Trango Systems M915S Installation Manual

Instructions for use of the M915S-AP or M915S-SU module in an OEM product without re-certification with the FCC.
1. When using the external antenna port, the module must be used with either the PC9013N Yagi antenna from Cushcraft or BS915XL7 from Comtelco.
For more information on these antennas please go to:
2. If the FCC ID on the front of the module is not visible when the module is installed in another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. The exterior label should use wording such as the following:
"FCC ID of module inside: NCYM915S."
"This device contains transceiver module FCC ID: NCYM915S."
The exact wording is not specified in the FCC Rules so the OEM may use similar wording which expresses the same meaning.
In addition, the OEM should place the following text on a label (can be the same label as above) attached to the outside of the device:
"The transmitter module in this device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation."
3. For optimum performance the module should be housed in a metal enclosure.
4. The internal antenna should be clear of any metallic object by at least 1 inch on the sides and 5 inches from above to prevent reflected RF energy from damaging the unit.
5. It is recommended to use .050” thick polycarbonate or ABS directly above the internal antenna element with a clearance of .5 to 1 inch minimum.
6. Any labeling used on the module to cover up silkscreened text must be non-metallic to prevent grounding test points and component leads.
7. Chassis ground should be connected to one of the .125 holes located along the perimeter of the PCB.
8. This device is static sensitive and should be handled at an ESD approved workstation only.
9. This device is allowable for uncontrolled RF exposure at 100 cm. The unit is typically mounted in a fixed position outdoors with at least a separation distance of 100 cm (1 meter) in front of the antenna. This applies to the patch antenna or any of the approved antennas for the external port The end-user manual that this module is incorporated into must state that the user should maintain a separation distance of greater than 1 meter from the antenna.