General Information
Also Covers
2873 DB
C7SR Chassis
Item See Model Book
Adjustments.............................................................................................. 2577 DB 6
Recommended Safety Parts
Item Part No. Description
A401 23426795 Back Cover (2573)
A401 23426393 Back Cover (2873)
C801 24082927 PF, 0.22uF, ±20%, AC275V
C802 24092457 CD, 2200pF, ±20%, AC400V
C803 24092457 CD, 2200pF, ±20%, AC400V
C807 24092281 CD, 4700pF, ±20%, AC250V
C808 24092281 CD, 4700pF, ±20%, AC250V
R833 24005007 MetaI-GIazed Resistor, 8.2M ohm, 1W
R890 24019340 PTC Thermistor, 18 ohm, 290V
L901 23200275 Coil, Degaussing, TSB-2329BR
T461 23236454 Transformer, Flyback, TFB4117AR
T803 23217214 Transformer, Converter, TPW3283AR
Q826 A8643108 Photo Coupler, TLP621(GR-LF)
F801 23144507 Fuse, 3.15A
F803 23144502 Fuse, 1.0A
S801 23344395 Switch, Power
V9O1A 23902891 Socket, CRT, 10P
V901 23312721 Picture Tube, A59ECF50X17
C801 24082927 PF, 0.22uF, ±20%, AC275V
C802 24092457 CD, 2200pF, ±20%, AC400V
C803 24092457 CD, 2200pF, ±20%, AC400V
C807 24092281 CD, 4700pF, ±20%, AC25OV
C808 24092281 CD, 4700pF, +20%, AC25OV
R833 24005007 Metal-Glazed Resistor, 8.2M ohm, 1W
R890 24019340 PTC Thermistor, 18 ohm, 290V
T461 23236454 Transformer, Flyback, TFB4117AR
T803 23217214 Transformer, Converter, TPW3283AR
Q826 A8643108 Photo Coupler, TLP621(GR-LF)
F801 23144507 Fuse, 3.15A
F803 23144502 Fuse, 1.0A
S801 23344395 Switch, Power
V9O1A 23902891 Socket, CRT, 10P
V901 23312720 Picture Tube, A66ECF50X17
Reference data
Item Adjustment 2173DB 2573DB 2873DB
RCUT Red Gun Cut Off 40H 40H 40H
GCUT Green Gun Cut Off 40H 40H 40H
BCUT Blue Gun Cut Off 40H 40H 40H
GDRV Green Dive 80H 80H 80H
BDRV Blue Drive 80H 80H 80H
CNTX Contrast Maximum FFH FFH FFH
BRTC Brightness Centre 80H 83H 83H
COLC Colour Centre NTSC 00H 00H 00H
(difference between PAL)
TNTC Tint Centre 40H 40H 40H
COLP Colour Centre PAL 80H 80H 80H
COLS Colour Centre SECAM 00H 00H 00H
VPSS 60 Hz V-Position 00H - SCNT Y-Sub Contrast 0AH 0AH 0AH
HPOS Horizontal Position 05H 07H 07H
VPOS Vertical Position 03H 03H 03H
HIT Height 40H 40H 40H
SHIT Sub Height (16:9) - DDH DDH
TEXT TEXT Position - 01H 01H
VLIN Vertical Linearity (50Hz) 13 0EH 11H
VSC V-S Correction - 0FH 0FH
VPS Vertical Picture Shift - 01H 01H
VCP Vertical Compensation - 02H 02H
WID Width - 21H 0AH
PARA Parabola - 42H 33H
CNR E-W Corner - 0BH 0BH
TRAP Trapazium - 08H 08H
HCP Horizontal Compensation - 03H 03H
VFC V-F Compensation - 0FH 0FH
VLIS 50/60Hz V-linearity difference - FFH FEH
SLIN 16:9 sub Vertical Linearity - 00H 00H
SVSC 16:9 sub V-S Correction - F7H F7H
SPAR 16:9 sub Parabola - E4H E4H
SCNR 16:9 E-W Corner Difference - FDH FDH
BELL SECAM Bell Fo 01H 01H 01H
TRP C-TRAP F0 02H 02H 02H
SBY SECAM B-Y Black Level 08H 08H 08H
SRY SECAM R-Y Black Level 08H 08H 08H
Item Name of adjustment Data
2573DB 2873DB Remarks
OPT Mode Data Option 1 A9H A9H
OPT2 Tuner Selection 00H 00H
This area is intentionally left blank.
X-Ray Note
X-Ray Precaution
1. Excessive high voltage can produce potentially hazardous X-RAY RADIATION. To avoid
such hazards, the high voltage must not be
above the specified limit. The nominal value
of the high voltage of this receiver is 29.3 kV
(2573) 29.4 kV (2873) at zero beam current
(minimum brightness) under a 220-240 V AC
(2573 & 2873) power source. The high
voltage must not, under any circumstances,
exceed 29.9 kV (2573 & 2873). Each time a
receiver requires servicing, the high voltage
should be checked following the HIGH
VOLTAGE CHECK procedure in this manual.
It is recommended that the reading of the high
voltage be recorded as a part of the service
record. It is important to use an accurate and
reliable high voltage meter.
2.The only source of X-RAY RADIATION in this
TV receiver is the picture tube. For continued
X-RAY RADIATION protection, the replacement tube must be exactly the same type tube
as specified in the parts list.
3. Some part in this receiver have special safetyrelated characteristics for X-RAY RADIATION
protection. For continued safety, parts
replacement should be undertaken only after
referring to the PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE.