The LPA-860-36G is a two-way CATV line extender amplifier designed for outdoor applications.
The amplifier has a forward bandwidth of 53-860
MHz and a reverse bandwidth of 5-42 MHz.
The LPA-860-36G contains GaAs hybrid modules ensuring high forward output levels with
very low distortion.
The LPA-860-36G’s rugged aluminum housing is
heavily ribbed for heat dissipation. -20 dB RF
test points at input and output for both the forward and reverse paths employ directional coupler circuitry for accuracy. The amplifier is
equipped with an auto-ranging 35-90 VAC power
supply, surge protection and has 15 amp power
passing capacity.
Two-Way Line Extender Amplifier
969 Horsham Road lHorsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA l Phone: 215-675-2053 Fax: 215-675-7543
Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice Rev 09-11 ©Toner Cable Equipment, Inc.
Frequency Range Forward Amp 53-860 MHz
Reverse Amp 5-42 MHz
Channel Loading Forward Amp 79 NTSC 310 MHz Digital
Reverse Amp 4 Channels
Flatness Forward & Reverse Amp ± 0.5 dB
Gain(b) Forward Amp 36 dB Reverse Amp 18.5 dB
Noise Figure Forward Amp 7 dB Reverse Amp 6 dB
Output Level - Operating Forward Amp 46 dB Reverse Amp 40 dB
Operating Slope(a) Forward Amp 10 dB Reverse Amp 0 dB
Composite Triple Beat (CTB) Forward Amp -80 dB Reverse Amp -87 dB
Composite Second Order (CSO) Forward Amp -72 dB Reverse Amp -85 dB
Hum Modulation Forward Amp >70 dB Reverse Amp >60 dB
Type Of Hybrids GaAs
Impedance - All Ports 75 dB
Return Loss - All Ports -16 dB
Power Requirements
Voltage Current @ 40 V: 0.70 A
Current @ 60 V: 0.45 A
Current @ 90 V: 0.30 A
Frequency 60 Hz
Temperature Range -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C
AC Through Current - Maximum 15 A
Dimensions (L x W x D) 8.125 x 12.3 x 5.5 in., 206 x 312 x 140 cm
Weight 10.5 lbs., 4.7 kg
(a) Slope measured from 53 MHz to 860 MHz.
(b) Reduce gain for each EQ used
• 860 MHz Forward Bandwidth, 5-42 MHz Active Reverse Path
• GaAs Hybrid Modules Provide High Output Levels with Low
• Forward Pad and Equalizer Sockets at Input and Mid Stage
• Sockets for Reverse In/Out Padding and Output Equalization
• Surge Protection
• External Accessible -20 dB Test Points
Ordering Information
Model Stock # Description
LPA-860-36G 5818 Line Extender GaAs 36 dB Gain 860 MHz Active 5-42 MHz Return
LPA-860EQ-XX 5819 XX Plug-In Fixed Equalizer Values 2-26 dB (in 2 dB steps)
LPA-860IEQ-XX 5820 XX Plug-In Inverse Equalizer Values 3-15 dB (in 3 dB steps)
LPA-860PD-XX 5821 XX Plug-In Fixed Attenuator Values 0-16 dB
LPA-860-REQ-XX 5822 XX Plug-In Reverse Fixed Equalizer Values 2-20 dB (in 2 dB steps)
LPA-860-VEQ-10 5823 Plug-In Variable Equalizer 0-10 dB
LPA-860VEQ-20 5824 Plug-In Variable Equalizer 10-20 dB