TrendsAudio TA-10 User Manual

Trends Audio TA-10
Class-T Stereo Amplifier
Ver. 1.0
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Copyright © 2006 ITOK Media Limited, All rights reserved.
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Trends TA-10 User Guide
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................4
2. FEATURES............................................................................................................4
3. OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................5
4.1 Offset the DC bias voltage of the speaker terminals ......................................... 6
4.2 Configure as power amplifier (by-pass the volume control) ..............................6
5. SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Specification of the Amplifier Unit ..................................................................... 7
5.2 Specification of the AC Adaptor ........................................................................7
6. TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................................................................8
7. ACCESSORIES..................................................................................................... 8
8. CONTACT US ....................................................................................................... 8
Trends TA-10 User Guide
11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Thank you for your purchase of Trends TA-10 Class-T stereo amplifier.
Trends Audio introduces the mini-size Class-T stereo amplifier TA-10 providing up to 2x15W output with the bundled AC power supply unit. Thanks to the Tripa t h 's proprietary Class-T Digital Power Processing (TM) technology and our special techniques in circuit design and component selection, TA-10 achieves the sound quality of high-end HiFi but in a very affordable price.
TA-10 performs very like Class-AB amplifiers with high fidelity and warm sound. Yet, its power efficiency and physical size is just like Class-D amplifiers. Even it's maximum output power is only 2x15W, TA-10 is actually powerful to push even the floor-stand speakers with sufficient and good control of bass sound. It has no problem for normal home use purpose.
22.. FFeeaattuurreess
applied the proprietary T-amp technology for audiophile quality sound, high power efficiency (90%) and less heat generation
compact design (mini-size & light weight), easy portable and setup
provide up to 2x15W output
an AC adaptor is bundled for continuous power supply.
separated amplifier & AC adaptor design to minimize mutual interference and
flexible to apply other power sources, e.g. lead-acid battery.
standard audio and speaker sockets compatible with most audiophile quality cables.
the DC bias between speaker terminals can be offset (close to ±0mV) by adjusting the potentiometers (factory pre-set). It suppresses the "pop" sound when power on/off and also increase the sound purity.
option to work as a pure power amp by simply reset jumpers to by-pass the volume controlling circuit.
built-in over-current protection.
built-in over-temperature protection
audiophile-graded parts and components
air-core inductor used instead of magnetic-core for better sound
the stylish & specially-plated aluminium case provides not only good-looking, and also provides outstanding shielding capability.
Table of Content
Chapter 1&2 Introduction & Features 4
+ 2 hidden pages