Transition Networks DataBand EV User Manual

DataBand EV User Manual V1.3
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
Patapsco has recently been acquired by Communications Systems, Inc. (CSI) and is now a part of Transition Networks, Inc., a subsidiary of CSI. The high-quality, reliable Transition Networks’ brand of products is now combined with the world class portfolio of telecommunications and data communications products from Patapsco Communications.
You can be assured that the same quality and support from both organizations will continue. Please contact either Transition Networks or Patapsco Communications for sales, support and product information.
Patapsco Communications The Passfield Oak, Passfield, Near Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7RL UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1428 752900 Fax: +44 (0) 1428 752901 Email: Web Site:
Transition Networks 10900 Red Circle Drive Minnetonka MN 55343 USA
Tel: 952- 941-7600 or 1-800-526-9267 Fax: 952-941-2322 Email: Web Site:
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.
DataBan d EV User Man ual2

Table of Contents

1. Transition Networks - Patapsco Range
2. Navigating this Manual
3. Product Overview
4. Safety
4.1 Safety Statements
4.2 Approvals
4.3 Environmental Concerns
................................................................................................................................... 8
................................................................................................................................... 10
................................................................................................................................... 11
5. Getting Started
5.1 In the Box
5.2 Rack Mounting Kit
5.3 Connections and Cabling
5.4 Cable Spec
5.5 Installing DbManager
................................................................................................................................... 12
................................................................................................................................... 13
................................................................................................................................... 14
................................................................................................................................... 15
................................................................................................................................... 15
4 5 7 8
5.6 Using DbManager
5.7 Connecting via Terminal
5.8 Connecting via IP
................................................................................................................................... 16
................................................................................................................................... 17
................................................................................................................................... 19
6. Device Window
6.1 Front Panel - LEDs
................................................................................................................................... 22
7. Configuration
7.1 Name and Management Settings
7.2 Clock Sources
7.3 Port Settings
7.4 Control Signals
7.5 LoopBacks
7.6 Info
................................................................................................................................... 24
................................................................................................................................... 25
................................................................................................................................... 25
................................................................................................................................... 26
................................................................................................................................... 26
................................................................................................................................... 27
8. Appendix
8.1 Boot Up Procedure
................................................................................................................................... 30
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
8.2 Glossary
8.3 FCC Affidavit
................................................................................................................................... 30
................................................................................................................................... 37
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
DataBan d EV User Man ual4
Transition Networks 10900 Red Circle Driv e Minnetonka Minnesota 55343 USA
Teleph one: +1- 952- 941- 7600 or: +1- 800- 526- 9267 Fax: +1-952-941- 2322 email: info@transition. com techsupport@transition. com W eb Site: www.transition. com
Patapsco Commu nications The P assfield Oak Passfield Liph ook Hampshire GU30 7RL UK
Teleph one: +44 (0)1428 752900 F ax: +44 (0)1428 752901 email: W eb Site: www.patapsco. co. uk
1. Transition Networks - Patapsco Range
Patapsco DataBand products allow cross-connectivity of E1 and T1 ports and timeslots between any source and destination connected to the unit. Conversion of E1 to T1 and vice versa is catered for, as well as conversion between A-law and µ -law voice calls, while the DataBand E1T1 range allows simple conversion between the E1 and T1 protocols. The EV device allows conversion between V.35 and E1/T1 protocols, while the IMUX product range offers aggregation and inverse multiplexing for ISDN systems commonly involving encrypted videoconferencing.
Please contact Transition Networks or Patapsco for any additional information on the product range, or for any other queries regarding communications solutions:
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
2. Navigating this Manual
This manual is best viewed using the latest version of Adobe Reader, which is a free program. Click below to download the latest version of the product from the Adobe Website.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents starts on page 3. Click on a topic to navigate directly to the relevant page.
Use the Bookmarks table on the left to navigate through the pages of the manual. Use the small + and - symbols to expand and collapse the chapters of the manual.
If there is a specific chapter of the manual which is required, it can be found using keywords. The keywords can then be entered into the PDF search tool, and all occurrences of the keyword will be displayed.

Navigatin g this Manual 5

Example: To find information on configuring clock sources, the keyword 'clock' can be used. Go to Edit
Search (or press Ctrl+F) and enter Clock. Now Click Search and all the references to the keyword will be displayed below the search field. Click on any of the search results to go to the page immediately.
This manual can easily be printed if a hard copy is required for a presentation, or simply if a hard copy is preferred. To print the manual, open it with Adobe Reader and go to File Prin t. Configure your printer and click P rint.
Notes on figures used in this manual
The following symbols will be used in this manual to highlight points of particular interest:
Info: A note about a subject which particular care should be taken with.
Example: An example scenario used to better describe an action or a situation.
Warning: A warning which must be read before taking any action. Ignoring the warning may potentially lead to a problem.
Arrow: This symbol indicates the next step, option or menu layer which needs to be accessed.
The Arrow symbol will be used often in this manual to quickly describe how to navigate to an option within the DataBand EV menu system.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
DataBan d EV User Man ual6
For example, to navigate to this location:
The following figure would be used:
PKT 1 Utilities Ping/Trace Session Trace Route
Other Formats
This manual can be provided in a variety of different help manual formats upon request. Please contact Patapsco for more information.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
3. Product Overview
DataBand - A range of leased line converters, multiplexers and backup units.
Datasheets are available for each DataBand EV version, which give a wide range of information and specifications for the device, including application notes and examples. Please visit the main page for DataBand EV or follow one of the links to datasheets below:
DataBan d E1T1
DataBan d MUX-4
DataBan d MUX-32 multiple E 1/T1
Patapsco's website has a detailed FAQ section which has a wealth of information on the product range, fault-
finding and configuration.

Product Overview 7

© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
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4. Safety
Please take a moment to observe the safety notices for this product and its accessories.
4.1. Safety Statements
Caution: Danger of electric shock. The device may be connected to hazardous voltages. Switch to power-
off state before working on the device.
Caution: Danger of electrostatic discharge. Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic discharges
that might damage the device. Protect the device from electrostatic discharges by wearing an electrostatic wristband connected to a grounding terminal.
Caution: Interruption of data transmission. Data transmission will be interrupted during any work on the
transmission line and/or deactivation of the power supply. Make sure that that any work will only be carried out on inactive lines (without data transmission) or during quiet times to reduce interference to live systems.
Caution: Danger of damage to devices or service interruption. Access by unauthorized third persons may
cause damaged devices and/or interrupted services. Make sure that subracks are only installed in lockable locations.
Caution: Danger of overvoltage. During faults, dangerous unprotected voltages may be present. Ensure
sufficient grounding of the housings, i.e. by connecting the grounding contact.
Safety Warnings
Safety requirements are not fulfilled unless this equipment is connected to a wall socket outlet with a protective earth (PE) contact.
The power cord used to connect this equipment must be HAR marked and fitted with an IEC320 connector and an ASTA approved moulded plug.
There are no user serviceable parts in this equipment. All servicing and repair tasks must be undertaken by qualified service personnel.
Isolation from mains power is achieved by the removal of the main power cord.
Telecommunications Safety
The safety status of ports conform to EN60950.
Connections to ports must be made such that the equipment continues to comply with the standard defined by EN60950 for SELV/ TNV circuits after such connections have been made.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
Safety 9
Rated Current ( Amps)
Rated Voltage (Volts)
CEE(7) VII10250
Class 1 Appliances
United Kingdom
Class 1 Appliances
Class 1 Appliances
AS 311210250
Class 1 Appliances
South Africa
Class 1 Appliances
IEC 320/C13-C15
Class 1 Appliances
Any equipment which is connected to a Patapsco system should be separately approved for connection.
Port Safety Status
ISDN Network Ports - TNV
Term and LAN Ports - SELV
Mains Connection (AC)
The power requirements for DataBand EV are: 95VAC to 240VAC at 47-63Hz.
The Mains Plug should conform to: EL-302 to Nema 5-15P class 1 applications 10/15 A @ 125V 10A minimum >28AWG
The IEC Plug conforms to: El-701A to IEC320/C13 10A 250V rating.
The following rated mains cables must be used in the regions stated:
DC Connection
Unit may be fitted with a DC power inlet. The DC voltage connected should be in the range 36-70VDC. Typically 400mA @ 48VDC.
TDM Connections
TDM cables used should meet the following specifications:
24AWG 0.2mm/7 stranded bare copper 3 or 4 pairs dependent
Shielded or Non-Shielded with moulded US plug 8P8C gold plated 3U
European Deviations
Intended for connection to other equipment or a network shall, if safety relies on connection to protective earth or if surge suppressors are connected between the network terminals and accessible parts, have a marking stating that the equipment must be connected to an earthed mains socket-outlet.
The marking text in the applicable countries shall be as follows:
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
DataBan d EV User Man ual10
Coun try
EN 55022, EN 55024
Australia and New Zealand
FCC pt 15b
Coun try
ETSI - TBR3 Basic, Primary Rate Layer 1/2/3, TBR4
S016 Leased Line connectivity, S038 Primary Rate requirements over TBR4
New Zealand
News Letter 125 testing for connectivity
FI: "Laite on liitettää soujamaadoitus-koskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan" NO: "Apparaten må tilkoples jordat stikkontakt" SE: "Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag"
4.2. Approvals
All approvals are pending. Patapsco can provide approvals for DataBand EV units' connection to carrier networks on request. These approvals can cover ETSI, ANSI and Scandinavian circuit connection and isolation. Please contact Patapsco for more information.
This product meets EN60950-1 and carries the mark.
Europe and rest of the world where applicable cov ered by harmonisation:
WARNING: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in
which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
Safety 11
4.3. Environmental Concerns
Patapsco products comply to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive which states that producers of electronic/electrical products must take responsibility for those products at the end of their life. The user may dispose of their waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, or by returning it to Patapsco. The separate collection and recycling of waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.
Please contact Patapsco for information on returning a product at the end of its life.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
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5. Getting Started
Follow these steps to connect up and install the unit, ready for configuration.
5.1. In the Box
All units are supplied with the following:
Terminal cable
This is used for configuration of the units when IP connection is not possible or where the default IP address is not usable. Please see
Connecting via IP for details on IP management.
DbManager Installation Disk
This CD allows management software to be installed onto a PC for configuration and monitoring of the device. Please see Installing
DbManager for more information.
The following accessories are optional:
TDM Cables
TDM Port cable packs can be ordered with units as required.
LAN Network Cables
Cables to connect from a LAN to DataBand EV can be ordered with DataBand EV units as required.
Rack Mounting Kit
Units can be supplied with brackets and accessories to enable the unit to be mounted in a 19" rack.
If any additional accessories are required, please contact Patapsco.
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
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