Trinity NEXT Instruction Manual

Before you throw down this manual and try to start your NEXT Truggy, please continue read­ing for just a few minutes. In addition to impor­tant safety precautions, below you will also nd some quick tips for getting the maximum en­joyment out of your new nitro vehicle.
SAFETY GUIDELINES NEXT Truggy is not intended for use by chil­dren without direct supervision of a responsi­ble, knowledgeable adult. Trinity Products Inc. shall not be liable for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential, arising from the use, misuse, or abuse of this product and/or any product or ac­cessory required to operate this product.
Always, turn on your transmitter rst before turning on your vehicle’s receiver switch. When turning an R/C vehicle off, the order is just the opposite; turn the receiver switch off rst and then turn the transmitter off. Just re­member that when your truck is turned ON, your transmitter should always be turned ON. If not, your NEXT Truggy will no longer be un­der the control of your transmitter, and could unexpectedly take off on its own causing dam­age to itself and other people.
Never use old, worn out batteries in your trans­mitter or truck. Use only fresh alkaline batter­ies or fully charged rechargeable batteries to ensure that you will not exceed the range of your radio system while driving your truck.
Nitro vehicle engines get very hot. Take care when handling your vehicle to keep from burn­ing your ngers.
Keep nitro fuel away from all sources of heat and open ame.
Only run your Truggy in safe, open areas that will not put anything or anyone in danger of a collision. Use common sense when driving your truck to insure that you are not causing a potential hazard to anyone (crowds of people and conned areas should be avoided).
Although the NEXT Truggy is small and light­weight, it can still hurt when it runs into you at ankle height. It can also startle someone who is not expecting it, so it is extremely important to ALWAYS keep a safe distance between any people and the path of your truck (don’t forget this includes yourself).
Never run your NEXT Truggy through puddles, wet grass, snow or any other type of moisture. Also never use any liquid cleaners around the electronic components on your NEXT Truggy. Any small amount of moisture can cause se­vere damage to your electronics.
If you will be running with other R/C vehicles, always conrm before turning your transmit­ter on, that no one else is using your same frequency channel. If necessary, you may change frequencies.
Always let your cool down completely between runs (2 tanks of fuel) when the weather is hot. Over heating the engine will cause failure of the plug and could cause damage to the en­gine. Always let your engine cool down with the piston at the bottom of the stroke, the point in the engine revolution where there is no re­sistance.
Prolonged running on high drag surfaces like grass, can cause excessive heat and cause premature failure of the clutch and engine.
GETTING STARTED The rst thing you need to do is install the bat­teries in your transmitter and into the radio box to power the receiver.
8 “AA” batteries go into the bottom of the transmitter and 4 “AAA” batteries go in the cell holder located in the radio box.
Check the life and proper installation of your batteries by switching the transmitter to on. You should see all three LED’s light up (red, yellow, and green). If you do not, your batter­ies may be low on voltage or you may not have installed them all correctly.
As the life of your transmitter batteries begins to decline, the green LED will no longer light. When you notice that you are down to only the yellow and red lights, this is a caution sign that it is time to install new batteries. We rec­ommend changing both the transmitter and receiver batteries at the same time. If you con­tinue operating your Truggy and see that the yellow light goes out (and only the red light is lit), STOP IMMEDIATELY! Your Truggy may easily travel out of range causing you to lose all control, which could result in a collision causing damage to the vehicle or other property.
Locate the plastic antenna tube (found inside the box). Also locate the black antenna wire coming out the radio box. Thread the antenna wire into the plastic antenna tube until it comes out the other side. Pull the remaining wire through the tube, and then press the tube into the antenna mount in the lid of the radio box. Bend the antenna wire down around the tube and install the black rubber antenna cap on the top of the tube. You may then wrap the remaining wire around the tube.
DO NOT cut the antenna wire off! This could shorten the range of your radio system.
LEARNING THE TRANSMITTER Before turning on your Truggy, please famil­iarize yourself with the controls and adjust­ments of the radio transmitter. You may use the following diagram to conrm the location and function of each of these features.
Keep nitro fuel away from eyes and do not take internally. If ingested follow instructions on the fuel container and call physician.
Never use cleaning spray of any kind on your Truggy until it is completely cooled down. Us­ing cleaning spray on a hot engine will cause a re.
Make sure you always keep the exhaust point­ing away from your hands and face as hot exhaust gasses and unburned fuel will be ex­pelled when the engine is running.
Never store your Truggy with fuel in the tank.
By removing the clip that holds the lid on you will see the battery holder that holds the 4 “AAA” cells.
A - ON/OFF Switch: Controls power to the transmitter. B - Steering Wheel: Steers the vehicle left and right. C - Throttle Trigger: Controls the speed and the brakes of the vehicle. D - Throttle Trim: Adjusts the neutral position
of the throttle so your truck responds correctly to the trigger. E - Steering Trim: Adjusts the center position of the steering so your truck travels straight. F - Throttle Reverse Switch: Reverses the for­ward/ reverse direction of your throttle trigger. G - Steering Reverse Switch: Reverses the left/right direction of the steering wheel. H - Antenna: Transmits radio signals to your receiver. I - Frequency Crystal: Controls the operating frequency (channel) of your transmitter. J - Battery Power Indicators: Signal when it is time to replace your transmitter batteries.
Please familiarize yourself with the function of the steering and throttle controls as shown be­low Like most other pistol grip style radio sys­tems, the reverse function of the transmitter applies the brakes. This function needs to be used to slow/stop your Truggy and to keep it stationary while it idles.
RUNNING MULTIPLE TRUGGIES If you have some buddies that would like to get a NEXT Truggy of their own or already have friends with other RC vehicles that you will be racing with, it is very important that you rst check what frequency channel your Truggy is on and conrm that none of your friends have the same frequency as you.
If you do nd that someone else is using the same frequency channel that you are, you must either wait for them to turn their trans­mitter and vehicle OFF or you may choose to change the frequency crystals in your transmit­ter and receiver (so that you can run together at the same time without causing any radio interference). Additional frequency crystal sets can be purchased separately and installed in a few quick seconds.
To change frequency crystals simply remove the black plastic crystal holder from the back of your transmitter by carefully pulling it straight out. Slide the crystal out of the holder and in­stall the new crystal labeled “T” in its place. Carefully align the two pins that extend from the crystal with the socket in the back of your
transmitter, and gently press it into place. DO NOT force the crystal! The pins can easily be broken!
Remove the crystal from your receiver in the same careful manner. The crystal extends from the side of the radio box.
PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that the crystal labeled “T” is installed in the transmitter and the crystal marked “R” is installed in the receiver.
The air lter is one of the most critical compo­nents of your car engine. A well maintained air ltration system will increase the life expectan­cy of your engine.
Remember to keep it clean and to check for replacement often. Running your engine for a second with the lter off can destroy your engine. Dirt getting inside the carburetor will grind the piston and sleeve away causing the engine to lose compression and fail.
Before starting your engine, put a few drops of lter oil, household oil caster oil or automotive motor oil on the outside surface of the air lter and rub it into the surface. This will help the l­ter trap more dirt and dust. NEVER USE SILI­CONE SHOCK OIL AS IT DOES NOT BURN AND WILL FOUL THE ENGINE.
Use only top quality model two-stroke engine fuel. We only recommend Trinity MH0020 20% Monster Horsepower or TRI4300 Monster Brew Fuel because of the known oil quality and content. Use of any other fuel will void any warranty on the engine.
Carburetors are pre-adjusted and only a ne adjustment may be required. As your engine breaks in the adjustment will change and of course the weather effects the settings. The settings we offer are basic all around settings.
Two adjustable needles are provided on your carburetor.
The high speed needle (the big screw on the top) is for adjusting the mixture when the throt­tle is fully open. If you turn the needle coun­ter-clockwise you will make the mixture richer, more fuel. Turning the needle clockwise will make the mixture leaner, less fuel.
If you turn the needle counter-clockwise you will make the mixture richer, more fuel. Turn­ing the needle clockwise will make the mixture leaner, less fuel.
Basic carburetor settings. 2 to 2.5 turns out from having the needles screwed all the way in. This is the setting for both needles.
Adjusting a nitro engine can be a tricky pro­cess. We recommend you have an expert help you the rst time you run your Truggy.
The rst time the engine is started it should be used with a very rich mixture setting, basically as rich as the engine will run. Engines require a running-in of about 10-20 minutes using moderate rpm. During this running-in period a lot of smoke and oil should come out of the mufer, indicating excessive lubrication.
The default needle setting of the carburetor is a good starting place for break-in.
Start tuning only after you have given the en­gine 2 to 3 minutes to warm up to its full oper­ating temperature. Do not tune it before then, a cold engine will seem to run rich but will lean out on its own as it approaches its operating temperature.
Once your engine is broken in and idling and running well, you can tune the high speed needle by turning it in slightly to lean out the engine and make more power. Remember to make 1/16th to 1/8 of a turn at a time. It is a small engine and only small adjustments are necessary. Remember you always need to see smoke when running at full throttle. That means the engine is getting enough oil.
Weather effects the tuning of your engine. You need to run it rich, (more fuel) in hot weather and leaner, (less fuel) in cold weather.
The low speed needle (small screw on the bot­tom) is for adjusting the mixture strength at part-throttle and idling speeds, to obtain steady idling and smooth acceleration to mid speeds.
Most times the inability to start your engine is due to failure of the glow plug. The glow plug on nitro engines is a disposable commodity like fuel. We recommend replacing the plug as a rst step if you have trouble starting your en­gine. Most racers will start out with a new plug when running there car for the rst time each day. We recommend the McCoy 9 as the best all around plug.
When using it do not pull it to it’s whole length, but use quick short pulls. If these is exces­sive resistance make sure the engine is not ooded. You may have hydro-locked it and cause damage by trying to pull the pull start. If you ood engine, remove the plug and pull the starter a few times to pump out the extra fuel.
At the end of each operating session, drain the fuel tank. Afterwards energize the glow plug and try to restart the engine, to burn off any fuel that may remain inside the engine. Repeat this procedure until the engine fails to re.
To reach the delicate parts of the engine you only need to unscrew the glow plug and than you can wash out the engine with Trinity Nitro Blast RC4449 and lubricate it with Final Solu­tion Engine Run Oil RC8104. These mainte­nance procedures will reduce the risk of corro­sion after a period of storage.
The air lter should also be regularly checked and cleaned or replaced if necessary.
After reading all of the above information, you are likely ready to get started. It is much easier to start your car with 2 people especially when the engine is new. One person to start it and the other to blip the throttle to keep the engine running. Just proceed as follows:
Make sure your glow plug charger is fully charged.
Fill your fuel tank. Make sure the ller cap is fully closed so the tank stays pressurized.
Turn on your transmitter, pull up the anten­na and turn on the receiver. Test the radio to make sure that the throttle and steering work smoothly and in the correct direction. The throttle servo should pull away from the carbu­retor under full power. When pushing the trig­ger forward the brake should engage and the car should not be able to be pushed forward by hand.
It either servo works in the wrong direction simply using the servo reversing switches on
the transmitter to change the direction.
Pull the starter a few times and you should see the fuel move from the tank into the carbure­tor. Holding your nger over the exhaust pipe exit will help suck the fuel into the engine a little easier.
Clip the glow starter to your plug. Wait a few seconds for the plug to heat up. Hold down on the glow starter to insure a good connec­tion and rapidly pull the starter in quick short bursts. The pull start should have some resis­tance but be easy to pull.
If it is very hard you have the engine ooded. Stop what you are doing, remove the plug turn the car upside down and pull the starter a few times. The excess fuel will squirt out of the plug hole. Watch your eyes. Reinstall the plug and you are ready to go.
The engine should re after a few fast short pulls and as soon as it does blip the throttle to keep it running until it warms up and starts to idle smoothly. Some times it helps to give the radio 1/4 throttle while starting it to get more air into the mixture. You can do this simply by turning up the throttle trim, (clockwise) 25 to 50%. Once the engine warms up turn it back all the way to counter clockwise.
After a minute remove the glow starter and blip the throttle to make sure it is getting enough fuel. Once the engine warms up and breaks in it will idle at a lower speed and produce more power at top seed.
Run through the rst 2 tanks of fuel with the stock settings, making sure the engine smokes a lot. This will allow the piston and sleeve to properly break-in. Run in a 30 foot oval pattern and vary the throttle from low to 1/2 throttle. Let the engine cool completely between tanks of fuel so you do not over heat it during the break in process.
After the rst 2 tanks turn the big high speed needle clockwise 1/8th turn and run 2 more tanks of fuel running the oval pattern again. Vary the throttle from low to full but only go to full throttle for a few second, (2 or 3) at a time.
Once you have your engine broken in and run­ning well you can start to tune it. Unless you have a temperature gauge where you can monitor head temperature, (try to stay below 220 degrees) you have to use the visible tun­ing aid of blue smoke coming from the pipe.
As long as the pipe is smoking under top speed you are getting enough oil to the en­gine and you will be OK. Turn the high speed needle in, (clockwise) to lean out the engine 1/16 to 1/8 of a turn at a time. Make a few high speed passes. You will notice a higher pitch sound and more power.
If your engine cuts out during a high speed run, sounds like it is starving for fuel or stops blowing out smoke you are too lean and you need to stop immediately and turn the high speed needle counter clockwise 1/2 the adjust­ment you just made to lean it out and run a few more laps.
When adjusted correctly your engine should see a nice crisp sound all the way down the straight, run through a tank of fuel with out changing and blow smoke constantly. The smoke is a big deal as that means enough oil is getting to the engine. No smoke and you can cause serious damage to the piston and sleeve.
In most cases the low speed needle will not need any adjustments. You can use the low speed needle to adjust your idle speed. Turn­ing it in, (clockwise) leans out the engine in­creasing idle speed while turning it out, (coun­ter clockwise) will decrease idle speed. You always want your engine to idle as slow as possible with out stalling.
You have run your engine and now it simply will not start no matter how many times you pull the pull start. The rst thing to check is your glow plug. Remove the plug and put it in the glow ignitor while holding it with a pliers as it will get hot. Check to see if the coil glows red. If it doe not it needs to be replaced.
Still won’t start? Then the best thing to do is to put your settings back to a point where the en­gine should run.
Make sure the idle adjustment is not set too low. Take the air lter off and look into the carburetor. there should be a 1/16th to 3/32
opening in the throttle body for the air to ow through. If this opening is too small the en­gine will be starved for air. You can adjust this by turning the throttle trim on your radio to the right.
If the idle setting looks ne than you will proba­bly have to adjust the low speed needle. Turn the needle all the way clockwise until it stops. Than turn it out 2 1/2 turns. 2 to 2.5 turns is the point where most engines will run.
Make sure your fuel tank lid if snapped closed when running the engine.
Make sure the fuel line is not pinched by a chassis component or by the body.
Every nitro engine has it’s own personality and will require slightly dif­ferent settings than every other engine. It takes some time to get a new engine dialed in but once you get the setting down it will run the same every time.
Always run your engine rich. Too rich is better than lean. When the en­gine is running rich it is getting enough oil, when it is too lean it is not and could overheat and damage the engine. Running too lean can ruin your plug in one tank of fuel.
An easy way to remember is the oil is mixed with the fuel, so the more fuel you put through the engine the better lubricated it will be. Rich is more fuel than air, lean is more air than fuel.
R/C nitro engines run very hot, over 200 degrees. It is easy to burn your hands and ngers, so be careful.
When you adjust a setting on the carburetor, the motor needs to run for at least 30 seconds for the motor temperature to adjust to the new set­ting before you can tell if that setting works better or worse.
The single most important thing when it comes to tuning a nitro motor is having a lot of patience.
Trinity reserves the right to make the nal determination of the warranty status of any component or part.
Any component sent in for warranty without the proper information will be held for 60 days. The sender will be notied on return shipping charges via e-mail or parcel post within 3 days. After 60 days the parts will be discarded.
You may contact us for warranty or technical support through our e-mail tech support address: All e-mail is usually answered within 24 hours.
Limitations of Liability Trinity Products Inc. makes no other warranties expressed or implied. Trinity shall not be held liable for any damages resulting in the use of this product or any accessories and/or chemicals required to use this product.
In the act of purchasing, using or operating this vehicle, the user ac­cepts all resulting liability. In no case shall Trinity’s liability exceed the purchase price of the vehicle.
Due to the high performance level of this vehicle you will need to peri­odically maintain and replace consumable components such as tires, gears, glow plugs, body and eventually engine to maintain the same performance level as when new.
Your NEXT Truggy is considered to be a high performance off-road rac­ing vehicle. As such this vehicle will be used in an extreme range of conditions and situations, all which may cause premature wear or failure of any component.
Trinity has no control over usage of vehicles once they leave the dealer, therefore Trinity can only offer a warranty against all manufacturer’s defects in materials, workmanship, and as­sembly at point of sale (before use). No warranties are expressed or implied that cover damage caused by what is considered normal use, or cover or imply how long any engine, chassis or electronic component will last before requiring replacement.
Any and all warranty coverage will not cover replacement of any part or component damaged by neglect, abuse or improper or unreasonable use. This includes but is not limited to dam­age from crashing, improper adjustment of engine, improper fuel, chem­ical and/or water damage, excessive moisture, improper or no maintenance, or user modica-tions which compromise the integrity of components.
Warranty will not cover components that are considered consumable on R/C vehicles.
Trinity does not pay nor refund shipping on any component sent to Trinity for warranty.
All NEXT warranty issues are handled directly by Trinity Products Inc. in Edison, NJ.
All warranty claims must be accompanied by original receipt UPC bar code from the side of the box and a Warranty Authorization number.
This number is obtained by contacting Trinity at the e-mail address list­ed below.
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