Repair N/A
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Frame, Structure & Underbody (cont.)
Repair N/A
Power steering system operates properly with no le aks
■ ■
41 Wheel cover s secure and reason ably free of damage
■ ■ ■
42 Tires are inflated to specification and free of defects and damage
■ ■
Minimum of 5/32" tread depth rema ining across tread wid th
■ ■
44 A ll four tires must be of s ame brand, model, size, tread design,
speed and load ratin g
■ ■
45 Brake calipers and lines operate properly with no signs of damage
■ ■
46 T he brake system contains al l needed equipm ent (shim kit,
pins, rattle clips, etc.)
■ ■
Brake pad/shoe linings have a minimum thicknes s of 50% remaining
■ ■
48 B rake rotors/drums within specif ications with no abn ormal
grooving and discolo ration
■ ■
49 E xhaust system is properly secured with no leaks
■ ■
Engine/transmissio n mounts operate proper ly with no signs of wear
■ ■
51 Drive/axle s hafts operate proper ly with no damage
■ ■
52 CV joints /boots operate proper ly with no signs of wear
■ ■ ■
53 In spect engine for f uel, oil, coolant or other fluid leaks
■ ■
54 In spect transmissio n case and pan for le aks
■ ■
55 D ifferential flu id level correct with no leaks
■ ■ ■
Emissions & State Inspection
56 Per form emissions test and/or state inspection, if re quired
■ ■ ■
Under Hood
57 Dri ve belts and hoses f ree of cracks and damag e
■ ■
58 Co nfirm under-hood label s and decals
■ ■
59 Ai r filter in good cond ition
■ ■
60 Battery has no v isible damage
■ ■
61 Per form battery che ck with Midtronics G R8
■ ■
62 Bat tery posts and c ables free of corros ion and damage
■ ■
63 B attery properl y sized and secure
■ ■
64 C harging system operating properly and withi n specification
■ ■
65 En gine coolant level w ithin specificati on
■ ■
66 C oolant specifi c gravity to -31° Fahrenheit
■ ■
67 Chan ge engine oil and f ilter
■ ■
68 C heck for evidence of oil gel
■ ■
Oil, brake, clutch, transmissio n, transfer case, power steer ing
and washer fluid a t proper levels
■ ■
70 Under-hood f luids clear and u ncontaminated
■ ■
Functional & Walkaround
71 Owner’s Manual a nd TCUV Warranty Suppl ement in
dealer’s possession
■ ■
72 Fuel gau ge operational
■ ■
73 Batter y voltage gauge operational
■ ■ ■
74 Engine temperature ga uge operational
■ ■ ■
75 Horn op erates properly
■ ■
76 Airba g(s) present with no eviden ce of deployment
■ ■
77 He adlights are properly aligned
■ ■
78 High a nd low beams operate pro perly
■ ■
Functional & Walkaround (cont.)
Repair N/A
Tail lights operate properly
■ ■
80 B rake lights operate proper ly
■ ■
81 Side ma rker lights operate prope rly
■ ■
82 Bac kup lights operate prope rly
■ ■
83 L icense plate lights ope rate properly
■ ■
84 N o cracked or broken lens es of exterior lights
■ ■
85 In strument panel/war ning lights operate prop erly
■ ■
86 H VAC panel/lights operate prope rly
■ ■
87 Instru ment panel light dim mer operates proper ly
■ ■
88 Turn signal s operate properly an d self-cancel
■ ■
89 H azard flashe rs operate properly
■ ■
90 Rear-view interior mirror ope rates properly
■ ■
91 Ex terior mir rors’ operation and cond ition
■ ■
92 Re mote mirror control operates p roperly
■ ■ ■
93 G lass free of cracks, sta rs and large chips
■ ■
94 W indow tinting clear an d conforms to local requ irements
■ ■ ■
95 D ome/courtesy lights op erate with door cycles
■ ■
96 Windows operate proper ly
■ ■
97 Window locks operate properl y
■ ■ ■
98 Power windows operate from master switch and all door switches
■ ■ ■
99 Au dio/Cassette/CD/Aux system working properl y; CD cartridge
present (if equip ped)
■ ■ ■
100 Audio speakers do not rattle at high volume and function properly
■ ■ ■
101 Antenna is pres ent and functional
■ ■ ■
102 Clock op erates properly
■ ■ ■
103 12v ACC power outlet oper ates properly
■ ■ ■
104 Ashtrays (if equipped) are pre sent and operate prope rly
■ ■ ■
105 Headline r, sun visors, dash pad, upholstery, console,
cup holders, trim panels and carpet are in place, in good
condition and op erate properly
106 Driver floor mat (if equipped) is appropriate floor mat for the vehicle,
properly secured and not stacked on top of another floor mat
■ ■ ■
107 Doors open and close properl y
■ ■
108 Door lo cks, including child s afety locks, operate prop erly
■ ■
Remote keyless entry system and smart key system operate properly
■ ■
110 Master key is present
■ ■
111 Th eft deterrent system op erates properly
■ ■ ■
112 Seat adjustments a nd seat heater(s) operate proper ly
■ ■ ■
113 Memory se at control operates prope rly
■ ■ ■
114 Headrests functio n properly
■ ■ ■
115 Defogger indic ator light operates proper ly
■ ■ ■
116 Rear defogge r operates properly
■ ■ ■
117 Luggage compar tment light operatio n and trim appeara nce
■ ■ ■
118 Luggage compa rtment is clea n, free of debris, no stai ns
■ ■ ■
119 Hood and lugg age compartment latches operate properl y
■ ■ ■
Interior remote luggage compartm ent release operates properly
■ ■ ■
121 Emergency trunk release operates prop erly
■ ■ ■
122 Fuel door rel ease operates proper ly
■ ■ ■
123 Spare tire’s cover appearanc e and condition
■ ■ ■
124 Spare tire present
■ ■ ■
125 Spare tire has cor rect air pressure a nd a minimum of 5/32"
tread remaining
■ ■ ■
126 No signs of dam age to spare tire
■ ■ ■
127 Spare tire and storage areas are clean
■ ■ ■
128 Spare tire is secu rely fastened
■ ■ ■
129 Jack and tools a re correct, present an d secured
■ ■ ■
130 Acceptab le aftermarket items c hecked
■ ■ ■
131 Removal of unacce ptable aftermarket i tems
■ ■ ■
Detailing and Appearance Repair Certification
See Detailing Standards and Process Notes For Additional Details
Exterior Appearance
132 Body sur face condition
■ ■
133 Exter ior is washed, clea n and free of water spots
■ ■
134 Paint is fre e of swirl marks and ha s an even, high luster
■ ■
135 Paint is free of removable scratches
■ ■
136 Paint is fre e of wax residue
■ ■
137 Wheels/wh eel covers are clea n
■ ■
138 Wheel wells are clean
■ ■
139 Tires are clean and properly dressed
■ ■
Engine Compartment
140 Compartment is clean
■ ■
141 Unde r-hood heat insulator pad is clea n
■ ■ ■
142 Engine and compa rtment are proper ly dressed
■ ■
Interior Appearance
Repair N/A
143 Interior is free of de bris
■ ■
144 Dash and vents a re clean and prope rly dressed
■ ■
145 All crev ices are clean
■ ■
146 Ashtrays and lig hter are clean (if eq uipped)
■ ■ ■
147 Door jambs are cle an
■ ■
148 Glove box and con sole compartme nts are clean
■ ■
149 Cabin air fi lter condition
■ ■ ■
Seats, carpets, floor mats (if equipped) and headliner are free of stains
■ ■ ■
151 Free of odor, including heavy fra grance
■ ■
152 Glass is cle an and free of streak s
■ ■
Exterior Repairs
153 Body is f ree of all dents
■ ■
154 Body is re asonably free of din gs
■ ■
155 Paint is reaso nably free of scratche s and chips
■ ■
156 Vehicle is free of improper paint repa irs or mismatched colo r
■ ■
157 Glass is free of improper re pairs
■ ■
158 Bumpers are free of cuts, gouge s and mismatched paint
■ ■
Interior Repairs
159 Interior leath er, vinyl, plastic, carpet and fabr ic surfaces are free
of holes, rips, tears, exces sive wear or fading
■ ■
160 No evide nce of previous improp er interior repairs
■ ■
Additional Inspection Items
Where Applicable
1 “Fade -away” dome light operates properly
■ ■ ■
Sunroof/convertible top operates properly through full range of positions
■ ■ ■
3 Co nvertible top lockout f unction operates prope rly
■ ■ ■
4 Rad io security co des cleared
■ ■ ■
5 Navigation system operates properly and memory system cleared
■ ■ ■
6 Transfer case smoothly switches from 2WD to 4WD and back
from 4WD to 2WD
■ ■ ■
7 Truck bed is in good condition
■ ■ ■
8 Truck bed-lin er is in good condi tion and secured
■ ■ ■
9 Tailgate operates p roperly
■ ■ ■
10 Backup c amera operates prope rly
■ ■ ■
11 Bluetooth
searches for sig nal
■ ■ ■
12 SOS (Safety Con nect) light illuminates g reen
■ ■ ■
13 Lane Kee p Assist operates prop erly
■ ■ ■
Dynamic Radar Cr uise Control/Pre-C ollision Systems ope rate properly
■ ■ ■
15 Intelligent Par king Assist ope rates properly
■ ■ ■
Hybrid Components
1 Hy brid battery
■ ■ ■
2 Bat tery co ntrol module (batter y voltage s ensor)
■ ■ ■
3 Hy brid power managem ent control module
■ ■ ■
4 Ele ctric motor/generator operates properly
■ ■ ■
5 ECV T operates smoothly and proper ly
■ ■ ■
6 Power inve rter operates prope rly
■ ■ ■
7 Inver ter coolant level
■ ■ ■
8 E V/Eco/Power modes operate proper ly
■ ■ ■
9 Ch eck transaxle “park” mechanis m
■ ■ ■
10 Multi-information d isplay operates proper ly
■ ■ ■
11 Touch Tracer display operates properl y
■ ■ ■
12 Hill Start As sist Control operates pro perly
■ ■ ■
13 Remote air condition ing system (if equippe d) operates properl y
■ ■ ■
Solar-powered ventilation system (if e quipped) operates p roperly
■ ■ ■