Toa MCX-106 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instruction Manual
Model MCX-106
General Description
Front Panel [Input Section]
Front Panel [Output Section]
Front Panel [Stereo Cassette Recorder Section]
Front Panel [Patch Bay & Bus Link]
Rear Panel
Connection Examples
Input Connections
How to get a good mix.
Recording Level Setting
Type of Cassette Tape
Maintenance of Stereo Cassette Deck
Block and Level Diagrams
Characteristic Diagrams
1. XLR Type Audio Connector
The connectors are wired as follows. The pin 1 is ground (shield), the pin 2 cold (low, minus), the pin 3 hot (high, plus).
MCX-106™ Operating Guide
A Few Words about design:
The MCX™ is quite an unusual product, but the
reasoning behind its design was quite simple .... we
wanted to intergrate all the basic components of a sound reinforcement system and a recording studio into a single, transportable package.
The basic components of the MCX™ are as follows:
1. Six-channel main mixer.
2. Six-channel on-stage monitor mixer.
3. Six-channel special effects mixer.
4. Six-channel recording mixer.
5. Stereo tape deck.
2. Description of components and functions on the MCX-106.
Descriptions may vary, depending on each manu­facturer. In our Operating and Instruction Manual explanation of components and functions is made according to our usage for them.
6. One-octave equalizer.
7. Patch bay.
8. Headphone cue/monitor system.
9. Three-hundred watt power amplifier.
10. Road case.
Each of these "components" functions independently of the others, although some do share common signal processing and control circuitry. For example, the main mixer, effects mixer, and recording mixer all make use of the same input equalization on each of the six channels. And the input trim control performs the same function for all four mixing sections.
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General Description
The MCX-106 is a compact self-powered mixer with a Microprocessor controlled stereo
cassette deck, designed to allow recording a live demo tape, performing to pre-recorded
program material, recording sound on sound with an external tape source, and simultaneously performing as a six-channel "powered" main sound system and a six-
channel independent monitor mixer.
The MCX-106 fea ture s: six i nput channels, a 300 watt power amplifier, 9-band graphic equalizer, automatic compressor, reverb effect, fluorescent bargraph meter, power amplifier protection circuitry, and a complete patch bay.
Each input channel features: input trim control with LED peak indicator, pre-EQ foldback send, 3-band EQ, post-EQ recording level and pan controls, post-reverb/effects send, Lo-
Z balanced XLR input and Hi-Z unbalanced 1/4" input.
The built-in cassette deck features: full logic cassette mechanism control, dbx noise
reduction system, zero return and cue functions, automatic tape selector.
All these unique functions are integrated into a ruggedly construct and portable package,
offering unlimited applications for school, church, band, performing group, etc.
The MCX-106 is a "first of its kind" product, providing such a wide variety of versatility.
1. Built-in Stereo Cassette Recorder with micro-
processor control
2. Six Input Channels
3. 300 watt Power Amplifier
4. 9-band Graphic Equalizer with Bypass Switch
5. Auto-Comp™ Compression Circuitry with LED
6. Reverberation Effect with 2-band dedicated EQ
7. Fluorescent Bargraph Metering— assignable
8. Power Amp Protection Circuitry with indicator
9. Complete patch Bay with Buss-Link™
10. Aux. Input with Stereo Balance and Level Controls — assignable to PGM, FB, and Rec L & R Busses
11. Headphone Monitoring/Cueing System
12. Independent Stage Monitor (FB) Mix
Each Channel
1. Input Trim Control with LED peak indicator
2. Pre-EQ foldback send
3. 3-Band EQ
4. Post-EQ recording level and pan controls
5. Post reverb/effects send
6. Lo-Z Balanced XLR Input
7. Hi-Z Unbalanced 1/4" Input
Stereo Cassette Recorder
1. Full Logic Cassette Mechanism Control
2. dbx® Noise Reduction System
3. Automatic Tape Selector with Indicator (normal,
CrO2 Metal)
4. Headphone Output with Level Control
5. Tape Transport Remote Control (start/stop)
6. Tape Pitch Control (±10%)
7. Zero Return with Automatic Cue
8. 3-Digit Tape Counter
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Front Panel, Input Section
Foldback Control (FB)
The Foldback control deter­mines the level of signal assign­ed to the foldback mixing buss, thus setting the level of t h at
channel in the on-stage monitor mix.
High Equalizer Control
The high EQ control alters the
high frequency response of t he
input channel, providing ±13dB at 10kHz, and ±15dBat 20kHz of continuously variable active shelving equalization. The "0" detented position provides fla t audio response.
Middle Equalizer Control
The mid EQ control provides ±15dB of continuously variable
active peaking equalization at
2kHz. and has a flat audio re­sponse when set to the "0" detented position.
Peak Indicator (PEAK)
The peak indicator lights when
the pre or post EQ signal level reaches 3dB below cli ppi ng, giving a visual reference for optimum setting of the trim con­trol.
Input Trim Control (TRIM)
The input trim adjusts the gain of the head-amp stage of the as-
sociated channel, providing 39
dB of gain control. When the
trim control is set to the "10"
position, the nominal input
levels of t he low-Z and high-Z
inputs are — 55dB and —35dB re-
spectively. At the "0" position
the levels are -16dB and +4dB. The trim of each channel should be adjusted so that the peak LED j u s t be gin s to l ig ht , or o nly
flashes occasionally. This will ensure lowest distortion levels and optimum signal to noise ratio.
Recording pan Pot (REC
This control assigns the record­ing signal from each channel to
the recording L and R mixing
busses. At the center position,
the pan pot routes the signal
equally to the L and R mixing busses. Panning from one side to
the other gradually assigns the input signal to either the record-
ing L or R mixing bus exclusive-
Low Equalizer Control
The low EQ control provides
±13dB at l00Hz and ±15dB at
50Hz (of continuously variable active shelving equalization.
The "0" detented position pro­vides flat audio response.
Reverb/Effects Control
level of signal assigned to th e re­verb effects buss. Rotating the
control clockwise increases t he amount of reverb effect in that
Low Impedance Connectors
The XLR connectors are low im-
pedance, electronically balanced
inputs with an input impedance of 1k ohms.
High Impedance Connectors (HIGH Z)
These connectors are unbalanc­ed, standard 1/4" phone jacks with an input impedance? of 50k ohms, and an input level of —35dB when t he tri m control is set to "10". When a plug is insert­ed into the high —Z input, the cor-
responding XLR connector is automatically switched out of the input circuitry.
Recording Level J Control
This control adjusts the level of signal assigned to th e tape deck via the recording pan pot and stereo L and R recording busses. Rota ting the control clockwise increases the amount of signal
assigned to the recording L and R
busses and t hu s the level of t ha t input in the "recording mix."
Input Level Control
The level control provides con­tinuously variable adjustment
of the channel output to the
program mixing buss, t hu s de­termining the level of that channel in the main sound system mix. Since t he reverb/ effects
trol, an increase in the level of the
channel's output will also result
in a corresponding increase in
he reverb effect of that channel. The nominal level of the input level control is at the "10" posi-
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Front Panel, Output Section
Aux Recording Balance
Th is c on tr ol ad j u st s t h e l ev el balance of the aux in, L and R signals routed to the L and R mixing busses. At the center position, the bal­ance control routes the signal
equally to the L and R mixing
Auxiliary Input Recording
Level Control
This control sets the level of stereo L and R signal (from an
external source connected to the
AUX INPUT) assigned t o the re­cording busses, via the AUX REC BAL control.
Auxiliary Input to
Foldback Control
This control sets the level of aux input signal assigned to t he fold­back mixing bus, and thus the level of the exter nal aux source in the on-stage monitor mix. NOTE: If t he au x source is a
stereo L and R signal (for example, a stereo casset­te player) the L and R will be combined i nt o one mono signal before assignment to either the FB or PGM mixing bus­ses.
Auxiliary Input to Program
This control sets the level of aux input signal assigned to the program mixing bus, and thus the level of the external aux source in the main mi x.
Effect to Foldback Control
This control determines the
level of reverb/effects return signal assigned to the foldback mixing buss, and th us t he amount of effects in the on-stage
monitor mix.
Reverb/Effects to Program-
This control adjusts the amount of reverb/effects signal that is returned to the program buss and thus th e level of reverb/ effects contained in the main
sound system.
Reverb/Effects Send Control
This control ad jus ts the overall
signal level of the effects mix
th a t is delivered to the inte rnal
reverberation unit, or to an external effects device through
the effects output. The send con­tro l works in conjunction with
the REV/EFF to PGM and t he REV/EFF to FB controls to set the overall level of reverb/ effects in the main and monitor
sound systems.
Reverberation High Equalizer —
The high EQ control alters the
high frequency response? of t h e
reverberation signal. The "0" de-
audio response.
Recordig Level Control (EFF REC LEVEL)
This control sets the level of reverb (or external effects) in
the recording mix, via the effects return pan pot.
Effect Recording Pan Control
This control assigns t he reverb
or external effects signal to the recording L and R mixing bus-
ses. I n t he center "detended"
position, the signal is assigned equally to L and R; panning the
control gradually assigns the
effect to either bus exclusively.
-Aux Input L and R (AUX
IN, L, R)
The aux L and R 1/4" phone jacks are unbalanced and accept low and high impeda nce sources at nominal —20 dB level. The jacks are wired w i t h t he cor­responding L and R pin jacks in parallel. When a plug is inserted in t he phone jack, the pin jack is automatically switched out of
the aux input circuitry. The aux
input is intended primarily for
external music sources such as
cassette tape players, radio receivers, or record players. NOTE: A phonograph with
magnetic cartridge re-
quires the use of a pre-
amp with RIAA equali­zation.
Recording Output Pin Jack-
The REC out pin jack derives its
signal from t h e recording L and R mixing busses, and is intended
for connection to external re-
cording equipment. Nominal output level is —10 dB wi th an
impedance of 1k ohms.
- Reverberation Low Equalizer
The low EQ control alters the low frequency response of th e reverberation signal. The "0" de-
audio response.
- Playback to Program Control (TAPE TO PGM)
This control adjusts th e level of playback signal r outed to th e program mix ing buss, and t hus the level of the internal tape?
source in th e mai n mix.
Playback to Foldback Control (TAPE TO FB)
This contr ol ad ju st s the level of
playback signal to the foldback mix in g buss, and t hu s th e level
of the internal tape in the on­stage monitor mix.
Buss Link Ja ck (BUSS LINK)
Patching Jack (PATCH BAY/OUT) Patching Jack (PATCH BAY/IN)
Playback Output Pin Jack (TAPE OUT)
The playback o u t pin jack obtains its signal from the
internal tape deck. Nominal
ou tp u t level is 0dB dB wi th an
impedance o f 1k ohms.
Power Amp Compression-
Indicator (COMP)
The com p LED l ig ht s whe n the
internal compressor is activat-
ed. The compressor is pr ov i ded
to prote ct speaker systems by compressing t h e input signal level when clipping occurs in th e out­put stage. Frequent flashing of
the LED is not reason for alarm.
However. a constant or steady light indicates t ha t the MCX-106
is being overdriven and that the
internal sibly "under powered" (or tha t application. The output level of th e; MCX-106 should be; decreas­ed until the LED only flashes intermittently.
Foldback Master Control (FB)
The FB master control adjusts
the overall combined signal level of the six independent channel foldback sends, and
thus the level of the entire on-
stage monitor mix.
Program Master Control (PGM)
The PGM control adjusts the
overall combined signal level of
the six independent channel
level controls, and thus the level of the main sound system.
Graphic Equalizer
The graphic equalizer is 1/1
octave with 9 independent active bands (filters), providing 12dB
of boost or cut at each center fre­quency. The "0" detented posi­tion provides fl at audio re­sponse.
Graphic Equalizer In/Out
Switch (IN/OUT)
The in/out switch enables com­parison
between a flat (out) and the equalized response (in). The "out" position com­pletely removes the equalizer from the MCX-106 circuitry.
Phones Level Control
The phones level control adjusts both the recording L
and R signals fed to the phones
output and permits recording
and playback monitoring.
Headphone Jack
The headphone jack will accept any stereo headphone with 8 ohms impedance, or higher.
Tape Deck Remote Control
This jack remotely operates t he tape PAUSE function during recording or playback by means
of a foot switch.
Power Amp Protection Indicator (PROTECT)
The indicator LED lights if the
power amplifier output is short-
ed, if the temperature of the unit rises above acceptable levels, or if DG is drifted to the speaker ou tp ut s. If th e LED should ligh t, speaker wiring and ambient
temperature of the MCX-106
should be checked. If the LED remains lighted, the unit should
be referred to qualified service
personnel for repair.
The MCX-106 protection cir-
cuitry will (1) detect 'faulty con-
di ti ons ' wit h i n t he power amp­lifier, (2) give a visual indication, and (3) automatically shut down
un ti l the; fault condition is
alleviated. This special circuitry
ensures maximum reliability and virtually eliminates equip-
ment damage due t o unsafe or
fault protection table on page 9 for full explanation of this
important feature.
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