Toshiba Q7 Flow Installation And Operation Manual

Reliability in motion
Q7 Flow Adjustable S p eed Driv
Installation and Operation Manual
Document Number: 54963-002 Date: December, 2004
About This Manual
This manual was written by the Toshiba Technical Publications Group. This group is tasked with providing technical docum entation for the Q7 Flow system. This manual provides information that will assist the qualified ins taller, operat or, or maintenance personnel in the safe installation and operation of the Q7 Flow. This manual is intended to be used in conjunction with the Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual (P/N 57246).
This manual provides inform ation on the various features that pertain to the installation and operation of this powerful cos
Every effort has been ma de to provide accurate and concise info rma tion to you, our customer. TOSHIBA is a registered trademark of the Toshiba Corporation.
Reliability in motion is a trademark of the Toshiba Corporation.
All other product or trade references appearing in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
information in this manual is subject to change withou t notice.
Toshiba International Corporation (TIC) shall not be liable for technical or editorial omissions or m
use of information contained in this manual.
This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prio
r writt
t-saving de vice and is applicable to the Q7 Flow only.
es in this manual, nor shall it be liable fo r incidental or c onsequential damages resulting from the
en consent of Toshiba International Corporation.
Email your comments, questions, or concerns about this publication to Toshiba.
Contacting Toshiba’s Customer Support
Toshiba’s helpful Customer Support Center can be contacted to obtain assista nce in resolving any Q7 Flow system problem that you may experience or to provide application information.
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST), Monday through Friday. The Support Center’s toll free number
You may also contact Toshiba by writing to :
For further information on Toshiba’s products and services, please visit our website. © Copyright 2004 Toshiba International Corpo
is US (800) 231-1412/Fax (713) 466-8773 — Canada (800) 527-1204.
Toshiba International Corporation 13131 West Little York Road Houston, Texas 77041-9990 Attn: ASD Product Manager.
ration. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S .A.
Congratulations on the purchase of the new Q7 Flow Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD). The Q7 Flow is a solid- st at e A C dr iv e . Th e Q7 Flow is ideally suited to drive the variable torque load in your HVA C system. Tos hiba’s technology, quality, and reliability enables the motor to de velop good torque and provide compensation f or motor sl ip, whic h re sults i n smoo th, qui ck st arts and hi ghl y effi ci ent ope ration. The Q7 Flow uses digitally-controlled pulse width modulation. The programmable functions may be accessed via the easy­to-use menu. The se fea tures, combin ed with Toshiba’ s high-pe rforman ce soft ware, d elive rs unpa ralle led mot or control and reliability.
The Q7 LCD screen that provides easy access to the many monitoring and programming features of the Q7 Flow.
The motor control software is menu-driven, which allows for easy access to the motor control parameters and quick
The Q7 Flow a including the abi lity to run at 110% for up to 60 seconds. Bot h systems have the added advantage of being offered at a significantly reduced cost when compared to comparably sized ASD systems.
To m aximize the abilities of your new Q7 manual has been prepared for the Q7 Flow installer, ope rator, and maintena nce personnel.
Whether you are using the Q7 AS
Flow is
changes when required.
a very powerful tool, yet surpris ingly simple to operate. The Q7 Flow has an easy -to - read
nd the Q7 ASD systems perform all of the ASD functions that Toshiba has become known for
w, a working familiarity with this manual will be required. This
D Power Unit or the Q7 Flow, both are truly Reliability in motion.
Important Notice
This manual may not cove r all of the variations of ASD applications, nor may it provide information on every possible conti ngency concerning installation.
The contents of this manual shall not become a part of or modify any prior agreement, commitment, or rela
tionship betw ee n the customer and Toshiba International Corporation. The sales contract contai ns the entire obligation of Toshiba International Corporation. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Toshiba Internati onal Corporati on's ASD Division and any statement s containe d herein do not create new war ranties or modify the existing warranty.
Any electrical or mechanical modifications to this equipment without prior written consent of Toshiba Inte certifications. Unauthorized modifications may also result in equipment damage or personal injury.
ional Corporation will void all warranties and may void the UL/CUL li sting or other safety
Q7 Flow Adjustable Speed Drive
Please complete the Warranty Card supplied with the ASD and return it to Toshiba by prepaid mail. This will activate the 12 month warra nty from the date of installation; but, shall not exceed 18 months from the date of purchase.
Complete the following informati on about the drive and retain it for your records.
Q7 Flow Model Number:
Q7 Flow Serial Number:
Project Number (if applicable):
Inspected By: Name of Application:
Date of Installation:
Table of Contents
Gener a l Sa fe t y Inf o r ma t i on . ......... .......... .......... ......... ................. .......... .......... .......... ......... .....1
Specia l S y mb o ls . .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... ................. .......... .......... ....... 2
Equipment Warning Labels ................................................................................................ 2
Qualified Pers onnel ..... .......................................................................................................3
Equipment Inspection ......................................................................................................... 3
Handling and Storage .........................................................................................................3
Disposa l ....... ....... .......... .......... .......... ....... .......... ......... .......... ....... .......... .......... .......... ......... 4
Install at i on P r ec au ti o n s ... .. .......... ......... .......... ................. .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 4
System I n tegratio n Precaution s .................... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 6
System S et u p Req u i re m e n ts ... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ..... 7
Opera ti on a l an d Ma in t en ance Prec au t io n s .................... ......... .......... ................. .......... ....... 8
CE Compliance Requirements ............................................................................................... 9
Using RC D P ro tection ....... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... 9
EMC Installation Guidelines .............................................................................................. 9
Q7 Flo w In st a l la t io n .......... ... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .................... 11
Install at i on N ot e s ... .. .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 11
Q7 Flow Mounting and Connections ................................................. .............................. 12
I/O and C o nt rol . ... ......... .......... .......... ......... ................. .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 15
Q7 Flow Monitoring/Control Interface ............................................................................ 19
Typ i cal Q7 Flow Connection Di ag r a m .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 20
System Protection .................................................................................................................. 25
ASD Protection ................................................................................................................ 25
Motor Protection .............................................................................................................. 27
Q7 Flow Control Panel Features ...................................................................................... 30
Q7 Flow Theory of Operation .......................................................................................... 32
Enclo su re D im ensiona l Info rmation and Weights . ................. .......... ......... .......... .......... ..... 34
Enclosu r e D imensio n s/Weight s ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 35
Cable/Termin a l Sp ec if i ca t i o ns .... .. .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 38
Current/Voltage Specifications ............................................................................................. 40
Q7 Flow Insta llation and Operati on Manual i
General Safety Information
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, maintain or dispose of this equipment until you have read and understood all of the product safety information and directions that are contained in this manual.
Safety Alert Symbol
The Safety Alert Symbol indicates that a potential personal injury hazard exists. The symbol is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an exclamation mark.
Signal Words
Listed below are the signal words that are used throughout this manual followed by their descriptions and associated symbols. When the words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION are used in th is manual they will be followed by important safety information that must be carefully adhered to.
The word DANG situatio n exis ts that, if not avoided, will r es ult in death or serious injury to personnel.
receded by th e safety al ert symbol in di ca t es th a t an imminent l y h az ar d o us
ER p
The word WARNING p situatio n exis ts that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury to personnel.
receded by the safety alert symbol indicates tha t a potentially hazardous
The word CAUT situation exists which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
N preceded by the safety alert symbol indicates that a potentially hazardous
The word CAUT which, if not avoided, may result in equipment and property damage.
N without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situa tion exists
Q7 Flow Installation and Operation Manual 1
Special Symbols
To identify special hazards, other symbols may appear in conjunction with the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION signal words. Thes e symbols indicate areas that require special and/or strict adherence to the procedures to prevent serious injury to personnel or death.
Electrical Hazard Symbol
A symbol which indicates a hazard of injury from electrical shock or burn. It is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing a lightning bolt.
Explosion Hazard Symbol
A symbol which indicates a hazard of injury from exploding parts. It is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an explosion image.
Equi pment Warning Labels
DO NOT attempt to insta ll, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this equipment until you have read and understood all of the product labels and user direc tions that are contained in this ma nual.
Shown below are examples of safety labels that may be found attached to the equipment. DO NOT re
move or cover any of the labels. If the labels are damaged or if additional labels are required, contact
your Toshiba sales representative for additional labels. Labels atta ched to the equipment are there to provide useful information or to indica te an imminently
rdous situ ation that may result in serious injury, severe property and equipment damage, or death if
the inst r uctions are not followed.
Figure 1. E
Excessive Loadin g of Operating Shaft Can Prevent Conta ctor From Clos i ng Properly Resulti ng In Major Damage.
Do Not Use Contactor Shaft To Drive Accessories Such As Mechanical Interlocks Which Require More Than 5 Kgf-cm Of Torque To Operate.
xamples of labels that may be found on the equipment.
HAZARDOUS VOLTAG E Behind These Pane ls. Contact With Energized Main Bus Will Cause Severe Injury, Death, Fire, Explosion, Or Proper t y Da ma ge .
Turn Off And Loc k o ut Pr i m ar y And Control Circuit Power Before O pe ni ng
These Panels. Quali fie d O pe r ators Only.
At Least 5 Minutes Before Entry. Check For Charged Voltage
To Dissipate To A Safe Level Before Opening The Equipment.
HAZA RD OUS VOLTAGE Can Cause Severe Injury, Death, Explosion, Fire, Or Property Damage.
Only Qualified Personnel Should Be Permitted To Operarate or Service This Equipment. Disconnect And Lockout Primary And Control Circuit Power Before Servicing.
Keep All Panels And Covers Securely In Place. Never Defeat, Modify, Or Bypass Safety
Foreign Voltage May Be Present At Interface Terminals. Isolate Before Performing Service Or Repairs. Unauthorized Modifications To This Equipment Will Void The Warranty.
2 Q7 Flow Instal lation and Operation Manual
Qualified Personnel
Installatio n, ope ratio n, and maint enanc e shal l be perfor med by Qualified Personnel Only. A Qualified Person is one that has the skills and knowledge relating to the construction, installation, operat ion, and
maintenance of the electrical equipment and h as received safety training on the hazards involved (Refer to the latest edition of NFPA 70E for additional safety requirements).
Qualified Personnel sh
Have carefully read the entire ope rat ion manual.
Be familiar with the construction and funct ion of the Q7
hazards involved.
Able to recogniz e and properly address hazards assoc iated with the application of motor-driven equipm
Be trained and authorized to safely energize, de-energize, ground , lockout/tagout circuits and equ
Be trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such a s safe ty shoes, rubber gloves, hard hat practices.
Be trained in renderi ng firs t aid.
For further information on workplace safety visit
ipment, and clear faults in accordan ce with established safety practices.
s, safety glasses, face shields, flash clothing, etc ., in accordance with established safety
Equipment Inspection
Upon receipt of the equipment inspect the packaging and equipment for shipping damage.
Carefully unpack the equipment and check for parts that may have been damaged during shipping,
sing parts, o r con ceal ed damage . I f any dis crepa ncie s are disco vered, it s hould be note d wit h the
mis carrier prior to accep ting the shipment, if possible. File a clai m with the carrier if necessary and immediately notify your Toshiba sales representative.
the equipment being d riven, and the
Check to see that the rated capacity and the model number specified on the nameplate conform to
Modification of this equipment is dangerous and must not be performed except by factory trained
Inspections may be required before and after moving installed equipment.
Keep the equipment in an upright position.
Contact your Toshiba sales representative to report discrepancies or for assis tance if required.
NOT ins
during operation resulting in equipment damage or personal injury.
the orde
tall or energize equipment that has been damaged. Damaged equipment may fail
r specifications.
entatives. When mo difications are required contact your Toshib a s ale s representative.
Handling and Storage
Use proper lifting techniques when moving the Q7 Flow; including properly sizing up the load, getting assistance, and using a forklift if required.
Store in a well-ventilated covered location and p r eferab will not be used upon receipt.
Store in a cool, clean, and dry location. Avoid storage locations with extreme temperatures, rapid tem
perature changes, high humidity, moisture, dust, corrosive gases, or metal particles.
Q7 Flow Installation and Operation Manual 3
ly in the original carton if the equipment
The storage temperature range of the Q7 Flow is 14° to 104° F (-10 to 40° C).
Do not store the unit in pl aces tha t a re exposed to outsi de weat her condi tions (i.e. , wind, rain, snow,
Store in an upright position.
Never dispose of electrical components via incineration. Contact your state environment al agency for details on disposal of electrical components and packaging in your area.
Installation Precautions
Location and Ambient Requirements
•The Toshiba Q7 Flow is intended for permanent installations only.
Select a mounting location that is easily accessible, has adequate personnel working space, and
quate illumination for adjustment, inspection, and maintenance of the equipment (refer to 2002
ade NEC Article 110-13).
Do Not m from its mounting location (equipment damage or injury).
ount the
Q7 Flow in a location that would produce catastrophic results if it were to fall
Do Not mount t or gasses, water, solvents, or other flu ids .
The ambient operating temperature range of the Q7 Flow i
The installation location shall not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust, fibers, metal particles, explosive/
ve mists or gases, or sources of electrical noise are present.
Allow proper clearanc e spac es for installation. Do not obstruct the ventilation openings. Refe r to the s
ection titled Installation and Connections of the Q7 ASD Installation and Operation
Manual (P/N 57246) for further information on ve ntilation requirements and in stallation.
he Q7 Flow in a location that would allow it to be exposed to flammable chemi cals
s 14° to 104° F (-10 to 40° C).
4 Q7 Flow Instal lation and Operation Manual
Mounting Requirements
Only Qualified Personnel should instal l this equipment.
Install the unit in a secure and upright position in a well-ventilated area.
A noncombustible insulating floor or mat should be provided in the area immediately surrounding the el
ectrical system at th e p lace where ma in tenance ope rations are to b e p erformed.
Installation should conform to the 20 (Requirements For Elec trical Installations), all regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and any other applicable na tional, regional, or industry codes and standards.
Installa tion practices should conform to the la test revision of NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Re
It is the responsibility of the person insta lling the Q7 to ensure that the unit is installed into an enclosure that will protect personnel against electric shock.
ments for Employee Workplaces.
02 National
Electrical Code — Article 110 (NEC)
Flow or t
he electrical maintenance personnel
Conductor Requirements and Grounding
Use separat e meta l condui ts fo r rout ing the i nput power , out put powe r , a nd c ontrol cir cuits a nd e ach shall have its own ground cable.
A separate ground ca ble should be run inside the conduit with the input power, outpu t power, and a
ntrol circuits.
nd co
Always ground the uni t to prevent electrical shock an d to help reduce electrical nois e.
NOT co
nnect control terminal str ip ret urn marked CC to earth ground.
It is the responsibility of the person insta lling the Q7 Flow or t to provide proper grounding and branch circuit protection in accordance with the 2002 NEC and any applicable local codes.
The Metal Of Conduit Is Not An Acceptable Ground.
he electrical maintenance personnel
Power Connections
Contact With Energized Wiring Will Cause Severe Injury Or Death.
Turn of f, lockout, and tagout all powe r sources before proceeding to connect the power wiring to the eq
Ensure the correct supplied voltage , wiring used, and syste m type for the application (refer to NEC Art
le 300 – Wiring Methods and Article 310 – Conductors For General Wiring). Size the branch
circuit conductors in accordance with NEC Table 310.16.
Only after ensuring that all power sources are turned off and isolated in acco rdance with e
blished lockout/tagout procedures, shall a three-phase power source of the correct voltage be
connected to the input terminals and the system output terminals be connected to a motor.
Q7 Flow Installation and Operation Manual 5
Adhere to the recommended conductor s i zes listed in the section titl ed Cable/Terminal
Specifications on pg. 38. If multiple conductors are use d in para llel for the input or output power,
each branch of the parallel set shall have its own conduit and not share its conduit with other
l sets (i.e., place U1, V1, and W1 in one condu it and U2, V2, and W2 in another) (refer to
pa NEC Article 300. 20 and Article 310.4). National and local electrical codes should be referenced if three or more power conductors are run in the same conduit (refer to 2002 NEC Article 310 adjustment factors).
Ensure that the 3-ph as e input power is Not damage the system and may cause injury to personnel.
Do not install the Q7 Flow
Do Not con
Ensure the correct pha se sequence and the desired direction of motor rotation in the Bypa (if applicable).
Turn the power on only after attaching and/or securing the front cover.
nect resistors across terminals PA – PC or PO – PC. This may cause a fire.
if it is damaged or if it is missing any component(s).
cted to the output of the Q7 Flow. This will
Ensure that prim ary prote ction ex ists for the input wirin g to the equi pment. Th is prote ction must be able to interru pt the available fault current from the powe r line. The equipment may or may not be equipped with an in put disconnect (option).
All cable entry openings must be sealed to reduce the risk of entry by vermin and to allow for m
imum cooling efficiency.
Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
If using multiple motors provide separate overload protection for each motor and use V/f control.
External dyna mi c braking resistors must be thermal ly protected.
It is the responsibility of the person insta lling the Q7 to setup the Emergency O f f braking syste m of the Q7 Flow. The functio n of the Em erg e n cy Of f braking function is to remove output power from the drive in the event of an emergency. A supplemental braking system may also be engaged in the event of an emergency. For further information on braking sy stems, see DC Injection Braking and Dynamic Braking Enable in the Q7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual.
Flow or t
he electrical maintenance personnel
ss mode
Note: A
Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
supplemental emer gency stopping system should be used with the Q7 Fl
Emergency stopping should not be a task of the Q7 Flow alone.
Syste m Integration Precautions
The following preca utions are provided as general guidelines for the setup of the Q7 Flow system.
•The Toshiba Q7 Flow design should take this into consideration . Please contact your T oshiba sales representative for application-specific information or for training support.
•The Toshiba Q7 on observing certain precautions and performing proper system integration.
A detailed system analysis and job safety analysis shoul d be performed by the systems designer and/or
systems inte grator before the installation of the Q7 Flow component . Contact your T oshiba
sales representative for options availability and for application-specific system integration information if required.
6 Q7 Flow Instal lation and Operation Manual
is a general-purpose product. It is a system component only and the s yst em
is part of a larger system and the safe operation of the Q7 Flow will depend
Personnel Protection
Installa tion, operation, and maintena nce shall be performed by Qualified Personnel Only.
A thorough understanding of the Q7 Flow wi maintenance of the Q7 Flow.
ll be required before the in st allation, operation, or
Rotating machinery and live conductors can be hazardous and shall not come into contac t with hu
ns. Personnel should be protected from all rotating machinery and electrical hazards at all
Insulators, machine guards, and electrical safeguards may fail or be defeated by the purposeful or in
vertent actions of workers. Insulators, machine guards, and electrical safeguards are to be inspected (and tested where possible) at installation and periodically after installation f or potential hazardous conditions.
Do not allow personnel near rotating machinery. Warning signs to this effect shall be posted at or n
the machinery.
Do not allow pe rsonne l near e lect ric al co nductors. Human c ontac t with e lect ric al con ductors c an b e fa
Wa rning signs to this effect s hall be posted at or near the hazard.
Personal protection equipment shall be pro vided and used to protect employees from any hazards i
nt to system operation.
Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
System Setup Requirements
When using the Q7 Flow as an integral part of a larger system, it is the res ponsibility of the Q7 Flow
System safet y feat ures should be employed and designed into the integrated system in a manner s
personnel injury or system damage (i.e., E-Off, Auto-Restart settings, System Interlocks, etc.).
The programming setup and system configuration of the Q7 unexpectedly. A familiarity with the Auto-restart settings is a requirement to use this product.
Improperly desig ned or improper ly inst alle d system inte rlocks may render t he motor unable to sta rt or
The failure of external or ancillary components may cause intermittent system operation, i.e., the s
There may be thermal or physical properties, or ancillary devices integrated into t he overall system th
at m
installa tion must be posted to this effect.
If a secondary magnetic contactor (MC) is used between the ASD and the loa d, it should be i
nterloc bypass operati on, it must be interlocked such that commercial power is never applied to the ASD output terminals (U, V, W).
Power factor improvement capacitors or surge absorbers must not be installed on the output of the
installer or maintenance personnel to ensure that there is a fail-safe in place, i.e., an
ngement designed to switch the system to a safe condition if there is a faul t or f ailure.
that sys te m operation , ev en in th e ev ent of system failu r e, wi ll not cause har m o r res ul t in
Flow m
op on command.
tem may start the motor without warning.
ay allo w f or th e Q7 Flow to start the motor without warning. S igns at the equipment
ked to halt the ASD before the secondary contact opens. If the output contactor is used for
ay allow it to start the motor
Q7 Flow Installation and Operation Manual 7
Use of the built-in sy st em protective features is highly recommend ed (i. e., E-Off, Overload
Protection, etc.).
The operating controls and system status indic ators should be clearly readable and posi tioned where
the operator can see them wit hout obstruction.
Additiona l warnings and notifications shall be posted at the equipment insta llation location as deem
ed required by Qualified Personnel.
Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
Operational and Maintenance Precautions
Tur n off, lockout, and tagout the main power, the control power, and instrumentation connections before inspecti ng or servicing the drive, or opening the door of the enclosure.
Tur n off, lockout, and tagout the main power, the control power, and instrumentation connections before
proceeding to disconnect or connect the power wiring to the equipment.
The capacitors of the Q7 Flow the Q7 Flow.
ge LED. Wait for at least the minimum tim e indicated on the enclosur e-m ounted label and
ensure th at the Charge LED has gone ou t before opening the door of the Q7 Flow once the power has been turned off.
Turn the power on only after attaching (or closing) the front cover and Do cover of the Q7 Flow when the power is on.
Do Not att for repair information.
Do not place any objects inside of the Q7 If the system should emit s moke or an unusual odor or sound, turn the power off immediately.
The heat sink and other compone nts may bec ome extremel y hot t o the touch . Allow the uni t to cool
fore c
Remove power from the Q7 Flow duri
The system should be inspected periodically for dama ged or improperly functioning parts,
anliness, and to ensure that the connectors are tightened securely.
Ensure that the Run functi a Reset. The post-reset settings may allow the motor to start unexpectedly.
try or Re
be clearly poste d on or near the Q7 Flow and the motor.
The required time for each sys tem typeform is indicated with a cabinet labe l and a
empt to disassemb le, modify, or repai r the sy stem. Call your Toshiba sales re presenta ti ve
oming in contact with these items.
set settings may allow the motor to start unexpecte dly. Warnings to this effect should
maintain a residual charge for a period of time after turning the off
t remove the front
ng extended periods of non-use.
ons (F, R, Preset Speed, etc.) of the Q7 Flow are off before performing
In the event of a power failure, the motor may restart after power is restored.
Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
Use caution when setting the output frequency. Over speeding a moto r decreases its ability to
r torque and may result in damage to the motor and/or the driven equipment.
•The Q7 Flo before using the Q7 Flow for special applic ations such as with an explosion-proof mot or or applicati ons with a piston load.
DO NOT ins understood all of the product warnings and user directions. Failure to do so may result in equipment damage, operator injury, or loss of life.
8 Q7 Flow Instal lation and Operation Manual
w is designed to operate NEMA B motors. Consult with your sales representative
ll, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this equipment until you have read and
CE Compliance Requirements
In addition to the local and regional safety requirements, this section describes additional criteria that must be met to qualify for Eur opean Conformity (CE) certification. All relevant apparatus placed on the European market is required to comply to the European Community directive on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The following instructi ons provide a means of compliance for the Q7 Flow. A Technical Construct ion F ile (TFC) indicates the rationale used to declare compliance and is on file at Toshiba International Corporation, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Using RCD Protection
Where a residual-current-operated protective dev ice (RCD) is used to guard against direct or indirect contact, only an RCD of Type B is allowed on the s upply side of this Electronic Equi pment.
Otherwise, anot her protective measure shall be applied, such as sep aration of the Electronic E quipm ent fro supply side by a transformer.
EMC Installation Guidelines
All systems placed on th e European market are required to comply with the European Community directive regarding electromagnet compatibility (EMC). Toshiba ensures that all systems deployed in the European market ha ve be en s cre ened and are in 100% compliance with the foll owing s tandards:
environment by double or rei nforced insulation, or isolation of the Electronic Equipment and
m the
Radiated Interference: EN 55011 Group 1 Class A
Mains Interferen ce: EN 55011 Group 1 Class A
Radiated Sus ceptibility: IEC 801-3 1984
Conducted RFI Susceptibility:
Electrosta tic Discharge: IEC801-2 1991
Electrical Fast Transient: IEC 801-4 1988
Surge: IEC1000-4-5 1995 2 KV line-to-line, 4 KV line-to-ea rth
Voltage Interruption: IEC 1000-4-11
prEN55101-4 (prIEC801-6) Doc 90/30270
General EMC Guidelines for Consideration
Input filters of the appropriate rating shall be used.
Proper grounding is a requirement.
Grounds shall be kept to the minimum length to accomplish the connection.
Grounds shall have low RF impedance.
A central ground sh all be employed in a complex system.
Paint or corrosion can hamper good grounding; remove as required.
Keep control and power ca bling separated. Minimize expos ed (unscreened) cable.
Use 360° shielded connections where possible.
Q7 Flow Installation and Operation Manual 9
+ 32 hidden pages