Register bank select input
Register bank group select input
Register row address strobe input
Register column address strobe
Register write enable input
CS0_n, CS1_n,
CS2_n, CS3_n
DIMM Rank Select Lines input
Register clock enable lines input
Register on-die termination control
lines input
Register input for activate input
Dummy loads for mixed populations
of x4 based and x8 based RDIMMs.
Data Buffer data strobes
(positive line of differential pair)
Data Buffer data strobes
(negative line of differential pair)
Register clock input (positive line of
differential pair)
Register clocks input (negative line
of differential pair)
I2C serial bus clock for SPD/TS
and register
I2C serial bus data line for SPD/TS
and register
I2C slave address select for
SPD/TS and register
SDRAM command/address
reference supply
Power supply return (ground)
Serial SPD/TS positive power
SDRAM activating power supply
Set Register and SDRAMs to a
Known State
SPD signals a thermal event has
SDRAM I/O termination supply
288Pin DDR4 2133 RDIMM
8GB~16GB Based on 1Gx4
DDR4 Registered DIMM is high-speed, low power
memory module that use 1Gx4bits DDR4 SDRAM in
FBGA package and a 4Kbits serial EEPROM on a
288-pin printed circuit board. DDR4 Registered DIMM is a
Dual In-Line Memory Module and is intended for
mounting into 288-pin edge connector sockets.
Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the
use of system clock. Data I/O transactions are possible
on both edges of DQS. Range of operation frequencies,
On DIMM Thermal Sensor
Pin Identification
programmable latencies allow the same device to be
useful for a variety of high bandwidth, high performance
memory system applications.
RoHS compliant products.
JEDEC standard 1.2V ± 0.06V power supply
VDDQ=1.2V ± 0.06V
Clock Freq: 1067MHZ for 2133Mb/s/Pin.
Programmable CAS Latency: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16
Programmable Additive Latency (Posted /CAS):
0,CL-2 or CL-1 clock
Programmable /CAS Write Latency (CWL)
= 11, 14(DDR4-2133)
8 bit pre-fetch
Burst Length: 4, 8
Bi-directional Differential Data-Strobe
On Die Termination with ODT pin
Serial presence detect with EEPROM

Dimensions (Unit: millimeter)
1. Tolerances on all dimensions +/-0.15mm unless otherwise specified.

1. VPP is 2.5V DC
2. Pin 230 is defined as NC for UDIMMs, RDIMMs and LRDIMMs. Pin 230 is defined as SAVE_n for NVDIMMs.
3. Pins 1 and 145 are defined as NC for UDIMMs, RDIMMs and LRDIMMs. Pins 1 and 145 are defined as 12V for Hybrid /NVDIMM
4. The 5th VPP is required on all modules, DIMMs.
Pin Assignments

Block Diagram
8GB, 1Gx72 Module(1 Rank x4)

Block Diagram
16GB, 2Gx72 Module(2 Rank x4)

This technical information is based on industry standard data and tests believed to be reliable. However, Transcend makes no warranties, either
expressed or implied, as to its accuracy and assume no liability in connection with the use of this product. Transcend reserves the right to make changes
in specifications at any time without prior notice.

1. Operating Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM. For the
measurement conditions, please refer to JESD51-2 standard.
2. At 0 - 85℃, operation temperature range are the temperature which all DRAM specification will be
Voltage on VDD relative to Vss
Voltage on VDDQ pin relative to Vss
Voltage on VPP pin relative to Vss
Voltage on any pin relative to Vss
1. Stress greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the
device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions
above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
2. Storage Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM. For the
measurement conditions, please refer to JESD51-2 standard.
3. VPP must be equal or greater than VDD/VDDQ at all times.
Supply voltage for Output
1. Under all conditions VDDQ must be less than or equal to VDD.
2. VDDQ tracks with VDD, AC parameters are measured with VDD and VDDQ tied together.
3. DC bandwidth is limited to 20MHz
I/O Reference Voltage (CMD/ADD)
1. The AC peak noise on VREFCA may not allow VREFCA to deviate from VREFCA(DC) by more than ± 1%
VDD (for reference : approx. ± 12mV)
2. For reference : approx. VDD/2 ± 12mV
Operating Temperature Condition
Absolute Maximum DC Ratings
AC & DC Operating Conditions
Recommended DC operating conditions
Single-ended AC & DC input levels for Command and Address

differential input high DC
V 1 differential input low DC
differential input high AC
V 2 differential input low AC
1. Used to define a differential signal slew-rate.
2. for CK_t - CK_c use VIH.CA/VIL.CA(AC) of ADD/CMD and VREFCA;
3. These values are not defined; however, the differential signals CK_t - CK_c, need to be within the respective
limits (VIH.CA(DC) max, VIL.CA(DC)min) for single-ended signals as well as the limitations for overshoot
and undershoot.
DC output high measurement level
DC output mid measurement level
V DC output low measurement level
V AC output high measurement level
V 1 AC output low measurement level
1. The swing of ± 0.15 × VDDQ is based on approximately 50% of the static single-ended output peak-to-peak
swing with a driver impedance of RZQ/7Ω and an effective test load of 50Ω to VTT = VDDQ.
AC differential output high
measurement level
AC differential output low
measurement level
1. The swing of ± 0.3 × VDDQ is based on approximately 50% of the static differential output peak-to-peak
swing with a driver impedance of RZQ/7Ω and an effective test load of 50Ω to VTT = VDDQ at each of the
differential outputs.
Differential AC and DC Input Levels
Single-ended AC & DC output levels
Differential AC & DC output levels

Operating One bank Active-Precharge current; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRC =
tRC(IDD), tRAS = tRASmin(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid
commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are
Operating One bank Active-read-Precharge current; IOUT = 0mA; BL =
8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRC = tRC (IDD), tRAS = tRASmin(IDD),
tRCD = tRCD(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address
bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data pattern is same as IDD4W
Precharge power-down current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is
LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are
Precharge quiet standby current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is
HIGH, /CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus
inputs are FLOATING
Precharge standby current; All banks idle; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is HIGH,
/CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus
inputs are SWITCHING
Active power - down current; All banks open; tCK = tCK(IDD); CKE is LOW;
Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are
Active standby current; All banks open; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS =
tRASmax(IDD), tRP = tRP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid
commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus
inputs are SWITCHING
Operating burst read current; All banks open, Continuous burst reads, IOUT
= 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS = tRASmax(IDD),
tRP = tRP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address
bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data pattern is same as IDD4W
Operating burst write current; All banks open, Continuous burst writes; BL =
8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK(IDD), tRAS = tRASmax(IDD), tRP = tRP(IDD);
CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are
SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING IDD4R
Burst refresh current; tCK = tCK(IDD); Refresh command at every tRFC(IDD)
interval; CKE is HIGH, /CS is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and
address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING
Self refresh current; CK and /CK at 0V; CKE ≒ 0.2V; Other control and
address bus inputs are FLOATING; Data bus inputs are FLOATING
Operating bank interleave read current; All bank interleaving reads, IOUT =
0mA; BL = 8, CL = CL(IDD), AL = tRCD(IDD)-1*tCK(IDD); tCK = tCK(IDD), Trc =
tRC(IDD), tRRD = tRRD(IDD), tRCD = 1*tCK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH
between valid commands;Address bus inputs are STABLE during DESELECTs;
Data pattern is same as IDD4R;
1.Module IDD was calculated on the specific brand DRAM(2Xnm) component IDD and can be differently
measured according to DQ loading capacitor.
IDD Specification parameters Definition( IDD values are for full operating range of Voltage and Temperature)
8GB, 1Gx72 Module(1 Rank x4)