Deck Belt Service Kit
For LX420 Tractors
Model No. 112-5880
Loose Parts
Use the chart below to verify that all parts have been shipped.
Form No. 3356-157 Rev A
Installation Instructions
Important: R ead and under stand these instr uctions bef or e perf or ming the pr ocedur es
described. If y ou ar e not a trained and experienced ser vice and r epair technician, contact an
Authoriz ed Ser vice Dealer .
Note: Sa v e these instr uctions and refer to them when ordering re placement par ts .
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the operating position.
Belt keeper
Flange locknut
Install the new belt keeper and belt.
Preparing for Service
No Parts Required
1. Mo v e the tractor to lev el g round.
2. Shut off the engine , w ait for all mo ving par ts
to stop , and remo v e the ignition k ey .
3. Diseng ag e the PTO (blade) and set the parking
brak e .
4. Lo w er the dec k to its lo w est position.
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

Removing the Mower Deck
No Parts Required
1. R emo v e the engine pulley belt k ee per retaining
screw from under the left side of the dec k
( Figure 1 ).
Figure 2
1. Idler bracket
4. R emo v e the hair pin clip from the PTO cable
end fitting ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 1
1. Belt keeper
Note: T he other end of the belt k ee per sets
in a hole in the right side of the frame .
Note: T ak e note of the hole the rod is in
before remo ving the belt k ee per .
2. R emo v e the belt k ee per from around the
engine pulley ( Figure 1 ).
3. Inser t a 3/8-inc h dri v e break er bar into the
3/8-inc h square hole of the idler brac k et,
reliev e the tension in the dec k dri v e belt, and
w ork the belt off the engine pulley ( Figure 2 ).
Figure 3
1. Hairpin clip 2. Cable end tting
5. Slip the cable fitting out from the cable brac k et
on the dec k.
6. Unhook the PTO cable spring from the idler
brac k et ( Figure 3 ).
7. R elease the 2 J-pins that connect the lift links
to the rear hang er brac k ets on the dec k.
8. Slide the dec k forw ard and unhook the front
hang er rod from the forw ard hang er brac k et
on the dec k.
9. Slide the dec k out from under the tractor .