1. Switch on the transmitter (1) and the receiver (5) by switching their ON/OFF
buttons to the ON position.
2. Make sure that the transmitter and the receiver are set to the same
channel by checking the position of the selectors located under the
casing. They must be set to the same channel (same letter).
3. Switch on your equipment (television sets, video recorders ...) in both rooms.
4. Using the remote control of the unit whose pictures you wish to see, and from the
room containing the second television set (TV2), select the channels or video
functions (or others) according to the unit you are controlling.
Special operating details:
No pictur
e on TV2? If you fail to obtain the desired picture on the second television
set TV2, select the AV socket, to which the receiver (5) is connected, using the
television’s remote control.
Using a decoder (in France: Canal +, TPS, etc.) on your TV2
? To have clear
images on your second TV set (TV2), output from the decoder must pass through a
VCR player, placed in (AV2) mode or set to the channel number assigned for the
encrypted TV channel.
Use of a monitor
? If your second television set does not have a connection for an
outside aerial (terrestrial reception), or if it is a monitor, you will be able to see the
channels in the room containing the second television set by selecting those of the video
recorder with its remote control.
The pictur
e is scrambled? The running of certain equipment (micro-wave ovens,
digital telephone DECT, un-shielded acoustic loudspeakers, etc ...) may interfere with
signal transmission. Ensure that they are kept away from the transmitter and the
receiver or switch them off.
Make sure that you point the
remote control directly at the
receiver’s (5) infrared window