T rane unit heaters represent a
technological breakthrough in quality .
T rane of fers customers the most
complete line of unit heaters anywhere.
And every unit in the line has been rated
for 80 percent thermal efficiency or
better .
But higher thermal efficiency and lower
operating costs are just two features of
this product line. Innovation — the
engineering advances you’ve come to
expect from T rane — can also be found
across this entire line of unit heaters.
And rugged, quality construction
provides years of dependable service.
Quality products mean T rane value.
So does fair , competitive pricing. The 1 0year warranty tells you Trane will be here
for the long haul — keeping our
commitment to you. Y ou can count on
T rane standing behind every unit
shipped. That is what Trane value means.
Featur es and Benefits
Application Considerations
Selection Procedur e
Manual Selection Procedure
Model Number Description
General Data
P erformance Data
Adjustment Factor
Electric P o wer
Dimension and W eights
Mechanical Specifications
T en-Y ear War ranty
The complete heat exchanger , draf t hood
assembly of the unit heater and burners
are warranted by Trane to be free from
defects in material and workmanship for
a period of 10 years from the date of
manufacture. (War ranty not applicable
on duct furnaces or Separated
Combustion units.)
Quiet Operation
T rane unit heaters incorporate an
exceptionally balanced fan blade to
assure quiet operation.
Heat Exchang ers
All T rane heat exc hangers are available in
three types of steel:
All units are equipped with a 24Vcontrol
system which is powered by a 24V
transformer as standard equipment.
Fan Time Delay
The fan time delay is mounted at the
factory as standard equipment (optional
on duct furnaces). This feature eliminates
an initial blast of cold air by allowing the
unit to fire for a short period of time
before actuating the fan motor. Af ter the
thermostat is satisfied (with burners off),
the fan continues to operate for
approximately one minute, removing
residual heat from heat exchanger .
All sizes 30,000 through 400,000 Btu
input are equipped with a proven
design pressed steel burner having a
unique “burner shade” protective
device to prevent scale or foreign
matter from plugging the burner ports.
Energy Saving Int er mit tent Pilot Contr ol
The pilot burner is ignited only during
each cycle of operation, thereby
conserving energy during the off cycle.
LP/Natural Operation
All units are available for operation on
either natural or LP gas from our
Easy Access For Maintenance
All T rane unit heaters are so designed
that the burner access panel is removed
with just two screws. Burners are
individually removable for inspection
and servicing. Pilot is also accessible
through side panel access door.
Test Fired
All T rane unit heaters are test fired to
assure proper operation.
Ideal For Retrofit
T rane unit heaters let you poc ket fuel
savings from day one and provide
years of dependable service.
Features and
High-Efficiency Propeller
Fan Unit Heaters
T rane high-ef ficiency propeller fan unit
heaters achieve annual fuel savings of
20 to 25 percent over conventional
gravity vented heaters.
Each unit features a factory-installed
flue vent fan and sealed flue collector
that controls combustion and excess
air during the on-cycle.
Heated air no longer escapes through
the draft diverter opening during the
off-cycle. Energy saving intermittent
pilot ignition reduces gas losses. The
pilot only operates when required.
Horizontal power venting, smaller
openings and single-walled vent pipe
reduce heat loss. Higher efficiencies
can reduce equipment and material
costs as well as installation time.
High-Efficiency Centrifug al
Fan Unit Heaters
The high-efficiency centrifugal fan unit
heater keeps energy costs down. The
design advances achieve annual fuel
savings of 20 to 25 percent over
conventional gravity vented heaters.
In the past, these conventional gravity
vented heaters lost heated room air
through the draft diverter opening.
The high-efficiency centrifugal unit
features integral power venting (factoryinstalled) and sealed flue collector for
optimum combustion.
It reduces wind effects on the system’s
efficiency . Intermit tent pilot ignition
reduces pilot gas losses and the power
drafter allows for horizontal venting
through side walls. It all adds up to
higher efficiencies and lower installation
High Efficiency Indoor Duct Fur nace
The high efficiency indoor gas duct
furnace complements our current
centrifugal and propeller fan lines.
All high efficiency lines were designed to
achieve fuel savings of up to
25 percent over conventional gravity
vented heaters.
Conventional gravity vented heaters lost
heated room air through the draft
diverter opening. The high efficiency line
features an integral flue vent fan and
sealed flue collector for improved
combustion. It reduces air requirements
and wind effects on the system’s
efficiency . Intermit tent pilot ignition
reduces pilot gas losses and the flue vent
fan allows for horizontal venting through
side walls.
Features and
Propeller Fan Unit Heat ers
The Trane g as-fired unit heater is a
complete heat generating and
distributing plant, equipped with
automatic safety controls, all packaged in
a modern, streamlined, space saving,
attractive casing for mounting near the
ceiling. Propeller units are basically zero
static pressure appliances. At no time
should ductwork be used with propeller
The designs are certified by A GA and
CGA as conforming with standards for
safe and efficient performance.
Centrifugal Fan Unit Heaters
Centrifugal fan unit heaters are ideal for
commercial and industrial applications
where a low noise level is desired. Trane
centrifugal fan unit heaters which
operate at .2-inches W.C. are extremely
Centrifugal fan gas-fired unit heaters
should be selected for applications
where ductwork or discharge nozzles are
to be used.
Separated Combustion Propeller Fan
Unit Heaters
Separated Combustion Centr ifugal F an
Unit Heaters
The T rane separated combustion units
are designed for space heating in mildly
hostile environments. These units can be
installed where dusty, dir ty , or mildly
corrosive conditions exist or where high
humidity or slightly negative pressure
T ypical applications are industrial work
areas with wood or textile dust, nonexplosive contaminated environments,
non-chlorine process areas, automotive
and truck g arages and greenhouses.
These units achieve higher seasonal
efficiencies by using outside air for
combustion, overcomes slight negative
pressures near exhaust fans or paint
booths and isolates burner from dust,
humidity and chemicals. The combustion
process is separate from the
environment where the unit is installed.
A power venting system draws a
controlled quantity of combustion air
from outside the building. The same
system exhausts flue products to the
outside. The burners, pilot and flue
system are enclosed within the unit, thus
the whole combustion process is literally
unaffected by the atmosphere where the
heater is located.
Features and
Tubular Heat Exchanger
Propeller Fan Unit Heat ers
The T rane Company has added a new
unit heater to enhance its broad line of
heating products. The Trane tubular heat
exchanger is a very durable unit heater
that provides an alternative to the
traditional clam shell style. These are
propeller style units that combine the
latest tubular heat exchanger style with
inshot burner technology to create a very
efficient operating unit.
Separated Combustion
Duct Furnace
The T rane separated combustion duct
furnace is designed to operate efficiently
and reliably, even in en vironments that
are dusty, dir ty or mildly cor rosive, or
where high humidity or slightly negative
pressure is present.
Duct Furnaces
A duct furnace is normally installed in the
distribution duct of an air conditioning
system to supply warm air for heating.
This definition applies only to an
appliance which depends for air
circulation on a blower not furnished as
part of the furnace.
Knowledge and experience gained from
thousands of installations over many
years have gone into the design of the
T rane g as-fired duct furnace. No effor t
has been spared to make this product
one of the best obtainable. The objective
was to produce an appliance that would
be low in first cost and installation cost,
dependable in performance and
endowed with long life under normal
operating conditions.
Applications include:
Industrial work areas with wood or
textile dust
Non-explosive contaminated
Non-chlorine process areas
Automotive and truck garages
Horizontal Blo wer Assemblies
T rane horiz ontal blower assemblies have
been specially designed for air handling
systems of high static pressure in
combination with T rane duct furnaces.
They are matched against the proper
furnace size for greatest efficiency of
Propeller fan unit heaters and centrifugal
fan unit heaters are designed for use in
space heating applications. The units are
typically used in areas with high ceilings,
and are exposed in the space to be
heated. Unit heaters offer low installed
cost, and are able to heat large volume
areas without requiring extensive duct
Duct furnaces are designed for use in
ducted applications with a separate air
handling device such as a horizontal
blower assembly. By utilizing a separate
air source, greater application flexibility
in airflow delivery can be obtained.
Multiple duct furnaces can be used with
an air handling unit to provide zone
NOTE: When installing duct furnaces in
parallel or in series, minimum clearance
requirements must be consider ed. This is
required f or serviceability of the gas
valve and the high limit. “All duct
furnaces are appro v ed in blow -thr u
applications only .”
All duct furnaces are AGA appro ved
upstream or downstream of the cooling
coil. Recommend optional field installed
drain pan when installed on the
downstream side of the cooling coil.
NOTE: Do wnstr eam denotes cooling coil
ahead of the fan section.
When used in conjunction with filters,
cooling coils and an air handler, the duct
furnace can become part of a built-up
heating and cooling system.
Gas Heating Value
The majority of gas heating units are
installed in applications where natural
gas is readily available. In areas where
natural gas is not available, T rane units
may be ordered directly from the factory
for use on LP (propane) gas.
Gas heat content varies by fuel type and
location. The standard gross heating
value for natural gas is 1,000 Btu per
cubic foot, and for propane, 2,500 Btu
per cubic foot. Significant variations
selections. To account for variations in
the gross heating value of the fuel, adjust
the total heat input required and select
the unit on the basis of the adjusted load
using the following formula:
Adjusted load = Calculated load x
gross heat value (Btu/cu ft)
Actual gross heat value (Btu/cu ft)
Low T emperature Rise
T rane recommends ag ainst the setup of
a unit which will result in a temperature
rise of less than 30°F. With such low
temperature rises, the flue gases passing
through the heat exchanger are cooled
to condensate before reaching the flue
outlet. This condensate is corrosive and
will result in shortened heat exc hanger
Air Density
Catalog performance data is based on
elevations up to 2,000 feet above sea
level. Above 2,000 feet the unit’s heating
capacity must be derated four percent
for each 1,000 feet above sea level, and
special orifice selections are required.
Table PAF -1 contains cor rection factors
that can be applied to the unit’s
cataloged heating capacity, fan rpm, and
fan bhp to obtain actual values for
elevations above 2,000 feet.
Corrosiv e Atmospheres
Corrosion of heat exc hangers and draft
diverters have two basic variables –
moisture (condensation) and sulphur.
These two ingredients form to make
sulfuric acid in the combustion process.
Condensation occurs commonly in
makeup air systems, using large
amounts of fresh air, when air
temperatures entering the heat
exchanger drop to 40°F or below . This
reaction can also occur in recirculating
systems where some quantity of outside
air is introduced upstream of the
exchanger . The sulphur will always be
present as an integral component of the
gas. The resulting concentration of the
acid is governed by the amount of
sulphur in the gas. This concentration
varies from gas to gas and
geographically within the same type
of gas.
Beyond sulfuric acid corrosion there is
the area of chlorinated or halogenated
hydrocarbon vapor corrosion. This type
of corrosion occurs when substances are
mixed with combustion air that will
cause the formation of hydrochloric or
hydrofluoric acid when burned. These
basic substances are found in
degreasers, dry cleaning solvents, glues,
cements, paint removers and aerosol
propellants. Specific chemicals included
in this group are trichloroethylene,
perchloroethylene, carbon tetrac hloride,
methylene chloride, meth yl c hloroform
and refrigerants 11, 12, 21, 22 and 1 1 4.
If sufficient PPM content of these
corrosives is present, none of the
common heat exchanger materials will
hold up. The dilemma becomes whether
to place the gas heating equipment
outside of the area to be conditioned, or
use equipment in the space which does
not burn a fuel such as gas (i.e. electric or
Units should not be installed in areas
with corrosive or inflammable
atmospheres. Locations containing
solvents or chlorinated hydrocarbons
will produce corrosive acids when
coming in contact with burner flames.
This reaction will greatly reduce the life
of the heat exchanger and may void the
warranty . F or added protection ag ainst
heat exchanger cor rosion, optional 409
and 321 stainless steel construction is
available. On units using outside air, with
entering air temperature below 40°F,
condensation of flue gas in the heat
exchanger is possible. In these cases,
stainless steel heat exchangers are
Careful review of the job application with
respect to use, probable contaminants
within a conditioned space or the
amount of fresh air to be brought in, will
help to make the proper selection of heat
exchanger material. This review will help
to eliminate problems before they begin.
Indoor Units
Indoor gas unit heaters and duct
furnaces are used primarily in
commercial and industrial structures
such as manufacturing areas,
warehouses, garages, stores,
showrooms, lobbies and corridors.
Separated combustion units are used
primarily in industrial work areas with
wood or textile dust, non-explosive
contaminated environments, nonchlorine process areas, automotive and
truck garages and greenhouses.
Unit Placement
Refer to the applicable T rane Installation,
Operation and Maintenance literature for
specific installation instructions.
Installations must conform with local
building codes or in the absence of local
codes with the National Fuel Gas Code
ANSI Z223.1 .
When selecting a location for an indoor
unit heater, both the siz e and weight of
the unit, as well as the heating
requirements of the building, should be
considered. Installation of units in
airplane hangars or public garages
should be in accordance with NFP A No.
409 for aircraft hangars, and NFPA No.
88 for garages.
For proper distribution, air should be
directed towards areas of maximum
heat loss. When multiple units are used,
circulation of heated air around the
space perimeter is recommended.
Satisfactory results can also be obtained
where multiple units are located toward
the center of the area, with heated air
being discharged tow ard the outside
walls. Throw data for standard unit
heaters and unit heaters utilizing
optional discharge nozzles is shown in
the General Data section, pages 19 and
Locations where extreme drafts can
affect burner operation should be
avoided. Strong drafts may cause pilot
outage. Units with intermittent pilot
ignition may be preferable in areas
where drafts are likely.
Minimum clearances required for
accessibility and safety are listed in T able
Throw D ata
Throw data for units with standard
louvers and for units with optional
discharge nozzles are in the General Data
section, pages 19 and 20. Optional
nozzles are for use on propeller fan unit
heaters, centrifugal fan unit heaters and
duct furnaces. When greater throw
distance is desired, a 45° nozzle is
recommended. For high mounting
heights, a 90° nozzle may be used. When
wide diffusion is needed, a Y splitter
nozzle should be considered. A five-way
nozzle can be used for applications
requiring even air distribution over a
large floor area. (Five-way nozzles are
not available on propeller fan unit
Indoor Units — Venting
Gas fired indoor units require venting to
remove the products of combustion. To
help assure safe, trouble-free operation,
follow the guidelines listed below:
Natural V enting
Provide a vertical flue of at least four feet.
Use a flue the same size as the flue
opening on the unit.
Provide maximum vertical rise at the
Keep horizontal runs to a minimum and
slope flue upward at least ¼-inch per
foot. Horizontal runs should not
exceed 75 percent of the v ertical
height of the vent pipe, or chimne y,
above the flue pipe connection.
Avoid shor t turns; 45° elbows are
The vent pipe should be at least six
inches from combustible material and
should be properly insulated when
passing through combustible partitions.
Extend flue at least two feet above the
highest point of the roof.
Tape flue pipe joints with fireproof paper
or material.
Avoid installing units in areas under
negative pressure.
Avoid running vent pipe through
unheated spaces. When this cannot be
avoided, insulate the pipe to prevent
condensation of moisture on the inside
walls of the pipe.
Where two or more units vent into a
common flue, the cross-sectional area of
the common flue must be equal to the
larger vent connection plus 50 percent of
the area of each additional vent
connection. (Gravity vent units only.)
Do not damper the flue piping. Failure to
open such a damper prior to operating
the unit will result in the spillage of flue
gas into the occupied space, activating
the blocked vent (spill) switc h.
Flue V ent Fans
Where chimneys of suf ficient height are
impractical, or where the distance from
the heater to the chimney is so great that
sufficient draft cannot be created, a flue
vent fan can be used to vent the
products of combustion. The flue vent
fan is normally started and stopped by
the room thermostat. A centrifugal
switch in the flue vent fan operates the
electric gas valve.
Dimensional data for the flue vent fan is
shown in Table DW-14.
Power Vented Units
Units with a factory installed flue vent
All units must be vented. Power vented
units are designed to use single wallvent
pipe. A Breidert Type L, Field Starkap, or
equivalent unit vent cap must be
furnished by the customer.
The venting system for these appliances
shall terminate at least 4 feet below, 4
feet horizontally from, or 1 foot above
any door , window or gravity air inlet into
any building.
Through-the-wall vents for these
appliances shall not terminate over
public walkways or over an area where
condensate or vapor could create a
nuisance or hazard or could be
detrimental to the operation of
regulators, relief valves, or other
The vent pipe diameter must be as
shown under “Recommended Flue Size”
in the specification charts. An adaptor
must be field supplied if required.
Each furnace must ha ve an
individual vent pipe and vent
terminal. V ent pipe equivalent length
must not exceed 50 feet. Equivalent
length is the total length of straight
sections, plus 15 feet for each 90°
elbow and 8 feet for each 45°
Maintain 6 inch clearance between vent
pipe and combustible materials. Vent
terminal must be installed with a
minimum clearance of 4 feet from
electric meters, gas meters, regulators,
and relief equipment.
Seal vent pipe joints to prevent leakage.
Use General Electric RTV -108 or Dow
Corning RTV -732 Silicone S ealant or 3M
#425 aluminum foil tape.
Pitch horizontal pipes down w ard
¼-inch per foot toward outlet for
condensate drainage. Horizontal
portions of the venting system shall be
supported at maximum intervals of
4 feet to prevent sagging.
V ertical vent pipes should be equipped
with condensate drains.
Insulate single wall vent pipe exposed
to cold air or running through
unheated areas.
FM and IRI Requirements
IRI, which stands for Industrial Risk
Insurers, and FM, which stands for
Factory Mutual, are both basically
insurance companies which insure
commercial/industrial firms against a
variety of losses. Both publish
requirements which must be met by
certain equipment operating in the
facilities they are preparing to insure.
Listed below is our interpretation of the
requirements of both insurers pertaining
to heating units only to the extent of
features/controls required by IRI and/or
FM. There are a number of additional
requirements which per tain to electrical
service, details of installation, etc., and
we urge you to obtain copies of the
publications pertaining to these details if
you are involved in a job where IRI or FM
adherence has been indicated. The
requirements detailed herein are our
interpretations of the latest publications
in our possession and we must disclaim
any responsibility for errors due to our
interpretation and/or lack of any updated
revision of these standards. Our intent is
to provide you with an understanding of
the application of these standards and
how we believe our indirect-fired gas
heating equipment applies.
IRI Requirements
All input sizes require 100 percent
shutoff. This requires that any natural g as
unit, equipped with intermittent pilot
ignition, must employ a “lock out” type
ignition system which will shut off pilot
gas if the pilot fails to light at any time.
This system is required by AGA on LP
gas units as standard equipment.
However, for natural g as units, you need
to specify on the order “Natural Gas, 100
percent shutoff.”
All units require AGA cer tification or UL
“listed” controls. Our units are AGA
certified and meet this requirement.
Models with inputs of 150,000 to 400,000
Btu require “mechanical exhaust” and
a “safety interlock.” For our units this
means a power vented or drafter
equipped unit. In both instances, if the
flue vent fan (factory or field installed)
does not get up to speed, the unit will
not fire, satisfying the safety interlock
FM Requirements
All units must be AGA cer tified or UL
listed. Our units are AGA cer tified.
The high limit control must be in a
circuit, the voltage of which does not
exceed 120 V A C. All of our high limits
would meet this requirement.
The specific requirement for an “IRI or
FM Gas T rain,” while it applies to direct
and indirect-fired gas heating equipment
as well as oil-fired, comes into play only
with units having an input in excess of
400,000 Btu. This may be one of the
reasons why the majority of gas heating
equipment manufacturers (indirect-fired)
limit their largest individual furnace to
400,000 Btu.
Gas Inlet Pressures
Gas valves are suitable to a maximum
inlet pressure of 0.5 psi (14 inc hes w ater
column) on natural gas. If the main gas
supply pressure is greater than
14 inc hes W.C., a step-down pressure
regulator must be field installed ahead of
the gas valve. Minimum inlet pressure for
natural gas units is 5 inches W.C.
For LP (propane) gas, the minimum inlet
pressure is 11.0 inc hes W.C.
and the maximum inlet pressure is
14.0 inc hes W.C.
High Pressure Regulat ors —
Natural Gas Only
The T rane indoor g as heating products
contained in this catalog, are designed
to operate at a pressure of 3.5-inch W.C.
(Water Column) when firing on natural
gas. This is the “manifold” pressure or
that which is present at the burner
orifices. All five and six-function valves
provide a built-in pressure regulator
which is capable of reducing “supply”
pressures from a maximum of 14-inc h
W.C. (½ psi) down to
3.5-inch W.C. on the leaving side of the
valve. The valve typically “drops” about
1½-inch so the minimum supply
pressure is 5-inch W.C.
Whenever supply pressures exceed
14-inc h W.C., a high pressure regulator
should be selected. We supply a
In order to select the proper spring/
orifice combination, we need to know
what the supply pressure is on that
particular job and the input size of the
unit being ordered. More than one unit
can be run from one regulator; however,
we recommend that each unit have its
own regulator.
We require that the “job” supply
pressure be included on all jobs
requiring high pressure regulators along
with the unit size. The table that follows
displays the regulators range as it
pertains to inlet pressure and MBh. N/A
requires the customer to contact a local
utility or an industrial supply house.
These devices are not available from
T rane for LP g as. LP accessories must be
secured from the gas supplier/ supply
Roc kwell regulator whic h is fitted with
pressure springs and capacity orificing
to meet the requirements of each
specific job.
1 psi3/8”N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ABlue (only)
23/8”3/8”N/AN/AN/AN/ABlue (only)
33/8”3/8”3/8”N/AN/AN/ABlue or Green
53/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”Blue or Green
1 03/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”3/8”Blue or Green
201/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”5/16”Blue or Green
401/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”1/4”Blue or Green
601/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”3/16”Blue or Green
801/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”N/ABlue or Green
1001/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”Blue or Green
1251/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”1/8”Blue or Green
Mounting Detail
(Hanging Hardware Supplied by Others)
Steel Construction
Wood Construction
(V enting
V enting unit heaters and duct furnaces
used to be as simple as remembering
that warm air rises. With the introduction
of new venting equipment and safety
controls, things have become a little
more technical. Today’s contractor has to
know a lot more about proper venting to
get the job done within code at a
reasonable price.
For starters ANSI now categorizes vented
appliances into four categories. Category
I includes non-condensing appliances
with negative vent pressure, like the
traditional atmospheric unit heater.
Category II groups condensing
appliances with negative vent pressure.
Category III appliances are noncondensing and operate with a positive
vent pressure, like the traditional power
vented unit heater. Category IV covers
condensing appliances with positive vent
When a factory owner replaces an old
unit heater, having an ef ficiency of
65 percent, he expects to benefit from
the higher efficiency of the new unit. This
efficiency brings a system c hange with it
in the form of lower flue temperatures,
closer to the dewpoint.
If the old stack isn’t cor rosion resistant
deterioration may be sudden. The mild
acid that forms when vent gas
condenses will gradually eat away at the
metal. Eventually the stack will rust
through leaking fumes and
To avoid condensation be certain to use
stacks of the right size. Oversize stacks
draw slower, allowing more time for
condensation. For naturally vented units
use B vent. This insulated vent pipe
contains vent heat, reducing the chances
of condensation. This is particularly
important for vents running through
unheated areas.
In addition to problems from
condensation, contractors have had to
become aware of new mandated
controls. In addition to a high limit
switch, the primary power circuit for
naturally vented atmospheric gas unit
heaters now contains a “spill” switch.
This switch, a manually resettable
thermo disk type device, senses a
blocked flue. Sensitive to a rise in
temperature in the draft diverter , the spill
switch cuts of f power to the gas valve
stopping combustion.
Unit Heaters)
Sharing Flues with Other Appliances
T raditionally unit heaters get installed in
pairs, sharing a common flue between
two heaters. When a unit heater must
share a flue with another appliance a few
cautions are appropriate.
Always be certain that the flue can
handle the combined operation of all
appliances connected to it. Never
assume that one appliance will operate
at a time. When connecting into the stack
or breaching always connect the device
with the largest input first. This limits the
potential for flue gases to escape out
other outlets and warms the entire
chimney . Avoid installing appliances
directly across from each other when
entering the stack. This might force the
draft from one appliance to vent out the
opposing draft diverter .
When piping to a stack NEVER reduce
the appliance vent size. Use smooth
transitions and long bends. Abrupt
transitions and tight elbows create
resistance and turbulence that can limit
vent capacity. Never connect power
vented devices to common flues.
Mechanically vented appliances must
have dedicated vents to the point of
Natural Draf t Unit Heaters
The gravity vented unit heater still has
the greatest acceptance, but the new
high efficiency of gravity unit heaters add
some new twists to venting. As ef ficiency
rises more heat gets extracted from the
flue gas. This heat had been driving the
vent system in natural draft systems.
With lower flue gas temperatures,
velocities in the chimney decrease. In
turn this lower velocity can cause flue
gases to reac h the point at whic h they
will condense.
Tie smaller units into larger. Avoid cross
connections that feed backw ards int o
another flue.
Spill Switch
Problems arise in buildings that have
experienced back draf ting from neg ative
pressure for years. As new units replace
old, the back draf ting causes the units to
shutdown, uncovering a makeup air
problem that has gone uncorrected for
(V enting
Power V ent ed Unit Heaters
Mechanically vented appliances have
enjoyed increasing acceptance in
American facilities. Power vented unit
heaters allow installation without the
need to penetrate expensive roofing
materials. They also offer more flexibility
in placement of individual unit heaters.
Mechanical venting occurs when a
power blower provides a positive air
flow to exhaust vent gas. The blower
may be mounted at the unit heater or at
the point of termination. With a factory
installed power venter, a pressure switc h
detects the flow of vent gas before the
gas valve is allowed to open. With third
party drafters usually a centrifugal switc h
monitors the operation of the blower
motor. When properly installed, the
switch senses motor rotation and allows
the gas valve to operate. Interlocking the
blower to the gas valve provides some
control over the combustion process.
Using a factory unit with a pressure
sensitive switch ensures that control.
With all their advantages power venters
bring some requirements as well. Each
manufacturer determines the maximum
length of pipe and fittings that his system
can use for safe operation. Remember to
count the fittings and allow for their
higher resistance to flow. The total length
of run includes not only the piping length
but the resistance of all the fittings
including the termination cap.
Many contractors have become
accustomed to using B vent with natural
draft units. Used with power vented
appliances indoors, B vent is
unacceptable. B vent does not allow
positive pressure in the vent piping to be
sealed from the heated space. Proper
installation uses 24-gauge, single wall
vent pipe and each joint sealed with
temperature resistant sealant or tape.
Power Vent ed Unit Heate r
Unit Heaters)
Vent T ermination Locations
(minimum distance)
(V enting
Contractors must also be aware of the
conditions at the point of termination.
The National Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54/
ANSI Z223.1-1 992 mandates that vent
system should terminate at least 4 feet
below, 4 feet horizontally or 1 foot above
any window, door, or gravity inlet to a
building. Termination with a vent cap
approved by the manufacturer should
occur well above the snow line.
Beyond satisfying the codes, vents
should be positioned away from shrubs
and plants that might be affected by
unseasonable warming by the exhaust.
Sidewall vents release a considerable
amount of water vapor that may
condense on cold siding, adversely
affecting painted surfaces. Placing these
vents in locations that get natural air
circulation from prevailing winds may
help to reduce these negative effects.
Separated Combustion V enting
Another form of mechanical venting
includes those unit heaters that use a
powered exhaust also to pull in outside
air. Most of ten found on condensing
furnaces, separated combustion does
not use room air for combustion. Instead
these unit heaters use a second run of
pipe to supply fresh outdoor air.
The separated combustion approach
offers several advantages. First, it does
not use warm indoor air to fire the unit
heater. This saves energy by avoiding
drawing unheated make-up air into the
living space. Second, the unit heater has
an unlimited source of air for
combustion. In many of the new super
insulated buildings appliances can be
starved for combustion air. In
contaminated atmospheres the use of
separated combustion unit heaters
assures that the heat exchanger sees
only non-corrosive air .
Unit Heaters)
When positioning the intake and exhaust
vents on separated combustion
equipment, the intake and outlet must
mount on the same outside surface. This
ensures that any wind effects balance
out. Remember to keep the vents at least
18” apart to avoid drawing exhaust air
into the intake air.
With T rane’s separated combustion unit
heaters intake air and exhaust air run
through standard 24-gauge galvanized
pipe. Remember that separated
combustion unit heaters still have high
vent temperatures. Use of PVC, CPVC
and other plastic vent materials are
inappropriate and hazardous. Check the
manufacturer’s instructions before
piping any appliance.
The vent gases of power vented and
separated combustion unit heaters may
condense on a cold start-up or when
vent piping runs through unheated
areas. T o protect the heater alw ays pitc h
both intake and exhaust piping toward
the outside of the building. Remember
also that no power vented equipment
can share a common flue with any other
appliance. Should a flue become blocked
one appliance could vent into the
occupied space.
Approved vent caps should be used on
both the intake and exhaust
terminations. For greater convenience
T rane of fers a concentric vent adapter
that allows venting through a single
perforation through the building wall or
Opportunities Using Trane Gas Products
Whatever venting configuration your job
requires, T rane of fers a unit heater to
meet your needs. T rane of fers the
reliability of traditional standing pilot
systems, always vented by natural draft.
We of fer spark ignition natural draft and
power vented unit heaters and the new
separated combustion unit heaters.
Pr ocedure
Determine the total heating load
requirements in accordance with
methods recommended by the ASHRAE
Handbook of Fundamentals or other
acceptable means.
Propeller Fan Unit Heat er
From the performance data tables, select
the unit whose heating output meets or
exceeds the heating load requirement.
Airflow (cfm) and temperature rise can
be read directly from the performance
data tables.
Knowing the mounting height of the
unit, throw can be determined from the
performance data table. If the throw is
not adequate, consider using a larger
propeller fan unit heater or a centrifugal
fan unit heater with an optional
discharge nozzle for greater throw.
Selection Example —A natural gas
propeller fan unit heater that can provide
75 MBh heating output is required. The
unit will be mounted 10 feet above the
floor and a 40-foot throw is required.
Select the unit as follows:
From Table PD-5, select a GPND-010 with
a 100.0 MBh input and 80.0 MBh heating
output, 1,480 cfm and a 50°F
temperature rise.
From Table GD-2, throw at a mounting
height of 10 feet is 54 feet.
Centrifugal Fan Unit Heater
From the performance data tables, select
the unit whose heating output meets or
exceeds the heating load requirement.
Airflow (cfm) ranges are listed for each
unit size in the performance data tables.
Knowing either the desired airflow or
temperature rise, the other can be
calculated using the following formulas:
Output x 1,000
cfm =
1 .085 x ∆T
Output x 1,000
∆T =
1 .085 x cfm
Knowing the mounting height of the
unit, throw can be determined from the
performance data table. If the throw is
not adequate, a discharge nozzle can be
used to obtain additional throw.
Selection Example —An LP (Propane)
gas centrifugal fan unit heater that can
provide 150 MBh heating output is
required. An airflow of 2,000 cfm is
desired. The unit will be mounted 12 feet
above the floor and a 65-foot throw is
Select the unit as follows:
From Table PD-7, select a GCPD-020 with
a 200.0 MBh input and 160.0 MBh
heating output. An airflow of 2,000 cfm
is within the allowable range, and
temperature rise is calculated as follows:
MBh x 1,000
∆T =
1.085 x cfm
160 x 1,000
∆T =
From Table GD-2, throw at a 12-foot
mounting height is 61 feet. As a 61 -foot
throw is not adequate, a 60 degree
nozzle can be selected (from T able
GD-4) which provides a throw of
76 feet.
Duct Furnace
From the performance data tables, select
the unit whose heating output meets or
exceeds the heating load requirement.
Given the airflow to be supplied to the
duct furnace, temperature rise and
pressure drop through the duct furnace
can be read directly from the
performance data char ts. If the air
temperature rise is below 30°F, some
supply air must be bypassed around the
duct furnace. If the air temperature rise is
over 80°F, additional supply air must be
delivered to the duct furnace.
1 .085 x 2,000
= 74.0°F
Selection Example — A natural g as duct
furnace that can provide 300 MBh
heating output is required. An airflow of
5,000 cfm is being provided to the duct
Select the unit as follows:
From Table PD-8, select a GDND-040 with
a 400.0 MBh input and 320.0 MBh
heating output.
From Chart PD-1, temperature rise at
5,000 cfm is 58°F and pressure drop is
0.16 inches.
Horizontal Blo wer Assembly
From the performance data tables, select
the blower assembly that provides the
needed airflow at the required static
pressure, and determine the required
motor size and fan speed.
If a blower assembly is to be used with a
duct furnace, refer to the dimensional
data table to determine which blower to
use with the given duct furnace. The duct
furnace pressure drop must be added to
the pressure drop of the duct system
before entering the blower assembly
performance data tables. Enter the
performance data table at the required
airflow and at the total external static
pressure to determine the motor size
and fan speed.
Selection Example — A GDND-040 duct
furnace is to be used with a horizontal
blower assembly. An airflow of 5,000
cfm is required. The pressure drop of the
duct system is 0.54 inches, and the
pressure drop of the duct furnace is 0.16
Select the unit as follows:
From Table DW-13, select a HBAC-45 for
use with the GDND-040 duct furnace.
From Table PD-9, an HBAC-45 at 5,000
cfm and 0.7 inches static pressure (0.54
inch ductwork + 0.16-inc h furnace)
requires a 1½ hp motor with a fan speed
of 720 rpm.
Indoor Gas Heating Units
G P N D 003 A A F 1 0 0 0 0 +
1 2 3 4 5,6,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5
Digit 1 — Gas Heating Equipment
Digit 2 — Product T ype
P = Propeller Fan Unit Heater
B = High Efficiency Centrifugal F an
Unit Heater
C = Centrifugal Fan Unit Heater
D = Indoor Duct Furnace
L = High Efficiency Indoor Duct Furnace
H = High Efficiency Propeller Fan Unit Heater
A = Separated Combustion Propeller Fan
Unit Heater
K = Separated Combustion Centrifugal F an
Unit Heater
M = Separated Combustion Indoor Duct
T = Tubular Heat Exc hanger - P ropeller Type
S = Special
A = 1 15/60/1E = 460/60/3
B = 230/60/1F = 575/60/3
C = 208/60/3S = Special
D = 230/60/3
Digit 9 — Gas Control Option
A = Single-Stage, Standing Pilot
D = Single-Stage, Intermittent Pilot Ignition
E = Two-Stage, Intermittent Pilot Ignition
F = Hydraulic Modulating, Intermittent Pilot
Ignition (60-100°F)
G = Hydraulic Modulating with Bypass,
Intermittent Pilot Ignition (60-1 00°F)
H = Electronic Modulating with Room
T-Stat, Intermittent Pilot Ignition
J = Electronic Modulating with Duct-Stat,
Intermittent Pilot Ignition
K = Single-Stage, Hot Surface Pilot Ignition
L = Electronic Modulating with External
4-20 mA Input
N = Electronic Modulating with External
0-10 VDC Input
P = Hydraulic Modulating, Intermittent Pilot
Ignition (75-150°F)
R = Hydraulic Modulating with Bypass,
Intermittent Pilot Ignition (75-150°F)
S = Special
Digit 10 — Design Sequence
F = Sixth Design
Digit 1 1 — Heat Ex chang er Mat er ial
1 = Aluminized Steel
2 = #409 Stainless Steel
3 = #321 Stainless Steel
S = Special
Digit 12 — Rooftop Arr angements
0 = None (Indoor Unit)
S = Special
Digit 13 — Rooftop Heating Unit
Motor Selection
0 = None (Indoor Unit and Rooftop Duct
S = Special
Digit 14 — Rooftop F an Section
0 = None (Indoor Unit and Rooftop Duct
S = Special
Digit 15 — Miscellaneous Options —
All Units
0 = None
A = #409 Stainless Steel Burners
B = Orifices For Elevation Above 2000 Feet
(Specify Elevation)
S = Special
Propeller Fan Unit Heater
(Std., Hi-Effic. and Separ ated Combustion)
C = #409 Stainless Steel Draft Diverter
D = Summer-Winter Switch
E = Vertical Louvers
J = T otally Enclosed Motor
7 = OSHA Fan Guard
Centrifugal F an Unit Heat er
(Std., Hi-Effic. and Separ ated Combustion)
C = #409 Stainless Steel Draft Diverter
D = Summer-Winter Switch
E = Vertical Louvers
H = Duct Discharge Flange
J = T otally Enclosed Motor
Duct Furnace (Indoor) (Std. or Hi-Ef fic.)
C = #409 Stainless Steel Draft Diverter
D = Summer -Winter Switch
F = Horizontal Louvers
G = Horizontal and Vertical Louvers
K = Side Access Burner Drawer (Left Hand)*
L = Fan Time Delay Control
M = Side Access Burner Drawer (Right
Separated Combustion Indoor Duct Fur nace
C = #409 Stainless Steel Draft Diverter
D = Summer-Winter Switc h
F = Horizontal Louvers
G = Horizontal and V ertical L ouvers
Tubular Heat Exchanger, Propeller Type
J = T otally Enclosed Motor
7 = OSHA Fan Guard
1. All units are AGA approved. For CGA approved units,
contact Clarksville Technical Support.
2. Available on the tubular sizes 100-400 only.
3. Not available for tubular.
*The left or right hand side of the side access burner
drawer, options K & M, is determined by facing the air
outlet side of the duct furnace.
0 = None
A = 100 MBhF = 225 MBh
B = 125 MBhG = 250 MBh
C = 150 MBhH = 300 MBh
D = 175 MBhJ = 350 MBh
E = 200 MBhK = 400 MBh
(Horizontal Blo wer
Digit 8 — Main Power Supply
A = 1 15/60/1D = 230/60/3
B = 230/60/1E = 460/60/3
C = 208/60/3S = Special
Digit 9 — Motor Horsepower
hpE = 1½ hp
B = ½ hpF = 2 hp
C = ¾ hpS = Special
D = 1 hp
Digit 10 — Design Sequence
C = Third Design
Digit 1 1 — Miscellaneous Options
0 = None
1 = Insulation
3 = Totally Enclosed Motor
S = Special
Table GD-1 — Minimum Clearances
DuctPropeller & Centrifugal
Sides1 8”18”
Standard Unit Heater Applications
*21” clearance is required for bottom access to
burners and pilot. If a side pull-out burner drawer is
ordered (duct furnace only), bottom clearance can be
reduced to six inches. Side clearance, however, must
be increased such that it is adequate for burner drawer
removal. Reference Tables DW-10 and DW-11.
Table GD-2 – Standard Unit Heater Appr o ximate Distance of Throw at Nominal Airflow
Table GD-5 – 90 Degree Nozzles – Appro ximat e Floor Cov erag e at Nominal Airflow
100NR30 x 25NRNRNR
125NR35 x 30NRNRNR
150NR40 x 35NRNRNR
175NR45 x 40NRNRNR
200NR50 x 4040 x 35NRNR
225NR55 x 4048 x 35NRNR
250NR60 x 4556 x 4050 x 35NR
300NR70 x 4565 x 4060 x 3555 x 35
350NR80 x 5070 x 4565 x 4060 x 35
400NR100 x 5080 x 4575 x 4065 x 40
Distance From Floor to Bottom of Unit “H” – ft./(m)
(9.1 x 7.6)
(10.7 x 9.1)
(12.2 x 10.7)
(13.7 x 12.2)
(15.2 x 12.2)(12.2 x 10.7)
(16.8 x 12.2)(14.6 x 10.7)
(18.3 x 13.7)(17 .1 x 12.2)(15.2 x 10.7)
(21 .3 x 13.7)(19.8 x 12.2)(18.3 x 1 0.7)(16.8 x 10.7)
(24.4 x 15.2)(21.3 x 13.7)(19.8 x 12.2)(18.3 x 10.7)
(30.5 x 15.2)(24.4 x 13.7)(22.9 x 12.2)(19.8 x 12.2)
Table GD-6 – “Y” Splitters – Appro ximat e Distance of Throw at Nominal Airflo w
Distance From
Floor to BottomUnit Size – Input MBh – (kW)
(kW)8.813.217.622.029.336.643.951.258.665.973.287 .8102.51 17.1
Thermal Efficiency80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%
Free Air Delivery
(cu. m/s)0.3540.3780.4960.5190.6990.7791.0381 .1941.2461.2741.4632.0772.3602.502
Air Temperature Rise
Outlet Velocity
(m/s)3.453.663.1 03.253.944.625.315.445.134.834.985.595.845.33
Full Load Amps at 115V4.
Motor Data:
(kW)0.0250.0250.0250.0250.0370.0750.1860.2490.2490.2490.249 (2) 0.186 (2) 0.249 (2) 0.249
Amps @ 115V1.
1. Ratings are shown for elevations up to 2,000 feet above sea level. Above 2,000 feet, input must be derated 4 percent for each 1,000 feet above sea level.
2. Standard 115/60/1 open drip-proof motor.
3. Thermal efficiency for the 003 and 004 units are based on stack in horizontal position.
4. The flue vent fan motors used on all high efficiency units are 115/60/1; 1/20 hp and 1.5 amps.
Table PD-2 – High Efficiency Centrifugal Fan Unit Heater P erformance Data
Unit Size0100120150 17020022025030035040
(kW)29.336.643.951 .258.665.973.287.8102.51 1 7.1
(kW)23.429.335.141 .046.952.758.670.382.093.7
Thermal Efficiency80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%80%
Free Air Delivery
(cu. m/s)0.5660.7430.9321.0861.1331.2271 .3451 .8642.1712.266
Air Temperature Rise
Outlet Velocity
Full Load Amps at 115V8.39.810.610.615.
Motor Data :
hp¼1/3½½¾¾¾¾ 1 1
Amps @ 115V5.16.67 .47.412.
1. Ratings are shown for elevations up to 2,000 feet above sea level. Above 2,000 feet, input must be derated 4 percent for each 1,000 feet above sea level.
2. Standard motors are 115V 60 Hz, single phase open drip-proof.
3. The flue vent fan motors used on all high efficiency units are 115/60/1; 1/20 hp and 1.5 amps. All other voltages will require an additional transformer.
4. SPH= Split Phase; CS = Capacitor Start
5. 0.2” maximum external static pressure.
Table PAF-1 — Altitude Correction Factors
Altitude Above Sea Level (FT)02,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007 ,000
Gas Heating Capacity1.000.920.880.840.800.760.72
Fan rpm1.
Fan bhp1.001.071.121 .1 81.251.331.41
1. For high altitude installations above 2,000’, reduce ratings 4% for each 1,000’ above sea level.
2. Multiply standard unit by correction factor to get actual input and required rpm and hp.
Correction Factors For High Altitude Installations
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