Triton Perspective User Manual

Copyright © 2011 Triton Imaging Inc.
Triton Imaging Inc.
Engineering Office
2121 41st Avenue, Suite 211
Capitola, CA 95010
USA 831-722-7373 831-475-8446
© 2010 TRITON
This user guide is provided as a means to understand features in TRITON’s software. The user interface presented in this guide is subject to change to accommodate software upgrades and revisions. While every precaution has been taken to eliminate errors in this guide, TRITON assumes no responsibility for errors in this document.
Users of this document are required to have a valid license and dongle for Perspective in order to activate the software. TRITON hereby grants licensees of TRITON’s software the right to reproduce this document for internal use only.
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Welcome to Triton Perspective!
Triton Perspective™ is a new product line from Triton Imaging that takes advantage of the
latest in software technologies including: multi-core parallel processing, indexed cache files, workflow wizards, XML project files, multi-resolution tiling, and dB-based rendering to develop products that are fast, accurate, efficient, easy to use, and that provide the tools necessary for a broad range of real-world marine applications.
Perspective Map™, a GIS-based mapping package, forms the foundation of Perspective by integrating the Triton BathyOne™, MosaicOne™, TargetOne™, and SeaClass™ software modules into a cohesive suite capable of processing, fusing, and displaying sidescan and multibeam data. Each module is controlled from the Perspective Map environment via common, embedded user-interface, tools, and displays. Perspective Map displays the output from these modules as multi-layer, co-registered survey tracks, sidescan sonar images, bathymetry DTMs, target icons and images, and seabed classification areas and boundaries. These seafloor image data can be easily combined with other available geo-coded data such as S-57 electronic nautical charts, coastline maps, and satellite or other GeoTIFF imagery as required. Output of individual and fused data products in standard formats for processing by third-party applications is supported.
BathyOne™ will process raw multibeam data and combine it with vessel position, pitch, roll, heave, and heading; tides; sound velocity; draft; and other data to produce accurate corrected bathymetry grid files. Total Propagated Error (TPE) of the gridded data is calculated and made available for review and display. Gridded results
are displayed as layers in Perspective Map along with other survey data such as coastline vector maps, electronic charts, sidescan mosaics, etc. A variety of display options are provided for bathymetry layers, including profiling, color­coding gridded data by depth, relief shading, and transparency adjustment. With these tools, comparing recently collected bathymetry with other sensor data and historical data sets is a simple and intuitive process.
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MosaicOne™ makes the production of high quality geo-registered sidescan mosaics a simple process. Mosaic images of sidescan or multibeam backscatter data are created by simply dragging and dropping raw XTF data files into the Perspective Map multi-layer map view. Processing options such as nadir delete, far range clipping, and single-channel select, coupled
with a comprehensive set of navigation processing tools, result in superior quality mosaics suited to specific application needs and collection regimes. MosaicOne images are displayed in Perspective in correct registration with other survey data such as shaded or color-coded bathymetry, electronic nautical charts, coastline vector data, survey tracks, target icons, annotation, seabed classifications, etc. Data fusion is facilitated by adjusting the transparency of mosaic images allowing visual comparison of sidescan features with underlying data elements. Fine adjustments to line position are easily made with the new Move Line feature and high-resolution waterfall displays of sidescan data direct from source XTF files cab be invoked with point and click at any position on the mosaic.
TargetOne™ is a collection of target processing tools that enable the acquisition and analysis of objects seen in the sidescan data. Targets are acquired with point and click on a sidescan mosaic displayed in Perspective Map or from the raw sidescan data viewed in Perspective's embedded waterfall viewer. The TargetOne module displays target images and provides for a variety of image manipulation and measurement tools to facilitate object recognition and classification. Target positions are recorded as icons displayed on the mosaic with easy access to any target by clicking on an icon of interest. Object measurement tools are provided that exploit sonar parameters. Output of target information is in standard XML format to support processing by other applications.
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SeaClass™ is an advanced seabed segmentation/classification module that automatically characterizes bottom types based on statistical properties of sidescan mosaics or multibeam backscatter imagery. SeaClass is based on a multi-layer perceptron supervised neural network. The classification procedure consists of two stages: a learning stage and a classification stage. Training is accomplished by the operator selecting areas in the mosaic of differing bottom type (e.g. sand, rock, mud, etc.). Training of the classifier neural network then proceeds thru an automated statistical analysis of the selected samples and a characterization of each type. The following classification stage is a completely automated process where the entire mosaic image is segmented into the different classes. Results of the classification are displayed overlain on the mosaic image with each area colored or optionally with vector/line boundaries around each area. Output from SeaClass can be the DXF boundary vectors or a GeoTIFF mosaic image with the displayed color-coded areas.
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PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 1
WELCOME TO TRITON PERSPECTIVE! .............................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... V
1: SOFTWARE INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 MAIN WINDOW OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Main Window Layout ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Main Window Menus ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Main Window Toolbars ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 INFORMATION DISPLAYS ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Cursor Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2.2 Measure Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2.3 Offset Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.4 Contact Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 FILE TREE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 Map Root Layer .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 The Annotation Tree............................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.3 SeaClass Tree...................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.4 Contacts Tree ..................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3.5 Vectors Tree ....................................................................................................................................... 16
1.3.6 Navigation Tree .................................................................................................................................. 17
1.3.7 Imagery Tree ...................................................................................................................................... 20
1.3.8 Background File Tree .......................................................................................................................... 26
1.4 CUSTOM CURSOR ........................................................................................................................................... 30
1.5 MAP VIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 32
1.5.1 Moving Around the Map View ........................................................................................................... 32
1.5.2 Cursor Modes ..................................................................................................................................... 35 Zoom Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 37
............................................................................................................................ I
2: DATA MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 40
2.1 IMPORTING .................................................................................................................................................... 40
2.1.1 Import Methods ................................................................................................................................. 40
2.1.2 Import Data Types .............................................................................................................................. 41
2.2 DATABASE REFRESH ........................................................................................................................................ 44
2.3 EXPORT METHODS .......................................................................................................................................... 45
2.3.1 Map View Export ................................................................................................................................ 46
2.3.2 Imagery GeoTiff Export ...................................................................................................................... 47
2.3.3 Imagery Batch GeoTiff Export ............................................................................................................ 48
2.3.4 KML File Export .................................................................................................................................. 49
2.3.5 XYZ File Export .................................................................................................................................... 51
2.3.6 SeaClass Export .................................................................................................................................. 52
2.3.7 Printing ............................................................................................................................................... 54
2.4 PROJECT OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 54
2.4.1 New Project ........................................................................................................................................ 54
2.4.2 Open Project ....................................................................................................................................... 55
2.4.3 Save Project ........................................................................................................................................ 56
2.4.4 Projected Cursor ................................................................................................................................. 57
2.4.5 Log Window ....................................................................................................................................... 57
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2.4.6 Page Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 58
2.4.7 Quit Project ........................................................................................................................................ 59
3: PROGRAM SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................. 60
3.1 SETTINGS OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 60
3.2 GENERAL SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 60
3.3 PEN SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 62
3.4 ENC SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................... 62
3.5 PROJECTION SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 63
3.5.1 Import Projection Settings.................................................................................................................. 64
3.5.2 Export Projection ................................................................................................................................ 66
3.5.3 Custom Projection .............................................................................................................................. 68
3.5.4 Custom Datum ................................................................................................................................... 71
3.6 CONTACT SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 74
3.7 DATABASE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 75
4: NAVIGATION ............................................................................................................................................. 76
4.1 NAVIGATION TYPES ......................................................................................................................................... 76
4.2 IMPORT NAVIGATION DATA .............................................................................................................................. 77
4.3 NAVIGATION PROCESSING WORKFLOWS ............................................................................................................. 79
4.4 NAVIGATION BOXCAR SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................... 80
4.5 PROCESS NAVIGATION ..................................................................................................................................... 82
5: BATHYONE ................................................................................................................................................. 83
5.1 BATHYONE MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... 83
5.2 CREATE DTM ................................................................................................................................................ 84
5.2.1 Bathymetry Processing Wizard .......................................................................................................... 84
5.2.2 BathyOne Wizard Overview ............................................................................................................... 85
5.2.3 Choose/Create Bathy Layer ................................................................................................................ 86
5.2.4 Select Input Lines ................................................................................................................................ 87
5.2.5 Gridding of Soundings ........................................................................................................................ 88
5.2.6 Ancillary Options ................................................................................................................................ 89
5.2.7 Raw Processing .................................................................................................................................. 92
5.2.8 Beam Suppression .............................................................................................................................. 95
5.2.9 SVP Processing ................................................................................................................................... 97
5.2.10 Tide/Squat Processing .................................................................................................................... 100
5.3 REBUILD USING ............................................................................................................................................ 101
5.4 EDIT GSF USING ........................................................................................................................................... 103
5.5 RE-MERGE DTM .......................................................................................................................................... 105
5.6 ADD LINES ................................................................................................................................................... 105
5.7 RESET DATE ................................................................................................................................................. 106
5.8 RENAME ..................................................................................................................................................... 107
5.9 VISUALIZATION OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 108
5.9.1 Color Settings ................................................................................................................................... 108
5.9.2 Bathy Histogram .............................................................................................................................. 110
5.9.3 Relief Shading ................................................................................................................................... 113
5.9.4 Swath Viewer ................................................................................................................................... 116
5.10 INTERPRETATION OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 118
5.10.1 Bathy Profile ................................................................................................................................... 118
5.10.2 Bathy A-B ....................................................................................................................................... 120
5.10.3 Bathy Change Detection................................................................................................................. 123
5.10.4 Bathy Blink Comparator ................................................................................................................. 123
5.10.5 Bathy Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 125
6: MOSAICONE ............................................................................................................................................. 126
6.1 MOSAICONE MODULE ................................................................................................................................... 126
6.2 CREATE MOSAIC ........................................................................................................................................... 128
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6.2.1 Sidescan Processing Wizard ............................................................................................................. 128
6.2.2 MosaicOne Wizard Overview ........................................................................................................... 129
6.2.3 Choose/Create Mosaic Layer............................................................................................................ 129
6.2.4 Choose Mosaic Settings ................................................................................................................... 130
6.2.5 Select/Order Input Lines ................................................................................................................... 132
6.2.6 Choose Line Settings......................................................................................................................... 133
6.3 RE-MERGE MOSAIC ...................................................................................................................................... 135
6.4 ADD LINES ................................................................................................................................................... 135
6.5 FORCE REGENERATION ................................................................................................................................... 136
6.6 MOVE LINE .................................................................................................................................................. 137
6.7 REMOVE LINE ............................................................................................................................................... 138
6.8 VISUALIZATION OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 139
6.8.1 Color Settings ................................................................................................................................... 139
6.8.2 Mosaic Histogram ............................................................................................................................ 140
6.9 WATERFALL VIEWER ...................................................................................................................................... 142
6.9.1 Waterfall Module ............................................................................................................................. 142
6.9.2 Waterfall Layout .............................................................................................................................. 144
6.9.3 Waterfall Menu Options .................................................................................................................. 145
6.9.4 Waterfall Toolbars ........................................................................................................................... 147
6.9.5 Waterfall Information Displays ........................................................................................................ 147
6.9.6 File Playback Options ....................................................................................................................... 148
6.9.7 Waterfall Map – Link ........................................................................................................................ 150
6.10 WATERFALL TOOLS ..................................................................................................................................... 151
6.10.1 Bottom Tracking ............................................................................................................................. 151
6.10.2 Slant Range Corrections ................................................................................................................. 155
6.10.3 Speed Corrections........................................................................................................................... 156
6.10.4 Waterfall Histogram ...................................................................................................................... 156
6.10.5 Waterfall LUT ................................................................................................................................. 158
6.10.6 Waterfall TVG................................................................................................................................. 159
6.10.7 Waterfall Targets ........................................................................................................................... 162
6.11 INTERPRETATION OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 163
6.11.1 Sidescan Blink Comparator ............................................................................................................ 163
6.11.2 Sidescan Statistics .......................................................................................................................... 164
6.11.3 Sidescan Mosaic Targets ................................................................................................................ 165
6.11.4 Sidescan Classification ................................................................................................................... 166
7: TARGETONE ............................................................................................................................................. 166
7.1 TARGETONE MODULE ................................................................................................................................... 166
7.2 TARGET SELECTION........................................................................................................................................ 167
7.2.1 Waterfall Targets ............................................................................................................................. 167
7.2.2 Map View Targets ............................................................................................................................ 167
7.3 TARGETONE APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................. 168
7.3.1 TargetOne Layout ............................................................................................................................ 168
7.3.2 TargetOne Menu Options ................................................................................................................. 169
7.3.3 TargetOne Toolbars ......................................................................................................................... 172
7.4 TARGETONE WINDOW................................................................................................................................... 174
7.4.1 TargetOne Window Regions ............................................................................................................ 174
8: SEACLASS ................................................................................................................................................. 175
8.1 SEACLASS MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... 175
8.2 CREATE TRAINING SET ................................................................................................................................... 175
8.3 BOTTOM CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 180
8.4 NEURAL NET TRAINING .................................................................................................................................. 182
8.5 EDIT CLASSIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 184
8.6 QUICK CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................................................. 186
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Map View
The map displays all loaded layers. It renders a composite view of all the data according to the settings of each layer.
Information Tabs
This is a four tab window that displays information based on the current modality. The tabs include cursor position information, measurement results, moved line offsets and contact/target information.
File Tree
The Tree View displays all layers loaded into Perspective. Each layer type has its own right-click menu for changing specific settings. Data in the Tree View is rendered in the map by compositing the data from bottom to top.
Custom Cursor
This allows the user to display cursor locations using a custom projection.
1: Software Interface
1.1 Main Window Overview
1.1.1 Main Window Layout
Main Window Layout
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New Project
Create a new Perspective Project
Open Project
Open an existing Project (*.proj_xml)
Save Project
Save your current project (*.proj_xml)
Save Project As
Save project with new name (*.proj_xml)
Primary import menu for recognized types. Can also be accessed through standard windows drag and drop.
Export Geo TIFF and KML files
Page Setup
Page setup for printing
Print the current project
Quit Perspective
Map Selection mode
Map Measure mode
Map Pan mode
Map Zoom mode
Contact Generation
TargetOne or XML Contact Mode
SB Interpretation
Sub-bottom Interpretation mode (not implemented yet)
Classification Training
SeaClass Classification mode
Quick Classification
Quick Classification mode
Edit Classification
Edit Classification mode
Annotation mode
Bathy Profile
Bathymetry Profiling mode
Bathy Edit
3D Area Editor mode (not implemented yet)
1.1.2 Main Window Menus
File Menu
Modality Menu
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A – B
A – B mode
Digitize Lines and Polygons
Digitization mode (not yet implemented)
Display Depth-Scale
Display Depth-Scale mode
Turn toolbar visibility on/off
Zoom In
Zoom in on map
Zoom Out
Zoom out on map
Zoom 1:1
Zoom to 1 meter/pixel
Zoom Home
Zoom to the extents of your survey area or saved home location
Save As Home
Save current viewport as Home
Add Viewport
Add current viewport to Region node in the file tree Globe
Turn on ENC Globe rendering
Settings Info
Show settings dialog box
Custom Cursor
Change projection for custom cursor
Log Window
Show the log window
Show help table of contents
Show licensing dialog box
Show sales dialog box
Show about dialog box
Check for Updates
Check for Perspective version updates (via web connection)
View Menu
Help Menu
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Create a new Perspective project
Open Perspective project
Import raw data files
Import data from folder
Save current projection
Application settings
Mosaic Wizard
BathyPro Wizard
Line Merge
Spot Histogram
Refresh from database
1.1.3 Main Window Toolbars
Main Toolbar
Utility Toolbar
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Select Mode
Pan Mode
Zoom Mode
Measure mode
Draw Mode
Bathy Profile Mode
Contact Mode
Sub-bottom interpretation
Bathy Area Edit mode - not yet implemented
Digitize Lines and Polygons - not yet implemented
Classification training mode
Quick classification mode
Edit classification mode
Display Depth Scale
Zoom in
Zoom out
Zoom 1 to 1
Zoom Home
Modality Toolbar
Zoom Toolbar
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1.2 Information Displays
Perspective Map has four tab-controlled information displays in the upper left corner of the software window, located to the left of the Map View and above the File Tree.
Cursor Tab: This the default display, which shows the cursor position and the map.
Measure Tab: Shows the results of measurements made in the map view.
Offset Tab: Shows the amount a sidescan line has been moved for feature alignment.
Contact Tab: Indicates the target capture size and next target number.
Custom Cursor: In addition to the 4 tabs of information, there is another cursor information
display below the File Tree for setting a custom cursor position display.
For Custom Cursor Tab details go to Section 1.4.
1.2.1 Cursor Tab
The cursor display is where position values can be viewed dynamically as the cursor is moved across the Map View.
The current project projection is displayed in gray at the top of this tab.
North and East, Lat and Lon display the current cursor position in the Map View. It is updated as the cursor moves.
The button beside 'Lat' and 'Lon' is used to change the format of latitude and longitude from 'degrees minutes decimal seconds' to 'degrees decimal minutes' to 'decimal degrees'.
The button beside 'Depth' is used to change the depth value from meters to feet.
The slider button is used to change the Map View resolution from meter/pixel to cm/pixel. Acts like a zoom.
1.2.2 Measure Tab
Selecting the 'Measure' toolbar button in Perspective map will switch the information
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display to the 'Measure' tab to show the results of measurements made in the map view.
When using the 'Measure' tool, select a starting point on the map by left clicking on the spot and holding the button down while the distance to measure is spanned. Once the end point is reached, release the mouse button. The measurement results are displayed dynamically in the 'Measure' tab. Units are always in meters.
The following image shows the results of the most recent measurement:
Horiz. Dist.: the distance covered by the measurement in the horizontal or "X" direction.
Vert. Dist.: the distance covered by the measurement in the vertical or "Y" direction.
Distance: the direct distance along the line drawn in Perspective Map.
1.2.3 Offset Tab
When a sidescan line is moved with the 'Move Line' function (see topic for move line), the amount the line was moved in order to align it with the rest of the mosaic is stored in the cache file.
When a line is moved using the ‘Move Line’ tool, the amount the line was moved will be displayed in the ‘Offset’ information tab as shown in the image to the right.
For this line the total amount of displacement was
7.93m, with the horizontal (X) displacement of 3.12m and vertical (Y) displacement of
1.2.4 Contact Tab
Selecting the 'Contact Generation' toolbar button in Perspective map will switch the information display to the 'Contact' tab.
Size (in meters) indicates the size of the screen capture to be made when a target is selected from
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the Map View.
Contact Number is the number to be assigned to the next target selected.
Also shown is the 'Contacts Color Legend' to visually distinguish between the types of contacts displayed in the Map View.
1.3 File Tree
The file tree organizes project layers by grouping similar items. The layers can be toggled on or off by clicking in the box next to the layer. A green check-mark appears next to the items in the map root that are displayed in the Map View. The order the items are arranged in the map tree dictates the display order in the Map View.
1.3.1 Map Root Layer
Layers organized under the heading of Map Root include:
Annotation SeaClass Contacts Vectors Navigation Imagery Background
All layers in the File Tree can be toggled on/off by checking or un-checking the box next to the layer. If a box is unchecked, all sub-layers will also be unchecked. Conversely, by
checking a box that is not already checked, all sub-layers will also be checked.
The image above shows the basic File Tree structure and the check boxes for toggling the display of that layer:
Right-clicking on ‘Map Root will bring up the following menu for user-defined controls of the map root dialog.
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Selection Color: Allows the user to identify the color which the selected line will change to,
in order to identify it as being successfully selected in the map directory
Collapse to Roots: Quickly collapse the tree to the major headings. A plus sign will be assigned in front of those headings which have additional data in their hierarchy.
Expand All: Allows the user to quickly expand all directories within the map root. A negative sign will be assigned in front of those headings which are fully expanded.
Open Project: Allows the user to open a project from the tree diagram. This has the same functionality as the “File > Open Project” pathway.
New Project: Allows the user to create a new project from the tree diagram. This has the same functionality as the “File > New Project” pathway.
Info: Gives the user a “Window” on the Project File contents. The project file has the file extension .proj xml and is an XML file. Advanced users could edit this file directly using any XML file editor.
1.3.2 The Annotation Tree
This layer includes information that is user-defined in the Map View. The annotation layer has three sub-layers: Regions, Grid, and User.
The Regions layer provides one-click access to different preset map zoom levels that are commonly used for quickly navigating around the Map View.
The Grid layer provides options for changing the projection grid color and resolution settings.
Text and drawing annotations made by the user are stored in the User layer. Regions
Regions are predefined zoom extents that are useful for quickly moving around in the map window.
To add a region, zoom the map window to the area that is to be considered a region, right click on Regions and select Add Viewport’ as shown below
This is will give a user dialog window to
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name the selected region.
A dashed outline will appear in the Map View delineating the area as being selected. The region name will appear as a node under the Regions layer node.
Right-clicking on the region name gives the following options:
Color Settings: The user can change the color and characteristics of the outline, as well as color, opacity, thickness and character of the line.
Rename: The name of the region can be changed by selecting “Rename…”
Move To Top, Move Up, Move Down: Allows the used to move the region up and down
within the region file tree node.
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Remove: The region can
be removed by selecting “Remove…”
Info: Allows the user to view the datum/projection and coordinates of the region. Grid Overlay
This is an overlay graph of the lines of Easting and Northing, which are automatically displayed in the Map View. It can be modified in resolution and in color.
Right-clicking on the Grid layer will give the following options:
Resolution: Allows the user to change the resolution of the grid overlay to a user-defined distance.
Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color of the grid overlay.
Info: Allows the user to view the resolution, datum/projection and coordinates of the grid. User Annotation
Drawing tools are available under the Modality > Annotation menu or by selecting the 'Pen' toolbar button. When annotations are created using the drawing tools, they appear in the Annotation > User file tree menu.
The following options are available by right­clicking on the individual annotation:
Color Settings: Allows the user to change the characteristics of the annotation
Rename: Allows the user to rename the user­defined annotation.
Move To Top: Moves the corresponding annotation to the top of the Tree View within
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the ‘User’ heading.
Move Up: Moves the corresponding annotation above the previous annotation within the ‘User’ heading.
Move Down: Moves the corresponding annotation below the successive annotation within the ‘User’ heading.
Remove: Allows the user to remove the annotation from the Map View and Tree View.
Info: Provides the projected position of the annotation.
1.3.3 SeaClass Tree
The SeaClass layer contains three sub-layers as shown in the image below:
Manual Training - where training data points are stored Neural Nets - for displaying the neural nets generated
from the training data Classification - includes the results of the classification
Right-clicking on the Manual Training layer or any of its sub-layers will give the following options:
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Color: Available at the class file tree level. Opens color dialog for changing the color of the
sample point icons in the map view. Train Neural Net: Initiates the second step in the classification process using the training
set created. More information about the Neural Net training process is presented in Section 8.4. Edit Training Set: Allows user to make changes to training sets by adding or deleting data
points in a class (bottom type) or to add another class with new data points. More information about the Edit Training Set process is presented in Section 8.5.
Resample: This will resample the targeted image with the updated training set after edits are made.
Remove: Removes the selected layer from the project. This is available at the training set layer and the class layer nodes.
Remove All: Removes all sub-layers from the current tree node. Export: Allows users to save the SeaClass training set created. SeaClass export options are
described in Section 2.3.6.
Create: Launches the Create Training Set wizard as described in Section 8.2. Add: Adds an existing training set to the project and Map View. Rename: Allows users to rename an existing training set that is in the file tree. Info: Allows the user to view XML info for the selected file.
Right-clicking on the Neural Nets layer or any of its sub-layers will give the following options:
Move to Top: Moves the selected layer to the first position within the “Neural Nets” heading.
Move Up: Moves the selected layer above the previous file within the “Neural Nets” heading.
Move Down: Moves the selected layer below
the succeeding file with the “Neural Nets”
Add: Adds an existing neural net to the project and Map View.
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Remove: Removes the selected layer from the project.
Remove All: Removes all sub-layers from the current tree
node. Rename: Allows users to rename an existing neural net that
is in the file tree.
Edit Color: Opens color dialog for changing the color of the neural net class.
Right-clicking on the Classification layer or any of its sub­layers will give the following options:
Color Settings: Opens following window for changing background color, opacity, and line drawing settings.
Move to Top: Moves the selected layer to the first position within the “Classification” heading.
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Move Up: Moves the selected layer above the previous file within the “Classification”
heading. Move Down: Moves the selected layer below the succeeding file with the “Classification”
Export: This will export the classification results to an AutoCAD DXF file.
Add: Adds an existing classification grid to the project and Map View.
Remove: Removes the selected layer from the project.
Info: Allows the user to view XML info for the selected file.
Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option to zoom to full extent of selected mosaic.
1.3.4 Contacts Tree
The Contacts layer contains the contacts and targets identified and saved with TargetOne. Contacts classified as targets show up as a different color which can be defined by the user.
Right-clicking on the Contactslayer will give the following options:
Sort Ascending: Sorts the Contacts in the project by name in ascending order in the file tree.
Sort Descending: Sorts the Contacts in the project by name in descending order in the file tree.
Add: Adds a saved contact to the project and Map View. Info: Allows the user to view the file location,
datum/projection and coordinates of the contact file.
Right-clicking on the region name gives the following options:
Add: Adds a saved contact to the project and Map View.
Remove: This will remove a contact from the project.
Please note that this will not delete the contact from the hard drive, only remove it from the project and Map View.
Viewer: Selecting this option opens the contact in TargetOne.
Info: Allows the user to view the file location,
datum/projection and coordinates of the contact file.
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1.3.5 Vectors Tree
Vector files can be imported in DXF format (Autocad R12 DXF only). Right-clicking on Vector will give the user the following options.
If no vector files are currently available, the user can click on ‘Add’ to insert a file. This will open a browser window that will be searching for a file in the DXF file format.
After selecting the DXF file to be imported into the Map View, the user will define the projection and datum for the file. Projection and Datum standards are available for selection, or user defined projections can be set by selecting Custom.
Right-clicking on a vector file that has been imported into Perspective provides the following
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Rename: Allows the user to rename the vector file in the Tree View. This does not change the name of the file, only the reference name within Perspective Tree View.
Remove: Allows the user to remove individual vector files from the map tree and Map View.
Move to Top: Moves the individual vector file to the first position within the ‘Vector’ heading.
Move Up: Moves the individual vector file above the previous file within the Vector heading.
Move Down: Moves the individual vector file below the succeeding file with the Vector heading.
Info: Allows the user to view the projection and file path directory of the vector file.
1.3.6 Navigation Tree
This file tree layer is where the navigation for the various files are kept and organized. The main sources of navigation available in this heading are:
Sidescan - navigation for sidescan data imported from raw data file
Multibeam - navigation for multibeam data imported from raw data file
Singlebeam - navigation for singlebeam data imported from raw data file
Subbottom - navigation for subbottom data imported from raw data file
Vessel - vessel navigation imported from raw data file
The navigation data automatically populate these sub-tree layers depending on the type of data present in the import file. There is an additional node in the Navigation tree called Viewer.
When viewing the raw data of an imported file, the line name will appear under the Viewer node. This applies to sidescan data in the waterfall window and multibeam data in the swath viewer.
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There are no right-click options on the Navigation tree node but sub-layers have the following options:
Reset Navigation: Allows the user to return the navigation to its original position as interpreted from the data file. Selecting this option from right-clicking on a mosaic file will reset the navigation for all XTF files in the mosaic. Right-clicking on a single XTF will only reset the navigation for the selected file and file type.
View: This option is available on the XTF layer level and will open a waterfall viewer for sidescan navigation and a swath viewer for multibeam navigation.
More information on the Waterfall Viewer and Swath Viewer can be found at Sections 5.9 and 5.9.4.
Sort Ascending: Sorts the data files by name in ascending alphanumeric order.
Sort Descending: Sorts the data files by name in descending alphanumeric order.
Add: Allows the user to add data files.
Remove: Allows the user to remove all navigation for a particular line from the Map View. It will remove the navigation line from the Multibeam, Sidescan and Vessel nodes.
Info: Access XML settings file for viewing the projection, file path directory of the vector file, ping range in viewer window, and other information.
Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option which zooms to the full extent of the navigation data for Multibeam, Sidescan and Vessel nodes. Color Settings
Selecting this will open the following window:
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Options include:
Color - click on colored box and select new color from 'Color' window
Opacity - slider bar for changing transparency level
Line Drawing - line thickness can be changed by selecting left drop-down menu, line
style can be changed be selecting the right drop-down menu. Line style options include:
Color Settings are available for all navigation sub-layers. Show BeamLines
This is only available for sidescan data by right-clicking on the individual lines. By selecting this option, the swath lines for each ping are displayed in the Map View as shown below:
The line selected is highlighted in light blue and the individual swath lines indicate the swath coverage for that line.
19 | P a g e February 2011 Navigation Viewer
This option is available at all tree levels in the Navigation. When the raw data from any Navigation tree layer is being viewed, the line name will appear under the Viewer node. Currently this is only enabled for the sidescan waterfall window and the multibeam swath viewer. The example shown below is for a sidescan line:
As shown in the Viewer node in the Navigation file tree, the line being viewed is 071-1809. This is confirmed in the waterfall window title bar as shown to the right.
1.3.7 Imagery Tree
This file tree layer is where the imagery data is kept and organized. There are five types of imagery supported:
Footprint Time Series Sidescan Bathymetry Bathymetry TIN Bathymetry TPE Sidescan & Footprint Time Series
Sidescan Node: The sidescan imagery file tree layer is where the mosaic files that are imported or created from raw data are managed. The following options are available by right-clicking on the sidescan node.
Move to Top: Allows the user to move the Sidescan imagery to the top of the tree within the Imagery node.
Move Up: Allows the user to move the Sidescan imagery to above the previous imagery within the Imagery node.
Move Down: Allows the user to move the Sidescan imagery to below the successive imagery within the Imagery node.
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Export to GeoTiff: Allows the user to export the imagery to a geotiff imagery file.
Batch Export to GeoTiff: Allows the user to export all sidescan mosaics in the file tree
to a geotiff imagery files.
Export KML: Allows the user to export a Google Earth KML file.
Create: Allows the user to create a new mosaic layer using any of the existing raw data
files in the project. A new layer name is specified, then the parameters for the new layer are processed and finally the user can choose which lines to include.
Add: Allows the user to add other mosaic files to an existing project.
Info: Access XML settings file for viewing the projection, resolution, file path directory of the sidescan data, plus other information.
Mosaic Node: The following options are available by right-clicking on the individual mosaic layer under the sidescan node.
Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color characteristics of the sidescan layer.
Histogram: This is the graphical representation of the imagery signal level in dB versus the occurrence of that dB within the image.
Move to Top: Moves the selected image file to the top of the Tree View within the Imagery > Sidescan layer. The image file listed on top (or first) within the Tree View will be displayed on top of all other image files of similar type.
Move Up: Moves the selected image file above the previous sidescan image file in the Tree View. The image files will be displayed in the order listed within the Tree View.
Move Down: Moves the image file below the successive sidescan imagery file. The image files will be displayed in the order listed within the Tree View.
Mosaic Settings: Opens the Mosaic Wizard so that the user can make changes to mosaic settings used to create the imagery. More information about the MosaicOne Wizard can be found at section 6.2.
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Re-merge Mosaic: Applies user corrections and line changes to the mosaic. Export GeoTiff: Exports a GeoTiff of the selected sidescan mosaic file. Export KML: Exports a KML file of the selected sidescan mosaic file(s). Classify: Classifies the selected sidescan mosaic file. Details on using the sediment
classification tool in Perspective are available in section 8.3. Blink Comparator: Toggles a sidescan layer on and off at a set cycle rate to get a visual
comparison of the same location in two different sidescan layers or mapping events.
Statistics: This gives an overview of the data used to create the image. Included in the statistics window are the following:
Allocated Coverage: This is the number of square nautical miles which the tiles used
to store the data in the DTM or MOZ file represent.
Actual Coverage: This is the number of square meters of the actual ensonified area. Total Lines: This is the number of lines included and used in the creation of the
mosaic file
Along-Track Distance: This is the combined along-track distance of all lines included
and used in the creation of the mosaic file.
Add Lines: Allows the user to add other raw data files in the project to the mosaic. Remove: Allows the user to remove the imagery from the Map View. Perspective will
prompt the user to confirm before removing the imagery. Delete: This action removes the imagery file from the project and deletes the mosaic file
that was created on import. Perspective will ask for confirmation before deleting the imagery from the disk.
Info: Access XML settings file for viewing the projection, resolution, file path directory of the mosaic file, plus other information.
Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option to zoom to full extent of selected mosaic.
Sidescan Data File: The following options are available by right-clicking on the individual sidescan data files under the mosaic node.
Geo-Reference (GRL) Settings: Opens the Mosaic Wizard and allows changes to be made to the Line Settings page.
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