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Manual No 203779GS RevtstonA (08,'13,'20071

Thankyoufor purchasing this quality-built Troy-Bilt pressure washer.We arepleasedthat you've placedyour confidencein
the Troy-Bilt brand.When operatedand maintainedaccording to the instructions in this manual,your Troy-Bilt pressure
washer will provide manyyears of dependableservice.
Thismanual centainssafety information to makeyou awareof the hazardsand risks associatedwith pressure washers and
how to avoidthem. BecauseTroy-Bilt does not necessarilyknow all the applications this pressurewasher could be usedfor, it
is important that you readand understandthese instructions thoroughly beforeattempting to start or operatethis equipment.
Savethese instructionsfor future reference.
Thispressurewasher requires final assembly beforeuse. Referto the Assembly section of this manual for instructions on
final assembly procedures. Follow the instructions completely.
Whereto Find Us
You neverhaveto look far to find Briggs & Strattonsupport and servicefor your pressurewasher.Consultyour Yellow Pages.
Thereare over 30,000 Briggs & Stratton authorizedservice dealersworldwide who provide quality service.Youcanalso contact
Troy-Bilt CustomerServiceby phone at (888) 611-6708, or on the Internetatwww.troybilt.com. Forengine relatedquestions,
callAmerican Honda Motor Company,Inc. at (800) 426-7701 or visit www.honda-engines.cem for a dealerlocater.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Porchased
Troy-Bilt® is a registeredtrademark of MTDProducts Inc and is usedunder
licenseto Briggs & Stratton Power Products.
Briggs & Stratton PowerProducts Group, LLC
900 North Parkway
Jefferson, Wl 53549
Copyright ® 2007 Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group,
LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be
reproducedor transmitted in any form by any meanswithout
the expresswritten permission of Briggs & Stratton Power
ProductsGroup, LLC.
2 www.troyhilt.cem

Tableof Contents
Operator Safety ................................. 4
Equipment Description......................................... 4
Safety Rules................................................. 4
Assembly ..................................... 8
UnpackPressure Washer....................................... 8
Attach Handleand AccessoryTray ............................... 8
Add EngineOil and Fuel........................................ 9
ConnectHoseand WaterSupplyto Pump.......................... 9
Featuresand Controls ............................ 10
Operation .................................... 11
Pressure Washer Location..................................... 11
How to Start Your PressureWasher............................. 12
How to Stop Your PressureWasher ............................. 13
How to UseAccessoryTray.................................... 13
How to UseSprayTips ....................................... 14
Cleaningand Applying Detergent................................ 14
Pressure Washer Rinsing ..................................... 15
CleaningDetergent Siphoning Tube.............................. 15
Automatic Cool Down System(Thermal Relief)..................... 15
Maintenance .................................. 16
PressureWasher Maintenance ................................. 16
Engine Maintenance.......................................... 18
After EachUse.............................................. 18
Winter Storage.............................................. 19
Long Term Storage .......................................... 19
Troubleshooting ................................ 20
Warranty ..................................... 21
PressureWasherOwnerWarranty............................... 21
Specifications ................................. 22
ProductSpecifications........................................ 22
CommonServiceParts....................................... 22

_Read this manual carefully and become familiar
....... withyour pressurewasher. Knowits applications,
its limitations,and any hazardsinvolved.
This pressurewasher operatesat a maxof 2,500 PSIand a
flow rateof up to 2.3 gallons per minute. This highquality
residentialsystem features 10" wheels,axial cam pump with
stainless steel pistons, automatic cool down system,
detergent siphoning system, quick connect spray tips, safety
goggles, heavyduty 25' hose, and more.
Everyeffort has beenmadeto ensure that information in this
manualis accurateand current. However,we reservethe
right to change, alter, or otherwise improvethe product and
this document at anytime without prior notice.
The EmissionControl System for this pressure washeris
warranted for standards set by the EnvironmentalProtection
Agencyand the California Air ResourcesBoard.
,_ Thisis the safetyalert symbol, it is used to alert
youtopotentialpersonal injuryhazards.Obeyall
safetymessagesthat fellow thissymbol toavoid
possibleinjury or death.
Thesafety alert symbol (_k) is usedwith a signal word
(DANGER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety
messageto alert you to hazards.BANGERindicates a hazard
which, if not avoided, will result in deathor serious injury.
WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided,could
result in deathor serious injury. CAUTIONindicates a hazard
which, if not avoided, might resultin minor or moderate
injury. NOTICE,indicates asituation that could result in
equipment damage.Follow safety messagesto avoid or
reducethe risk of injury or death.
The engineexhaustfrom this productcontains
chemicalsknown to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects,or other reproductiveharm.
HazardSymbols and Meanings
A - Explosion
B - Fire
C- Electric Shock
D - ToxicFumes
E - Kickback
F - HotSurface
G- Flying Objects
H - SlipperySurface
I - Fail
J - Fluid Injectbn
K - Moving Parts
L - ReadManual
4 www.troybilt.cem

iRunningenginegivesoffcarbon monoxide,an
iBreathing carbon monoxide can cause headache,
_Fuel and its are extremely flammable and
_ fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures,
. Operatepressurewasher ONLYoutdoors.
• Keepexhaustgas from entering a confined areathrough
• DO NOTstart or run engine indoors or in an enclosedarea, even
. Usearespirator or maskwhenever there is a chancethat vapors
. Readall instructions with mask so you are certain the mask will
Inausea, fainting or death.
Some chemicals or detergents may be harmful if
inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea,
ifainting, or poisoning.
windows, doors, ventilation intakes,or other openings.
if windows and doors are open.
may be inhaled.
provide the necessaryprotection against inhaling harmful
Useof pressure washercan create puddles and
slippery surfaces.
Kickbackfrom spray gun can cause you to fall.
• Operatepressurewasher from a stable surface.
. Thecleaning areashould have adequateslopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of a fall dueto slippery surfaces.
. Beextremely carefulif you must usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or anyother similar location.
. Firmly grasp spray gun with both handswhen using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or
• Turn pressurewasherOFFand letit cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosencap slowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
. Fillor drain fuel tank outdoors.
• DONOToverfill tank. Allow space for fuel expansion.
. Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
• Keepfuel awayfrom sparks,open flames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
• DONOTlight acigarette or smoke.
• Ensure sparkplug, muffler, fuel cap, and air cleanerare in place.
. DONOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• DONOTtip engine or equipment at angle which causesfuel to
• DONOTspray flammable liquids.
• Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuelshutoff valve
• Disconnectspark plug wire.
. Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothesdryers,
or otherappliancesthat havepilot light or other ignition source
becausethey can ignite fuel vapors.
',_¢ Risk of electrocution.
. NEVERspray near power source.
Contact with power source can cause electric
shock or burn.

Startercord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
fin bodily injury. Kickback will pull hand and arm
,_ ioward engine faster than you can let go.
Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, orsprains
;ould result.
• NEVERpull starter cord without first relievingspray gun
When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance isfelt and
then pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
After each starting attempt, where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safedirection and squeezespray gun trigger
to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gun trigger lock.
• Firmly graspspray gun with both handswhen using high
pressure sprayto avoid injury when spraygun kicks back.
_ ontact with muffler areacan result inserious
,_1_ Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causingafire.
DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sidesof pressure
washer including overhead.
Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks,Forests,and
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintainedin
effective working order, complying to USDAForestservice
standard 5100-1C or later revision. Inthe State of California a
spark arrester is required under section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Otherstatesmay havesimilar laws.
The high pressure stream of water that this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
, DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepressure washer.
• NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose. Replaceit.
• NEVERrepairleaking connectionswith sealant of any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
, NEVERconnect high pressurehose to nozzleextension.
, Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pump and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
• ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safedirection and squeezespray
gun trigger, to releasehigh pressure,every time you stop
engine. Engagetrigger lock when not in use.
, NEVERaim spraygun at people,animals, orplants.
• DONOTsecure spray gun in open position.
, DONOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
• NEVERuseaspray gun which does not havea trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeandin working order.
• Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare
correctly attached.
)ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
6 www.troybilt.com

hands, hair, clothing, or accessories•
Starter and other rotating parts can entangle
. NEVERoperate pressurewasher without protective housing or
. DO NOTwear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts•
. Tie up long hair and removejewelry•
Risk of eye injury.
• _ [Spray can splash back or propel objects•
Alwayswearsafetygoggles when using this equipmentor in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
Beforestarting the pressure washer, besure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles•
NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safetygoggles•
High pressure spray may damage fragile items including
DONOTpoint spray gun at glasswhen using redO° spray tip.
NEVERaim spraygun at plants•
Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and
shorten its life•
Ifyou havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
qualified service center•
NEVERoperateunits with broken or missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers•
DONOTby-pass any safetydevice on this machine•
DONOTtamper with governedspeed•
DONOToperate pressurewasher above rated pressure•
DONOTmodify pressurewasher in anyway.
Beforestarting pressure washer in cold weather, check allparts
of the equipment to besure ice hasnot formed there•
NEVERmove machine by pulling on hoses•Use handleprovided
on unit•
Checkfuel system for leaksor signs of deterioration, such as
chafed or spongy hose, loose or missing clamps, or damaged
tank or cap. Correct all defects before operatingpressure
This equipment is designed to beused with Briggs & Stratton
Power Products authorizedparts ONLY•If equipment is used
with partsthat DONOTcomply with minimum specifications,
user assumesall risks andliabilities•

_Read entire operator's manual before youattempt
toassemble or operateyournew pressurewasher.
Your pressure washer requires someassembly and is ready
for use after it has been properly serviced with the
recommendedoil and fuel.
If you haveany problems with the assembly ofyour pressure
washer, pleasecall the pressure washer helplineat
(888) 611-6708. If calling for assistance, pleasehavethe
model, revision, andserial number from the datatag
Attach Handleand AccessoryTray
1. Placehandle (A) onto handlesupports (B) connectedto
main unit. Makesure holes (C) in handle align with
holes (C) on handlesupports.
1. Removethe parts bag,accessories,and inserts
included with pressurewasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting each corner from
top to bottom.
3. Ensureyou have all included items prior to assembly.
Items in the cartoninclude:
= Main Unit
• Handle
• High PressureHose
• Spray Gun
• NozzleExtensionwith Quick ConnectFitting
• Plastic AccessoryTray
• Oil Bottle
• Parts Bag(which includesthe following):
• SafetyGoggles
• Operator's Manual
• EngineOperator's Manual
• Owner's Registration Card
• Bagcontaining 3 Multi-Colored SprayTips
• Spray GunHolder Wireform
• HandleFasteningHardwareKit (which includes):
• CarriageBolts (2)
• Plastic Knobs (3)
• TreeClips (4)
To prepareyour pressurewasher for operation, youwill
needto performthese tasks:
1. Fill out andsend in registration card.
2. Attach handleto main unit.
3. Addoil to engine crankcase.
4. Addfuel to fuel tank.
5. Connecthigh pressure hoseto spray gun and pump.
6. Connectwater supply to pump.
7. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun.
8. Select!attachquick connect spray tip to nozzle
NOTE:It may be necessaryto movethe handlesupports
from side to side in order to alignthe handleso it will slide
overthe handle supports.
2. Insert carriage bolts (A) through holes from backof
unit and attach a plastic knob (B) from front of unit.
Tighten by hand.
3. Placeaccessorytray (A) over holes (C)on handle
(viewing from front of unit). Pushthe tree clips (B) into
the holes until they sit flat againstthe accessorytray.
4. Insert spray gun holder wireform (A) through hole on
left side of handle (viewing from front of unit). Hold
wireform in placeand attacha plastic knob (B) from
inside of unit. Tightenby hand.
5. Insert multi-colored spraytips and other supplied
accessoriesin spaces provided in accessorytray. See
How to UseAccessory Tray.
8 www.troybilt.cem

Add En{jineOil and Fuel
• Placepressurewasher on a levelsurface•
NOTE:Verify provided oil bottle isthe correct viscosity for
current ambient temperature•
• Referto engine operator's manualand follow oil and
fuel recommendations and instructions•
Anyattempt to crank OFstart the engine before it has been
properly filled with the recommendedoil will result in
_ment failure•
Referto enginemanualfor oilandfuelfill information•
3. Run water through your garden hosefor 30 seconds to
clean outany debris•
IMPORTANT:DO NOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply• UseONLYcold water (less than I O0°F).
4. Beforeconnecting gardenhose to water inlet, inspect
inlet screen (A). Cleanscreen if it contains debris or
haveit replacedif damaged•DONOTFunpressure
washer if inlet screen is damaged•
NOTE:Checkoil often during engine break-in• Referto
engine operator's manual for recommendations•
ConnectHoseand Water Supply to Pump
DONOTFunthe pump without the water supply connected
and turned on. _ _ _ m
I" Damagetoequipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
h instructionwillvoidwarranty•
NOTE:Removeand discard the shipping caps from the
pump's high pressure outlet and waterinlet beforeattaching
1. Uncoil high pressurehoseand attachone end of hose
to baseof spraygun. Tighten by hand•
The high pressurestream of waterthat this
5. Connectthe garden hose(not to exceed50 feet in
length) to the water inlet•Tighten by hand•
Damageto pump or water inlet connector will occur if a
OneWay Valve (vacuumbreakeror check valve)is
connectedto pump•
ThereM/USTbeat leasttenfeet(31Vl)of unrestrictedgarden
Damageto equipmentcausedby attachingaOneWayValveto
pumpwill voidwarranty•
6. Turn ONthe waterand squeezethe trigger on the spray
gun to purge the pump system of air and impurities•
Riskof eyeinjury.
• _ ISpray can splash back or propel objects•
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthisequipmentor in
_ quipment produces can cutthrough skin and its
• NEVERconnecthighpressurehoseto nozzleextension•
, Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
, Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
2. Attach other endof high pressure hoseto high
underlyingtissues, leadingto serious injury and
3ossible amputation•
whilesystemis pressurized•
pressure outlet on pump• Tighten by hand•
Checklist Before Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit's assemblyto ensureyou haveperformed all
of the following•
1. Besureto readthe OperatorSafetysection and How to
Use Your Pressure Washerin Operationsection before
using pressurewasher•
2. Makesure handleis in placeand secure•
3. Checkthat oil hasbeenaddedto proper level in the
engine crankcase•
4. Addproper fuel to fuel tank•
5. Checkfor properly tightened hose connections•
6. Checkto makesure there are no kinks, cuts, or damage
to high pressure hose•
7. Providea proper water supply at anadequateflow•

Featuresand Controls
_Read thisOperator'sManual andsafetyrules beforeoperatingyour pressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressure washer,to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A - SprayGun-- Controls the application of water onto
cleaningsurface with trigger device,includes trigger lock.
B -Nozzle Extension withQuickConnect-- Allows you to
switch betweenthree different spray tips.
C- High PressureHose-- Connectone endto water pump
and the other end to spray gun.
B - Oil Fill/Dipstick-- Checkand fill with oil here.
E- Pump- Developshigh pressure.
F- AutomaticCool Down System-- Cycleswater through
pump whenwater reaches125°-155°F.Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. Thissystem prevents
internalpump damage.
G- Air Filter-- Protectsengine by filtering dust and debris
out of intakeair.
H - Detergent Siphoning Tube/Filter-- Useto siphon
pressure washer safe detergentsinto the low pressure
J - High Pressure Outlet-- Connection for high pressure
K - WaterInlet-- Connectionfor garden hose.
L -Engine Controls-- Seeengine manualfor detailson
M - Recoil Starter-- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
fl -Fuel Tank-- Filltank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leaveroom for fuel expansion.
P- Warning/Operating InstructionsTag- identifies
hazardsand proper procedureto start/stop pressure
R -Accessory Tray-- Provides convenientstorage for
standard and optional accessories,such as brushes,
turbo wands, etc.
S - Spray Tips-- Detergent,0°, and 25°: for various high
pressurecleaning applications.
#eros NotShown:
Data Tag(near rear ofbaseplate) -- Provides modeland
serial number of pressure washer. Pleasehavethese readily
availableif calling for assistance.
10 www.troybilt.cem

If you haveany problems operatingyour pressure washer,
pleasecall the pressure washer helpline at(888) 611-6708.
Pressure Washer Location
Clearances andAir Movement
ff_j_ Exhaustheat/gasescanignitecombustibles,
, Keepatleast5 ft. (1.5m)clearanceonallsidesof pressure
Placepressure washeroutdoors in an areathat will not
accumulate deadlyexhaustgas. DO NOTplacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A)could accumulateand enter
inside or be drawn into a potentiallyoccupied building.
Ensureexhaust gas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors,
ventilation intakes,or other openingsthat can allow exhaust
gasto collect in a confined area. Prevailingwinds and air
currents should betaken into considerationwhen positioning
pressure washer.
structures or damagefuel tank causinga fire.
Runningengine gives off carbonmonoxide, an
:_ odorless,colorless, poison gas.
, OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
, Keepexhaustgasfromenteringa confinedareathrough
• DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,even
Breathingcarbon monoxide can causeheadache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
if windowsanddoorsareopen.

Howto Start YourPressureWasher
To start your pressure washerfor the first time, follow these
instructions step-by-step. This starting information also
appliesif you havelet the pressurewasher sit idle for at least
a day.
1. Placepressure washer nearan outsidewater source
capableof supplying water at a flow rate greaterthan
3.3 gallons per minute and no less than 20 PSIat
pressure washer end of gardenhose. DONOTsiphon
supply water.
2. Checkthat high pressure hoseis tightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly section.
3. Makesure unit is in alevel position.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inlet on pressurewasher
DONOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on. ________
I" Damagetoequipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
h instructionwillvoidwarranty.
5. Turn 0I/water, point spray gun in a safe direction and
squeezetrigger to purge pump system of air and
6. Attach nozzleextensionto spray gun. Tighten by hand.
7. Engagetrigger lock (A) on spray gun trigger.
8. Whenstarting engine, positionyourself as
recommendedand start engine according to
instructions given in engineoperator's manual. Also
seeoperating instructions tag locatedon the pressure
Startercord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickbackwill pull hand and arm
_,_< towardengine fasterthan you can letgo.
Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, orsprains
could result.
• NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirst relievingspraygun
. Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceis feltand
. Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailsto run,always
to releasehighpressure.Engagesprayguntriggerlock.
• Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
12 www.troybilt.¢om

The highpressurestreamofwaterthatthis
_ nderlyingtissues, leading to serious injury and
. DONOTallowCHILDRENtooperatepressurewasher.
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
• NEVERaimspraygunatpeople,animals,or plants.
• NEVERuseaspraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlockor
triggerguardinplaceandin workingorder.
• Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
engine is stopped andwater is disconnected,
which cancause injury.
whilesystemis pressurized.
DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilemachineis running.
_ ontact with muffler areacan result inserious
._I_.K Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tankcausing a fire.
Howto StopYourPressureWasher
1. Releasespraygun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Turn engine off according to instructions given in
engine operator's manual.
3. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safedirection and
squeezespray guntrigger to releaseretainedhigh
water pressure.
Thehigh pressure stream of waterthat this
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, leading to serious injury and
• Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
. ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
engine.Engagetriggerlockwhennotin use.
IMPOBTANT:Sprayguntraps high water pressure,even
when engineis stopped and water is disconnected.
4. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun when not in use.
)ossible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
engine is stoppedandwater is disconnected,
which cancause injury.
. DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOIDhot exhaust gases.
• Allow equipment to cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet (1.5 m) of clearanceon all sidesof pressure
washer including overhead.
Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks, Forests,and
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have a spark arrester, maintainedin
effective working order, complying to USDAForestservice
standard 5100-1C or later revision. Inthe State of California a
spark arrester is required under section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Otherstatesmay havesimilar laws.
Howto UseAccessory Tray
Theunit is equippedwith anaccessory traywith placesto
store your spray gun, nozzleextensionand quickconnect
spray tips. There is also a hook atthe front of the accessory
tray to hold your high pressure hose.
NOTE:The extra hole in the tray is for storing a utility brush.
Theextra clip in thetray is for storing a turbo nozzle.The
brush andturbo nozzleare NOTincluded with your pressure
washer.You can buythese items as optional accessories.
1. Placenozzleextensionthrough hole on accessorytray,

2. Placespray gun through hole on accessorytray on
right side of unit.
NOTE:You mayalso usethe spray gun holder wireform
attachedto the handleto store your spray gun and nozzle
extension, asshown in Featuresand Controls section.
3. Insert multi-colored spray tips in spacesprovided in
4. Hanghigh pressure hoseon hook attachedto
accessorytray on front of tray, asshown.
Howto UseSpray Tips
Thequick-connect on the nozzleextension allows you to
switch betweenthree different quick connect spray tips.
Spraytips canbe changed while pressure washer is running
once spraygun trigger lock is engaged.The spray tips vary
the spraypattern as shown below.
LowPressure High Pressure
2. Pull backcollar on quick-connect and pull current
spray tip off. Storespray tips in holder provided on the
3. Selectdesired spray tip:
• Forgentle rinse, selectgreen 25° spraytip.
• To scour surface, select red 0° spraytip.
• To apply detergent,select black spraytip.
4. Pull backon collar, insert newspray tip and release
collar. Tug on spraytip to make sure it is securelyin
Usage Tips
• For most effective cleaning,keepspray tip from 8 to
24 inches away from cleaning surface.
• If you get spray tip too close, especiallyusing a high
pressure spray tip, you may damagesurface being
• DONOTget closer than 6 inches when cleaningtires.
Cleaning and Applying Detergent
_ r i t
Chemicalscan causebodily injury, and/or property
Black 25° Green 0° Red
Useto apply 1750 PSI 2500 PSI
detergent 2.3 GPM 2.0 GPM
Fellow theseinstructionsto changespraytips:
1. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun.
The high pressure stream of waterthat this
_ quipment produces can cutthrough skin and itsunderlyingtissues, leadingto serious injury and
possible amputation.
• NEVERexchangespraytipswithoutlockingthetriggerlockon
• DONOTtwistspraytipswhilespraying.
To applydetergent,fellow thesesteps:
1. Review use of spraytips.
2. Preparedetergentsolution as required by job.
3. Placesmall filter end of detergent siphoning tube into
detergent container.
Contact with the hot muffler can damagedetergent
siphoning tube.
Wheninsertingthe filterintoadetergentsolutionbottle,route
thetubesoasto keepit frominadvertentlycontactingthehot
NOTE:Makesure the filter is fully submerged in detergent
while applying detergent.
4. Makesure black spray tip is installed.
NOTE:Detergent cannot be applied with the high pressure
spray tips (Greenor Red).
14 www.troyhilt.cem