Programming .the Remote
Control (continued)
• The code numbers listed below were the most recent ones available at the time of
printing. New code numbers may or may not have been added since printing.
VCR code table
Adventura ................ 019
Aiko .......................... 297
Aiwa ......................... 019
Akai .......................... 060, 068, 080, 125,
Akiba ........................ 091
Alba .......................... 039, 228, 297, 314
American High ........ 054
Amstrad ................... 019
Anam ....................... 181
Anitech .................... 091
ASA .......................... 056, 100
Asha ......................... 259
Asuka ....................... 056
Audiovox ................. 055
Baird ........................ 019, 123
Basic Line ................ 039, 091,297
Beaumark ................ 259
Bell & Hawell ........... 123
Blaupunkt ................ 053, 181
Brandt ...................... 206
Broksonic ................. 140, 203, 230, 380
Bush ......................... 091,228, 297
Calix ......................... 056
Canon ...................... 054
Capehart .................. 039
Carver ...................... 100
CCE .......................... 091,297
CGE .......................... 019
Cimline .................... 091
Citizen ...................... 056, 297
Clatronic .................. 039
Colt ........................... 091
Condor ..................... 039
Craig ..................... ;.. 056, 066, 091,259
Crown ...................... 091,297
Curtis Mathes .......... 054, 079
Cybernex ................. 259
Daewoo ................... 039, 064, 065, 297
Dansai ...................... 091
Daytron .................... 039
De Graft ................... 061
Decca ....................... 019, 100
Dual .......................... 060
Dumont .................... 019, 100, 123, 124
Dynatech ................. 019
Elcatech ................... 091
Electrohome ............ 056
Electronic ......:_........ 019
Electrophonic .......... 056
Emerex .................. ..'_51
Emerson .................. 019, 021,056, 062,
080, 087, 140, 203,
227,228, 230, 231,
313, 314, 380
ESC .......................... 297
Ferguson ................. 060
Fidelity ..................... 019
Finlandia .................. 100, 123, 129
Finlux ....................... 019, 061,100, 123,
i_rrstline .................... 056, 062, 064, 091,
._- 228
Fisher ........................ 065, 066, 073, 085,
.................................. 123
Frontech ................... 039
Fuji ............................ 052, 054
Fnai ........................... 019
Garrard ..................... 019
GE ............................. 054, 079, 084, 221
GEC ........................... 100
General ..................... 071
Go Video .................. 251,298
Goldstar ................... 037, 056, 057
Goodmans ............... 019, 039, 056, 081,
Gradiente ................. 019
Graetz ....................... 060, 123
Granada ................... 065, 100, 123
Grandin .................... 019, 056, 091
Grundig .................... 100
Harley Davidson ...... 019
Harman/Kardon ....... 057, 094
Harwood .................. 087, 091
HCM .......................... 091
Headquarter ............. 065
HI-Q .......................... 066
Hinari ........................ 091,227
Hitachi ...................... 019, 060, 061,084,
124, 254
Hypson ..................... 091
Imperial .................... 019
Interfunk ................... 100
ITT ............................. 060, 065, 123, 125
ITV ............................ 056, 297
JCL ............................ 054
Jensen ...................... 060
JVC ........................... 027,060, 086
Kaisui ........................ 091
Kendo ....................... 125, 228
Kenwood .................. 057, 060, 065, 086
KLH ........................... 091
Kodak ....................... 054, 056
Korpel ....................... 091
Leyco ........................ 091
Lloyd ......................... 019
Loewe ....................... 056
Loewe opta .............. 100
Iogik .......................... 091,259
Luxor ........................ 062, 065, 123, 125
LXI ............................ 056
M-Electronic ............. 019
Magnavox ................ 019, 054, 058, 100,
129, 168
Magnin ..................... 259
Manesth ................... 064, 091
Narantz ..................... 054, 057, 081,100
Marta ........................ 056
Masushita ................ 054
Matsui ...................... 227, 226, 314
MEI ........................... 054
Memorex .................. 019, 054, 056, 068,
065, 066, 067, 123,
Memphis .................. 091
Metz .......................... 181
MGA ......................... 062, 080
MGN Technology .... 259
Minolta ..................... 061,124
Mitsubishi ................ 062, 080, 086, 094,
100, 192, 233, 261
Motorola .................. 054, 067
MTC .......................... 019, 259
Multitech .................. 019, 091
Murphy ..................... 019
NEC ........................... 057, 059, 060, 069,
Neckermann ............ 100
Nesco ....................... 091
Nikko ........................ 056
Noblex ...................... 259
Nokia ........................ 060, 065, 123, 125,
Nordmende .............. 060
Oceanic .................... 019
Olympus ................... 054
Optimus ................... 056, 067
Optonica ................... 067, 081
Orion ........................ 140, 227, 228, 314
Osaki ......................... 019, 056, 091
Otto Versand ............ 100
Palladdium ............... 056, 091
Panasonic ................. 054, 096, 115, 181,
Penney ..................... 054, 056, 057, 059,
061,073, 259
Pentax ...................... 061,084, 124
Perdio ....................... 019
Philco ........................ 054
Philips ....................... 054, 081,100, 129
Phonola .................... 100
Pilot .......................... 056
Pioneer ..................... 086, 100
Portland .................... 039
Profitronic ................ 259
Proline ...................... 019
protec ....................... 091
Pulsar ....................... 058
Pye ............................ 100
Quarter ..................... 065
Quartz ....................... 065
Quasar ...................... 054, 096, 115
Quelle ....................... 100
Radio Shack ............. 019, 056
Radiola ..................... 100
Radix ................... ..... 056
Randex ..................... 056
RCA ........................... 05"_,061,079, 084,
096, 115, 124, 125,
168, 221
RCA Unified ............. 079
Realistic .................... 019, 054, 056, 065,
066, 067, 081,085,
123, 259
Rex ............................ 060
Ricoh ........................ 053
Roadstar ................... 056, 091,259, 297
Runco ....................... 058
Saba ......................... 060
Saisho ...................... 227, 228
Salora ....................... 062, 065, 125