Stand-Alone Media Converter
• Singlemode to Multimode
Transition Networks F-SM-MM-06
Ethernet Media Converter extends ATM or
SONET over singlemode fiber-optic cable
up to 40 km.
Part Number Port One - Fiber-Optic Port Two - Fiber-Optic
F-SM-MM-06 SC, 1300 nm multimode
2 km (1.2 miles)*
F-SM-MM-06(XL) SC, 1300 nm multimode
2 km (1.2 miles)*
* Typical maximum cable distance. Actual distance is dependent upon the
physical characteristics of the network. See the Cable Specifications on page 4
for more information on the cable length.
Optional Accessories (sold separately)
Part Number Description
SPS-1872-SA Optional External Power Supply; 18-72VDC Stand-Alone
Output: 12.6VDC, 1.0 A
SPS-1872-CC Optional External Power Supply; 18-72VDC Piggy-back;
Output: 12.6VDC, 1.0 A
E-MCR-03 12-Slot Media Converter Rack (includes universal internal power
supply) 17 x 15 x 5 in. (432 x 381 x 127 mm)
WMBL Optional Wall Mount Brackets
Length: 4.0 in. (102 mm), Fits converter length: 4.7 in. (119 mm)
WMBV Optional Vertical Mount Bracket; Length: 5.0 in. (127 mm)
WMBD Optional DIN Rail Mount Bracket; Length: 5.0 in. (127 mm)
WMBD-F Optional DIN Rail Mount Bracket (flat); Length: 3.3in. (84 mm)
SC, 1310 nm singlemode
15 km (9.3 miles)*
SC ,1310 nm singlemode
40 km (24.9 miles)*
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . .4
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . .5
Fault Isolation and Correction . . .6
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Compliance Information . . . . . . . .8

Installing the Cable
1. Locate or build fiber cable with male, two-stranded TX to RX connectors
installed at both ends.
2. Connect the fiber cables to the Media Converter as described:
• Connect the male TX cable connector the female TX port.
• Connect the male RX cable connector to the female RX port.
3. Connect the fiber cables to the other device (another media converter,
hub, etc.) as described:
• Connect the male TX cable connector the female RX port.
• Connect the male RX cable connector to the female TX port.
Connect the fiber cable
to the Media Converter
as shown.
Connect the fiber cable
to the other device
(media converter,
hub, etc.) as shown
Using Status LEDs
Use the status LEDs to monitor the Media Converter operation in the network.
Pwr Steady LED indicates connection to external AC and DC power.
Link (left) Steady LED indicates multimode fiber link connection.
Link (right) Steady LED indicates singlemode fiber link connection.
(TX) (RX)(TX) (RX)
Power the Media Converter
1. Install the power adapter cord to the back of the Media Converter.
2. Connect the power adapter plug to AC power.
3. Verify that the Media Converter is powered by observing the illuminated
LED power indicator light.
Consult the User’s Guide for the Transition Networks SPS1872-xx DC External
Power Suppy for powering the Media Converter.
Tech Support: 800-260-1312 International: 952-941-7600 7am-6pm CST (GMT-6:00)
techsupport@transition.com -- Select the “Transition Now” Link for a Live Web Chat