Scalable Architecture — The expandable, modular design allows you to
specify the most cost-effective station configuration for each installation. A single VS-900MF exchange mainframe supports up to 4 master
stations and 64 sub-stations. You can easily connect up to 16
exchanges for a maximum of 64 master stations and 1024 sub-stations.
Master Station Flexibility — Along with TOA MS-900 Master Stations, the
VS-900 also supports standard analog Caller-ID telephones.*
Direct Select Interface — The Direct Select Interface cards provide external
relays, Call-LED drivers and direct select switch inputs for applications
requiring camera control, access control or custom annunciator panels.
The interface can also be used for custom master stations with headset
interface, microphone input, speaker output and key inputs.
System Integration Solution — VS-900 functions can be both remote con-
trolled and monitored with a serial RS-232 data connection. A simple
communications protocol allows integration with access control and
video surveillance equipment such as camera controllers, PLC’s,and
Flexible Programming and Control Software — System programming and
maintenance is accomplished with flexible Microsoft Windows®-based
software. Features include system configuration, remote dialing, event
logging and communication monitoring. Systems can be set up at the
office and uploaded to the VS-900 at the job-site. In multi-exchange
systems, you can program and maintain up to sixteen exchanges from
a single connection. Programming and event log data can be easily
saved to disk or printed.
Remote System Management — The software accommodates a dial-up
modem connection for off-site programming and maintenance of up
to 16 exchanges.
Telephone System Integration — With the VS-900CO Telephone Interface
card, you can connect up to two outside telephone lines or trunks to
each exchange allowing the following convenient features.
Call Forwarding — Automatically route station calls to offsite locations.
Outside Line Access — Dialing a pre-assigned access number allows
master stations to access an outside telephone line for outgoing calls.
Direct-In Line/Group Call — Routes incoming telephone calls to individual
or multiple master stations simultaneously.
Direct-In Dial — Incoming telephone line callers can dial specific master
or sub-stations directly.
Master Station Features — The TOA MS-900 Master Station includes a 12-
digit alphanumeric LCD,clock,8 programmable auto-dial keys and the following convenient functions.
Alphanumeric Station Numbering — For easily recognizable dialing and
display,station numbering is fully programmable for both 2 to 6 digit
and 8 alphanumeric characters.
Call-In Display Priority — Sub-stations can be assigned either
Emergency or Normal display priority in the master station queue
during multiple station call-in.
Call Queuing — Up to 64 incoming calls can be queued in order of
pre-assigned priority and answered in any order. Once an existing call
is terminated, the next call moves to the top of the queue.
Selective Response — The master station operator can scroll through a
list of multiple incoming calls and select a specific station call to answer.
Redial — The master station operator can redial the last dialed key
sequence with a single key operation.
Call Hold — The master station operator can place an answered call on hold.
Call Transfer — The master station operator can place an answered call
on hold, dial a third party and then either transfer the original calling
party or return to the original conversation.
Auto-Dial — Each master station operator can assign frequently dialed
station numbers or dialing sequences to eight programmable keys to
allow convenient one-touch operation.
Multiple Communication Modes — Depending on the type of station in
use, users have the choice of Handset, Hands-free and Press-to-talk
(Simplex) Communication.
Call Forwarding — Incoming calls to a master station can be forwarded
internally, manually or automatically, to another master station or
group of master stations or externally, to an outside telephone number
or PBX extension.
Manual Forwarding — Each master station can manually dial a key
sequence to route future sub-station calls to a new destination.
Remote Forwarding (Call Capture) — Sub-station calls to a master station
can be forwarded to a new destination from a remote master station
Time-Based Forwarding (Automatic) — Sub-station calls to a master
station can be automatically forwarded at a pre-programmed time to a
new destination and then automatically reset to normal operation.
Ideal for shift changes or off-hours security.
No Answer Forwarding — Sub-station calls to a master station can be
automatically forwarded to other master stations, outside telephone or
PBX extension after a specific number of unanswered rings.
Busy Forwarding — Sub-station calls to a master station can be automatically forwarded to a master station or outside telephone if the
called master station is busy.
Off-Site Forwarding / Outside Line Call Forwarding — Station calls can
also be routed via Call Forwarding to a preprogrammed outside
telephone number.
Master Station Group Call — Routes incoming sub-station calls to
multiple master stations simultaneously.
Conference / Emergency Conference — Any master station can initiate a
conference with up to two other master stations. A pre-assigned four
station emergency conference can also be initiated with a single key sequence.
Audio Monitoring — Real-time audio monitoring of pre-programmed
sub-station groups with automatic scrolling and stop/forward/back
Event Logging — System events are stored with station numbers, date
and time stamp for PC archiving.
Voice Recording — All master station,telephone master stations and
telephone line ports have individual recording outputs for recording
conversation audio. Each has an associated control port for start/stop
control of an external recording device for the beginning and end of
the conversation.
Paging — Master stations and telephone master stations can initiate
paging to up to 19 sub-station zones, All-Zones and Emergency
All-Stations/Zones. A separate Paging Output is also available for connection to an external paging amplifier along with 16 programmable
control outputs for external relay activation.
Automatic Time-out — A preprogrammed time limit allows automatic ter-
mination of Incoming Station Calls, Conversations and Paging.
External Source Input — Line input for connecting an external music
source or tone generator. Four programmable trigger inputs distribute
the external source to pre-programmed zones.
*See VS-900 Operating Instructions for details on Telephone Master Station features.