alertsymbol. It is used in this
manualand on the unit to alertyou to poten- tial hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, read and obeythe messagethatfollows it. Failure to obeysafety messagescould result in
personal injury or property damage.
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
1. Carefullyreadthis Owner's
Manual,the separateEngine
Owner's Manual, and any other literature you may receive. Bethor- oughlyfamiliar with the controls andthe
proper use ofthe tiller and its engine. Knowhow to stop the unit anddisengage
the controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe tiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe
tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operation clear ofall persons,particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind that the operatoror user is responsiblefor accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property,
and themselves.
1. Thoroughly inspectthe areawhere the
tiller is to be usedand remove all foreign
2. Be sureall tiller controls arereleased
and both wheelsare in the Wheel Drive
position beforestarting the engine.
3. Do not operatethe tiller without
loosegarments or jewelry that could get
caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operatethe tiller when barefoot or wearingsandals, sneakers,or light
footwear. Wear protectivefootwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Do not till near undergroundelectric
cables,telephonelines, pipesor hoses. If
in doubt, contact your telephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is highlyflammable and its vapors are explo-
sive. Takethe following precautions:
a. Storefuel in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascapshall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhilethe engineis run-
ning. Allowthe engineto cool for
¢. Keepmatches,cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflames,and sparks
away from the fuel tank and fuel container.
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Useafunnel or spout to prevent
Standard-Rotating- Tines(SRT)
WheelDrivePin (on eachwheel)
Figure1-1: Tillerfeaturesandcontrols(5.SHPModelshown),Seeseparate EngineOwner'sManualtoidentifyenginecontrols.
Replaceall fuel tankand container
caps securely.
If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine, but movethe machine awayfrom the area of spillageand avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors havedissipated.
7. Never makeadjustmentswhen engine is running (unless recommendedby manufacturer).
1. Donot put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextreme caution when on or
crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads. Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic. Do
notcarry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object,stop the
engine, removethe wire from the spark
plug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark plug.Thoroughly inspect the
machinefor any damageand repair the
damagebeforerestarting and operating the machine.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or falling.
5. If the unit should start to vibrateabnor- mally, stop the engine, disconnect the
spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug, and checkimme-
diatelyfor the cause. Vibration is gener-
ally a warning oftrouble.
6. Stop the engine,disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug, wheneveryou leavethe oper-
ating position, before unclogging the tines,
or when making any repairs, adjustments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhen leavingthe machine unattended. Stopthe engine. Disconnectthe spark plug wire
and move it awayfrom the spark plug. Be
surethat both wheelsare in the Wheel Drive position.
8. Beforecleaning,repairing, or inspecting, stop the engineand make cer-
tain all moving parts havestopped. Dis-
connectthe spark plug wire and prevent it from touching thespark plug to prevent accidentalstarting.
9. The flap on the tine hood must bedown
when operating thetiller.
lB. Neverusethe tiller unless proper
guards, plates,or other safety protective
devicesare in place.
11. Donot run the engine in an enclosed
area. Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadlypoison that is
odorless,colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and petsaway.
13. Neveroperatethe tiller underengine
powerif the wheels are in the Freewheel
position.Inthe Freewheelposition, the
wheels will not hold thetiller backandthe
revolving tines could propel the tiller
rapidly, possibly causing loss of control. Always engagethewheels with the wheel
drive pins in the WheelDrive position
beforestarting the engineor engaging the tines/wheels with the Forward ClutchBail
(all models) or the ReverseClutchcontrol
(Models 634F/634B only).
14. Beaware that thetiller may unex-
pectedlybounceupwardor jump forward
ifthe tinesshouldstrike extremelyhard
packedsoil, frozenground,orburied
obstacleslike large stones,roots,or
stumps.If in doubtaboutthe tilling con-
ditions,alwaysusethe following
operatingprecautionsto assistyouin maintainingcontrolofthetiller:
a. Walk behindandto oneside ofthe
tiller, usingonehandon thehan- dlebars. Relaxyour arm, butusea securehandgrip.
b. Useshallower depth regulatorset-
tings, workinggraduallydeeper
with eachpass. c. Use slowerenginespeeds. d. Clearthe tilling area ofall large
stones,rootsandotherdebris. e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
the handlebars.If need be, use
slight upwardpressureto keepthe
tines fromdiggingtoo deeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the end ofa row, reduceengine speedandlift the handlebarsto
raise thetines outofthe soil.
g. In an emergency,stopthe tines and
wheels byreleasingwhichever
clutchcontrolis engaged. Do not
attempttorestrainthe tiller.
15. Donot overloadthe tiller's capacity by
attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a
16. Neveroperatethetiller at high trans- port speeds onhard or slippery surfaces. Look behind andusecarewhen backing up.
17. Donot operatethe tiller on a slope
that is too steepfor safety.When on
slopes,slow down and make sure you havegood footing. Neverpermit the tiller
to freewheeldown slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachments and accessories
that are approvedby the manufacturer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachments and accessories
when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetiller if you are tired; or underthe influence ofalcohol, drugs or
23. Operatorsshall not tamper with the engine-governorsettings on the machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protect theengine and
all moving parts from damagecausedby
overspeed. Authorized service shall be sought if a problem exists.
24. Donot touch engine parts which may be hot from operation. Let parts cool down sufficiently.
25. Pleaseremember: You canalways stop the tinesand wheels by releasingthe
ForwardClutch Bail or on Models 634F and 634Bthe ReverseClutch control,
(whichever control is engaged),or by moving the ignition switch and/or throttle control leveron the engineto "OFF"or
26. To load or unloadthe tiller, seethe instructions in Section 4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecaution when reversing or pulling the machinetowards you.
28. Start the enginecarefully according to instructions and with feet well awayfrom
29. Never pick up or carry a machine while the engine is running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces-
sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screwsat frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to
be surethe equipment is in safe working condition.
3. Neverstorethe tiller with fuel in the fuel tank inside a building where ignition
sourcesare present such as hot water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothesdryers, stoves,electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto cool beforestoring the unit in anyenclosure.
4. To reduce the chances of a fire hazard, keepthe engine free of grass, leaves,or
5. Storegasoline in a cool, well-ventilated area,safely away from any spark- or flame-producing equipment. Storegaso- line in an approved container, safelyaway
from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of this Manualand the separateEngine
Owner's Manualfor instructions if the unit is to bestored for an extended period.
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile the engine is running orthe spark plug wire is connected,exceptwhen specifically
instructed to do so.
8. If thefuel tank hasto be drained,do this outdoors.
Foryour safety and the safety of others, various safetyand opera- tional decalsare located on your unit (seeFigure1-2).
Keepthe decals cleanand legible at all times. Contactyour local ser- vice dealerorthe factoryfor replacements ifany decalsare damagedor missing.
Referto the Parts List pagesin this Manualfor decallocations, descrip- tions and part numbers.
Starting Stabilization Message (on engine)
ReverseClutchControl OperatingInstruction
(Models 634F/634B)
Rot SurfacesWarning
(onbelt cover)
Figure1-2: Locationof safety and operatingdecals(5.5HP Model shown).
Varioussymbols (shown here,with word descriptions)may beusedon the tillerand engine. Your unit may not haveall of the symbols.
H I÷1 R
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safetyandoperatinginstructionsin this
Carefullyfollow these assembly stepsto correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is recommendedthat you readthis Section in its entirety before beginning assembly.
NOTE:Varioustiller models arepresented in this Manual.Useonlythe information
appropriate for your tiller model.
Inspect the unit and carton for damage immediately after delivery. Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspectdamage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing
a claim. To protect your rights, put your
claim in writing and maila copy to the car- rier within 15days after the unit has been delivered.Contactthe factory if you need
assistance in this matter.
(1) 3/8" open-endwrench* (2) 7/16"open-endwrench* (2) 1/2"open-endwrench* (2) 9/16"open-endwrench* (1) Largeadjustablewrench (Models
634F/634Bonly) (1) Scissors(to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler(for belt tension check) (1) Blockof wood (to support tiller
when removing wheels) (1) Tire pressure gauge (for models with
pneumatictires) (1) Cleanoilfunnel (1) Motoroil. Referto the EngineOwner's
Manualfor oil specificationsand quantityrequired.
* Adjustablewrenches may be used.
NOTE: While unpacking,do not severely bend any control cables.
1. The tiller weighs approximately 133 Ibs. Do not attempt to remove it from the ship- ping platform until instructed to do so in theseAssembly steps.
2. Removeany packagingmaterialfrom the carton. Removeanystaplesfrom the
bottom of the carton and removethe carton from the shipping platform.
3. Removeall unassembledparts andthe separatehardwarebag from the carton. Checkthat you havethe items listed in the
LooseParts List (contact your localdealer or the factory items are missing or dam- aged). NOTE: Usethe screw lengthtem- plate (Fig. 2-1)to identify screws.
Qty. Description
1 HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig.2-2)
1 HandlebarAssembly(seeK,Fig.2-2)
1 Slottedhd. screw, #10-24 x 2" 1 Hexhd. screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4" 6 Hexhd. screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 2 Hexhd. screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4" 2 Flatwasher,3/8" 6 Split Iockwasher,5/16" 1 HexIocknut, 1/4"-20 6 Hexnut, 5/16"-18 1 Hexnut,#10-24 2 HexIocknut, 3/8"-16
1 Spring, cable(seeW, Fig. 2-5) 1 Bracket,forward clutch cable (see
2 LockWasher, 3/8 2 *Self-tapping screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2"
1 *Bracket, reverseclutch cable
*Model 634F& 634B only IMPORTANT:Motor oil must beaddedto
the enginecrankcase beforethe engineis started. Follow the instructions in this
Assembly Section and in the separate Engine Owner's Manual.
NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsides of the tiller areas viewed from the operator's position
behind the handlebars.
Figure2-1: Toidentitylengthofscrews,
suredistancebetweenbottomof screwhead andtipofscrew.
1. Looselyattach the legsof the handlebar support (A, Fig. 2-2) to the inner sides of
the tiller frame usingtwo 3/8"-16 x3/4"
hexhd. screws (B), 3/8"flat washers (C), 3/8" lock washers (GG)and 3/8"-16 hex Iocknuts (D).
2. Thereare three heightadjustment holes in the two handlebarsupport brackets (E
and F,Fig. 2-2). Usea setting that will
position the handlebarsat approximately
waist levelwhenthe tines are 3"-4"into the
soil. Loosely attach the support brackets
to the handlebarsupport (A) using two
5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" screws (G),5/16"split Iockwashers(H) and 5/16"-18 hexnuts (I).
NOTE: If a support bracket will not move, loosenattaching screw (J) and nut.
3. Attach the handlebarassembly (K) to
the handlebarsupport (A) using four
5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" screws (G),5/16"split Iockwashers(H) and 5/16"-18 hexnuts (I).
Tighten the four screws securely.
4. Tighten all handlebar mounting hard-
ware securely.
To roll the tiller off the shipping platform,
put the wheels in FREEWHEEL,asfollows:
1. Placea sturdy block underthe trans- mission to raiseonewheelabout 1"off the
2. Removethe hairpin cotter (L, Fig. 2-3) and wheel drive pin (M) from the wheel
hub (0) andwheelshaft (N).
3. Slide the wheelfully inward on the wheel shaft (N, Fig. 2-3). Reinstallthe wheel drive pin (M) through the wheel shaft only (not through the wheel hub). Securethe wheeldrive pin with the hairpin cotter (L), pushingthe hairpin cotter inas far as it will go. The wheelshould now spin freely (freewheel) on thewheel shaft.
Repeatwith the other wheel.
4. Usethe handlebarto roll the tiller to a flat area.
Fig.2-3: Wheelin FREEWHEELposition (wheeldrivepinthroughwheelshaftonly).
1. Attach the forward clutch cable bracket
G (P, Fig.2-4) to the handlebarsupport (A)
_-_17" with a 1/4"-20 x 1-1/4" hex hd. screw(R)
and 1/4"-20 hex Iocknut (S). Tighten
H I 2. Carefullyunwrapthe forward clutch
cable(cablewithout an attachedknob)
from its shipping position andslide the thin cablewire (T, Fig.2-4) into the slot in
the cablebracket. Pushthe cablecon-
nector (U, Fig. 2-4) up through the hole in
the bracketuntil the groove in the con-
nector snaps into place.
3. Insertthe #10-24 x 2" slotted hd.screw (V, Fig.2-5) downthrough the hooked
end of the cable spring (W) until the screw
threads extendthrough the spring.
IMPORTANT:Beforestarting the engine, the wheels must be placedinthe WHEEL
DRIVEposition (pins through wheel hubs
and wheelshaft). This procedureis described in WheelDrive Pinsin Section3.
4.Threadthe#10-24 hexnut (Z, Fig.2-5)
halfwayonto the screw (V).
5. Thread the screw (V) into thecable
adjuster (X).
6. Hookthe cable spring (W, Fig.2-6) into
the V-shaped bend in the ForwardClutch
Bail (Y).
7. Check for correct tension on the for-
ward drive belt by taking two measure-
ments of the cablespring, as follows:
a. With the Forward ClutchBail (Y, Fig.2-
6) in an open (released)position, mea- surethe length ofthe cablespring (W)
from the outermost coil to the outer- most coil.
b. Squeezethe ForwardClutch Bail against
the handlebar(seeFig.2-7) and re-
measurethe spring length. Thebelt
tension is correct ifthis second mea-
surement is between1/16"to 3/16" longer thanthe first measurement. If
so, turn the hexnut (Z, Fig.2-7) tightly against the cableadjuster (X) while pre- venting the cableadjuster from turning.
c. If the spring lengthis incorrect,you
must adjust the cabletension as described in CheckingandAdjusting
Forward Drive Belt Tensionin Section5. Incorrect cabletension can result in belt
slippage (cabletensiontoo loose), or unintentional tine movementwhen the
clutch bail is in Neutral (cabletension too tight).
Fig.2-7: Tocheckforwardbelttension,taketwomeasurementsofthelengthofthecoilsin thespring- firstwiththebailopen,thenwiththebailheldagainstthehandlebar,
1. Unwrap the reverseclutch cable (CC, Fig.2-8 and Fig.2-9) from its shipping position and route it up to the handlebar.
Besurethat the cableis routed beneath
the Forward Clutch Bail.
2. Using the two self-tapping screws (AA, Fig.2-8) securethe reversecable mounting bracket(BB)to the handlebars,
as shown.
3. Insertthe cable(CC,Fig.2-8) through
the slot in the cablebracketandposition the flat side of the threadedassemblynext
to the flat side of the hole. Slide the hex
nut (DD) upthe cableand tighten it
4. Fastenthe reverseclutch cable to the left side handlebarwith a cabletie (EE,
5. Testthe function of the reverseclutch bypulling outand releasingthe cable
knob. The knobshould returnto its neu-
tral position (resting against bracket). If it doesn't, contact your local dealeror the factory for technical assistance.
Fig.2-8:Installreversecablebracketand reverseclutchcable,
Fig.25: Cable springand adjuster,
Fig,2-6:Attachforward clutchcablespringto
Fig. 2-9: Route reverse clutchcable (CC)as shown. Attachwith cabletie (EE).
Thetransmission was filled with gear oil at the factory. However,you should check the gear oil levelat this time to makecer-
tain it is correct. IMPORTANT:Do notoperatethe tiller if
the gear oil levelis low. Doing so will result in severedamageto the transmis- sion components.
1. With the tiller on level ground, pull the Depth Regulator Lever(FF,Fig.2-10) back and then all the way up until the lowest notch in the lever is engaged.
2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG, Fig.2-11) from the transmission housing cover and
locate the main drive shaft situated inside the housing.
3. Thegear oil level is correct if the gear oil is approximately halfway up the side of
the main drive shaft.
4. If the oil levelis low, add gearoil by referring to A. To Checkthe Transmission
GearOilLevel in Section5.
Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the
engine. IMPORTANT: Donot start the engine
without first adding motor oEI.Severe
enginedamagewill result if the engine zs run without oil.
1. Referto the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor engine oil specifications and
2. With the tiller on level ground, move the
Depth Regulator Lever/FF. Fig. 2-10) up or down until the engine is level.
3. Add motor oil as described in the EngineOwner's Manual.
4. Movethe Depth Regulator Leverall the
way down until the hEghestnotch is
engaged. This placesthe tines in the "travel" position which allows thetiller to
be moved without thetines touching the ground.
Checkall nuts and screws for tightness.
Fig. 2-10: AdjustDepthRegulatorLever.
TIRES (units with pneumatic tires)
Ontires equEppedwith airvalves, check
the a_rpressure with a tire gauge. Deflate
or inflate the tires equally to 15 to 20 PSI (pounds per square inch). Besure that
9othtires are inflated equallyor the unit
will pull to one side.
IMPORTANT:This completes the assembly steps. Before operating your tiller, make sure you readthe following sections in this well as the separate EngineOwner's Manual:
Section 1: Safety
Section 3: FeaturesandControls
Section 4: Operation
T FeaturesandControls
Before operating your machine, care- fully read and understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on themachine.
Failure to follow theseinstructionscan resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
This Sectiondescribes the location and function of the controls on your tiller.
Referto the following Section, Operation
for detailed operatinginstructions.
Practiceusing thesecontrols, with the engineshut off, until you understandthe
operationof the controls and feelconfi- dentwith eachof them.
Referto the engine manufacturer's Engine Owner's Manual(included in the tiller liter-
ature package)to identify thecontrols on your engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the engine is locatedonthe engine.
WheelDrivePin (oneachwheel)
Figure3-1: Tillerfeaturesandcontrols(5.5HPModelshown),SeeseparateEngineOwner's Manualtoidentifyenginecontrols.
Forward Clutch Bail (all models) or the
ReverseClutch Control (Models 634Fand
634B) is engaged. Usethe FREEWHEELmode only whenthe
engine is not running. In FREEWHEEL,the wheeldrive pinsare placed only through the holes in the wheelshaft (not thewheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn freely when you manually move the tiller.
wheel hub (D) and wheelshaft (B). Secure wheel drive pin with hairpin cotter (C) by
pushing hairpin cotter in as far as it will go. Repeatwith the other wheeland then removethe support from beneaththe
Eachwheel is equippedwith a wheeldrive
pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that secures the wheel to the wheelshaft (B). The wheels can be positioned in either a
Never allow either of the wheels to be
in the FREEWHEELposition when the
engine is running. Always put both
wheels in the WHEEL DRIVE position
beforestartingthe engine.
Failure to comply could cause loss of
tiller control, propertydamage, or per-
Beforestarting the engine,put both wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition by
inserting the wheeldrive pinsthrough the wheel hubs andthe wheel shaft. Doingso
"locks" the wheels to thewheel shaft,
causingthe wheels to turn wheneither the
To placethewheels in WHEELDRIVEor FREEWHEEL:
1. Stop engine,disconnectspark plug wire from spark plugand allow engineto cool.
Do not place tiller on its side when changingwheel drive positions. Doing so couldresult in gasoline leakingfrom
thefuel tank. Failure to follow this instruction could
result in personal injury or property damage.
2. Raiseonewheel about one inch off the
ground and placea sturdy support under the transmission.
3. Remove hairpin cotter (C, Figures3-2 and 3-3) from wheel drive pin (A).
4. FORWHEELDRIVEMODE(Figure3-2): Slide wheel outwardand align holes in
wheel hub (D, Figure3-2) and wheel shaft (B). Insert wheeldrive pin (A) through
Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVE position,
5. FORFREEWHEELMODE(Figure 3-3): Slidethe wheel inward and insert the
wheel drive pin (A, Figure3-3) only through the holein the wheelshaft (B).
Securewheel drive pin with hairpincotter (C) by pushing hairpin cotter in as far asit
will go. Repeatfor the other wheel and then removethe support from beneaththe transmission.
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