West Case Notebook Technical Assistance (available 24 hours a day)
If you have general or technical questions about West Case Notebook, call West Case Notebook Customer Technical Support at
1-800-290-9378 or send an e-mail message to west.livenote@thomson.com.
Billing and Account Assistance
For billing and account assistance, call 1-800-328-4880.
Billing and account assistance is also available online at west.thomson.com/support.
Reference Materials
To browse and order free West Case Notebook reference materials, visit west.thomson.com/support/user-guide/livenote-casenotebook.aspx. West Case Notebook also contains valuable online Help.
About This Guide
In this guide, the graphics and step-by-step instructions are based on using West Case Notebook. Because of the evolving nature of
this technology, there may be changes to the West Case Notebook interface and functionality that are not reflected in the
Information in this guide is current through February 1, 2009.
KeyCite and Westlaw are registered trademarks and West Case Notebook and West Case Timeline are trademarks of West Publishing Corporation.
LEF, LiveNote, LiveNote Evidence Format, LiveNote Repository, and LiveNote Stream are trademarks of LiveNote, Inc.
West LiveNote is a trademark of LiveNote, Inc. and West Publishing Corporation.
RealLegal is a registered trademark of RealLegal, LLC.
Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Outlook, PowerPoint, Windows, Windows Media, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Corel and WordPerfect are registered trademarks of Corel Corporation.
West Case Notebook is an electronic organizer and deposition tool for saving and working with
important documents, research, and transcripts. With West Case Notebook you can
■ track key facts and their related issues
■ track the parties involved in the litigation
■ import and convert key documents to text searchable formats using optical character recognition
(OCR) technology
■ send research documents from Westlaw to the case file
■ check KeyCite status
■ build issues databases by creating categories and highlighting text
■ summarize issues by running reports
■ copy text from a Westlaw document and paste the text along with the citation into a word-processing
■ connect to a deposition transcript in real time
System Requirements
You will need the following to operate West Case Notebook, West LiveNote Administration, and West
LiveNote Repository:
West Case Notebook
If you intend to view video with West Case Notebook, use the recommended configurations.
■ IBM PC or compatible computer with Pentium 4 processor
■ Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
■ 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Microsoft Windows XP
■ 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Windows Vista
■ 10 GB of available hard disk space (100 GB recommended)
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later
■ Windows Media Player 9 or later
■ one free serial port for Realtime connection
Note: If you do not have a free serial port, you can connect to Realtime with a serial adapter connected
to a USB port or through the Internet with LiveNote Stream. For more information on LiveNote
Stream, see “Using LiveNote Stream” on page 55.
West LiveNote Administration
■ IBM PC or compatible computer with Pentium 4 processor
■ Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, or Windows Server 2003
■ 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Microsoft Windows XP
■ 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended) for Windows Vista
■ 10 GB of available hard disk space
West LiveNote Repository
■ IBM PC or compatible computer with Pentium 4 processor
■ Windows Server 2003
■ 1 GB of RAM (2 GB recommended)
■ 10 GB of available hard disk space
File Types for Importing Transcripts
You can import the following types of transcript files into West Case Notebook:
You can import the following types of files for documents and pleadings into West Case Notebook:
■ Images
• TIF/TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
• JPE/JPG/JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts
• BMP (Bitmap)
• GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
■ PDF (Portable Document Format)
■ MSG (Microsoft Outlook file)
■ DOC/DOCX (Microsoft Word file)
■ WP/WPD (Corel WordPerfect file)
■ PEX (LiveNote document file)
■ HTM/HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
■ TXT (plain text file)
■ RTF (Rich Text Format)
■ Document review load files
• CaseCentral ASCII Load File (TXT)
• Concordance ASCII Load File (DAT)
• IPRO ASCII Load File (LFP)
• Lextranet ASCII Load File (TXT)
• Opticon ASCII Load File (OPT)
• Summation ASCII Load File (TXT)
Note: If your load file is not one of the types
listed, you still may be able to import it
using the Custom options or by using
conversion tools available for free on the
An administrator can designate who can access the case file documents.
Managing Cases
Main Menu
Creating a New Local Case
Cases in West Case Notebook can be created for one person to use (local cases), or they can be created
through the West LiveNote Administration module to be available on a network so they can be shared
(secure cases). Local cases can be imported through the West LiveNote Administration module to also
make them shareable.
To create a new case, follow these steps:
1. Access West Case Notebook to display the Open Case dialog box.
2. Click New to display the Save As dialog box.
3. Select the location to use for storage of the case; type the file name, e.g., smithvjones; and click Save. The New
Case Properties dialog box is displayed.
4. Type the name of the case, e.g., Smith v Jones, in the Name text box.
5. Click OK.
The case window, which lists all the documents for the case, is displayed.
Creating a New Case from an Open Case
To create a new case from an open case, complete these steps:
Managing Cases
1. Click the New arrow on the Main Menu toolbar and choose Case from the menu. The Save As dialog box is
2. Complete steps 2 through 4 above.
Opening a Local Case
To open a case, choose Open Case from the File menu to display the Open Case dialog box. Select your
case from the list and click OK.
Importing a Case
To import a case, complete these steps:
1. Click the New arrow, then choose Case (from File) from the menu. The Open dialog box is displayed.
2. Select your case and click Open. The Save As dialog box is displayed.
3. Type a name for the file in the File name dialog box.
4. Click Save. The message Would you like to add the new case to your case list? is displayed. Click Yes. The
case is displayed in the case window.
Opening a RealLegal Binder Case
You can open a RealLegal Binder case, version 5 or later, in West Case Notebook version 1.1. To open a
RealLegal Binder case, complete these steps:
1. Choose Open Case from the File menu to display the Open Case dialog box.
2. Click Add. The Open dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the RealLegal Binder Case (PXL) file you want to import and click Open.
4. The message This case was created with RealLegal Binder. It must be imported before it can be used. Do you want to continue? is displayed. Click Yes . The Save As dialog box is displayed.
5. Type a name for the file in the File name text box and click Save. The case is listed in the Open Case dialog box.
6. Select the case and click OK.
Note: The RealLegal Binder case opens as a local case with no assigned users. For further information on
the conversion of RealLegal Binder cases to West Case Notebook version 1.1 cases, see Appendix
B: Converting RealLegal Binder Cases to West Case Notebook Cases.
Accessing Secure Cases
■ If you are working on a secure case with other users, all users must use the same version of West Case
Notebook. For example, if a secure case is upgraded to West Case Notebook version 1.1, all users working
on the case must use West Case Notebook version 1.1.
■ If you are working in a West Case Notebook version 1.1 case, then revert to using West Case Notebook
version 1, you must manually rebuild the search index for the case. To rebuild the search index, choose
Advanced, Rebuild Search Index from the Tools menu.
Managing Cases
To access a secured case, complete these steps:
1. Access West Case Notebook. Or in an open case, choose Open Case from the File menu. The Open Case
dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Repositories in the Open Case dialog box. The Repositories dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the repository that you want to log on to and click Logon. The Logon to [Repository Name] dialog box
is displayed.
4. Type your username and the password that is assigned to you in West LiveNote Administration in the
Username and Password text boxes.
5. Select the Remember my logon settings check box if you want West Case Notebook to remember your
username and password.
6. Click OK. The Repositories dialog box is redisplayed.
Managing Cases
7. Click Close. The Open Case dialog box is redisplayed with a list of the cases to which you are assigned.
Note: Two types of folders may be displayed:
• A brown folder indicates a local case or a secure case that is currently being accessed through the
• A blue folder with a key indicates a secure case that was replicated offline and is currently being
accessed locally.
To view cases only secure cases, select List Cases by Repository from the drop-down list at the top
of the dialog box, then click the plus symbol (+) next to the repository containing the cases you
want to view.
8. Select your case and click OK.
Managing Cases
Viewing a List of Favorite Secure Cases
When you access secure cases in West Case Notebook, all of the cases to which you are assigned are listed
in the Open Case dialog box. You can add one or more of these cases to your list of favorite cases, then
view only those cases when you access West Case Notebook.
To view your list of favorite cases, complete these steps:
1. Access secure cases. The Open Case dialog box is displayed with the list of the cases to which you are assigned.
2. Right-click the case you want to add to your list of favorite cases, e.g., Clelland v Anderson, and click Add to My Favorite Cases.
3. Select List My Favorite Cases from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. Your list of favorite cases
is displayed.
Managing Cases
Replicating Cases Offline and to the Network
Replicating a Case Offline
You can work on a secure case off the network by replicating the case offline in West Case Notebook. To
replicate a secure case offline, complete these steps:
1. From the File menu, choose Replicate Case Offline. The Cases Replicated to Offline dialog box is displayed,
informing you that the case was successfully replicated to offline.
2. Click one of the following:
■ Open Case. The case is displayed in the left pane.
■ Close. The case is closed.
Replicating a Case to the Network
To replicate a case to the network, complete these steps:
1. From the File menu, choose Replicate Case Online. The Cases Replicated to Network dialog box is displayed.
2. Click one of the following:
■ Open Case. The case is displayed in the left pane.
■ Close. The case is closed.
Changing Replication Options
West Case Notebook has replication options that prompt you to replicate the case offline when you close
West Case Notebook or replicate the case to the network when you open West Case Notebook. To change
these options, complete these steps:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Options. The Options dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the Replicate offline on closing West LiveNote check box, if desired.
3. Clear the Replicate to the network on opening West LiveNote check box, if desired.
4. Make your selection the default, if desired.
5. Click OK.
Managing Transcripts
Importing a Transcript
To import a transcript, complete these steps:
1. Click the New arrow on the Main Menu toolbar and choose Transcript (from File) from the menu. The
Import Wizard–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select a file type from the Files of type drop-down list. Then select your transcript and click Open. The Import
Wizard–Transcript File dialog box is redisplayed.
4. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Import Wizard–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
5. Type a comment in the Comment text box, if desired.
6. Click Finish. The Import Wizard–Import Summary dialog box is displayed. To import another transcript,
click Again. If you do not want to import another transcript, click Close. The text of the transcript is
displayed in the right pane and listed under Transcripts in the left pane.
Note: If you see next to the transcript, it indicates the transcript has been signed.
Managing Transcripts
Opening an Existing Transcript
To open a transcript, complete these steps:
1. If necessary, click Transcripts in the left pane to display a list of all transcripts in the case.
2. Double-click the transcript you want to open. The text of the transcript is displayed in the right pane.
Closing a Transcript
To close a transcript so that it is no longer displayed in the right pane, click the Close button () on the
transcript’s tab.
Deleting a Transcript
To delete a transcript, right-click the transcript in the left pane and choose Delete from the menu. The
message Permanently delete the selected Transcript and all associated Annotations? is displayed. Click Yes.
Printing a Transcript with Annotations
You can display annotations, Quick Marks, and Issue Marks in printed transcripts. For condensed
transcripts, you can also print annotations, including notes and author information, in the footer of the
document. To print a transcript with annotations in the footer of the document, complete these steps:
1. Open the transcript you want to print.
2. Choose Page Setup, Transcript, Condensed from the File menu. The Page Setup–Condensed Transcript
dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Annotations tab.
4. Select the Display Annotations check box.
Managing Transcripts
Click the Print
icon to print
the transcript
from Print
5. To include or remove annotations associated with specific issues from the printed transcript, click Select
Issues. The Select Issues dialog box is displayed. Issues will be listed in this dialog box only if they have
previously been created. See “Working with Issues” on page 33.
6. Select or clear the check boxes next to the issues you want to include or remove and click OK. The Page
Setup–Condensed Transcript dialog box is redisplayed.
7. Select the Include Quick Marks check box, if desired.
8. Select the Include Annotations with no Issues check box, if desired.
9. Select the Display Annotations in footer check box.
10. Select how you want the annotations displayed in the transcript text from the Display drop-down list.
11. Click OK.
12. To view the transcript and its annotations before printing, choose Print Preview, Transcript, Condensed
from the File menu. The transcript with its annotations is displayed.
13. Click the Print icon to print the transcript.
Updating Transcripts
West Case Notebook transcripts can be updated using the following types of files:
■ E-Transcript files (PTX or EXE)—files containing transcript text, and, if the transcript is signed, the
signature details
■ ASCII (text only) files—files containing transcript text, usually received from the court reporter
■ Portable Transcript (PTF) files—files containing transcript text and annotations, usually received from
another West Case Notebook user
■ LiveNote Evidence Format (LEF) files—files containing transcripts, exhibits, exhibit links, and possibly
synchronized video
Note: You can also import CT Summation (TRN) files and Timaro Technologies Post-Production Time-
Stamp (PTS) files.
Any annotations, including Quick Marks and Issue Marks, are automatically transferred to the updated
transcript. No work product will be lost because all annotations are linked to the transcript text, not to
the page and line references. Therefore, annotations made in the old transcript are simply transferred to
the same text location in the updated transcript.
Starting the Updating Process
To update an transcript, you must first assign draft status to the transcript. To assign draft status to a
transcript, complete these steps:
1. Click the Transcript Properties button () on the toolbar above a displayed transcript in the right pane to
display the Transcript Properties dialog box.
2. Select Draft from the Status drop-down list.
3. Click OK.
Updating with an E-Transcript File (PTX or EXE)
1. Click the Update Transcript button () on the toolbar above a displayed transcript. The Update
Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select the PTX file that was sent to you and click Open. The Update Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is
4. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Update Transcript–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Finish. The Update Transcript–Update Completed dialog box is displayed.
6. Click Close.
Updating Transcripts
Updating with an ASCII File
1. Click the Update Transcript button () on the toolbar above a displayed transcript. The Update
Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select the ASCII file that was sent to you and click Open. (Different CAT systems create different extensions
on ASCII files.) The Update Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is redisplayed.
4. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Update Transcript–Import Details dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Next. The Update Transcript–Import Confirm dialog box is displayed.
6. Click Next. The Update Transcript–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
7. Click Finish. The Update Transcript–Update Completed dialog box is displayed.
8. Click Close.
Updating with a PTF File
Use this method when you want to merge two sets of annotations into one transcript when replication is
not available.
1. Click the Update Transcript button () on the toolbar above a displayed transcript. The Update
Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select the PTF file and click Open. The Update Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
4. The Replace existing text with new text check box is automatically selected. If there are no changes to the
text and you want to only merge annotations, clear the check box.
5. The Import Annotations check box is automatically selected. If you want to only replace text and not merge
annotations, clear the check box.
6. Under Import Annotations, Add to existing annotations is automatically selected. This is the correct selection
for merging annotations. Select Replace existing Annotations if you want to replace one set of annotations
with another set.
7. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Update Transcript–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
8. Click Finish. The Update Transcript–Update Completed dialog box is displayed.
9. Click Close.
Updating Transcripts
Updating with a LEF File
LEF files may contain the transcript with exhibit files and links to exhibit references in the transcript, the
transcript with exhibit files and links to exhibit references in the transcript and synchronized video, or
the transcript with synchronized video but no exhibits or exhibit links.
1. Click the Update Transcript button () on the toolbar above a displayed transcript. The Update
Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Browse to display the Browse for Transcript Files dialog box.
3. Select the LEF file and click Open. The Update Transcript–Transcript File dialog box is redisplayed.
4. The Replace existing text with new text check box is automatically selected. If there are no changes to the
transcript text, clear the check box.
5. The Import exhibits check box is automatically selected. If you do not want to import exhibits, clear the check
6. The Import Annotations check box is automatically selected. If you do not want to import annotations, clear
the check box.
7. Under Import Annotations, Add to existing Annotations is automatically selected. This is the correct
selection for merging the annotations. Select Replace existing Annotations if you want to replace one set of
annotations with another set.
8. Click Next. A message warning that the transcript has not been signed electronically may be displayed. Click
Continue. The Update Transcript–Transcript Properties dialog box is displayed.
9. Click Finish. The Update Transcript–Update Completed dialog box is displayed.
10. Click Close.
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