Toa VX-2000 Series, VX-2000DS, VX-2000SF System Design Manual

Система оповещения TOA VX-2000 |
System Design Guide for
1. General Description
.................................................................................................... 1-1
2. System Features
3. Maximum System Examples
3.1. Block Diagram .............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2. Maximum System Configuration Table ......................................................................... 3-2
4. Specifications
4.1. Fireman's Microphone RM-200XF .............................................................................. 4-1
4.2. Remote Microphone RM-200X ................................................................................... 4-2
4.3. Remote Microphone Extension RM-210 ..................................................................... 4-3
4.4. System Manager VX-2000 ......................................................................................... 4-4
4.5. Remote Microphone Input Module VX-200XR ........................................................... 4-5
4.6. Audio Input Module with Control input VX-200XI ....................................................... 4-6
4.7. Voice Announcement Board EV-200 .......................................................................... 4-7
4.8. Surveillance Frame VX-2000SF ................................................................................. 4-8
4.9. Impedance Detection Module VX-200SZ ................................................................... 4-9
4.10. Pilot Tone Detection Module VX-200SP .................................................................. 4-10
4.11. Control Input Module VX-200SI ................................................................................ 4-11
4.12. Control Output Module VX-200SO ........................................................................... 4-12
4.13. Equaliser Card VX-200SE ........................................................................................ 4-13
4.14. Power Amplifier 4 x 60 W VP-2064 ......................................................................... 4-14
4.15. Power Amplifier 2 x 120 W VP-2122 ....................................................................... 4-15
4.16. Power Amplifier 1 x 240 W VP-2241 ....................................................................... 4-16
4.17. Power Amplifier 1 x 420 W VP-2421 ....................................................................... 4-17
4.18. Power Amplifier Input Module VP-200VX ................................................................. 4-18
4.19. Power Supply Unit VX-200PS .................................................................................. 4-19
4.20. Emergency Power Supply VX-2000DS .................................................................... 4-20
4.21. Power Supply Frame VX-2000PF ............................................................................ 4-21
5. Typical System Examples
5.1. Typical System Outline
5.1.1. External View of the Building .............................................................................. 5-1
5.1.2. Internal Wiring ................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3. Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.4. Equipment Rack Conceptual Drawing ............................................................... 5-5
5.2. Equipment Interconnection Examples
5.2.1. VX-2000 Connections to Remote Microphones and Input Source Equipment ... 5-6
5.2.2. Connections between VX-2000 and VX-2000SF ............................................... 5-7
5.2.3. SF Modules (VX-200SP, VX-200SZ, VX-200SI, VX-200SO) Connections ........ 5-8
5.2.4. Connections Between VX-2000SF and Standby Amplifier ............................... 5-11
5.2.5. Connections Between VX-2000SF and VX-2000DS ........................................ 5-12
5.2.6. Connections Between VX-2000DS and VX-2000PS ........................................ 5-13
5.2.7. VX-2000 Cable Usage Table ............................................................................ 5-14
5.2.8. 5.2.8. VX-2000DS Cautions on Cable Connection to the Battery Terminal....... 5-17
5.3. Settings
5.3.1. PC Hardware Requirements ............................................................................. 5-17
5.3.2. Offline Settings ................................................................................................. 5-18
5.4. Installation
5.4.1. Online Settings ................................................................................................. 5-21
5.4.2. Connections Between VX-2000 and PC .......................................................... 5-22
5.4.3. System File Download ...................................................................................... 5-23
5.4.4. Equipment Configuration Check ....................................................................... 5-24
5.4.5. SF Initialisation and Equipment Interconnection Check ................................... 5-26
5.4.6. Introduction of Other Functions Reading Logs
(1) Loading Logs ................................................................................. 5-29
(2) Storing Logs ................................................................................... 5-31
(3) Printing Logs .................................................................................. 5-31 Printing Out System File Settings
(1) Printing Out .................................................................................... 5-32
(2) Printout Examples .......................................................................... 5-33
5.5. System Operation
5.5.1. Emergency Mode Operation (EV Single-source Sequence) ............................ 5-53
5.5.2. Remote Microphone Operation Examples Emergency Mode Activation and Restoration ..................................... 5-55
(1) From Emergency Mode Activation to Restoration ......................... 5-56
(2) Making a microphone restoration announcement after returning
to general-purpose broadcast mode by pressing the Emergency
Restoration key. ............................................................................. 5-58 General-Purpose Broadcast ................................................................ 5-61
(1) Making Microphone Announcements ............................................. 5-63
(2) Changing the Base Pattern ............................................................ 5-64
(3) Changing Sound Volume ............................................................... 5-65
(4) Failure Indication ............................................................................ 5-67
5.6. Examples of Connections to the VM-2120 or VM-2240
(1) Systems Using the VX-200SP Pilot Tone Detection Module ................................ 5-71
(2) Systems Using the VX-200SZ Impedance Detection Module ............................... 5-73
(3) Using the SV-200M Surveillance Board with the VM-2122 or VM-2240 ............... 5-74
6. System Examples
6.1.1. External View of the school ................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.2. Internal Wiring .................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.3. Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2. Department Store
6.2.1. External View of the Building .............................................................................. 6-4
6.2.2. Internal Wiring .................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.3. Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 6-6
6.2.4. Emergency Mode Operation (Dual-Origin EV Broadcasts) ................................ 6-7
1. General Description
1. General Description
The TOA VX-2000 Series broadcast system is designed for both general-purpose and emergency broadcasts. It is comprised of the System Manager, Surveillance Frame, Power Amplifiers, Power Supply unit, Emergency Power Supply, and a user-specified number of Remote Microphones. The system complies with the EN60849 Standard and its failure detection circuitry operates continuously to check components and speaker lines for any irregularities. If detected, failure warnings are provided by way of an LED indicator and a buzzer.
2. System Features
2. System Features
Modular System Offers Connection to Various Sound Sources.
The VX-2000 System Manager features 8 input slots that permit the use of various input sources with the selection of corresponding modules.
Up to 8 Remote Microphones Can Be Connected.
• A total of 8 RM-200X and RM-200XF Remote Microphones can be connected to the VX-2000. Up to 4 RM­200XF units can be installed.
• RM-210 extension capability permits the number of Remote Microphone function keys to be increased to up to 105 keys per unit.
• The system can be configured for up to 305 function key settings.
Sound Source Devices
• Up to 2 EV-200 units can be connected to the VX-2000.
• The VX-2000 features 4 different chime sound sources.
Standard-Equipment Control Input and Output
The VX-2000 features 16 control inputs and 16 control outputs as standard equipment.
Expansion to Up to 50 Output Zones
The VX-2000SF Surveillance Frame can be expanded to up to 5 units, increasing the number of available output zones to up to 50 zones.
Control Input and Output Modules, and 2 Types of Speaker Output Modules
• The VX-2000SF is designed to accept up to 10 modules. The control input module, control output module, and 2 types of speaker output modules are available.
• Speaker output modules feature failure-detection circuitry. Two failure detection methods are provided: impedance checking and pilot signal monitoring. Such failure modes as speaker line shorts, open circuits and ground faults can be detected.
• With the addition of extra control input modules and control output modules, the number of control inputs and outputs can be expanded to up to a total of 128 terminals within the system. (Sixteen terminals are included as standard equipment in the VX-2000.)
9-Band Graphic Equaliser Card
Provides 9 bands of computer-adjustable graphic equalisation to the system's speaker output module.
Standby Amplifier Function
A standby amplifier can be installed for each VX-2000SF to automatically provide substitute amplifier output should the main power amplifier fail.
CPU OFF Switch
Enables broadcast from the RM-200XF Fireman's Microphones to all output zones even if the system's main CPU fails.
2. System Features
2. System Features
Individual Block Failure Detection Circuitry
• This failure detection function monitors cable connections between the Remote Microphones and the VX­2000, between the VX-2000 and the VX-2000SF, between the VX-2000SF and the VP power amplifiers, and between the VP power amplifiers and the speakers.
• The function detects and warns of such failure modes as blown fuses or overheating in the VP power amplifier.
• Can detect and indicate failure of the VX-2000DS' charging circuitry, or battery irregularities.
Failure Indication
• The failure LED indicators for the VX-2000, VX-2000SF and Remote Microphone light when any failure is detected within the system.
• The failure indication function can be assigned to the Remote Microphone. When assigned, the LEDs flash and a buzzer is sounded if a failure is detected.
Monitoring Function
The sound output of a selected output zone can be monitored using the Remote Microphone's internal speaker or the VX-2000's monitor output.
Time Schedule Function
• A weekly schedule can be programmed.
• Up to 40 specific day programs can be set for any desired date and time.
• A summertime period can be set by either the system's PC software or the VX-2000's Summertime Setting switch.
Energy Saving Mode
Battery consumption can be reduced by using the VP power amplifier's standby function (since the entire system's power consumption is reduced by putting unnecessary power amplifiers in standby mode).
PC Setting Software
PC software is used to select input and output equipment, or set priorities, broadcast patterns, items to be activated, etc. Various functions can also be freely assigned to the Remote Microphone' s function keys.
PC Software Provides Versatile Auxiliary Operation
• The VX-2000's memory can log up to 2,000 events, which can be read into a PC.
• System block diagrams and individual equipment settings can be printed out using the VX-2000's PC software.
• Remote Microphone function key names can be printed out and used as name labels.
• System configurations and connections can be checked during equipment installation.
• Inspection mode permits inspection of emergency broadcast equipment operations without actually making broadcasts.
3. Maximum System Examples
3.1. Block Diagram
The following block diagram shows the maximum size system that can be assembled with the VX-2000 Series.
RM-200XF + RM-210 x 10
RM-200X + RM-210 x 9
RM-200XF + RM-210 RM-200X + RM-210
RM-200XF + RM-210 RM-200X
RM-200X + RM-210 RM-200XF
VX-2000 VX-2000SF No.1
VX-200SZ VP-200VX
SF-1 Standby Amplifier
MD Player
CD Player
x 16
x 16
EV-200 No.1
EV-200 No.2
Control Input x 16
Control Output x 16
VX-2000SF No.2
VX-2000SF No.3
VX-2000SF No.4
VX-2000SF No.5
SF-5 Standby Amplifier
x 16
x 16
3. Maximum System Examples
3.2. Maximum System Configuration Table
Input Source Equipment
Paging Microphone and Music Sources (MD, CD, etc.)
Chime (built-in)
RM-200XF's and RM-200X's Function Key Extension
RM-210 10 units per RM-200XF
VX-2000 1 unit
Input Module
VX-200XR VX-200XI 900 module
VX-2000SF 5 units
SF Module
VX-200SP 50 units
VX-200SZ 50 units
VX-200SI 7 units
VX-200SO 7 units
Optional Equaliser Card (to be installed in VX-200SP and VX-200SZ)
VX-200SE 50 units
Control Input
Control Output
Power Amplifier
VP-2064 (4 ch) VP-2122 (2 ch) VP-2241 (1 ch) VP-2421 (1 ch)
Standby Amplifier 5 channels (1 channel per VX-2000SF)
Power Amplifier Input Module
VP-200VX 55 units in total of modules installed in Power and Standby Amplifiers
Power Supply
VX-2000DS 10 units 2 units per VX-2000SF
VX-200PS 30 units 2 units per VX-2000DS
Battery 40 units 2 or 4 units per VX-2000DS
4 units
8 units
8 units
2 units
1 unit
9 units per RM-200X
8 units in total of all Input Modules Usable 900 modules: M-01F, M-01M, M-01P, M-51F, M-51S, M-61F, M-61S,
16 inputs (as standard equipment)
112 inputs (7 units)
16 outputs (as standard equipment)
112 outputs (7 units)
Note: The number and type of power amplifiers should be determined
depending on the required speaker output for each zone.
50 channels (50 zones)
Note: Necessary power capacity should be calculated based on total system
Maximum No. of Units
8 units in total of both models
315 function keys per system
U-01F, U-01P, U-01R, U-01S, and U-61S
50 units in total of all SF Modules (10 units per VX-2000SF)
128 inputs in total
128 outputs in total
18 units in total of all Input Source Equipment
4. Specifications
4.1. Fireman's Microphone RM-200XF
* 0 dB = 1 V Note: LONWORKS is a trademark of Echelon Corporation.
• Accessory
Plug-in screw terminal ................................1
Wall mounting bracket ................................1
Wall mouting screw ....................................2
Box mounting screw ...................................2
(Applicable Box: YC-301, YS-11A)
24 V DC (Operating range: 16 – 40 V DC)
Under 200 mA (RM-200XF), 850 mA (with 10 RM-210s connected) 0 dB*, 600, balanced Dynamic microphone, Function switch (default: Press-to-talk),
Microphone element fault detection Under 1% 200 – 15,000 Hz
Over 55 dB 200 mW Microphone volume control, Monitor speaker volume control 5 (including Hand-held microphone's switch),
extendable up to 105 (with 10 RM-210s connected) 10 keys extension per RM-210, EXTENSION connector
4 LONWORKS twisted pair free topology transceiver Category 5 STP cable, plug-in screw connector
500 m (Free topology wiring)
ABS resin, blueish gray (PANTONE 538 or its equivalent)
200 (w) x 215 (h) x 82.5 (d) mm (excluding the coiled cord)
1.2 kg
Power Source Current Consumption Audio Output Hand-Held Microphone
Distortion Frequency Response S/N Ratio Internal Monitor Speaker Volume Control Number of Function Keys
Key Extension Number of Connectable Units Communication System Connection Cable and Connector Communication Distance Finish Dimensions Weight
[Top] [Bottom][Side]
4. Specifications
4.2. Remote Microphone RM-200X
* 0 dB = 1 V Note: LONWORKS is a trademark of Echelon Corporation.
24 V DC (operating range: 16 – 40 V DC), supplied from RJ45 connector or power input jack (non-polarity type) Usable power input plug: 5.5 mm outer diameter, 2.1 mm inner diameter,
and 9.5 mm long
Under 200 mA (RM-200X), 750 mA (with 9 RM-210s connected) 0 dB*, 600, balanced, RJ45 connector
Unidirectional electret condenser microphone –40 dB*, 2.2k, unbalanced, mini jack, phantom powering Under 1%
100 – 20,000 Hz Over 60 dB 200 mW
Microphone volume control, Monitor speaker volume control 15, extendable up to 105 (with 9 RM-210s connected)
10 keys extension per RM-210, EXTENSION connector 8 (include RM-200XF) LONWORKS twisted pair free topology transceiver
Category 5 STP cable, RJ45 connector 500 m (Free topology wiring) ABS resin, blueish gray (PANTONE 538 or its equivalent)
190 (W) x 76.5 (H) x 215 (D) mm (gooseneck microphone excluded) 850 g
Power Source
Current Consumption Audio Output Gooseneck Microphone External Microphone Input Distortion Frequency Response S/N Ratio Internal Monitor Speaker Volume Control Number of Function Keys Key Extension Number of Connectable Units Communication System Connection Cable and Connector Communication Distance Finish Dimensions Weight
[Top] [Side] [Rear]
4. Specifications
4.3. Remote Microphone Extension RM-210
• Accessories
Extension cable .......................................... 1
Linkage bracket A ...................................... 2
Linkage bracket B ...................................... 1
Screw for linkage bracket ......................... 12
Current Consumption
Connection Number of Function Keys Function
Finish Dimensions Weight
20mA max. (in terms of RM-200M's DC power input) 75mA max. (in terms of DC power inputs of RM-200X and RM-200XF)
Connection to RM-200M, RM-200X or RM-200XF by way of dedicated cable 10 When used to expand the RM-200M:
Selects and activates the Voice Announcement Board messages.
When used to expand the RM-200X and RM-200XF (PC software setting):
Emergency activation, emergency reset, BGM pattern selection, EV message activation, broadcast zone selection, monitor zone selection, chime activation, Talk switch activation, control output activation, input volume adjustment,
zone volume adjustment, and failure output indication and reset. ABS resin, blueish gray (PANTONE 538 or its equivalent) 110 (W) x 76.5 (H) x 215 (D)mm 350g
4. Specifications
4.4. System Manager VX-2000
Power Source 24V DC (operating range: 20 – 40V DC)
M3.5 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 8.8m Current consumption Under 650mA (20V DC) Input –20dB*, unbalanced, Number of module slots: 8
Usable module: VX-200XR, VX-200XI, 900 series plug-in modules (M-01F,
M-01M, M-01P, M-01S, M-03P, M-51F, M-51S, M-61F, M-61S, M-61T, U-01F, U-01P, U-01R, U-01S, U-01T, M-03R, U-03S, U-61S, U-61T)
Audio Link Output Number of audio buses: 4
0dB*, electronically balanced, RJ45 female connector
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard) Monitor Output 0dB*, electronically balanced, XLR receptacle (3 pins) Frequency Response 20 – 20,000Hz S/N Ratio Over 60dB Distortion Under 0.5% Cross Talk Under –60dB (1kHz, 0dB*) Control Input 16 inputs, no-voltage make contact, open voltage: 17V DC,
Short circuit current: Under 5mA, RJ45 connector x 2 Control Output 16 outputs, open collector output, withstand voltage: 30V DC,
Control current: Under 5mA, RJ45 connector x 2 Chime Tone Built-in chime: 4-tone chime (up)/4-tone chime (down)/2-tone chime/Gong Communication System PC (Setting software to be installed): D-sub connector (9 pins), cross cable,
VX-2000SF: RJ45 female connector,
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard), LONWORKS RS-485 Operating Temperature 0˚ C to +40˚ C Finish Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint Dimensions 482 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 337 (D)mm Weight 6.4kg
* 0 dB = 1 V
• Accessories
Rack mounting bracket (preinstalled on the unit) x 2, Rack mounting screw x 4, Fiber washer x 4, Blank panel x 7, Blank panel mounting screw x 14, Setting software installation CD x 1, Fuse (T1.6A L) x 1/(T6.3A L) x 1
• Optional products
Voice announcement board: EV-200, Isolation transformer: IT-450 (audio link output)
[Front section without front panel]
4. Specifications
4.5. Remote Microphone Input Module VX-200XR
Supplied from VX-2000 Under 15 mA RM-200X and RM-200XF
RJ45 female connector Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard)
Panel: Alumite finished aluminum, white 35 (W) x 78 (H) x 88 (D) mm 70 g VX-2000
Power Source Current Consumption Connectable Remote Microphone Input Connector
Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
• Accessory
Mounting screw .......................................... 2
[Front] [Side]
4. Specifications
4.6. Audio Input Module with Control input VX-200XI
Supplied from VX-2000 Under 30 mA MIC: –70 to – 42.5dB* (adjustable)
LINE: –20 to +7.5dB* (adjustable) MIC or LINE selectable by the built-in switch
9 to 15 dB attenuation (adjustable) 8 to 14 dB attenuation (adjustable) Under 0.5%
50 – 20,000 Hz
15V (open), 6V (current consumption: 3.3mA)
No-voltage make contact, open voltage: 17V DC, short-circuit current: Under 5mA
RJ45 female connector Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard)
Panel: Alumite finished aluminum, white 35 (W) x 78 (H) x 88 (D) mm 70 g VX-2000
*0 dB = 1 V
Power Source Current Consumption Input Sensitivity
(Rated Output –20dB)
Low Cut Filter (100 Hz) High Cut Filter (10 kHz) Distortion Frequency Response Phantom Power Control Input
Input Connector
Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
• Accessory
Mounting screw............................................2
• Optional products
Isolation transformer: IT-450
[Front] [Side]
4. Specifications
4.7. Voice Announcement Board EV-200
*10 dB = 1 V *
Trademark of SanDisk Corporation.
Note: Use the CompactFlash card adapter on the market for recording by the EV-350R.
• Accessory
Mounting screw .......................................... 2
24 V DC, 0.2 A 5 W 0 dB*
20 – 20,000 Hz (44.1 kHz sampling) 20 – 14,000 Hz (32 kHz sampling) Under 0.3% (44.1 kHz, recording method: Extremely High) SanDisk*
CompactFlash*2card is optionally required. Number of mountable card: 1 Single source playback 8 programs 0°C to +50°C Under than 90% RH (must be free from dew condensation) 120 (W) x 18.6 (H) x 121 (D) mm 110 g
Power Source Power Consumption Output Frequency Response
Distortion Memory Card
Playback Mode No. of Playback Program Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Dimensions Weight
4. Specifications
4.8. Surveillance Frame VX-2000SF
Power Source 24 V DC (operating range: 20 – 40 V DC)
M3.5 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 8.8m Current consumption Under 2 A (40 V DC) Number of Module Slot 10, usable modules: VX-200SZ, VX-200SP, VX-200SI, VX-200SO Frequency Response 20 – 20,000Hz S/N Ratio Over 60dB Distortion Under 0.5% Cross Talk Under –60dB (1kHz, 0dB*) Audio Link Input/Output Number of audio busses: 4
0dB*, electronically balanced, RJ45 female connector
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard) Standby Amplifier Link RJ45 female connector for connecting the VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241, VP-2421
Power Amplifier.
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-586A standard) Communication System VX-2000, VX-2000SF: RJ45 female connector x 2, LONWORKS RS-485
VX-2000DS: RJ45 female connector x 2,
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-586A standard) Operating Temperature 0˚ C to +40˚ C Finish Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint Dimensions 482 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 337 (D)mm Weight 5.6 kg
* 0 dB = 1 V Note: LONWORKS is a trademark of Echelon Corporation.
• Accessories
Rack mounting bracket (preinstalled on the unit) x 2, Rack mounting screw x 4, Fiber washer x 4, Blank panel x 9, Blank panel mounting screw x 18, Standby amp. cable (3m) x 1
• Optional products
Isolation transformer: IT-450 (audio link output)
[Front section without front panel]
4. Specifications
4.9. Impedance Detection Module VX-200SZ
• Optional product
Equaliser card: VX-200SE
• Accessory
Plug-in screw terminal ................................ 1
Power Source Current Consumption Power Amplifier Link
External Attenuator Control Output
Speaker Output
Power Amplifier Input
Fault Detection System Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
Supplied from VX-2000SF Under 150mA RJ45 female connector for connecting the VP-2064, VP-2122,
VP-2241, VP-2421 Power Amplifier. Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard)
Plug-in screw connector, relay, no-voltage make contact output, transfer type, withstand voltage: 30V DC, 250V AC, contact current: Under 7A (DC), under 7A (AC) Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Plug-in screw connector Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Plug-in screw connector for connecting the VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241, VP-2421 Power Amplifier. Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Short circuit, open circuit (impedance detection method), ground fault Panel: Surface-treated steel plate
30.5 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 290.3 (D)mm 320g VX-2000SF
4. Specifications
4.10 Pilot Tone Detection Module VX-200SP
• Optional product
Equaliser card: VX-200SE
• Accessory
Plug-in screw terminal ................................ 1
Power Source Current Consumption Power Amplifier Link
Line Monitor
External Attenuator Control Output
Speaker Output
Power Amplifier Input
Fault Detection System Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
Supplied from VX-2000SF Under 100mA RJ45 female connector for connecting the VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241,
VP-2421 Power Amplifier. Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard)
Plug-in screw connector Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Plug-in screw connector, relay, no-voltage make contact output, transfer type, withstand voltage: 30V DC, 250V AC, contact current: Under 7A (DC), under 7A (AC) Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Plug-in screw connector Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Plug-in screw connector for connecting the VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241, VP-2421 Power Amplifier. Applicable cable diameter: AWG24 – AWG 22
Short circuit, open circuit (pilot tone detection method), ground fault Panel: Surface-treated steel plate
30.5 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 290.3 (D)mm 240g VX-2000SF
4. Specifications
4.11. Control Input Module VX-200SI
Supplied from VX-2000SF Under 100 mA 16
inputs, no-voltage make contact, open voltage: 24V DC,
short circuit current: under 10mA, RJ45 connector
Panel: Surface-treated steel plate
30.5 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 290.3 (D) mm 200 g VX-2000SF
Power Source Current Consumption Control Input
Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
4. Specifications
4.12. Control Output Module VX-200SO
Supplied from VX-2000SF
Under 150 mA
outputs, no-voltage make contact, contact capacity: 28V DC, 1A,
RJ45 connector
Panel: Surface-treated steel plate
30.5 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 290.3 (D) mm
250 g
Power Source Current Consumption Control Output
Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
4. Specifications
4.13. Equaliser Card VX-200SE
Supplied from VX-200SZ, VX-200SP Under 50 mA 80 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 HZ, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz ±12 dB, adjustable in 2 dB steps 110 (W) x 90 (H) x 21.4 (D) mm 50 g VX-200SZ, VX-200SP
Power Source Current Consumption Equaliser Centre Frequency Gain Range Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
4. Specifications
4.14. Power Amplifier 4 x 60 W VP-2064
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw 4
Fiber washer ...............................................
Power Source
Current Consumption (EN60065) Rated Output Power Output Voltage/Impedance
Number of Channels Input Number of Module Slots Output
Frequency Response Distortion S/N Ratio Panel Indicator
Operating temperature Finish Dimensions Weight
28 V DC (operating range: 20 – 40 V DC) M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 12mm
4.8 A in total 60 W x 4 100V/167, 70V/83, 50V/41
(selectable by the internal wiring change) 4 Specified by input module VP-200VX 4, usable module: VP-200VX Power amplifier output (speaker line): M3.5 screw terminal,
distance between barriers: 8.8mm 40 – 16,000 Hz, ±3 dB (at 1/3 rated output) Under 1% (at rated output, 1 kHz) Over 80 dB Channel power indicator: 4 channels, dual colour LED
Overheat indicator: Yellow LED 0°C to +40°C Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 482 (W) x 88.4 (H) x 340.5 (D) mm
11.2 kg
4. Specifications
4.15. Power Amplifier 2 x 120 W VP-2122
Power Source
Current Consumption (EN60065) Rated Output Power Output Voltage/Impedance
Number of Channels Input Number of Module Slots Output
Frequency Response Distortion S/N Ratio Panel Indicator
Operating temperature Finish Dimensions Weight
28 V DC (operating range: 20 – 40 V DC) M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 12mm
4.8 A in total 120 W x 2 100V/83, 70V/41, 50V/21
(selectable by the internal wiring change) 2 Specified by input module VP-200VX 2, usable module: VP-200VX Power amplifier output (speaker line): M3.5 screw terminal,
distance between barriers: 8.8mm 40 – 16,000 Hz, ±3 dB (at 1/3 rated output) Under 1% (at rated output, 1 kHz) Over 80 dB Channel power indicator: 2 channels, dual colour LED
Overheat indicator: Yellow LED 0°C to +40°C Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 482 (W) x 88.4 (H) x 340.5 (D) mm
9.1 kg
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw 4
Fiber washer ...............................................
4. Specifications
4.16. Power Amplifier 1 x 240 W VP-2241
Power Source
Current Consumption (EN60065) Rated Output Power Output Voltage/Impedance
Number of Channels Input Number of Module Slots Output
Frequency Response Distortion S/N Ratio Panel Indicator
Operating temperature Finish Dimensions Weight
28 V DC (operating range: 20 – 40 V DC) M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 12mm
4.8 A 240 W 100V/41, 70V/21, 50V/10
(selectable by the internal wiring change) 1 Specified by input module VP-200VX 1, usable module: VP-200VX Power amplifier output (speaker line): M3.5 screw terminal,
distance between barriers: 8.8mm 40 – 16,000 Hz, ±3 dB (at 1/3 rated output) Under 1% (at rated output, 1 kHz) Over 80 dB Channel power indicator: 1 channels, dual colour LED
Overheat indicator: Yellow LED 0°C to +40°C Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 482 (W) x 88.4 (H) x 340.5 (D) mm
8.1 kg
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw 4
Fiber washer ...............................................
4. Specifications
4.17. Power Amplifier 1 x 420 W VP-2421
Power Source
Current Consumption (EN60065) Rated Output Power Output Voltage/Impedance
Number of Channels Input Number of Module Slots Output
Frequency Response Distortion S/N Ratio Panel Indicator
Operating temperature Finish Dimensions Weight
28 V DC (operating range: 20 – 40 V DC) M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 12mm
7.6 A 420 W 100V/24, 70V/12, 50V/6
(selectable by the internal wiring change) 1 Specified by input module VP-200VX 1, usable module: VP-200VX Power amplifier output (speaker line): M3.5 screw terminal,
distance between barriers: 8.8mm 40 – 16,000 Hz, ±3 dB (at 1/3 rated output) Under 1% (at rated output, 1 kHz) Over 80 dB Channel power indicator: 1 channels, dual colour LED
Overheat indicator: Yellow LED 0°C to +40°C Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 482 (W) x 88.4 (H) x 340.5 (D) mm
9.5 kg
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw 4
Fiber washer ...............................................
4. Specifications
4.18. Power Amplifier Input Module VP-200VX
Supplied from VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241, or VP-2421 Under 30 mA
RJ45 female connector for connecting the VX-200SP or VX-200SZ Audio Output module. Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard)
Panel: Surface treated steel plate 88 (W) x 25.8 (H) x 53.2 (D) mm 50 g VP-2064, VP-2122, VP-2241, VP-2421
Power Source Current Consumption Power Amplifier Link
Finish Dimensions Weight Applicable Model
[Top] [Side]
4. Specifications
4.19. Power Supply Unit VX-200PS
230 V AC, 50/60 Hz
0°C to +40°C VX-2000PF Surface-treated steel plate 135 (W) x 118.2 (H) x 333.8 (D) mm
13.2 kg
Power Source
Operating Temperature Applicable Frame Finish Dimensions Weight
• Accessories
Fuse (T3.15 A L) ......................................... 1
Power cable ................................................ 1
580 W Power Consumption
Rated output: 210 W (29V , 7.25 A) x 2 Peak output: 400 W x 2 M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 11 mm
[Front] [Rear]
4. Specifications
4.20. Emergeny Power Supply VX-2000DS
230 V AC, 50/60 Hz 240 W maximum YUASA NP Series (12 V x 2 or 4) Trickle charging 5 A maximum
27.3 V ±0.3 V (at 25°C) Temperature correction coefficient: –40 mV/°C
6 M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 11mm
6 (25 A max. each) M4 screw terminal, distance between barriers: 11mm RJ45 female connector for connecting the VX-2000SF Surveillance Frame.
Twisted-pair straight cable (TIA/EIA-568A standard) Type of control signal: Battery check, AC power status, DC power status, charging circuit failure, and battery failure
1 pair of positive and negative terminals
Applicable cable diameter: AWG 6 – AWG 1/0
0°C to +40°C Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 482 (W) x 88.4 (h) x 377.6 (D) mm
10.5 kg
Power Source Power Consumption Applicable Battery Charging Method Charging Current Charging Output Voltage
Power Supply Input DC Power Output Control Connector
Battery Connection
Operating Temperature Finish Dimensions Weight
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw .................................. 4
Fiber washer .............................................. 4
Blade fuse (40 A) ........................................ 3
Fuse (T3.15 A L) 1 Power cable 1
4. Specifications
4.21. Power Supply Frame VX-2000PF
Panel: Surface-treated steel plate, black, 30% gloss, paint 483 (W) x 132.6 (H) x 324.8 (D) mm
5.5 kg
Finish Dimensions Weight
Side panel x 2, Chassis x 1, Front panel x 1
VX-200PS (up to 3)
Product Composition
Usable Unit
• Accessories
Rack mounting screw ................................. 4
Fiber washer .............................................. 4
[Front] [Side]
5. Typical System Examples 5.1. Typical System Outline
5.1.1. External View of the Building
Here, system installations, settings, connections and operations are explained, taking some typical systems as an example.
The building shown below is used as an example. The location is a hotel where Building A is linked with Building B. Building A was built earlier, and Building B added later. The original public address system was expanded by adding a VX-2000SF to cover Building B.
Building B Building A
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